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Thread: GW2 Pre-release thread

  1. #796
    Lieutenant Commander Wolfo's Avatar
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    ma no figurati, imo stanno creando un ottimo compromesso...

  2. #797
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
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    il punto fondamentale è che mentre per GW il PvP era l'end game perchè alla fine o facevi GvG per la ladder
    o andavi in tomba per rankare e farti l'emote sburo, su GW2 non credo sarà così, piuttosto, da come spero,
    ci saranno due "mondi" separati dove chi vorrà fare PvP stile gw lo potrà fare con tornei e ladder annessa,
    chi invece vorrà fare pve, avrà l'imbarazzo della scelta dal momento che il gioco sulla carta ha sviluppato
    molto più quel lato.

  3. #798
    Warrant Officer Vynnstorm's Avatar
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    L'unica cosa che non ho capito e' se in open pvp ci saranno delle rewards e di quale tipo.

    ps: ora che ci penso, niente piu' arena casuale/ha/ab, solo open pvp oppure gvg secco no?

  4. #799
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vynnstorm View Post
    L'unica cosa che non ho capito e' se in open pvp ci saranno delle rewards e di quale tipo.

    ps: ora che ci penso, niente piu' arena casuale/ha/ab, solo open pvp oppure gvg secco no?

    si ci sono rewards sia singoli che di gilda come già dett, e ci saranno anche arene casuali da 1vs1 fino a 5vs5...
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  5. #800
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    un altra press beta prima della cbt

    ‏ @Totalbiscuit
    I can confirm that there is going to be a GW2 media beta this weekend and I will be playing

    Last edited by LuKas; 19th March 2012 at 18:50.
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  6. #801
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    la press beta cmq comprende anche chi ha già ricevuto l'invito

    fatti dare il nickname vah :P
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  7. #802
    Chief Petty Officer Medrich's Avatar
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    Cmq qualcosa mi dice che non ho avuto fortuna a sto giro... gli inviti son partiti da 3 giorni, ma attualmente ancora nulla in casella di posta.... peccato... aspettiamo il 10/04
    Dicono che sia una persona cattivissima, ma non mi conoscono....
    Ho il cuore di un bambino io..... sulla scrivania dentro un vaso da fiori

  8. #803
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    gli inviti sono partiti venerdì scorso per esattezza e se non l'hai ricevuto spera nel prossimo giro
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  9. #804
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiinn View Post
    la press beta cmq comprende anche chi ha già ricevuto l'invito

    fatti dare il nickname vah :P
    Posting on a throwaway for obvious reasons, but ArenaNet just sent me an email containing instructions on how to download the Beta client (I was recently selected). I am assuming everyone else that was selected is getting their email / or will get it very shortly. The closed beta test is the weekend of the 30th. The beta test this weekend (the 23rd) is for press/media only. The client itself is small, but the big download starts when you launch it (like Guild Wars 1).
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  10. #805
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    damage and condition

    Bleeding – stacks in intensity meaning the more something is bleeding the more damage per second that they take.
    Burning – stacks in duration meaning the more something is burning, the more seconds it takes damage.
    Confusion – stacks in intensity. This condition damages the victim every time they use a skill. In PvE the AI will not stop attacking making this a damage condition. In PvP it can operate as a slightly defensive condition.
    Poison – stacks in duration. This inflicts damage per second and reduces the effectiveness of outgoing heals so the victim will find it difficult to heal himself/herself.
    Vulnerability – stacks in intensity. This reduces the target’s armour.

    Support and damage are very interlinked in some skills. A few boons raise damage output and I included them in Support as the Arenanet devs said that helping allies kill things faster is support. I can dig that, but I’m still going to put (Damage) near the support boons that raise damage, since some of the skills are self applied.

    Fury – most boons stacks in duration. This one raises critical chance. (Damage)
    Might – the only boon that stacks in intensity. This gives damage to every attack. (Damage)
    Protection – reduces incoming damage by a lot (a third reduction as of this writing).
    Quickness – makes skills and actions faster. (2x fast)
    Regeneration – regenerates health.
    Stability – makes you immune to chilled, crippled, knockbacks, knockdowns and launches.
    Swiftness – raises movement speed by a third.
    Vigor – regenerates endurance allowing you to dodge more.
    Retaliation – does damage every time an opponent attacks you. (Damage)

    This is where things start to get extreme, GW2 style. I paraphrased the devs there a little bit. Cowabunga. Control effects are defensive and movement based. Effects that prevent an enemy controlling his/her own movement also stops dodges as well.

    Blind – defensive condition that causes the next hit to miss.
    Chilled – reduces movement speed and increases skill recharge time. Stops dodging.
    Confusion – forces a PvP opponent to choose between dealing damage and taking damage. Will probably mitigate a player character’s damage output.
    Crippled – reduces movement speed (not as severe as chilled).
    Daze* – puts all ready enemy skills into a short recharge.
    Fear* – condition causes target to run directly away from user.
    Immobilized – stops movement and dodging.
    Knockdown* – knocks down an opponent, preventing movement and skill usage.
    Launch* – tosses an opponent into the air a short way.
    Pull* – pulls a target to you. It might also pull you to the enemy as well, not sure yet.
    Push* – aka knockback – pushes target away.
    Stun* – immobilizes target and prevents skill usage. Some skills can break stun.
    Retaliation – boon that damages enemies that attack you will force opponent to mitigate his/her own damage output.
    Weakness – condition that reduces incoming damage and endurance regeneration.
    * – interrupts as well.
    Well there you go…now you know what those funny little icons do above your health orb. Well you don’t cause I didn’t show you the icons…they’re pretty self explanatory though. Fine…don’t panic…

    big news domani

    Originally Posted by Martin Kerstein (Anet)
    Hey everybody.

    We will have a blog post going live tomorrow that will talk in length about our microtransaction philosophy. As usual, I recommend to stay calm and not jump to conclusions based on speculations.
    Last edited by LuKas; 20th March 2012 at 01:53.
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  11. #806
    Chief Petty Officer Medrich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiinn View Post
    gli inviti sono partiti venerdì scorso per esattezza e se non l'hai ricevuto spera nel prossimo giro
    LOL... mi piace scoprire come giorno dopo giorno sto rincoglionendo come un vecchio
    TY Jinn, almeno smetto di sperare e di guardare la posta ogni 3 minuti.
    Dicono che sia una persona cattivissima, ma non mi conoscono....
    Ho il cuore di un bambino io..... sulla scrivania dentro un vaso da fiori

  12. #807
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    praticamente una specie rmah simil diablo
    però simpatico che con i soldi ingame (gold) si potranno comprare i servizi/skin, sicuramente il cambio sarà pesantissimo, ma tanto sti gold mi sa che non serviranno a molto altro.Per i set dei dung o reward events c'è il karma, che non può essere scambiato con nulla DEVI fare le cose per averlo.
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  13. #808
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    diablo 3 is here .. in piccolo ghgh
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  14. #809
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuKas View Post

    diablo 3 is here .. in piccolo ghgh
    d3 ha fatto 4 cover l'anno scorso su pcgamer

    cmq me lo voglio leggere

  15. #810
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
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    An account is initially set to a specific region depending on the version of the game purchased; Europe, America, Korea, Taiwan or Japan. Players from Europe, America and Korea may freely move among those three regions. Regardless of the account’s home region, players in all regions can meet and form parties in international districts (instances of in-game outposts). These districts are also in the language of the original region.

    edit: ok questo pare riferirsi a gw1, ma sembra sara' la stessa cosa nel 2
    Last edited by Devon; 22nd March 2012 at 01:41.

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