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Thread: [pc] playerunknown's battlegrounds

  1. #76
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    Se vi piace sto gioco, iscrivetemi al canale di sto ragazzo.
    Loota, corre ed uccide. Impressionanti skill di aiming, ma soprattutto di spotting dei nemici quando viene ingaggiato per primo in campo aperto. E, per come gioca, succede spesso. E le vince tutte lui comunque.

    Oggi ha fatto 4 vittorie, tutte sopra le 15 kill. Irreale.

  2. #77
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Prague, Chick Republic


    vabbeh grazie al cazzo lol

    hai preso uno dei top 10 solo player
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  3. #78
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    Mica ho detto di averlo scoperto io, ma magari giocando su EU non tutti conoscono i top NA. asd

    E lui è uno dei più divertenti da guardare.

  4. #79
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Prague, Chick Republic


    io guardo lui e weiss infatti non solo perche' bravi ma anche perche' sono streamer normali
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  5. #80
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jiinn View Post
    io guardo lui e weiss infatti non solo perche' bravi ma anche perche' sono streamer normali
    Spetta weiss chi sarebbe? Viss?

  6. #81
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Prague, Chick Republic


    Si 😂

  7. #82
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    dopo l'ultimo aggiornamento mi da problemi... ho notato che negli esterni rallenta molto il gioco, fino addirittura a bloccarsi completamente... per la prima volta da quando ci gioco, sono dovuto uscire con ctrl+alt+canc.... lol


  8. #83
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    A me è successo diverse volte pre-patch, invece. Dopo la patch ho avuto solo un crash durante il caricamento, in-game tutto ok (ma non ho giocato tantissimo).

  9. #84
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    sono rimasto l'ultimo a giocarci???

    ieri miglior partita per me, arrivato terzo e perso perche sono un coglione..

    ero malissimo equipaggiato (vector+ fucile a pompa), una armor di livello uno l'ho presa quando eravamo rimasti solo in 15 tipo...

    sono atterrato al centro del primo cerchio, cio mi ha consentito di non spostarmi almeno per 2 cerchi... la mia tattica consiste, quando mi rendo conto che mi trovo in una posizione simile, di aspettare l'ultimo momento utile per muovermi in modo tale da rimanere sempre ai bordi dei cerchi.. è piu facile guardarsi le spalle cosi... ho ucciso due nemici dentro la casa dove camperavo... appena il cerchio si è stretto lasciandomi fuori, mi sono mosso e sono arrivato al limite del cerchio attuale... ne ho segato un altro che aveva fatto la stessa cosa, piu a est... ucciso con la vector, la distanza sarà stata di 100 metri, avevo solo ottica 2x... grazie a dio non capiva da dove arrivavano i colpi, ha provato a ripararsi ma in pratica avevo sempre linea di tiro...
    non ho voluto rischiare di raggiungere il suo inventario, quindi ho lasciato perdere e mi sono mosso alla prossima pietra, sempre al mimite del cerchio... segato un altro nascosto dietro un albero... qui ho preso la armor ed m 16... ero su una collina e il cerchio si stringeva verso la valle, riesco a vedere un casotto di quelli minuscoli... eravamo ormai in 9... penso... li c'è sicuro qualcuno...
    ammazzo un altro nemico, il cerchio si stringe, siamo ormai in 4...vado verso il casotto, in pratica se riesco ad entrarci ho grosse possibilita di vincere in quanto nell'ultimo cerchio quello era l'ultimo riparo..

    apro la porta, vedo il nemico dentro, ho possibilita di sparargli ma preso dal cagotto mi sposto...prendo coraggio, rivado verso la porta, lui si era spostato pure ci spariamo e muoio io...

    peccato, avevo anche aperto la porta bene perche subito avevo linea di tiro, mi sono fatto prendere dal panico... il cretino non si era accorto di nulla.....


  10. #85
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    Io ci sto giocando spesso, quando posso giocare in gruppo mi trovi sul gruppo discord italiano linkato sopra.
    Per ora ho 0 vittorie in solo su oltre 200 match, un paio di vittorie in duo su una 40 di partite e 1 vittoria in squadra su 15 circa giocate.

    Ultimamente in solo preferisco paracadutarmi nella bolgia e fare azione da subito, piuttosto che lootare in solitudine e finire la partita con 1 kill, ucciso mentre corro per la mappa.
    Mi butto sulla scuola e via di botte.

    Comunque quei casotti sono ottimi per usare le granate, solo che hanno finestrelle piccole e devi avere buona mira. Ma in generale sono sempre pronto col pompa o con il full-auto quando vado ad aprirli.

    Inviato dal mio Moto G (4) utilizzando Tapatalk

  11. #86
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by innaig86 View Post
    Io ci sto giocando spesso, quando posso giocare in gruppo mi trovi sul gruppo discord italiano linkato sopra.
    Per ora ho 0 vittorie in solo su oltre 200 match, un paio di vittorie in duo su una 40 di partite e 1 vittoria in squadra su 15 circa giocate.

    Ultimamente in solo preferisco paracadutarmi nella bolgia e fare azione da subito, piuttosto che lootare in solitudine e finire la partita con 1 kill, ucciso mentre corro per la mappa.
    Mi butto sulla scuola e via di botte.

