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Thread: Age of Conan

  1. #1231
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    a detta di tutti sul forum beta il conqueror è al momento tra le peggiori classi...

    è una classe meele dps con support buff.. il problema che per avere delle auree ridicole (che durano 30 sec cd 60) si perde in danno
    tra l'altro sono 6 auree con cd sharato di 3 in 3... quindi max 2 attive..

    giusto per... il barbarian che ho tirato su al 25 fa piu danni del conq 41...
    in frenzy stance il conq raddoppia il danno e diventa ottimo come output... ma subisce 3 volte il danno... leggasi implodi...
    unico utilizzo... in pve quando nn tanki -.-

    poi vabbhe il pom è buggato... lui era al 10% mi ha tirato un dd da 1000 (ero in frenzy sarebbe stato 300) si è fullato ...

    ce un tizio che si è fatto tutti i pg lvl 70-80 nelle varie fasi di beta (prima del wipe di meta aprile) nella sua classifica il conq era 12°
    ps: ci sono 12 classi

  2. #1232
    Lieutenant Commander Bakaras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boroming View Post
    a detta di tutti sul forum beta il conqueror è al momento tra le peggiori classi...
    è una classe meele dps con support buff.. il problema che per avere delle auree ridicole (che durano 30 sec cd 60) si perde in danno
    tra l'altro sono 6 auree con cd sharato di 3 in 3... quindi max 2 attive..
    giusto per... il barbarian che ho tirato su al 25 fa piu danni del conq 41...
    in frenzy stance il conq raddoppia il danno e diventa ottimo come output... ma subisce 3 volte il danno... leggasi implodi...
    unico utilizzo... in pve quando nn tanki -.-
    poi vabbhe il pom è buggato... lui era al 10% mi ha tirato un dd da 1000 (ero in frenzy sarebbe stato 300) si è fullato ...
    ce un tizio che si è fatto tutti i pg lvl 70-80 nelle varie fasi di beta (prima del wipe di meta aprile) nella sua classifica il conq era 12°
    ps: ci sono 12 classi
    bello, devo cambiare classe

    immagino che l'11° sià il BS QQ

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    Quote Originally Posted by peluche View Post
    quindi burino e onesto...mai pensato di farla finita?

  3. #1233
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tele View Post
    Nel frattempo è arrivato un certo WoW, che alla release aveva un client leggero e pulito, un mondo stilisticamente coerente e un buon gameplay PvE dal primo giorno. Risultato: 1M di giocatori abbonati in pochi mesi.
    Nell'era post WoW il giocatore medio si aspetta una release quantomeno pari a quella di WoW, o disdice AL VOLO l'abbonamento, vedi vanguard e simili.
    Prevedo buone vendite dei vari preorder e un brusco calo degli abbonamenti dopo li primo mese free se non si inventano qualcosa entro il 20.
    sei ironico vero?

  4. #1234
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tele View Post
    Nel frattempo è arrivato un certo WoW, che alla release aveva un client leggero e pulito, un mondo stilisticamente coerente e un buon gameplay PvE dal primo giorno. Risultato: 1M di giocatori abbonati in pochi mesi.
    Nell'era post WoW il giocatore medio si aspetta una release quantomeno pari a quella di WoW, o disdice AL VOLO l'abbonamento, vedi vanguard e simili.
    Prevedo buone vendite dei vari preorder e un brusco calo degli abbonamenti dopo li primo mese free se non si inventano qualcosa entro il 20.
    Se hai provato wow europe, puo essere, ma quello americano aveva i classici problemi di tutti gli altri giochi.

    Con in più il fatto che per un bel periodo non c'era nessun end game presente se non quei 2-3 dungeon da farsi la roba blu.

  5. #1235
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
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  6. #1236
    Chief Petty Officer s0uL's Avatar
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    mmh ma il client dell'open beta, è uguale al client della ex closed beta( quella che arrivi fino all'80 per capirci) o son diversi?

  7. #1237
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by s0uL View Post
    mmh ma il client dell'open beta, è uguale al client della ex closed beta( quella che arrivi fino all'80 per capirci) o son diversi?
    So che si puo giocare all open beta con il client della closed, devi cambiare un paio di cose, ma si puo usare, quindi penso siano simili, magari uno ha un paio di patch in piu rispetto all altro.

