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Thread: Lista Power

  1. #1
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Default Lista Power

    Power Sets

    Power Pools

    Ranged Power Sets, Blaster - Primary, Defender - Secondary
    Assault Rifle - Blaster Only
    Electrical Blast
    Energy Blast
    Fire Blast - Blaster Only
    Ice Blast - Blaster Only
    Dark Blast - Defender Only
    Psychic Blast - Defender Only
    Radiation Blast - Defender Only

    Support Power Sets, Blaster - Secondary.
    Energy Manipulation
    Electricity Manipulation
    Fire Manipulation
    Ice Manipulation

    Control Power Sets, Controller - Primary.
    Earth Control
    Fire Control
    Gravity Control
    Ice Control
    Illusion Control
    Mind Control

    Buff Power Set, Defender - Primary, Controller - Secondary.
    Dark Miasma - Defender Only
    Force Field
    Radiation Emission
    Storm Summoning

    Melee Power Sets, Scrapper - Primary, Tanker - Secondary.
    Broad Sword - Scrapper Only
    Claws - Scrapper Only
    Dark Melee - Scrapper Only
    Katana - Scrapper Only
    Martial Arts - Scrapper Only
    Spines - Scrapper Only
    Battle Axe - Tanker Only
    Firey Melee - Tanker Only
    Ice Melee - Tanker Only
    Energy Melee - Tanker Only
    Stone Melee - Tanker Only
    Super Strength - Tanker Only
    War Mace - Tanker Only

    Defense Power Sets, Tanker - Primary, Scrapper - Secondary.
    Dark Armor - Scrappers Only
    Regeneration - Scrappers Only
    Super Reflexes - Scrappers Only
    Fiery Aura - Tanker Only
    Ice Armor - Tanker Only
    Stone Armor - Tanker Only

    Power Pools
    Power Pools are avaliable to all Archtypes.
    Super Speed
    *WoD Kittens*

  2. #2
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Oct 2003



    Ranged Power Sets
    This page lists all the different ranged power sets. Ranged powersets are the Primary powers for Blasters and the Secondary powers for Defenders.

    Ranged Power Sets

    Assault Rifle - Blaster Only
    Electrical Blast
    Energy Blast
    Fire Blast - Blaster Only
    Ice Blast - Blaster Only
    Dark Blast - Defender Only
    Psychic Blast - Defender Only
    Radiation Blast - Defender Only

    Assault Rifle
    The Assault Rifle is a state-of-the-art piece of hardware. It is equipped to handle an impressive arsenal of munitions and firing modes.
    Burst - Quickly fires a burst or rounds at a single target at very long range. Damage is average, but the fire rate is fast. Can also reduce targets defense.
    Slug - Fires a single Slug at a targeted foe. Firing a single Slug is slower than firing a Burst, but deals more damage, is longer range, and can knock down foes.
    Buckshot - Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
    M30 Grenade - Launches an M30 grenade at long range from under the barrel of your Assault rifle. This explosion from this grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
    Bean Bag - Fires a single non lethal Beanbag that can seriously Disorient a target. Deals little damage and takes a long time to reload, but renders most targets unable to attack for a good while.
    Sniper Rifle - Sniper Rifle is a powerful piece of hardware. It is very accurate and has very long range. The impressive round can knock down its target. Like most sniper attacks, you must take your time to aim, so this attack can be interrupted.
    Flamethrower - Spews forth a cone of flames from underneath the barrel of your Assault Rifle and sets foes on fire. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
    Ignite - Sprays a targeted location with accelerant from your flamethrower to ignite the location. Any foes that pass through the flames will be burned. Great for blocking doorways and small passages.
    Full Auto - Opens up your Assault Rifle on full auto to lay down a massive spray of bullets at your target. Although very Slow to reload, damage from this attack is massive as you shred all targets within the narrow cone, and there is a chance you may land a lucky shot for extra damage.

    Electrical Blast
    Electrical Blast endows the Hero with various ranged electrical attack powers. Electrical powers can drain the Endurance and can often temporarily halt the Endurance Recovery Rate of a target. This is not as useful against weaker foes like minions, but can be quite effective against higher level foes and Bosses.
    Charged Bolts - The Hero can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes dealing some damage and draining some Endurance. Charged Bolts deals light damage but recharges quickly.
    Lightning Bolt - The Hero can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe dealing moderate damage and draining some Endurance. Lightning Bolt dealt deals more damage than Charged Bolts but recharges more Slowly.
    Ball Lightning - Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some Endurance from each target it hits.
    Short Circuit - Releases a burst of electrical energy around the caster shocking all nearby foes. Deals little damage, but it drains a lot of Endurance from the targets and renders them unable to recover Endurance for quite a while. A must-have power, as Short Circuit is very effective when used with your other Endurance draining powers.
    Aim - Greatly increase the accuracy of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage.
    Zapp - A focused electrical blast that can travel great distances with high accuracy. Zapp is an Electric Blast power, and will drain Endurance, but it is also a sniper attack, and like most sniper attacks, this power is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.
    Tesla Cage - Tesla Cage confines the target in electrical prison. The target is overwhelmed by the electrical change and is left helpless. However, disturbing the victim can disperse the electrical charge, which will free the victim from the cage. Tesla Cage deals minimum damage.
    Voltaic Sentinel - The Hero can manifest a polarized electricity field that hovers above the ground and hurls bolts of electricity at nearby foes. Any enemy that passes near this field risk serious injury.
    Thunderous Blast - The Hero hurls in tremendously powerful bolt of lightning at a target that devastates all nearby foes. Thunderous Blast deals massive damage and Endurance Drain to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power cost a lot of the Hero's Endurance, and afterwards leaves him drained, Disoriented and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.

    Energy Blast
    Energy Blast allows the Hero to send bolts of energy at foes, with a tendency to send them flying.
    Power Bolt - A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
    Power Blast - A much more powerful, yet Slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
    Energy Torrent - Energy Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and send them flying.
    Power Burst - A short range, but devastating attack.
    Sniper Blast - A focused blast that can travel great distances with high accuracy. This is a sniper attack, and like most sniper attacks, this power is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.
    Aim - Greatly increase the accuracy of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage.
    Power Push - This ranged attack deals little damage, but sends the target flying for a great distance.
    Explosive Blast - Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
    Nova - The Hero explodes in a tremendous blast of energy, sending nearby foes flying. The Nova deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power cast a lot of the Hero�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢ ??s Endurance, and afterwards leaves him drained, Disoriented and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.

    Fire Blast
    Fire Blast allows the hero to blast fire at foes, with a tendency to set them ablaze for added damage.
    Flares - A quick attack that throws Flares at the target. Little damage, but very fast.
    Fire Blast - Sends a Blast of Fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
    Fire Ball - A Fireball consumes a targeted foe, and any other enemy, in a tight radius. Anyone in that area is burned and damaged over a short period of time.
    Rain of Fire - Summons a Fire Storm over a targeted location to that burns foes over a large area.
    Fire Breath - The Hero breathes forth a cone of fire that burns all foes within it's narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
    Aim - Greatly increase the accuracy of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage.
    Blaze - A short range but devastating flame attack.
    Blazing Bolt - A long-range beam of fire that blasts your foes. Like most sniper attacks, this power has a bonus to hit, but is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.
    Inferno - Unleashes a massive fiery explosion around the Hero to decimate all nearby enemies, and sets them ablaze. Inferno deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power cast a lot of the Hero's Endurance, and afterwards leaves him drained, Disoriented and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.

    Ice Blast
    Ice Blast allows the Hero to send bolts of cold at foes, with a tendency to Slow their attacks.
    Ice Bolt - Ice Bolt quickly pelts an enemy with small icy daggers; their chill Slows a foe's attacks for a time. Fast, but little damage.
    Ice Blast - Ice Blast hurls shards of ice at foes and Slows their attacks for a time. Slower recharge than Ice Bolt, but more damage.
    Frost Breath - Unleashes a cone of frosty breath that can Slow your opponent. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
    Aim - Greatly increase the accuracy of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage.
    Freeze Ray - Although this power deals very little damage, the Freeze Ray encases your foe in a shard of ice, holding him helpless in place for quite a while. The ice, however, is fragile, and the victim can break free if attacked.
    Ice Storm - Shred your foes with this Ice Storm. Lots of damage in a large area.
    Bitter Ice Blast - A Slower yet more powerful version of the Ice Blast, Bitter Ice Blast deals much more damage and can also reduces your enemy's chance to hit.
    Bitter Freeze Ray - This power can Hold your opponent frozen solid in a block of ice. The victim can be attacked and will remain frozen and helpless. After the ice thaws, the victim emerges chilled and Slowed. Bitter Freeze Ray deals minimal damage.
    Blizzard - The Massive damage from the Blizzard can Slow the attack rate of all your opponents in a large area and reduce their chances to hit. Activating this power cast a lot of the Hero's Endurance, and afterwards leaves him drained, Disoriented and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.

    Dark Blast
    Dark Blast summons the powers of the netherworld to defeat your foes. The draining effects of most of these powers can reduce the targets Accuracy.
    Dark Blast - - A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate damage and reduces the targets Accuracy.
    Gloom - Gloom slowly drains a target of life and reduces it�?�¢??s Accuracy. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more Damage over time.
    Moonbeam - An extremely long range slender beam of negative energy that reduces the targets Accuracy. This is a sniper attack, and like most sniper attracts, this power is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.
    Dark Pit - Envelops a targeted foe and any nearby enemies in a pit of negative energy. The attack deals no damage, but rather Disorients all those affected for a good while.
    Tenebrous Tentacles - Cone blast that envelopes all foes in oily tentacles. Affected foes are slowly drained of life while the Tentacles Immobilize them and reduce their Accuracy.
    Night Fall - Unleashes a burst of netherworld particles in a narrow cone at modest range. All targets in the cone area take damage and have a reduced Accuracy.
    Torrent - Hero summons a wave of mire that sweeps away foes within its arc. The attack deals minimal damage, but send them flying and reduces their Accuracy.
    Life Drain - The Hero taps the powers of the netherworld to steal some life from a target foe and reduce his Accuracy. Some of that life is then transferred to the Hero.
    Blackstar - The Hero unleashes a devastating blast of negative energy around himself, dealing massive amounts of negative energy damage and reducing the foes Accuracy. Activating this power cost a lot of the Hero's Endurance, and afterward leaves him drained, Disoriented and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.