    Comunque quei casotti sono ottimi per usare le granate, solo che hanno finestrelle piccole e devi avere buona mira. Ma in generale sono sempre pronto col pompa o con il full-auto quando vado ad aprirli.

    Inviato dal mio Moto G (4) utilizzando Tapatalk

    il cane mi ha mangiato il filo delle cuffie, talgiandolo proprio alla base non so se riesco a ripararlo entro stasera lol

    in ogni caso loggo in serata se ci sei


  12. #87
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zl4tan View Post
    il cane mi ha mangiato il filo delle cuffie, talgiandolo proprio alla base non so se riesco a ripararlo entro stasera lol

    in ogni caso loggo in serata se ci sei
    Stasera non ci sono ^^

  13. #88
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    "let me give you a quick example for how it's like watching grimmz":

    Ed è esattamente così

  14. #89
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    Jan 2004


    This patch will be deployed to the Stable Servers on Thursday, May 25, 5PM KST/1AM PDT/8AM UTC and is expected to take approx. 1 hour to complete.

    Early Access - Month 2 - Patch Notes

    Client Performance

    Improved CPU usage for world level streaming
    Improved rendering performance of fences
    Improved rendering performance of grass
    Improved rendering performance for weapons and attachments seen at distance
    Improved rendering performance by modifying certain weapon and vehicle effects that were unnecessarily rendered at distance
    Improved character animation performance
    Improved effect performance
    Improved the performance of team-mate name plate, map and mini-map in teamplay


    Added VSS. A suppressed sniper rifle with permanent 4X scope & chambered for 9mm ammo. This new weapon can be found in carepackages & as a very rare loot spawn
    Added Motorbike


    Reduced the moving speed of the two final play zones for better engagement during the endgame
    Made a balance pass on certain weapons:

    Reduced bullet damage slightly
    Increased deviation gain per shot
    Reduced pellet damage slightly


    Increased bullet damage slightly
    Fixed an issue where the players alive count would reduce when a player disconnected. Now the count will only go down upon the players death.
    Action & Gunplay
    Now players can put stock attachments on following weapons:

    SKS : Sniper rifle cheek pad
    Vector : Tactical stock (for M416)

    Adjusted the color of the aiming point for the basic crossbow scope.
    Added new scope rendering method (parallax free) allowing for greater aiming precision
    Improved ADS view
    Modified recoil for following weapons: AKM, SCAR, M16, M416
    Fixed an issue allowing a player to zoom in with right click when waiting before throwing a grenade
    Decreased the time to ADS when using the 2X scope


    Added punctured wheel effect and sound
    Added burnt markings to vehicles after being destroyed
    Added the motorbike number plate image
    When a vehicle explodes, the fences near the vehicle will now also be destroyed
    Added new vegetation to the lobby


    Players can press ‘delete’ to remove their marker placed on the world map
    Adjusted the transparency of mini-map grid and coordinates text to make the map more visible
    Added a dotted line towards the next play zone on the mini-map
    Modified the icon design of the First Aid Kit
    Added Thai language in language options
    Added new key bindings for hold breath, motorbike air control and switch to previous weapon


    Improved the sound of Motorbike
    Added sound for door destruction effect


    Fixed a bug that caused vehicles to be spawned in garages consistantly. Vehicles should be spawned at a higher rate in garages, but not at 100%
    Fixed an issue that disabled bullet tracing for SKS
    Fixed a bug that caused the game client to crash when a flashbang goes off
    Partially fixed bug that caused a character to get stuck in terrain, buildings or objects
    Partially fixed a bug that caused a vehicle to get stuck in buildings, fences or other vehicles
    Partially fixed a bug that caused items to be unlootable
    Fixed a bug that caused carepackages to shake when falling
    Fixed a bug that caused a throwable weapon to be thrown in the freelook direction and not the direction in which a character is facing
    Fixed an issue with two markers being visible when placing a marker in the airplane after placing it in the lobby
    Fixed a bug that caused a player icon to be doubled up on the minimap.
    Fixed a bug that caused the same color for two teammate icons
    Fixed a bug that caused the final play zone to be created over water
    Fixed a bug that sporadically muted the rain sound
    Significantly mitigated an issue that allowed a player in a closed house to be killed by the red zone bombs
    Fixed a bug that caused animation not to stop when using consumable items while reviving a teammate
    Fixed a bug that caused a character experience the damage effect at random
    Fixed a bug that caused all teammates to enter the REVIVE state when one teammate is hit by a bomb in Red Zone while being in a vehicle
    Fixed a bug that caused the REVIVE gauge not to disappear when the character being revived is disconnected
    Fixed a bug that caused the sound volume of UMP with silencer to be too low
    Fixed a bug that caused throwable items not to drop when switching to other weapons
    Fixed a bug that caused the trace effect to not disappear after using throwable weapons
    Fixed a bug where removing the pin from a grenade was canceled by changing the throwing posture.
    Fixed an issue with compass points not matching the actual direction when in the passenger seat of a vehicle
    Added a character animation for when dragging an item into the inventory

    See you in-game,
    Last edited by LuKas; 23rd May 2017 at 16:38.
    TheLuk#2271 on
    Luk4s82 on Uplay
    LuK4s on Steam

  15. #90
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by LuKas View Post
    This patch will be deployed to the Stable Servers on Thursday, May 25, 5PM KST/1AM PDT/8AM UTC and is expected to take approx. 1 hour to complete.

