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Thread: GW2 Pre-release thread

  1. #1816
    Lieutenant Commander Pazzo's Avatar
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    per quanto mi riguarda sono due delle razze con meno carisma mai viste nella storia degli mmo -.-

  2. #1817
    Lieutenant Commander Galandil's Avatar
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    Ah beh, sorpresa molto simpatica questa. Imo cmq è poco "interessante" per chi vorrà provare il succo di questo BWE, e cioé il balancing delle classi/skills, però per chi ha voglia di vedere ste razze con le relative zone di partenza non è mica brutto.

  3. #1818
    Master Chief Petty Officer finalyoko hellslayer's Avatar
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    imho Asura too cool....

    Fisso che faro' Asura..... cmq in generale a parte i charr il resto sono razze "classiche" viste e riviste (forse l'uomo norn ha la particolarita' di essere veramente "grosso")
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  4. #1819
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    asura mi ricorda troppo i lurikeen o i coboldi sarà la mia razza.
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  5. #1820
    Zaider's Avatar
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    Nella pianura della nebbia..


    asura tutta la vita *_*

    ma nel bwe danno dei pg già pronti al pvp o tocca expare?

  6. #1821
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Tilt's Avatar
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    Nel BwE così come nel gioco se vai a fare PvP ti boosta a liv 80.
    Ovviamente il PvE e i livelli ti permettono di prendere delle skill di classe da usare poi in PvP.

    Se qualcuno cerca gilda e/o vuole organizzarsi per un gruppo di gioco su GW2 mi faccia sapere
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  7. #1822
    Lieutenant Commander Galandil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaider View Post
    asura tutta la vita *_*

    ma nel bwe danno dei pg già pronti al pvp o tocca expare?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tilt View Post
    Nel BwE così come nel gioco se vai a fare PvP ti boosta a liv 80.
    Ovviamente il PvE e i livelli ti permettono di prendere delle skill di classe da usare poi in PvP.

    Se qualcuno cerca gilda e/o vuole organizzarsi per un gruppo di gioco su GW2 mi faccia sapere
    Sigh, dopo tutto sto thread e infinite info in rete non avete ancora capito na mazza della differenza fra PvE, WvW e sPvP e di come funziona il discorso pg nel bwe (e cioé: uguale al gioco in futura release).

    sPvP: PG già 80, cappati, con TUTTE le skills/punti traits/equip a disposizione. No skills razziali in sPvP, though.
    PvE: Fare tutto da 0.
    WvW: pg da PvE, che mantiene TUTTE le sue caratteristiche/equip tranne il lvl, che viene boostato a 80.

    Claro mo?

  8. #1823
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Tilt's Avatar
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    Certo che lo so, era per dare una risposta rapida del tipo puoi anche non fare mai PvE e fare solo PvP strutturato oppure roamare nel WvW anche a livello 1 .
    E cmq potrebbero cambiare le cose dal BWE alla release. :P
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  9. #1824
    Lieutenant Commander Galandil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilt View Post
    Certo che lo so, era per dare una risposta rapida del tipo puoi anche non fare mai PvE e fare solo PvP strutturato oppure roamare nel WvW anche a livello 1 .
    Si, ma se gli dici che il PvE gli permette di prendere le skill da usare in "PvP", Zaider che è giù tordo di suo ( ) impazzisce e inizia a spammare "ma che stronzata è??? E' una truffah!!!" ecc.
    Soprattutto da chi viene da un mmorpg qualsiasi che non sia GW1, possono capire male la differenza fondamentale tra sPvP e WvW (che sono entrambi PvP, ma con concept diametralmente opposti).

    E cmq potrebbero cambiare le cose dal BWE alla release. :P
    Relativamente al principio cardine dell'sPvP, è più probabile che berlusconi diventi comunista sul letto di morte.
    Arenanet non è mica la blizzmerda.

  10. #1825
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Tilt's Avatar
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    Tu non giochi a Diablo 3?
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  11. #1826
    Lieutenant Commander Galandil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilt View Post
    Tu non giochi a Diablo 3?
    Last edited by Galandil; 10th July 2012 at 00:52.