    Psychic Blast
    Blast villains with an array of offensive Psionic powers. Most Psychic Blast powers have long range and few can resist its effects. Few foes can resist psionic powers, but creatures without minds, like machines and robots, are all but immune.
    Mental Blast - This basic psionic attack does moderate damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
    Subdue - Subdue deals moderate damage and may leave the targeted foe Immobilized for a brief time. Immobilized foes can not move but can still attack.
    Psionic Lance - This extremely long range psionic attack has a bonus to hit, and can Slow a targets attack rate. This is a sniper attack, and like most sniper attracts, this power is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.
    Psychic Scream - This howl of psionic energy resonates in the mind of all foes within its conical area of affect.
    Telekinetic Blast - Blasts a targeted foe, tossing him like a rag doll.
    Will Domination - This powerful attack is so painful, it usually renders its target unconscious. The victim is asleep but will awake if disturbed.
    Psionic Tornado -a whirlwind of psionic energy to a target, tossing most nearby foes into the air. The Tornado damage foes and Slows their attack speed.
    Scramble Thoughts - Painfully scrambles the synapses of a targeted foe, leaving the target dramatically Disoriented for a short duration. Deals little damage.
    Psychic Wail - Psychic Wail is a devastating psionic attack that wracks the minds of all nearby foes. The power consumes a lot of Endurance and leaves the Hero unable to recover Endurance for a period of time.

    Radiation Blast
    Blast your foes with lethal radiation. Radiation Blast powers can bypass normal defenses, as well as reduce the targets defense.
    Neutrino Bolt - A very quick, but low damage attack. Neutrino Blast can reduce the targets defense.
    X-Ray Beam - Sends a ray of X-ray radiation energy that deals heavy damage. X-ray beam can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense.
    Irradiate - The hero emits radiation in all directions, damaging all nearby foes over a short duration. Like other Radiation attacks, this power can bypass some of a targets defenses. Irradiate severely reduces the targets defense.
    Electron Haze - A short range conical blast of electron radiation. This attack can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense. It can also knock down some targets.
    Proton Volley - Sends a volley of long range alpha particles at extremely long range. Proton Volley can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense. This is a sniper attack, and like most sniper attracts, this power is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.
    Aim - Greatly increases the accuracy of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage.
    Cosmic Burst - Cosmic Burst smashes the target with cosmic particles. The attack is very short range, but extremely devastating and can leave most targets Disoriented and with a reducd defense.
    Neutron Bomb - This devastating attack lobs an explosive sphere of deadly radiation damaging the target and all nearby foes. Neutron Bomb can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense.
    Atomic Blast - This attack taps most of the Heroes energy to deal a devastating atomic attack to all nearby foes. Activating this power cost a lot of the Hero's Endurance, and afterwards leaves him drained, Disoriented and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.
    *WoD Kittens*

  3. #3
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Oct 2003



    Support Power Sets
    This page lists all the different support power sets. Support powersets are the Secondary powers for Blastsrs

    Support Power Sets

    Energy Manipulation
    Electricity Manipulation
    Fire Manipulation
    Ice Manipulation

    Energy Manipulation
    Energy Manipulation allows the Hero to channel energy to deliver deadly blows as well as focus his power to increase his abilities.
    Power Thrust - A focused attack that violently shoved the target and sends him flying. Deals minimal damage, but can be very effective.
    Energy Punch - Powerful focused punch that may Disorient your opponent!
    Build Up - Greatly boosts your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases accuracy.
    Bone Smasher - The Bone Smasher is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Has a greater chance to Disorient than Energy Punch.
    Conserve Power - The Hero can focus for a moment to Conserve his Endurance. After activating this power, the Hero uses less Endurance for all his other powers for a while. Conserving such Energy is very difficult, and this power takes a very long time to recharge.
    Stun - Stun blow deals a little bit of damage, but Disorients its target a whole lot. This attack can Disorient most opponents.
    Power Boost - Greatly boosts the secondary effects of your powers. Your powers Disorient, Hold, and Immobilize longer. Knockback distance is increased and much more. The effects of Power Boost last a short while, and only the next couple of attacks will be boosted.
    Boost Range - The Hero can his power to increase the range of his next few attacks.
    Total Focus - A Slow and incredibly devastating attack of focused power deals massive damage and will knock out most opponents. However the attack weakens the Hero and leaves him Disoriented for a short while as well.

    Electricity Manipulation
    Electricity Manipulation empowers the Hero with various melee electrical attack and support powers. Electricity Manipulation powers can drain the Endurance and can often temporarily halt the Endurance Recovery Rate of a target.
    Electric Fence - Surrounds and Immobilizes a single target an Electric Fence. Deals some damage over time and slowly drains some Endurance. Useful for keeping villains at bay.
    Charged Brawl - The Heroes fists become electrically charged and the energy is released when this powerful punch is delivered. Charged Brawl can drain some Endurance.
    Lightning Field - While active, the Hero emits a storm of electricity around himself that constantly damages all nearby foes.
    Havok Punch - The Havok Punch is a slower attack than Charged Brawl, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Also drains more Endurance.
    Build Up - Greatly boosts your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases accuracy.
    Lightning Clap - The Hero can clap his hands together to release a violent Lightning Clap. The Lightning Clap can knockdown most nearby foes and many of those knocked down may be Disoriented. Lightning Clap deals no damage.
    Thunder Strike - A massive attack. The Hero smashes his foes with all the power of the lightning to deal a blow. The pummeled victim may be Disoriented and all nearby foes may be knocked down and take additional damage from the resulting violent release of energy.
    Power Sink - Power Sink drains energy directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their Endurance. Each foe the Hero draws Endurance from increases the Hero's own Endurance. If there are no foes within range, the Hero will not gain any Endurance.
    Shocking Grasp - Shocking Grasp causes the target to be overcome with a violent electrical charge. The seized target is left writhing in agony and is helpless and unable to defend himself. Shocking grasp also drains a significant amount of Endurance from the target.

    Fire Manipulation
    Fire Manipulation allows the Hero to surround himself in various manifestations of fire and flames to assault and burn nearby foes. Fire Manipulation powers tends to set foes ablaze for added damage.
    Ring of Fire - Immobilize your target in a Ring Of Fire. Deals some damage over time. Useful for keeping villains at bay.
    Fire Sword - The Hero can summon a fire sword that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks will do some additional damage over time.
    Combustion - The Hero violently raises the temperature around himself to spontaneously combust all nearby foes and set them ablaze with flames that are hard to extinguish. Faster recharge and much larger radius than Fire Sword Circle, but not as much damage.
    Fire Sword Circle - The hero swirls a fiery sword about himself, slashing and burning all enemies nearby.
    Build Up - Greatly boosts your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases accuracy.
    Blazing Aura - While active, the Hero is surrounded by flames that continuously burn all foes that attempt to enter melee range.
    Consume - Consume some fuel from his nearby enemies to recover Endurance.
    Burn - The Hero can ignite the ground beneath him, but the fires burn out quickly. The Flames are hot enough to allow the Hero to Burn through most Immobilization effects. Foes that enter the flames that are left behind will take severe damage. The Hero can Burn multiple patches but the Endurance cost is high.
    Hot Feet - While active, the Hero heats the earth in a large area around him, Slowing the movement and attack rate of nearby foes, and dealing some damage over time.

    Devices are equipment the Hero can use in a combat situation. They are gears the strategic Hero would use to gain a tactical advantage. Traps, non lethal munitions, and demolitions are the kind of Devices available in this power set.
    Web Grenade - Upon impact, the Web Grenade expels a strong tenuous and very sticky substance that can immobilize most targets. This non lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is reduced. The Web can bring down flying entities and halts jumping.
    Caltrops - Tosses a handful of caltrops at a targeted location and spreads the tiny metal spikes over a large area. Any entities that pass over the Caltrops will be forced to move at a slower rate. They will also take some trivial lethal damage.
    Taser - The Taser is basically a stun gun. This small device releases a high-voltage, low-amperage electrical charge that can Disorient most opponents with minimal damage.
    Targeting Drone - When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers just over the Heroes shoulder and emits tiny, yet brilliant Laser Sights. The Lasers can dramatically improve Accuracy. This is a Toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all Toggle powers, while active, the Laser Site drains endurance.
    Smoke Grenade - The smoke Grenade envelopes all those in the affected area in a cloud of smoke. The villains are so blinded by smoke that they can hardly see a thing. Most villains will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the villains are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, however they will suffer a penalty To Hit.
    Cloaking Device - The Cloaking Device allows the Hero to become partially invisible. A Cloaked Hero can only be seen at very close range. The Hero can also attack if he wishes, however, if he does so, he will be discovered. Even if discovered, the Hero is still hard to see and has a bonus to defense, although his movement speed is reduced.
    Trip Mine - The Hero can place a Trip Mine on the ground. Any foes that pass within a few feet of the Trip Mine will set it off. The resulting explosion is large, and can severely damage all nearby foes and send them flying. The Trip Min is small, and almost impossible to detect, however it is fragile and may be set off by an enemy�¢??s explosion. Even if destroyed, the Trip Mine will still detonate.
    Time Bomb - The Hero can place a Time Bomb on the ground. The Time Bomb will detonate 15 seconds after being placed. The resulting explosion is massive, and can devastate all nearby foes and send them flying. The Time Bomb is small, and almost impossible to detect, however it is fragile and may be set off by an enemies explosion. Even if destroyed, the Bomb will still detonate.
    Auto Turret - The Hero can place a stationary Auto Turret on the ground. The Auto Turret has an extremely fast fire rate and is equipped with the latest tracking system. Once locked on, the Turret will continue to unload a volley of lead into the target until it is destroyed or is out of range. The Turret is armored, but can be destroyed.