    Early Access - Month 2 - Patch Notes

    Client Performance

    Improved CPU usage for world level streaming
    Improved rendering performance of fences
    Improved rendering performance of grass
    Improved rendering performance for weapons and attachments seen at distance
    Improved rendering performance by modifying certain weapon and vehicle effects that were unnecessarily rendered at distance
    Improved character animation performance
    Improved effect performance
    Improved the performance of team-mate name plate, map and mini-map in teamplay


    Added VSS. A suppressed sniper rifle with permanent 4X scope & chambered for 9mm ammo. This new weapon can be found in carepackages & as a very rare loot spawn
    Added Motorbike


    Reduced the moving speed of the two final play zones for better engagement during the endgame
    Made a balance pass on certain weapons:

    Reduced bullet damage slightly
    Increased deviation gain per shot
    Reduced pellet damage slightly


    Increased bullet damage slightly
    Fixed an issue where the players alive count would reduce when a player disconnected. Now the count will only go down upon the players death.
    Action & Gunplay
    Now players can put stock attachments on following weapons:

    SKS : Sniper rifle cheek pad
    Vector : Tactical stock (for M416)

    Adjusted the color of the aiming point for the basic crossbow scope.
    Added new scope rendering method (parallax free) allowing for greater aiming precision
    Improved ADS view
    Modified recoil for following weapons: AKM, SCAR, M16, M416
    Fixed an issue allowing a player to zoom in with right click when waiting before throwing a grenade
    Decreased the time to ADS when using the 2X scope


    Added punctured wheel effect and sound
    Added burnt markings to vehicles after being destroyed
    Added the motorbike number plate image
    When a vehicle explodes, the fences near the vehicle will now also be destroyed
    Added new vegetation to the lobby


    Players can press ‘delete’ to remove their marker placed on the world map
    Adjusted the transparency of mini-map grid and coordinates text to make the map more visible
    Added a dotted line towards the next play zone on the mini-map
    Modified the icon design of the First Aid Kit
    Added Thai language in language options
    Added new key bindings for hold breath, motorbike air control and switch to previous weapon


    Improved the sound of Motorbike
    Added sound for door destruction effect


    Fixed a bug that caused vehicles to be spawned in garages consistantly. Vehicles should be spawned at a higher rate in garages, but not at 100%
    Fixed an issue that disabled bullet tracing for SKS
    Fixed a bug that caused the game client to crash when a flashbang goes off
    Partially fixed bug that caused a character to get stuck in terrain, buildings or objects
    Partially fixed a bug that caused a vehicle to get stuck in buildings, fences or other vehicles
    Partially fixed a bug that caused items to be unlootable
    Fixed a bug that caused carepackages to shake when falling
    Fixed a bug that caused a throwable weapon to be thrown in the freelook direction and not the direction in which a character is facing
    Fixed an issue with two markers being visible when placing a marker in the airplane after placing it in the lobby
    Fixed a bug that caused a player icon to be doubled up on the minimap.
    Fixed a bug that caused the same color for two teammate icons
    Fixed a bug that caused the final play zone to be created over water
    Fixed a bug that sporadically muted the rain sound
    Significantly mitigated an issue that allowed a player in a closed house to be killed by the red zone bombs
    Fixed a bug that caused animation not to stop when using consumable items while reviving a teammate
    Fixed a bug that caused a character experience the damage effect at random
    Fixed a bug that caused all teammates to enter the REVIVE state when one teammate is hit by a bomb in Red Zone while being in a vehicle
    Fixed a bug that caused the REVIVE gauge not to disappear when the character being revived is disconnected
    Fixed a bug that caused the sound volume of UMP with silencer to be too low
    Fixed a bug that caused throwable items not to drop when switching to other weapons
    Fixed a bug that caused the trace effect to not disappear after using throwable weapons
    Fixed a bug where removing the pin from a grenade was canceled by changing the throwing posture.
    Fixed an issue with compass points not matching the actual direction when in the passenger seat of a vehicle
    Added a character animation for when dragging an item into the inventory

    See you in-game,
    ieri giocando ho notato forti lag, mai capitati... spero sia passeggero ed in ogni caso che questa patch aiuti..

    comunque in solo porcozio non riesco a vincere...arrivo sempre al 4, 3, 6 posto ...

    gioco sempre ai margini degli ultimi cerchi, cerco una bella pietra e mi ci piazzo..

    noto che ho difficoltà a capire da dove mi sparano, magari non riesco ad individuare io i nemici da dietro i cespugli o checazzo ne so dove si mettono...forse i dettagli bassi mi penalizzano

    comunque una cosa che implementerei, è la frequenza con cui appaiono i fucili da sniper... minchia non ne trovo mai.....


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