  8. #1238
    Lieutenant Commander Va$h's Avatar
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    Qualcuno mi potrebbe spoilerare com'è il necro all'80 plis?
    Via forum o via msn è indifferente T_T
    #*°-. The Original Hippie!.-°*#
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  9. #1239
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
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    Hello, as I leveled a Necromancer to level 80 and finished yesterday, here is what I think about it:

    Firstly about the class:

    As some spells and feats are still bugged I can only say about what I have used.

    Firstly, comparing Necro to Demo is simple, exactly the same buffs with some different effects (like Necro has +unholy and demo +fire), the two main differences on those classes are the pets, and the dmgs:
    A Necro has better dmgs on single target, I tried to AoE at lvl 80 on some mobs I never done once over 1000dmgs (the increase dmgs for a short time skill of the Lich is bugged) when a Demo level 78 with his two buffs +dmgs do up to 2500dmgs on a zone WAYS larger.
    About the pets, it's simple, all the pets of Necromancer are simply useless.
    The 1points pets do damages so low that a single spell of the Necro is worth 5hit of each of 8 pets, the casters pets are good, but since mana never regen on them unless you fatality someone, they end up not even doing a single damage.

    So in my mind, Necro is just a Demo with unholy/frost dmgs when Demo is fire/lightning but a bit more bugged for now, less dmgs, and useless pets.

    About the skills of the Necromancer:

    Still quite a bit are bugged, but I feel a revamp should be done on some spells:
    Better pets, at least one AoE with a zone as big as "Unholy Hands" but with damages, make the absorb shield last longer, how many times I died because my shield last 5minutes and or I forget to cast it again, or it fails while fighting. . .

    Also there's a thing I never understood, without any buffs if I attack a monster of my level I hit for around 200dmgs, isn's that a bit low? I have to get my all my buffs to do some dmgs, else each mob takes an hour.

    Leveling and quests:

    I think the Necro isn't intended to be the fastest grinder of the game so I get that it can't level as fast as a Demo or some melee chars, but it's simple, there are only 2 ways of leveling nicely:

    Get mass quests (that's the same for everyone), or find a camp of mobs lvl +4 to +6 with no more than dual aggro and grind there like hell (20minutes to 30 minutes for a single level up to the level of the mobs)

    If you can't find any of that, then it's at least 1hour and half for a single level, past level 77 there is not any single good grind spot, and most of the quests remaiming are still bugged so as far as it is, it's incredibly hard to finish leveling alone.
    For the level 77 I was with a Demo who helped REALLY a lot, with his AoE I was getting xp like alone*8, easy up to 79 and then it slows down but nothing impossible, untill he had to go sleep that is. . .

    I feel like there should be a bit more quests for the last 5levels, or at least create a zone with some nice grinding spots, a zone with mobs 80 to 85, those 3 last levels were the worse of the whole game, grind only and slooooow comparing to the other levels.

    About the speed of the overall leveling up, I feel it's WAYS too fast, hell I had 2days 23hours on my /played when I finished leveling up to 80. . .
    As far as the game is, there is no solo content at level 80 so nothing to do if you're the 1st up to that level, and no small group content also, for now, the game at level 80 is boring

    About the interface:

    There is only three points I feel should be a bit updated,
    first, the tool for player search, I feel like it should be able to seach for all players, not only the non grouped ones
    second, when I want to use a potion, I have to wait for my spell to finish casting, so far it's ok, but if I ask a potion use for my next move, the pot is not used right when the casting stop, it takes like one or two seconds, and if I ask to cast a spell in this time, the pot isnt used and the spell start going. . . (I'm not sure if the pots will be in at the release but if they do, you should make it easier to use while fighting)
    lastly, the hitpoints of the monsters: while they have a reasonable amount of life, what is annoying is the last part, when their life bar start a v shape, the amount of life in this single small part of the bar is incredibly high, it needs 2spells to kill this small part, I died so many times because the monster just didnt die from a spell witch should have killed it. . .

    About the mobs:

    Most people who already sent feedbacks said what should be said but I'll write it again:

    There are some problems on the spawn time of the mobs, mostly about the quest mobs, some goes over 30minutes respawn, I saw someone kill a quest mob in front of me and had to wait that for it to respawn, nice wasting time.
    On solo, there is often too many aggros, moreover at high level, on groups there isnt enough.