    Ice Manipulation
    Ice Manipulation allows the hero to surround himself in various manifestations of ice and cold to assault and freeze nearby foes. Ice Manipulation powers can slow an opponent.
    Chilblain - Immobilize your target in an icy trap. Deals some damage over time and slightly Slows the targets attack speed. Useful for keeping villains at bay.
    Frozen Fists - Frozen Fists is a quick melee attack that deals light damage. Frozen Fists engulfs the Heroes hands in ice that chills villains. The target attack speed is slightly Slowed.
    Ice Sword - The Hero can summon an ice sword that deals above average damage and can Slow foes attack speed.
    Chilling Embrace - While active, the Hero dramatically drops the temperature around him, Slowing all nearby foes attack rate and movement speed.
    Build Up - Greatly boosts your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases accuracy.
    Ice Patch - Greatly boosts your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases accuracy.
    Ice Patch - The ground beneath the Heroes feet becomes frozen and quite slippery. Any foes that step on this Ice Patch will likely slip and fall down until the Ice Patch melts.
    Shiver - The Hero blasts forth a wide cone of chilling air that dramatically Slows the movement and attack rate of nearby foes.
    Freezing Touch - Freezing Touch draws all the heat from a single target, freezing him in his tracks and encasing him in ice. The victim can be attacked and will remain frozen and helpless. Freezing touch deal minimal damage.
    Frozen Aura - The Hero violently draws off all the heat around him freezing all nearby foes in their tracks and encasing them in ice. The ice is fragile, however, and the victims can break free if they are disturbed. Frozen Aura deal no damage.
    *WoD Kittens*

  4. #4
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Oct 2003


    Control Power Sets

    This page lists all the different Control power sets. Control Power sets the Primary power sets for Controllers.

    Control Power Sets

    Earth Control
    Fire Control
    Gravity Control
    Ice Control
    Illusion Control
    Mind Control

    Earth Control
    The Hero can control the forces of the Earth. He can manipulate earth and stone to defeat his foes. Being of the Earth, many of these powers need to be performed near the ground.
    Stone Prison - Immobilizes a single target within an earthy formation. Deals some crushing damage over time as it Immobilizes the target. Some more resilient foes may require multiple attacks to immobilize. Stone Prison can also reduce a targets defense.
    Stone Cages - Immobilize a group of foes within earthly formations. Deals some crushing damage over time as it Immobilizes the targets. Slower and less damage than Stone Prison, but can capture multiple targets. Stone Cages can also reduce a targets defense.
    Fossilize - Encases a single target within solid stone! The stone slowly crushed the victim, dealing Smashing damage. The Fossilized victim is held helpless and unable to defend himself.
    Quicksand - The Hero can cause the ground to go viscose like Quicksand at a targeted location. Any foes that pass through the Quicksand will becomes snared and their movement dramatically Slowed.
    Salt Crystals - Attempts to encrust all foes within a large area around the caster in a Pillar of Salt. The victims will remain encased within the salt for quite a while, but will break free if attacked.
    Stalagmites - The Hero can cause Stalagmites to erupt around an enemy target and all nearby foes. The Stalagmites deal minimal lethal damage, but can seriously Disorient all affected targets for a good while.
    Earthquake - The Hero can generate a powerful, yet localized Earthquake at a targeted location. Most foes that pass through the location will eventually fall down. Additionally, the violent shaking will reduce their accuracy and defense.
    Volcanic Gasses - The Hero taps into the geothermal power of the earth and focuses it at a targeted location. Foes that Pass through the region will take minor fire damage, however they may also pass near a thermal vent. If they do, they will be overcome with a burst of Volcanic Gas, leaving them choking and helpless.
    Animate Stone - Earth and Stone coalesce together to form an incredibly tough and powerful, yet slow, entity to attack your foes. The Animated Stone is not alive and thus immune to psionic damage. It is also virtually immune to Sleep, Immobilize, Disorient, and Hold effect. The entity will last quite a while, will follow you and can be healed and buffed like any teammate.

    Fire Control
    The Hero can Control the essence of Fire to entrap, scorch, and manipulate his foes with smoke and flame.
    Ring of Fire - Immobilizes your target in a Ring of Fire. Deals Fire damage over time. More resilient foes may require multiple Fire Rings to Immobilize.
    Fire Cages - Immobilize a group of foes in Fire Cages. Deals Fire damage over time. More resilient foes may require multiple Fire Cages to Immobilize. Fire Cages is Slower and less damage than Ring of Fire, but can capture multiple targets.
    Char - Incapacitates a targeted foe at a distance by Charring him with smoldering soot and cinders.
    Smoke - Covers a targeted foe, and all other foes around the target in clouds of Smoke. The villains are so blinded by smoke that they can hardly see a thing. Most villans will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the villains are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, however they will suffer a penalty To Hit.
    Hot Feet - While active, the Hero heats the earth around him, Slowing the movement and attack rate of nearby foes, and dealing some damage over time.
    Flashfire - The Hero casts forth Flashfire at his foes to Disorient them and deal some damage over time.
    Cinders - a group of villains at a distance by whirling Cinders around them.
    Bonfire - Drops a burning fire on the ground that knocks back and burns any foes that try to pass through it.
    Fire Imps - Summons 3 to 6 small Fire Imps to a targeted location. Fire Imps will viciously attack any nearby foes, but they only possess the most rudimentary instincts. Fire Imps will fight by your side quite a while and can be healed and buffed like any teammate.

    Gravity Control
    This power set allow the Hero manipulate the forces of gravity to control his foes. There is little defense to Gravity Powers.
    Crush - Creates a localized gravitational field strong enough to Immobilize a single foe. Crush can also bring down flying entities. This power deals some crushing damage over time and can slow the movement of targets that escape.
    Lift - Negates the gravity around a single target, violently sends a villain straight up into the air, then slams them on the floor for smashing damage. If the target is flying, he will not take falling damage.
    Gravity Distortion - Causes a single foe to experience an intensely misshapen gravitational field, rendering them unable to take any action. Gravity Distortion deals smashing damage to the target.
    Propel - The Hero can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that he can then levitate and propel at foes!
    Crushing Field - Creates a large gravitational field strong enough to Immobilize multiple foes. Crushing field can also bring down flying entities. Slower and less damage than Crush, but can capture multiple targets. Crushing Field can slow the movement of some targets that escape.
    Dimension Shift - The Heroes mastery of gravity allows the interchanging of dimensions such that the target teammate becomes out of sync with reality. Essentially, your teammate becomes completely intangible, is hard to see, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.
    Gravity Distortion Field - Creates a large intensely misshapen gravity field that encompasses several foes, rendering them unable to take any action.
    Fold Space - The Hero can warp gravity to Fold Space in order to regroup the team. All teammates within 10,000 feet, and on the same map, will be teleported next to you. The Hero can also rescue a fallen Teammates that may be in a hostile or inaccessible location, as long as they are on the same map. This process can leave your teammates Disoriented for a brief time. This power costs most of the casters Endurance and can be interrupted.
    Wormhold - The Hero opens a Wormhole behind a targeted foe, and violently pushes him through. The victim is sent flying out the other end of the Wormhole and is left Disoriented. The location of the destination end of the Wormhole is determined by the Hero, and may be placed high in the air, or over the end of a cliff if desired. More powerful foes may be resistant to the wormhole effects.

    Ice Control
    The Hero can draw the heat out of the moister in the air to create Icy formations. The Hero can control the ice with remarkable precision to dominate his foes.
    Chilblain - Immobilize your target in an icy trap. Deals some damage over time and slightly Slows the target movement and attack speed.
    Frost Bite - Immobilizes a group of foes in icy traps. Deals minimal damage over time and slightly Slows the targets. Slower and less damage than Chilblain, but can capture multiple targets. More resilient foes may be slowed.
    Block Of Ice - The Hero can Freeze a single foe in a Block of Ice. The target is frozen solid, helpless, and can be attacked. More powerful foes may not be held, but all affected targets will be slowed and take some Cold damage.
    Artic Air - Hides the Hero and all his nearby teammates in a fog of Artic Air. It does not make the Hero and his allies invisible, but it makes them much harder to see as long as you don't get too close or don't attack. Even if discovered, Artic Air grants a bonus to Defense. Artic Air reduces the caster's movement speed.
    Shiver - The Hero blasts forth a wide cone of chilling air that dramatically Slows the movement and attack rate of nearby foes.
    Ice Slick - Drops a large patch of ice at a targeted area which causes all foes that pass through it to loose their footing. Those caught in the Ice Slick move dramatically Slower and tend to fall down.
    Flash Freeze - The Hero quickly and violently Flash Freezes a large patch of ground beneath a targeted foe, instantly forming dozens of cold and deadly ice shards that damage all foes trapped inside. The victims are then left trapped in the icicles. The icicles, however, are fragile, and the foes can break free if disturbed. Only targets near the ground can be affected.
    Glacier - The Hero can freeze all foes around him in Blocks of Ice. The targets are frozen solid, helpless, and can be attacked. Even after the victims emerge, they remain chilled and their attack and movement speed are slowed for a while. This power can only be cast near the ground.
    Jack Frost - The Hero Summons one very powerful ice entity to a targeted location. Jack Frost possesses several ice powers to attack any nearby foes. Jack Frost is not alive, and merely animated ice. Jack Frost will fight by your side for quite a while and can be healed and buffed like any teammate.

    Illusion Control
    The Hero can manifest all sorts of Illusions and manipulate light to aid his allies and deceive his foes.
    Spectral Wounds - Spectral Wounds convince the target that he has taken severe damage. The illusion is so convincing that the victim can fall from the Spectral Wounds. However, the damage is not real, and if the victim survives long enough, the illusion will fade and some of the wounds will heal.
    Blind - Painfully Blinds a single targeted foe so severely, that he is rendered helpless, and unable to defend himself. Blind is so bright, however, that additional foes that are very near the target may also be blinded, although they will not take any damage, and attacking them will break them free from the effects.
    Deceive - Deceives a targeted villain to believe his friends are not who they appear and tricks him to ignore you and attack his own allies! If you Decieve a target before your foes see you, they wont even notice your presence. Very powerful, however the Hero will not get any experience for any targets the Confused foe defeats.
    Flash - Generates a brilliant flash of light around the Hero that blinds foes around the caster. Flashed foes are rendered helpless, and unable to defend themselves.
    Superior Invisibility - The Hero bends light around himself to become completely invisible. While this toggle power is active, the Hero is all but impossible to detect, and has a high defense bonus. However, while Invisible, the Hero cannot attack, and can only cast powers that affect himself.
    Group Invisibility - Makes all teammates around the Hero Invisible. This power does not make you, the casting Hero, Invisible. Invisible Teammates are almost impossible to be detected, but even if discovered, Group Invisibility grants a bonus to Defense.
    Phantom Army - Manifests at least 2-4 Phantom Hero on a targeted foe. These Phantoms are not real, and cannot be destroyed, but their attacks are similar to Spectral Wounds. That is, they do damage, but the damage is illusionary, and if the victim survives long enough, the illusion will fade and most of the wounds will heal. Phantom Heroes are short lived and cannot be buffed or Healed.
    Spectral Terror - The Hero creates an illusion of unspeakable Terror. The manifestation is so horrible that all foes run away from it in Fear and will not return until the illusion is gone.
    Phantasm - The Hero manifests a powerful entity composed of pure light. Although made of light, the Phantasm is tangible and has powerful energy attacks. The Phantasm can also fly and summon duplicates of itself. The duplicates are intangible, and cannot be harmed. The Duplicates attack powers are similar to Spectral Wounds, although all of the damage they deal will heal. The Phantasm can be healed and buffed.