  12. #1827
    Zaider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galandil View Post

    lo sappiamo che nerdi peso a diablo, non te ne devi vergognare

  13. #1828
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    in the new Gamespot Asura Play-Through video, at around 54:44, the new Deposit All Colltectibles option is show to have been added. This should make people pretty happy.

    at around 24:00 you will see a new addition added to BWE3 called Vistas. These are a new Achievement.


    Vistas are jumping puzzles found in each zone, which are added in addition to the other zone achievements found in game. You must reach the point where there is a floating scroll and you get a nice cinematic cut scene. Vistas show up as a green triangle on your map. I am assuming that the current jumping puzzles will be included already. Currently there are 135 Vistas to explore in the world map.

    preciso che vistas =/ da jump puzzle con tesoro finale, questi achv sono + facili e markiati nella mappa, mentre i jump puzzle con tesoro sono da scoprire
    Last edited by LuKas; 10th July 2012 at 16:30.
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  14. #1829
    Lieutenant Commander Galandil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuKas View Post
    in the new Gamespot Asura Play-Through video, at around 54:44, the new Deposit All Colltectibles option is show to have been added. This should make people pretty happy.
    Finalmente pd.

    at around 24:00 you will see a new addition added to BWE3 called Vistas. These are a new Achievement.


    Vistas are jumping puzzles found in each zone, which are added in addition to the other zone achievements found in game. You must reach the point where there is a floating scroll and you get a nice cinematic cut scene. Vistas show up as a green triangle on your map. I am assuming that the current jumping puzzles will be included already. Currently there are 135 Vistas to explore in the world map.

    preciso che vistas =/ da jump puzzle con tesoro finale, questi achv sono + facili e markiati nella mappa, mentre i jump puzzle con tesoro sono da scoprire
    Il jump puzzle con chest finale nella zona iniziale dei Norn è troppo lol, con corvi/mob che ti fanno cadere e devi ricominciare sempre tutto da capo schivando millemila Skelks.

  15. #1830
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    Lewis B: Changing subject a little, how does it feel knowing that the industry is already beginning to adopt core concepts from GW2? The announcement of Elder Scrolls Online sees them replicate many of the ideas you’ve developed (skills linked to weapons being one of them). Is this finally the beginning of a shift in the genre mentality and content?

    Colin: Video games is a truly copycat industry; if something is successful, you’re going to see it repeated all over the place by other games—it’s just the nature of the industry. If you look at World of Warcraft, for example, and the massive amount of success that game has had, nearly everything that followed it was a knockoff of most of the core fundamental mechanics and ideas used in WoW. For that matter, WoW itself was mostly a knockoff of the core fundamental ideas from early MMOs, like EverQuest, but finely polished and made more approachable for a casual audience. When the original Guild Wars first came out, the idea of doing an MMO that didn’t have a monthly fee was borderline unheard of. People thought we were crazy, and here we are seven years later and there are MMOs without monthly fees everywhere. If the core design ideas of Guild Wars 2 start being adopted by a lot of new games in the genre, it’s a sign that our game is a success, so that’d certainly be exciting for us! It might also signify a fundamental shift away from the games using a lot of the core mechanics and content models of the first generation of MMOs (EQ, WoW, Guild Wars, etc.) and into different content models, which is pretty exciting as well.

    All that being said, I’d love to say to other developers that part of what is going to make Guild Wars 2 a success is not repeating what has been successful for other MMOs, but instead asking how can we do what other MMOs have done differently, or better. This is an industry where making a game is insanely expensive; there is no game harder to make than an MMO, period. Usually you’re betting your company on the game because the development costs are so high, which is part of the reason why I think you see so little innovation in the genre—the risk is just incredible, so it’s much easier to play it safe. The problem with playing it safe is that you’ll never make the next great game; at best you’ll make a good, solid game that is fun but nothing spectacular. To do the spectacular, to change a genre, it requires taking risks and doing something new, it requires pushing the limits and asking fundamental questions about why we do things as a genre. We’ve tried to do this in Guild Wars 2, and we’re going to continue to ask those questions going into the future after Guild Wars 2’s release. We hope other folks out there can learn lessons from some of the decisions we made in our game, but I’d encourage them to try to find ways to make games that are different and take the genre in exciting new directions if they truly want to help push the genre forward.

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