    The archers should get a nerf on their dmgs, a single mob can kill me if I dont go melee or use a potion

    For the bosses for quests, well here is something that I really dont get:
    a boss is hard to kill? just run around, use stam potions, use life potions, use mana potions, turn back dot, run turn back dot run and that's all there is to killing a boss (I did a +9level boss this way). . . kind of easy
    Now here a funny thing, a raid boss level 80 with like 750k to 1000k hp, soloable if you just have a ranged attack, it moves slower than you walking and only has melee attacks, also a root, it's simple get caught get raped. . . unless he gets you, you kill him

    I think there are still quite some things to work on, the game right now is simple, quest, grind, it's fast (not even 3 days [30minutes before for me but still not 3days ] to get max level) and the high level content is not worth getting there so far.
    The skills and spells still have to get some fixes.
    Pets are so useless that I mostly use them as an extra dmg, I play as if they wasnt here because they take time even to finish a single mob, and they never aggro, you'll never get your ass saved by your pet.

    Then still, this is how I see the Necro so far, I hope this is usefull to all of you and hope that the still bugged part will get fixes =)

    Hope you enjoyed the read ^^


    I too am an 80 Necro and I would agree to most accounts mentioned above. The only thing I would say is that I do actually AE better than I single target. The reason being is that Unholy Hands is a great opener and parasitic soul swarm does almost as much damage per tick AE as my pestilential blast does single target in 2.5s.

    Personally, I feel this is a great class to have already 80 because it's only going to get be improved as it really couldn't get any worse. The pets will likely get an overhaul as they are pretty worthless (I never once used them all the way up to 80) and a lot of spells are broken or unnecessary, likewise with the feats.

    My suggestions: Completely rework the feat tree; a lot of those pet skills have been seperated when they should be combined, currently I have to put points in things I'll never ever use just to rank up the tree to get Unholy Hands. On the other side the nuking line is alright but could use a few more feats for a little variety, my only gripe with it was that crits don't work (afaik) so I'm already losing points right off the bat.
    Also almost every skill in the mage base tree didn't work with my necro spells.

    Right now my Necro is very good at AE'n mobs that are <10 levels below me, thats about it.
    On the plus side that damage absorb shield is fairly amazing in groups!


    80 Necromancer here as well. The class has very few things that work as they should. The pets are not bad, once you get like 8 of them. The drain life/mana/stam ones I can see useful in keeping group regen up. The damage on them has to be tweaked.

    The caster pets are decent, but since you can only have 4 of them, they do about the same dps as 8 of the little ones, only at range. Also notice that one with death doesn't let you go above 8 pet counters, so it becomes useless after level 70 I think?

    My biggest concern is actually the shackled heart spells. This is along the lines of the warlock in WoW with soulshards. It took a year before they let you get soulshards off a player, so how is it going to work in AoC in pvp? Or are just not supposed to use those shackle heart requirement spells in pvp? Thirdly, none of the spells that require shackled heart seem to work at the moment, or is that because I'm using the last tier of draw forth the heart? I haven't tested it but I assume no, since when you get that feat which removes the shackled heart component for the Archmagus summons they still don't work.

    Army of the Dead is at the moment an I WIN button. Spam it a few times and get 12 imps doing 60damage per cast every second, along with your 4 Arcanists hitting for around 100 each, you're looking at about 500dps. It's about the only thing that made getting to 80 with a necromancer worthwhile.

    I'd list all the spells and feats that don't work, but that's like 80% of them so I'm not going to bother.

  10. #1240
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Insomma se il conqueror fa così merda, che diamine di melee decente si può fare?

  11. #1241
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drako View Post
    Insomma se il conqueror fa così merda, che diamine di melee decente si può fare?
    guardian, barbarian, assassin come meele puri

    dark templar come ibrido

  12. #1242
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Mi sa che tocca andare di barbarian QQ.

  13. #1243
    Chief Petty Officer s0uL's Avatar
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    ladro hai per caso qualche link o qualche info per avere la possibilità di giocare con la closed? Pd needo :V

  14. #1244
    Lieutenant Commander Va$h's Avatar
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    Mh spero che pimpino un pò i pet, mi manca una classe come il necro di D2 dove fanno tutto i pet e GG >_>
    #*°-. The Original Hippie!.-°*#
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  15. #1245
    Senior Chief Petty Officer MnfPna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladro di anime View Post
    Hello, as I leveled a Necromancer to level 80 and finished yesterday, here is what I think about it:
    Firstly about the class:
    As some spells and feats are still bugged I can only say about what I have used.
    Firstly, comparing Necro to Demo is simple, exactly the same buffs with some .............................
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