    Mind Control
    Control and manipulate your foeâ??s mind! Since Mental Powers effect the mind, most tend to be very accurate, and thus very useful against higher level foes. Few foes can resist psionic power, but creatures without minds, like machines and robots, are resistant to many of the effects.
    Mesmerize - Mesmerize painfully enraptures a target with psychic energy rendering him unconscious. The target will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked.
    Levitate - Violently sends a villain straight up into the air, then slams them on the floor for smashing damage. If the target is flying, he will not take falling damage.
    Dominate - Painfully Tear at the mind of a single target foe. Dominate deals Psionic damage and renders a foe helpless, lost in his own mind and unable to defend himself.
    Confuse - Confuses a single foe to ignore you and attack his own allies! If you Confuse a target before your foes see you, they wont even notice your presence. Very powerful, however the Hero will not get any experience for any targets the Confused foe defeats.
    Mass Hypnosis - Hypnotizes a group of foes at a distance and puts them to Sleep. The targets will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked. This power deals no damage, but if done discretely, the targets wont even be aware of your presence.
    Telekinesis - Activate this power to give a selected ally the ability to fly for a brief time. This power should be performed away from combat as it can be interrupted.
    Total Domination - Tear at the mind of a group of foes around one targeted foe. Total Domination renders its victims helpless, as they are lost in their own mind and unable to defend themselves.
    Terrify - This mental power strikes Fear at foes within a cone area in front of the Controller and causes them to run away in terror.
    Mass Confusion - The most powerful Mental Power. Mass Confusion creates chaos within a group of foes. All foes within the affected area will turn and attack each other, ignoring the Hero. Very powerful, however the Hero will not get any experience for any targets the Confused foe defeats
    *WoD Kittens*

  5. #5
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Oct 2003


    Buff Power Sets
    This page lists all the different Buff power sets. Buff Power sets are the Primary power sets for Defenders and the Secondary power sets for Controllers

    Buff Power Sets

    Dark Miasma - Defender Only
    Force Field
    Radiation Emission
    Storm Summoning

    Dark Miasma
    Focus the power of the netherworld to weaken your foes.
    Twilight Grasp - The Hero channels negative energy through himself to a targeted foe. Twilight Grasp drains the power from that target and slowly transfer it to yourself and all allies near you. The targeted foe�?�¢??s accuracy and damage is reduced while you and your nearby allies are healed. Twilight Grasp can only heal you and your allies as long as there is a valid target to steal power from.
    Tar Patch - Drops a large patch of viscous negative energy which dramatically Slows down enemies that run through it.
    Darkest Night - While active, the Hero channels negative energy onto a targeted foe. Darkest Night decreases the damage potential of the target, and all foes near the target, as long as you keep the power active.
    Howling Twilight - Activating this power channels the power of the netherworld to weaken your foes in an attempt to revive all nearby fallen allies. You must stand near your defeated allies to revive them, then select a foe. Selected foe and all foes around the target will be Slowed, Disoriented, and drained of some life. Revived allies suffer no ill effects and the more enemy foes are drained, the more your ally will be healed.
    Shadow Fall - Envelopes the Hero and all nearby teammates in a shroud of darkness. It does not make the Hero and his allies invisible, but it makes them much harder to see as long as you don't get too close or don't attack. Even if discovered, Shadow Falls grants a bonus to Defense while it reduces energy, negative energy, and psionic damage. Shadow Fall reduces the casters movement speed.
    Fearsome Stare - Instills tremendous Fear within a cone area in front of the Defender and causes all affected targets to run away in terror.
    Petrifying Gaze - Petrifies a single targeted foe with an terrifying gaze. The victim is held and defenseless.
    Black Hole - Opens up a Black Hole that temporarily pulls all foes within the affected area into another universe. The phase shifted victims become completely intangible, are hard to see, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.
    Dark Servant - Summons a Dark Servant to your aid. The Dark Servant possesses an assortment of dark powers to weaken your foes. The summoned entity is not a willing servant, and it is only your power that partially binds it in this realm. As such, the Dark Servant cannot move.

    Empathy gives the Hero the ability to heal and aid himself and his allies.
    Healing Aura - Healing Aura restores some health to you and all nearby heroes. Healing Aura is not as potent as Heal Other, but can heal multiple targets at once.
    Heal Other - Heals a single targeted Hero ally.
    Absorb Pain - This power has only a tiny Endurance cost, but dramatically heals an ally's wounds by sacrificing some of your own Health. Absorbing someone's pain can be quite dramatic, and afterwards you will be unable to heal your own wounds by any means for a short while.
    Resurrect - Revive a fallen Hero with full Hit Points, but no Endurance. This power should be performed away from combat as it can be interrupted.
    Clear Mind - Frees an ally from any Immobilization, Sleep, Disorient and Hold effects and leaves them resistant to such effects for a good while.
    Fortitude - Fortitude immensely enhances a single targeted ally's accuracy, damage potential, and defense. The target Hero will even take less damage from those few attacks that do hit him. Fortitude even protects the target Hero from psionic attacks and damage.
    Recovery Aura - The Recovery Aura dramatically increases the Endurance Recovery rate of all nearby Heroes for a limited time. Emitting this Aura costs the caster a lot of Endurance, and this power takes a long time to recharge.
    Regeneration Aura - The Regeneration Aura dramatically increases the Healing rate of all nearby Heroes for a limited time. Emitting this Aura costs the caster a lot of Endurance, and this power takes a long time to recharge.
    Adrenalin Boost - Empowers another Hero with virtually unlimited Endurance for a good while, but leaves you Disoriented.

    Force Field
    The Force Field Powers give the Hero the ability to create shells of energy that protect himself and his friends from harm.
    Personal Force Field - The Personal Force Field is virtually impenetrable to most attacks, although some powerful attacks may get through. The Force Field works both ways, and while active, the Hero suffers a tremendous penalty to hit enemy targets.
    Deflection Shield - Dramatically protects an ally from smashing and lethal attacks for a limited time. The magnetic nature of the shield makes smashing and lethal attacks less likely to land and affect your ally. Multiple Shields from the same caster can not be stacked, however, the shield can be improved by another caster using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Insulation Shield.
    Force Bolt - Sends a bolt of force energy that knocks down foes and deals some smashing damage.
    Insulation Shield - Dramatically protects an ally from fire, cold, energy and negative energy attacks for a limited time. The Insulation Shield make these attacks less likely to land and affect your ally. Multiple Shields from the same caster can not be stacked, however, the shield can be improved by another caster using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Deflection Shield.
    Detention Field - Encases a targeted foe in a Detention Force Field. The captured target cannot be harmed, is immobilized, and cannot attack or aid his allies. The target can, however, use powers on himself, but simply cannot affect other targets or be affected by others.
    Repulsion Field - of the Repulsion Field creates a field that violently repels nearby foes. Each villain that is repelled cost additional Endurance.
    Repulsion Bomb - Projects an expanding force bubble around an ally that knocks down nearby foes.
    Force Bubble - Creates a large bubble which protects all allies inside. While active, this power creates a force field that keeps all foes at bay, keeping all allies inside protected from melee attacks. The repelling nature of the Force Bubble also distorts enemy attacks, reducing their chance to hit.


    The Hero is a master at manipulating Kinetic Energy. He can manipulate the energy in objects to aid his friends or weaken his foes.
    Transfusion - Transfusion drains an enemy target of some of his Endurance and transfers that energy, in the form of Hit Points, to all allies near the affected foe. Transfusions can thus heal your allies, as well as yourself, as long as there is a valid target to steal energy from.
    Siphon Power - The hero can Siphon the Power from a targeted foe, reducing the target�?�¢??s damage potential. The power is transferred back to the caster, increasing the damage potential of the caster and all nearby allies.
    Repel - Activation of Repel creates a zone of Kinetic energy that violently repels nearby foes. Each villain that is repelled cost additional Endurance.
    Siphon Speed - The hero can Siphon the Speed from a targeted foe, reducing the movement speed, and increasing his own.
    Increase Density - Increases a targeted ally Hero's mass, freeing him from any Disorient, Immobilization or Hold, effects and leaving him resistant to such effects for a while. Also, protects the target from Knockback, as well as smashing and energy damage. However, because the target grows more dense, his movement speed is reduced.
    Speed Boost - The Hero can Hasten a single targeted ally Hero. The target's movement speed, attack rate and Endurance Recovery are all greatly increased.
    Inertial Reduction - The Hero can reduce his and all nearby ally's Inertia. The affected Heroes can then jump incredible distance for a while.
    Transference - Transference drains an enemy target of some of his Endurance and transfers that Endurance to all allies near the affected foe. Transference can thus Recover the Endurance of your allies, as well as yourself, as long as there is a valid target to steal energy from.
    Kinetic Transfer - Kinetic Transfer attempts to drain the power of a targeted foe and all foes nearby and transfer that power to all adjacent allies. Affected foes will deal less damage, while your affected allies will deal more. The effects are cumulative, so the more foes that are affected, then the more power that is given to adjacent allies. In a large tight melee, this power can dramatically turn the tide of a battle.

    Radiation Emission
    The Radiation Emission power utilizes the healing properties of radiation to mend your allies wounds. This power radiates out from the Hero and restores some health to you and all nearby Heroes.
    Radiation Infection - Infects a targeted foe with deadly radiation. All foes the target comes in contact with will also become infected. The Radiation Infection will last as long as the Hero can keep the power toggled on or when the original infected targeted dies. Infected foes have severely reduced accuracy and defense.
    Accelerate Metabolism - Activating this power emits radiation that increases the running speed, attack speed, Endurance Recovery and Damage potential of all nearby allies. Affected Heroes Metabolism is increased so much that they become resistant to effects such as Sleep, Hold, Disorient and Immobilization. The heroes are not protected from such effects, they just ware off faster.
    Enervating Field - While active, the hero emits irradiates a targeted foe. The radiation slowly damages, and decreases their damage potential of the target and all foes near the target, as longs as the Hero keeps the power active.
    Mutation - Revives and Mutates a fallen Hero into a killing machine. The Mutated Hero has increased Damage, Accuracy, Endurance Recovery and Attack Rate. However, the entire experience is very taxing on the Mutated Hero, and he will soon be weakened, Disoriented, and reduced to minimal Hit Points. All effects of the Mutation will eventually wear off.
    Lingering Radiation - Emits Lingering Radiation that reduces attack rate and movement speed of all foes near the target.
    Choking Cloud - While active, the Hero generates toxic radioactive gas around himself. Any nearby foes may be overcome by the gas, leaving them choking and helpless. Not all foes are affected at the same time and some foes may shake off the effects while previously unaffected foes succumb to the fumes.
    Fallout - After the Hero falls in battle, he can activate this power to deal massive damage to any foes near his body.
    EMP Pulse - Unleashes a massive pulse of Electromagnetic energy in a massive area that incapacitates all foes. However, this uses a lot of the Hero's Endurance, and leaves him slightly Disoriented and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.

    Storm Summoning
    Command the forces of nature! Storm Summoning allows the Hero to control wind, and weather to aid his allies and wreak havoc on his foes.
    Gale - The Hero calls forth a tremendous gust of Gail force winds that knocks down foes and deals some smashing damage in a wide cone area.
    02 Boost - Saturates the air around a targeted ally Hero with rich oxygen, to heal his wounds. The O2 boost can also protect a targeted ally Hero from Sleep and Stun effects.
    Snow Storm - While active, the chill from this Snow Storm can dramatically Slow the attack and movement speed of the target and all foes near the target.
    Steamy Mist - The Heroes mastery of the elements allows him to hide and protect himself and all his nearby allies within a Steamy Mist. Steamy Mist makes the Hero and his allies harder to see and greatly increases their defense while it reduces fire, cold, and energy damage. Steamy Mist reduces the casters movement speed.
    Freezing Rain - Summons Freezing Rain at a targeted location. Freezing Rain deal minimal cold damage to anything that pass through the storm, but the shivering cold also slows the targets and severely reduces the targets defense and damage resistance. Many foes may even slip and fall trying to escape the storm.
    Hurricane - The Hero summons a Hurricane. The wind and rain from this massive storm reduces the range and accuracy of nearby foes. Also, the massive winds of this storm continuously force foes away from the caster.
    Thunder Clap - The Hero can call a tremendous Thunder Clap that will Disorient most foes in a large area around the Hero for quite a while.
    Tornado - Conjures up a funnel cloud at a targeted location. The Tornado will chase down your foes, tossing them into the air and hurling them a great distance like a rag doll. The victims are left Disoriented and with a reduced defense. The Tornado is a menacing sight, and can cause panic amongst your foes.
    Lightning Storm - The Hero can summon a massive Lightning Storm overhead that will strike any foe that approaches the Hero. Lightning Bolts from this storm can knock down and damage all foes near the strike, and can cause panic. Lightning Bolts will continue to strike for the lifetime of the storm.
    *WoD Kittens*

  6. #6
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Oct 2003


    Melee Power Sets
    This page lists the different Melee power sets. Melee power sets are the Primary powersets for Scrappers, and the Secondary powersets for Tankers.

    Melee Power Sets

    Broad Sword - Scrapper Only
    Claws - Scrapper Only
    Dark Melee - Scrapper Only
    Katana - Scrapper Only
    Martial Arts - Scrapper Only
    Spines - Scrapper Only
    Battle Axe - Tanker Only
    Firey Melee - Tanker Only
    Ice Melee - Tanker Only
    Energy Melee - Tanker Only
    Stone Melee - Tanker Only
    Super Strength - Tanker Only
    War Mace - Tanker Only

    Broad Sword
    Choose the Medieval Sword and master a variety of powerful Lethal attacks. Not as fast as a Katana, however the Broadsword's weight strikes with more force and damage. The Broadsword can reduce an enemies defense.
    Hack - You perform a quick Hack that can reduce a target's defense, making them easier to hit. This attack causes minor damage, but has a quick recharge time.
    Slash - You Slash your opponent for a moderate amount of damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making them easier to hit.
    Slice - You Slice your sword in a wide arc, attacking all enemies in front of you. Does less damage than Slash, but can hit multiple foes.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Parry - You can use this power to Parry incoming melee attacks. The Parry itself does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your defense against melee attacks for a short while.
    Whirling Sword - You perform a Whirling Sword maneuver, attacking all foes you are currently in melee with. This attack has the ability to wound your opponents, causing them to take minor Damage Over Time.
    Disembowel - You perform a powerful Disemboweling maneuver that deals a great amount of damage, and can knock a target up into the air. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making them easier to hit.
    Head Splitter - You perform a devastating Head Splitter attack that deals a massive amount of damage and can even knock a foe down to the ground. This attack has critical hit capability and can sometimes deal double damage, as well as reducing a target's Defense.

    Claws are blades that extend from the Hero's hands and cause lethal damage. The lightweight and natural feel of claws gives this power set a reduced endurance cost and faster attack rate than other powers.
    Swipe - A quick Swipe with your claws. Does minor damage, but has a very quick recharge rate.
    Strike - You perform a Strike with your claws. This is a basic attack that deals a moderate amount of damage.
    Slash - You perform a Slash with your claws, dealing a high amount of Damage, but with a longer recharge rate. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making them easier to hit.
    Spin - You spin around in a circle attacking everyone within melee range with a Strike attack. This attack has a long recharge time.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Follow Up - You perform a feint attack that deals moderate damage. After this attack hits as it gives you a large bonus to Accuracy and Damage on any attacks you perform for a brief amount of time.
    Focus - You can summon a burst of Focused power that empowers your claws. You then slash at your foes, dealing high damage with the ability to knock them down.
    Eviscerate - You spin and slash violently around Eviscerating all nearby foes in a wide arc in front of yourself. This attack has critical hit capability and can cause double damage.
    Shockwave - You can summon a Shockwave of focused power that empowers your claws. You then perform a Strike attack on all foes in front of you in a wide arc and successful hits can knock down foes.

    Dark Melee
    Dark Melee focuses the powers of the netherworld through your hands to defeat your foes. The draining effects of most of these powers can reduce the targets Accuracy.
    Shadow Punch - You wrap your fists with negative energy channeled from the Netherworlds, and perform a quick punch that deals minor damage. Shadow Punches that land clouds a target's vision, lowering their Accuracy for a short time.
    Smite - You wrap your fists with negative energy channeled from the Netherworlds, and perform a smite that deals more damage than Shadow Punch, but has a longer recharge time. Smites that land clouds a target's vision, lowering their Accuracy for a short time.
    Shadow Maul - You wrap your entire arms with negative energy channeled from the Netherworlds, empowering them to perform a series of blows that deals a lot of damage, over a short period of time. Like most Dark Melee powers, blows that land cloud a target's vision, lowering their Accuracy for a short time.
    Touch of Fear - The Netherworld is one scary place, and with but a touch, you can give your enemy a glimpse into this dark world. This will cause them to panic and run away in Fear. Foes in this state of panic have reduced Accuracy.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off of an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Siphon Life - You tap the power of the Netherworld and create a life transferring conduit between a foe and yourself. This will transfer Hit Points from your enemy to yourself. Foes siphoned in this manner have their Accuracy reduced.
    Dark Consumption - The dark power of the Netherworld allows you to tap the soul-essence of foes immediately around you and transfer it to yourself. This will drain the Hit Points of the enemies, and add to your Endurance.
    Soul Drain - Using this power, you can drain the soul-essence of nearby foes to increase your own strength. Each foe in close proximity affected by this power will add to your Damage and Accuracy.
    Midnight Grasp - Mastery over the forces of the Netherworld allow you to create dark tentacles that can immobilize a foe and continuously drain their life-force.

    Choose the Katana and master a variety of powerful Lethal attacks. A quick and elegant weapon, the Katana is faster than a Broad Sword. The Katana can reduce an enemy's defense.
    Hack - You perform a standard attack with your Katana. This attack is slower than the Katana Slash, but deals more damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making them easier to hit.
    Slash - You perform a lightning quick Slash with your katana. This attack is very fast, but deals only minor damage. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making them easier to hit.
    Slice - You swing your katana in a wide arc in front of you, slicing multiple foes. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making them easier to hit.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Parry - You can use your katana to Parry incoming melee attacks. The Parry itself does minor damage, but every successful hit will increase your defense against melee attacks for a short while.
    Whirling Katana - You perform a Whirling Katana maneuver, attacking all foes you are currently in melee with. This attack has the ability to wound your opponents, causing them to take minor Damage Over Time.
    Disembowel - You perform a powerful Disemboweling maneuver that deals a great amount of damage, and can knock a target up into the air. This attack can reduce a target's Defense, making them easier to hit.
    Head Splitter - You perform a devastating Head Splitter attack that deals a massive amount of damage and can even knock a foe down to the ground. This attack has critical hit capability and can sometimes deal double damage, as well as reducing a target's Defense.

    Martial Arts
    Master the art of hand to hand combat. Martial Arts attacks tend to be very accurate.
    Thunder Kick - You can perform a strong Thunder Kick that hits so hard you can Disorient your target with it.
    Storm Kick - You can unleash a flurry of quick-striking kicks, pummeling your foe for moderate damage.
    Cobra Strike - Using intense martial-arts focus, you can perform a Cobra Strike that deals minor damage, but has a great chance of Disorienting your target.
    Focus Chi - Tapping into your inner Chi greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Warriors Challenge - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Crane Kick - You can perform a slow, high damage kick that will likely knock your target back.
    Crippling Axe Kick - You can perform a Crippling Axe Kick that deals minor damage, but has a chancel to Immobilize your target, as well as slowing their attack rate.
    Dragons Tail - This low spinning kick deals the same damage as Thunder Kick, but has a chancel to hit all enemies in melee with you. Successful hits will trip and knock down your opponents.
    Eagles Claw - You can perform a devastating kick that can severely Disorient most opponents. Eagleâ??s Claw has critical hit capability.

    Spines protrude directly from the Heroes body to be used in melee or flung short ranges. Spines are hollow and can inject the target with a neural toxin that can Slow and even Immobilize a targets. The toxin is cumulative and multiple hits will build up in a target to Slow its attack and movement speed.
    Barb Swipe - Shred your opponent with several quick swipes from your spines. Barb Swipe deals minor damage and damage over time. Spine poison slows affected foes.
    Lunge - Lunge forward stabbing and poisoning a targeted foe with a large Spine on your arm. Lunge deals moderate damage. Spine poison slows affected foes.
    Spine Burst - You can fling dozens of Spines in all directions. These Spines only travel a short distance, but they can deal moderate damage and poison any target close to you. Spine poison slows affected foes.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Impale - You can throw a single large Spine at a targeted foe. This Spine does minor damage, but carries a large amount of the Spine toxin that can completely Immobilize most foes, as well as slowing them.
    Quills - When you activate this power, you will constantly fire dozens of Quills in all directions. These Quills do minor damage, but can poison all foes in close range. Spine poison slows affected foes.
    Ripper - You can unleash a spectacular slashing maneuver that attacks all villains in a wide arc in front of yourself. Ripper deals massive damage and poisons multiple targets. It can even knockdown foes. Spine poison slows affected targets.
    Quill Throwing - You can throw dozens of Spines in a wide cone in front of you, impaling foes caught within the range. Spine throwing deals moderate damage, and poisons any targets it hits. Spine poison slows affected foes.

    Battle Axe
    Choose the Battle Axe and master a variety of powerful lethal attacks. Battle Axe is a Slow but powerful weapon that has a tendency to send foes flying!
    Gash - Gashes your opponent with your Battle Axe. This attack is fairly quick for such a large weapon, and can knockdown foes.
    Chop - The Chop deals heavy damage with your Battle Axe, although it is much slower than the Gash. This attack can knockback a target.
    Taunt - Taunt a foe to get him to attack you. Usefull to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Beheader - This is an attempt to remove your opponentâ??s head from his neck with your Battle Axe. This attack is very slow, but can deal a very high amount of damage, and knockback the target.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Swoop - An upswinging Swoop of your Battle Axe that deals a moderate amount of damage, and can send your target flying upwards.
    Whirling Axe - You spin your Battle Axe in a huge arc, attacking all nearby foes. This attack deals moderate damage to any foe it hits, and can send them flying back, giving you some breathing room.
    Cleave - This is an attempt to split your opponent in two in one fell swoop of your Battle Axe. It is an extremely devastating attack that deals massive damage and can knock foes down to the ground.
    Pendulum - This attack swings your Battle Axe in an arc directly in front of you. Foes struck by this attack are dealt heavy damage, and are knocked back.

    Fiery Melee
    Fiery Melee allows the Hero to conjure up flaming melee weapons and attacks. Fiery Melee powers tend to set foes ablaze for added damage.
    Scorch - This power engulfs your hands in flames, and can ignite the target of your Scorching attack. Once on fire, they will suffer damage over time
    Fire Sword - Through concentration, you can create a sword of fire that can set foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the Fire Sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Combustion - Your mastery of fire allows you to violently raise the temperature around yourself in an attempt to spontaneously combust any nearby foes and set them ablaze, dealing damage over time.
    Breath of Fire - This allows you to spew forth fire from your mouth that can burn all foes within its narrow cone. This is a very accurate attack, that can deal good damage at a close range.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Fire Sword Circle - Mastery of your Fire Sword has enabled you to make an attack on every foe in melee with you. This will slash and burn your enemies, dealing moderate damage, and setting them ablaze.
    Incinerate - Intense concentration can allow you to attempt to Incinerate an opponent. This will set your foe ablaze, dealing damage over time.
    Greater Fire Sword - The perfection of the Fire Sword, your mastery of it has allowed you to create an enhanced sword of fire that can set foes ablaze. Successful attacks from your Greater Fire Sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time.

    Ice Melee
    Ice Melee allows the player to conjure up frozen melee weapons and attacks. Ice Melee powers can slow an opponent.
    Frozen Fists - Frozen Fists encrusts your hands in ice giving them the ability to quickly inflict minor damage on villains. The foeâ??s attack speed is slowed, due to the chill caused by the cold blows.
    Ice Sword - create a blade of solid ice that deals above average damage. Being hit by this Ice Sword will cause a villain to slow his rates of attack, due to the intense chill.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Frost - You create a short cone of Frost in front of you, that can frostbite a foe (dealing damage over time), and slows their attack speeds as they uncontrollably shiver.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Ice Patch - You emanate a patch of ice around you, which causes foes that step onto it to slip and fall down. This effect lasts until the ice melts.
    Freezing Touch - This Freezing touch will encase a single foe in a block of ice. This will deal minor damage as well as freezing him in his tracks, leaving him cold and helpless.
    Greater Ice Sword - The perfection of the Ice Sword, your master of it has allowed you to create an enhanced blade of solid ice that deals above average damage. Being hit by this Ice Sword will cause a villain to slow his rates of attack, due to the intense chill.
    Frozen Aura - Your mastery of cold enables you to dramatically lower the temperature immediately around you. Foes near you when you perform a Frozen Aura will be stopped in their tracks in a fragile casing of ice. Any interaction with foes frozen by this will break them free. Frozen Aura deals no significant damage.

    Energy Melee
    Energy Melee allows the Hero to deliver deadly blows with focused power that often Disorient opponents.
    Barrage - You perform a quick â??one-twoâ?? punch that deals minor damage. Coupled with other Energy Punches, however, Barrage can Disorient a foe.
    Energy Punch - You perform a powerful Energy Punch that deals moderate damage. Energy Punch has the capability, when used with other Energy melee attacks, of Disorienting your opponent.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Bone Smasher - Performing a Bone Smasher attack can be slow, but it compensates for this by dealing a greater amount of damage and having a better chance to Disorient than Energy Punch.
    Whirling Hands - By focusing your energy into the muscles in your arms, you can launch a dizzying flurry of attacks against every foe you are in melee with. Some foes may be hit hard enough to be Disoriented as well.
    Stun - using ionized particles focused on your fists, you can turn them into personal tasers. This Stun attack deals minor damage, but has the best chance to Disorient the target.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Energy Transfer - Mastery of Energy Melee begins with the ability to transfer your own vitality (in the form of Hit Points) into a punch that deals superior damage.
    Total Focus - Total Focus is complete mastery over Energy Melee. This is a very slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents. Due to the exhausting nature of the Focus, you will leave yourself Disoriented for a short time after performing this attack.

    Stone Melee
    The Hero can use the powers of earth and stone to do battle with his foes. Stone Melee allows the Hero to strike with fists of stone, summon stone weapons from the earth, and even shake the very ground itself.
    Stone Fist - Your stone covered fists attack swiftly for minor damage, but may Disorient your opponent.
    Stone Mallet - Your control over the earth allows you to form a mallet of solid stone. This Stone Mallet deals moderate damage, and can knock down weak foes.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Heavy Mallet - A more impressive form of Stone Mallet, the Heavy Mallet deals more damage, but is slower to swing. It has a greater chance of knocking down opponents as well.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Fault - A powerful stomp with your foot and you cause a seismic disturbance. This will crack the earth itself and cause chunks of bedrock to jut up, throwing nearby enemies into the air, possibly Disorienting them. Fault deals no damage on its own.
    Hurl Boulder - You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage, and can Knockback foes.
    Tremor - You can cause a localized earthquake immediately around you. This will deal moderate damage to everything you are in melee with as well as knocking them back.
    Seismic Smash - This massive attack hits with all the force of the earth itself. It deals tremendous amounts of damage, and may Disorient the target if they are not defeated outright.

    Super Strength
    Super Strength gives the Hero combat powers derived from the Heroâ??s immense physical strength. Super Strength powers tend to knock back foes.
    Jab - A quick jab that deals minor damage, but has a chance of Disorienting the target, especially if coupled with other attacks.
    Punch - Your super strength Punch can deal a moderate amount of damage, but most of all can knock your opponents off their feet, unable to attack again until they stand up.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Haymaker - A slow but devastating attack, the Haymaker has a great chance of knocking your opponent back.
    Hand Clap - You can clap your hands together with such force that you create a deafening shockwave. This shockwave can knockdown nearby foes, and they have a chance to become Disoriented due to the shock of the inner ear. Hand Clap deals no damage.
    Knockout Blow - You can perform a Knockout Blow on your opponent. This punch deals little real damage, but has a great chance of Disorienting your target.
    Rage - An unconscious Rage comes over you, sending you into a berserker fury. While raging your damage is greatly increased, but when it subsides you are Disoriented and easier to hit for a brief time.
    Hurl - You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage, and can Knockback foes.
    Foot Stomp - Using your superior leg strength, you can Stomp your foot to the ground, quaking the earth itself. This is a localized attack against everything in melee with you.

    War Mace
    Choose the Medieval Mace and master a variety of powerful smashing attacks. Attack speeds are good, and the weight of the Mace has good Disorienting capabilities.
    Bash - You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes disorient your opponent.
    Pulverize - You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.
    Taunt - Taunts a foe to get him to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their heads.
    Clobber - You attempt to Clobber your foeâ??s head in order to Disorient them. This attack does little damage on its own, but can leave most foes Disoriented for a very long time.
    Build Up - Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your accuracy.
    Jawbreaker - This upward swing attempts to shatter your opponentâ??s jaw, and has a chance to send them flying up into the air at the same time.
    Whirling Mace - You swing your mace in a circle all around you, attacking everyone you are in melee with. Your Whirling Mace deals moderate damage, and has a chance to Disorient every foe you hit.
    Shatter - You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage, and can knock foes back a great ways.
    Crowd Control - You swing your mace in a wide arc in front of you. This attack strikes all foes within melee range in this arc, deals them some serious damage, and knocks them down.
    *WoD Kittens*

  7. #7
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Oct 2003


    Defense Power Sets
    This page lists the different Defense power sets. Defense power sets are the Primary power sets for Tankers, and the Secondary power sets for Scrappers.

    Defense Power Sets

    Dark Armor - Scrappers Only
    Regeneration - Scrappers Only
    Super Reflexes - Scrappers Only
    Fiery Aura - Tanker Only
    Ice Armor - Tanker Only
    Stone Armor - Tanker Only

    Dark Armor
    Dark Armor taps into the powers of the netherworld to protect the Hero.
    Dark Embrace - You tap into the energy of the Netherworld to protect yourself from damage. This Dark Embrace shrouds you and grants resistance to Lethal, Smashing, and Negative Energy damage. This power can not be used at the same time as Murky Cloud or Obsidian Shield.
    Death Shroud - You become a focus point of the Netherworld, its negative energy seeping from your body. This will continuously damage all foes in melee range with you.
    Murky Cloud - You create a Murky Cloud enshrouding you. This cloud can absorb all forms of energy, making you more resistant to Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative Energy-based attacks. Murky Cloud cannot be used at the same time as Dark Embrace or Obsidian Shield.
    Obsidian Shield - You can create a special Obsidian Shield that grants good resistance to Psionic damage. With your mind enshrouded in darkness you are protected from Sleep and Disorient attacks. Obsidian Shield Cannot be used at the same time as Dark Embrace or Murky Cloud.
    Dark Regeneration - You can tap the dark essence of the Netherworld to drain a small amount of life from all enemies nearby to heal yourself. The more foes affected the more you will be healed.
    Cloak of Darkness - A shroud of Netherworld darkness envelops you, making you very difficult to spot at a distance. You can only be seen at very close range, or if you attack a target. Even if seen, the Cloak of Darkness grants you a bonus to defense, although your movement rate is still reduced.
    Cloak of Fear - You can wrap yourself in a nightmarish Cloak of Fear. Those close to you are treated to visions most horrific, forcing them to run away to keep their distance.
    Oppressive Gloom - The Netherworld has many mutable properties, such as the Oppressive Gloom. This power allows you to use your own life force (Hit Points) to fuel an attack that can keep enemies near you Disoriented and unable to use any powers. Endurance cost for this is minimal, but the power can be dangerous to use.
    Soul Transfer Should you fall in battle, you can perform a Soul Transfer, sucking the life force of one enemy to bring yourself back from the brink of death. There must be at least one foe nearby to fuel the Transfer and revive yourself.

    Invulnerability gives the user incredible abilities to resist damage and other effects. Invulnerability offers no protection from psionic attacks.
    Resist Physical Damage - You are naturally tough and inherently resistant to smashing and lethal damage. This becomes a permanent attribute and does not need to be activated.
    Temp Invulnerability - Activating this power, you become highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage for a short duration.
    Dull Pain - By force of will alone, you can Dull Pain to yourself, which will increase your maximum Hit Points for a short time.
    Resist Elements - You become naturally insulated and resistant to Fire and Cold Damage. This becomes a permanent attribute and does not need to be activated.
    Unyielding Stance - When you activate this power, you will become an immovable object. You are immune to Knockback and your resistance to Disorient and Hold effects greatly increase, as well as your resistance to all damage types except Psionics.
    Resist Energies - You are naturally resistant to Energy and Negative Energy damage. This becomes a permanent attribute and does not need to be activated.
    Invincibility - While this power is active, you receive a huge bonus to Defense (all but Psionics) and a bonus To Hit for each foe in melee range. Most effective when fighting multiple opponents. This power is ineffective against foes at range.
    Tough Hide - Your thickened skin makes you much tougher to hit. This becomes a permanent attribute and does not need to be activated.
    Unstoppable - When you activate this power, you not only become extremely resistant to most damage, but also to Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, and Sleep effects. Endurance Recovery is also increased. Unstoppable costs little Endurance to activate, but, after the power wears off, you are left exhausted, Disoriented and drained of all Endurance.

    Regeneration lets the Hero recover from all kind of effects faster.
    Fast Healing - You heal Hit Points at a faster rate than normal. This power is always on.
    Reconstruction - Through perfect control of your body, you can concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself.
    Quick Recovery - You recover Endurance at a faster rate than normal. This power is always on.
    Resist Disorientation - By concentrating you can gain intense focus and build up an immunity to Disorientation effects. This toggle effect will last until you shut it off, or run out of Endurance.
    Integration - You can integrate your mind and body, making you resistant to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization effects for a short duration.
    Dull Pain - Using ancient techniques, you can make yourself more resilient to pain, and be able to take more damage before being defeated. When you activate this power you will increase your maximum Hit Points for a couple minutes.
    Instant Healing - When you activate this power, you can regenerate damage at an astounding rate. This power uses a great amount of endurance and takes a long time to recharge once used.
    Revive - Should you fall in battle, you can Revive yourself from the brink of death. You will revive with half Hit Points, no Endurance, and be Disoriented, unable to recover Endurance for a short time. You will still incur XP debt as well.
    Moment of Glory - When you activate this power, you lose a small amount of Hit Points, but become Resistant to all types of damage, have an increase in your Endurance recovery, and are highly resistant to Sleep, Disorient, Immobilization, and Hold powers.

    Super Reflexes
    The Hero�?�¢??s Super Reflexes and acute senses allow him to react more quickly to danger and avoid various attacks.
    Focused Fighting - You become more evasive to melee attacks while you have Focused Fighting activated. This will increase your Defense versus Melee as long as it is active.
    Focuses Senses - You become more evasive to ranged attacks while you have Focused Senses activated. This will increase your Defense versus Range as long as it is active.
    Agile - You become innately more Agile, and are able to naturally avoid some ranged attacks. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus Ranged attacks.
    Practiced Brawler - Your training has allowed you to become a Practiced Brawler, tuning you into a perfect fighting machine. You gain the a resistance to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization powers for a short duration.
    Dodge - You have the ability to innately Dodge some melee attacks. This power is always on, and will permanently increase your Defense versus Melee attacks.
    Quickness - Your quick reflexes allow you to move faster than normal. This power is always on and permanently increases your attack rate and ground movement speed a small amount.
    Lucky - Your superior reflexes allow you to appear to others as if you are simply Lucky. This power is always on, and permanently increases your chance to evade an area effect or cone-shaped attack power.
    Evasion - You become more evasive to area effect and cone-shaped attacks while you have Focused Fighting activated. This will increase your Defense versus these attacks as long as it is active.
    Elude - You can amp up your reflexes making yourself so quick you can Elude almost any attack, be it Ranged, Melee, or Area Effect. Your running speed and jumping is also increase. Elusion takes total concentration and while active, you can not attack foes or assist allies.

    Fiery Aura
    The Hero can engulf himself in flames to protect himself. Firey Aura is the most offensive of the defensive Power Sets.
    Blazing Aura - While active, the Hero is surrounded by flames that burn all foes that attempt to enter melee range.
    Fire Shield - While this power is active, the Hero gives him good resistance to Lethal and Smashing damage. Fire Shield also provides some resistance to Fire damage and minimal resistance to cold damage.
    Healing Flames - The Hero concentrates for a few moments to heal himself. The power of the flames can also protect the Hero from Disorientation for a while.
    Temperature Protection - Temperature Protection gives the Hero strong resistance to fire damage, and some resistance to cold damage as well. This becomes a permanent attribute of the Hero and does not need to be activated.
    Consume - The Hero drains body heat from all nearby foes in order to replenish his own Endurance. The more foes affected, the more Endurance is gained. Foes suffer minimal fire damage.
    Plasma Shield - While this power is active, the Hero is surrounded by pure plasma. The Plasma Shield gives the Hero high resistance to energy and negative energy, as well as fire damage.
    Burn - The Hero can ignite the ground beneath him, freeing him from Immobilization effects. Foes that enter the flames will take severe damage. The Hero can Burn multiple patches but the Endurance cost is high.
    Fiery Embrace - Significantly boosts the damage of all your Fire attacks for quite a while.
    Rise of the Phoenix - If the Hero is defeated, he can rise from the ashes. The fiery resurrection blasts nearby foes with an explosion and knocks them down. The risen Hero will be well healed, although he cannot attack or recover Endurance for quite a while.

    Ice Armor
    The Hero dramatically reduces his core body temperature to form various armors of ice around himself. The Hero can protect himself from many different damage types, but he has exceptional resistance to cold based attacks. However, this set offers little protection to fire based powers and none against psionics.
    Frozen Armor - While this power is active, the Hero coats himself in rock hard Frozen Armor. The hardness of the Frozen Armor makes smashing and lethal based attacks less likely to land. Also, cold attacks deal less damage. Cannot be active at the same time as Hoarfrost, Wet Ice, Glacial Armor, and Hibernate.
    Hoarfrost - When activated the Hero becomes covered in a thick layer of frost, called Hoarfrost. While the Hero is covered in Hoarfrost, he takes less cold, smashing, and lethal damage. Resistance to fire is minimal. Cannot be used with Frozen Armor, Wet Ice, Glacial Armor and Hibernate.
    Chilling Embrace - While active, the Hero dramatically lowers the temperature around him, slowing the attack rate of all nearby foes, as well as their movement speed.
    Wet Ice - When the Hero activates this power, he covers himself in a think coating of slick, melting ice. This makes the Hero slippery and all but immune to Disorient, Immobilization and Hold effects. Wet Ice also increase his defense to most attacks and resistance to cold damage. Cannot be used with Frozen Armor, Hoarfrost, Glacial Armor and Hibernate.
    Permafrost - The Hero's body temperature permanently lowers to 33 degrees Fahrenheit. Permafrost gives the Hero strong resistance to cold damage, and some resistance to fire damage as well. This becomes a permanent attribute of the Hero and does not need to be activated.
    Icicles - While active, the hero forms sharp icicles on his body that continuously cuts all foes that attempt to enter melee range.
    Glacial Armor - When the Hero activates this power he covers himself in glacial ice. The crystalline matrix of the armor has refracting properties that make energy and negative energy based attacks less likely to land. Also, cold attacks deal less damage. Cannot be used with Frozen Armor, Hoarfrost, Wet Ice and Hibernate.
    Energy Absorption - Activating this power draws moisture directly from the bodies of all nearby foes, draining their Endurance. Each foe the Hero draws moisture from, adds to the Hero's defense in the form of frozen armor. If there are no foes within range, the Hero will not gain any defense bonus.
    Hibernate - When the Hero activates this power, he encases himself in a block of solid ice, making him invulnerable, although he himself is left frozen and can not act. While Hibernating within this block of ice, the Hero heals at an incredible rate. The Hero can emerge at will by deactivating. Cannot be used with Frozen Armor, Hoarfrost, Wet Ice and Glacial Armor.

    Stone Armor
    The Hero can transform his skin into various forms of rock and stone. Stone Armor is one of the only Power Sets that offers resistance to Psionics. Stone Armor offers amazing defense, but many Stone Armors are mutually exclusive to each other. Only one Armor power may be active at any given time.
    Rock Armor - While this power is active, the Hero's skin becomes Stone. Rock Armor makes the Hero highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal based attacks. They are less likely to land and affect the hero. Cannot be active at the same time as other Armors in this set.
    Stone Skin - The Hero's tough skin is naturally resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage. This becomes a permanent attribute of the Hero and does not need to be activated.
    Earth's Embrace - The Hero is so connected to the earth, that he can draw upon its power to add to his own health. Activation this power increases the Hero's maximum hit points.
    Mud Pots - While active, the Hero draws upon the geothermal power of the earth to create a bubbling pool of hot mud around himself. All foes in melee range will become snared and entrapped in the Mud, Immobilizing some and slowing the movement and attack rate of others. The boiling heat from Mud Pots also deals some damage over time to the snared foes.
    Rooted - When the Hero toggles on this power, he merges with the earth and becomes an immovable object. The Hero temporarily becomes resistant to Knockback, Hold, and Disorient, although he cannot move until he deactivates the power.
    Brimstone Armor - While this power is active, the Hero's skin becomes encrusted in cracked magma. Brimstone Armor makes the Hero highly resistant to Fire and Cold damage. Cannot be active at the same time as other Armors in this set.
    Mineral Armor - Activating this power encrusts the Hero with mineral deposits that can disperse thought patterns and make Psionic attacks less likely to hit. Cannot be active at the same time as other Armors in this set.
    Crystal Armor - While this power is active, the Hero's skin becomes encrusted in various quartz crystals. Crystal Armor makes Energy and Negative Energy attacks less likely to hit. Cannot be active at the same time as other Armors in this set.
    Granite Armor - When the Hero activates this power, he is transformed into a massive bulk of unyielding rock and stone. The Hero's incredible mass makes him almost completely invulnerable. However, the Hero also becomes quite heavy, cannot fly, is slowed and has a reduced accuracy. Cannot be active at the same time as other Armors in this set or Fly.
    *WoD Kittens*

  8. #8
    1st Season Blood Bowl Champion Blinck's Avatar
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    Oct 2003


    Power Pools
    Power Pools
    This page lists all the Power Pools, and the Powers in Each Pool. Power pools and the avaliability of Power Pool powers are here.

    Power Pools

    Super Speed

    Empowers the Hero with various travel and flying combat abilities.
    Hover - For hovering and aerial combat. It is much slower than normal Fly, but provides some defense, offers good air control, costs almost no Endurance, and has none of the penalties associated with Fly. Switch to this mode when fighting other flying foes.
    Air Superiority - This two handed overhead melee attack can sometimes knock a flying target to the ground.
    Fly - Fly allows the Hero to travel large distances quickly, but it uses a lot of endurance and the Hero will fall if he runs out before landing. A Hero's Fly speed increases over level. The Hero's accuracy is reduced while using this travel Fly power. For aerial combat, Hover is a more effective Flight power.
    Group Fly - The Hero can endow his nearby teammates with flight. Be mindful! Your friends will fall if you run out of Endurance or if they travel too far away from you. Group Fly is slower than Fly, but costs less Endurance. However, each teammate you carry cost additional Endurance. Flying Heroes suffer from reduced accuracy.

    These powers are excellent for those Heroes, such as Controllers, that are looking for a few extra low cost powers to defend themselves.
    Boxing - A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes.
    Kick - A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.
    Tough - While active, the Hero is tough and slightly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage.
    Weave - While active, the Hero bobs and weaves, and increases his defense to melee and ranged attacks.

    The Hero is the pillar of fitness, and can receive a bonus to his basic physical attributes. These abilies are Auto power, that is, they are always on, and do not cost any Endurance and do not need to be activated.
    Swift - The Hero can naturally travel slightly faster than normal. This ability is an Auto power; it does not cost any Endurance and does not need to be activated.
    Hurdle - The Hero can naturally jump higher than normal. This ability is an Auto power; it does not cost any Endurance and does not need to be activated.
    Health - The Hero heals slightly faster than a normal person. This ability is an Auto power; it does not cost any Endurance and does not need to be activated.
    Stamina - The Hero recovers his Endurance slightly more quickly. This ability is an Auto power; it does not cost any Endurance and does not need to be activated.

    Empowers the Hero with various powers of Invisibility and Stealth.
    Lesser Invisibility - The Hero bends light around himself to become completely Invisible. While this toggle power is active, the Hero is all but impossible to detect. However, while Invisible, the Hero cannot attack, and can only use powers that affect himself.
    Stealth - The Hero blends into his environment and can only be seen at very close range. The Hero can also attack, but, if he does so, he will be discovered. Even if discovered, the Hero is still hard to see and has a bonus to defense, but his movement speed is reduced.
    Grant Invisibility - Grants a targeted teammate with full Invisibility. The invisibility lasts a limited duration. While your ally is still Invisible, he cannot be detected unless he attacks a target. If discovered, the target is still hard to see and has a bonus to defense.
    Phase Shift - The Hero can Phase Shift to become out of sync with normal space. Although you do not become completely invisible, you are translucent and hard to see. The Hero becomes intangible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.

    Good leaders are rare. Heroes with these powers can grant bonuses to their teammates.
    Maneuvers - A good leader knows how to protect his team. While active, this power increases the Defense of nearby teammates.
    Tactics - While this power is active, a Hero can grant an increase his nearby teammates Accuracy.
    Assault - While this power is active, the Hero empowers his nearby teammates with bonus to Damage.
    Vengeance - The loss of a good leader enrages the team. When a Hero is defeated in combat and activates this power, he grants his teammates a bonus to defense, accuracy, and damage.

    Empowers the Hero with various travel and combat super jumping abilities. Jumping powers tend to be very efficient and use very little endurance compared to other travel powers.
    Jump Kick - A good jumping kick attack that may Knockback foes. Good for the Hero that is looking for another attack power.
    Combat Jumping - While active, Combat Jumping increases your defense and adds resistance to Immobilization. Also offers good air control and moderately increases your jump height and distance.
    Super Jump - While this power is active, the Hero can leap great distances and heights, easily Super Jumping over buildings and from rooftop to rooftop!
    Acrobatics - While this Toggle power is on, the Hero is very nimble and Acrobatic. The Hero can avoid most Knockback effects and is resistant to Hold effects.

    The Hero can Manipulate the behaviors of his foes by provoking them to attack and intimidating them to run away. A challenging skill to master, Manipulation can get you into trouble if you donâ??t know what you are doing.
    Challenge - Challenge a foe to attack you. Use this to pull a villain off an ally in trouble or away from a mob of foes. Not as effective as a typical Tanker or Scrapper Taunt power.
    Provoke - This power attracts the attention of a foe and all those around him. Use this to pull villains off an ally in trouble.
    Intimidate - The Hero threatens a single foe and scares him away for a brief while.
    Invoke Panic - This power causes sheer terror in those around you so that they run away.

    The Hero is an adept field medic, and can assist the team with basic healing needs. These powers should be performed away from combat because they can be interrupted.
    Aid Other - Heals a single targeted Hero . This power is interruptible, so you shouldn't use this in combat.
    Stimulant - Frees an ally from any Immobilization, Sleep, Disorient and Hold effects and leaves them resistant to such effects for a brief time. This power is interruptible and shouldn't be used in the heat of combat.
    Aid Self - Allows the Hero to heal himself. This power is interruptible.
    Resucitate - Revives a fallen Hero, but the Hero is very weak, and must rest a while to regain his strength. This power is interruptible.

    Super Speed
    Empowers the Hero with various feats of super speed.
    Flurry - Unleashes a super fast Flurry of punches to pummel your foe. Flurry is so dizzying, that it has a chance to Disorient the target.
    Hasten - The Hero can reduce the Recharge Time of all powers for 120 seconds. Although Hasten does not cost any Endurance to activate, the Hero can tire easily because Endurance does not recover more quickly. After Hasten wares off, the Hero becomes tired and will loose some Endurance.
    Super Speed - The Hero can run at super-human speeds. However, traveling at such speeds is not without risk. While running at Super Speed, the Hero is much more vulnerable to physical damage.
    Whirlwind - The Hero spins around at an amazing speed to create a Whirlwind around himself. Any foes that enter this whirlwind will be tossed into the air.

    Empowers the Hero with various teleportation abilities.
    Recall Friend - The Hero can Teleport one of his Teammates to a targeted location next to the caster. The target must be a Teammate and can be selected from the Team window. The Hero can also rescue a fallen Teammate that may be in a hostile or inaccessible location, as long as they are on the same map. This power can be interrupted.
    Teleport Foe - The Hero can Teleport a single targeted foe directly next to the caster. A successful hit must be made in order to teleport the target, and more powerful foes cannot be teleported. This power can be interrupted.
    Teleport - The Hero can Teleport long distances. Teleport has no recharge time, and can be reactivated without pause, as long as the Hero has Endurance.
    Team Teleport - The Hero can Teleport himself, his nearby teammates (even those defeated) to a targeted location. Teammates must be in close proximity to you. Each Teammate you Teleport adds additional Endurance Cost.
    *WoD Kittens*

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