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Thread: ALtre patch per early acces

  1. #1
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default ALtre patch per early acces

    go scaricare
    TheLuk#2271 on
    Luk4s82 on Uplay
    LuK4s on Steam

  2. #2
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Hanno cambiato lo sfondo nella schermata di login

  3. #3
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    eh bè.

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    la patch che state scaricando oggi è questa

    Destiny Quests:
    * The Destiny quest Phoenix of the East will now be properly classified in the quest journal.
    * Destiny Quests will now offer a class-based choice of rewards when completed at level 30, 50, 60, and 80.

    * Shipwrecked: The waypoint for killing Saddur should now be much clearer.
    * Saddur should always attack you after speaking to him.

    Destiny Soldier
    * The Awakening I: Several waypoints have been updated.

    Letter to the King
    * The cutscene for the quest Visions has been reworked.

    The End Battle
    * The "Red Hand Guards" in The End Battle are now attack you more than once again.
    * Strom should now always attack the player.

    General Quests:
    * Ill Will and a Last Meal: The Jewels reward item has been corrected visually.
    * Radi's Amulet: The amulet will now have a unique look.
    * Tarisha's Sacrifice: The cutscene has been tweaked visually.
    * The Terror Beneath Bubshur: The Lurker in the Dark will now drop two fancy rings.
    * Several higher level quests now have more varied quest rewards.
    * Thunder River: All wanted poster quests should work now.
    * Honored Dead of Cimmeria: The Clan Maugh marker should now be selectable, allowing the player to complete this quest.
    * Enemies No More - Nera: It should now be possible to swap out the boots.
    * The Happy Butcher: Turning in the quest items should now properly resolve this quest.
    * Dealing with Dila: Dila should now be present in the sewers.
    * Into the Fire: This quest should now update properly once more.
    * Finding Safe Passage: Kiara should have a question mark upon returning to her now.
    * The Third Fragment: Cul Chieftain should now have a question mark above his head when you return to him.
    * The Chieftain's Vengeance: Cul Chieftain should now have a question mark above his head when you return to him.
    * Abominable Adversaries: This quest can no longer be repeated.
    * The Hunting Lodge: It should now be possible to return the items to Rithriall.
    * Into the Dark Woods: The Quest Reward window should no longer inform you to choose one of these and then offer you only one choice.
    * A Relative Risen: Vitana should now spawn correctly.
    * Casilda: Quest objective arrow no longer appears on the world map when doing the Casilda quest.
    * Hunting the Vanir: Adjusted all Field of the Dead quests so question marks appear at all levels.

    * Increased knockback resistance so you can't be chain knocked back if you are in cloth/light.
    * The targeting arrows should not be displayed in cinematics and NPC dialogs any more.
    * Climbing points won't show the white particle effect anymore, they'll be world objects instead.'

    * Single use potions will now be consumed when used.
    * Item Totem of Origins has a description and works. Changed Totem of Origins to go on cooldown on on successful use.

    World Design:
    * Several instances of 'invisible water' have been fixed.
    * Some invisible walls have been removed in Conall's Valley.
    * A few collision issues with stairs have been fixed in Old Tarantia.
    * The door to Bloodrite is fixed in Thunder River.
    * Several collision and lighting fixes have been implemented worldwide.
    * The missing fences in Tortage have been returned.
    * It should no longer be as dark at night, especially in Tortage.
    * Many missing textures have been corrected worldwide.
    * The rez point in the Blessed Caves has been moved to be more above ground.
    * Black Lotus flowers in the Blessed Caves will not grow to large sizes anymore.
    * The blood altar in the Blessed Caves has been revamped.
    * Blessed Caves: The medallion now has the proper look.
    * The Scorpion Caves now have loot.
    * The Armsman's Tavern and Arena have had a few gameplay elements added.
    * Khemi: Scroll vendors have been removed.
    * Tarantia Noble District: Players will now be able to smash their way *out* of the Tarantia Stalker's house.
    * Old Tarantia: Collision on the roof in Kalanthes's house has been added.

    * An explanation of the item/full inventory overflow system has been added to the tutorial to help players.
    * Updated text for failing to pick up an item.
    * Pet users should have abilities commanding their pets (Attack, Dismiss, Follow, Defend, Assist).
    * The server selection list should now scale and be scrollable if too many servers are available.

    * NPCs should not slide when first aggroed.
    * Purple Lotus Swamp: Several resource nodes will randomly spawn a rare miniboss mob that drops loot.
    * Khopshef Province: Commander Ramn will now properly hold his weapon.
    * Field of the Dead: Clan Gaud totem object is now aligned with the landscape.

    * Mounting and dismounting animations should appear to fade in and out now, rather than occur abruptly.
    * Characters should no longer sit on the ground for one frame after dismounting.
    * The Rogue ability "Quick Dismount" has new animations for both Male and Female characters.
    * The Killer Rhino should now correctly pick movement animations that matches its speed.
    * The camera should no longer receive an invalid offset when jogging/trotting on the Killer Rhino.
    * Mounting Rhinos and Mammoths will now only take as long as the animation itself.
    * Removed duration timer on all mounts.
    * Mount abilities are now correctly limited to being used only on the appropriate mounts.
    * Mammoth and Rhino mounted abilities are working correctly now.
    * You now get the mounted abilities when you train Basic Riding.
    * If the user zones into an area, while mounted, where riding is not allowed, they will be dismounted.
    * Being staggered while mounted will not instantly dismount you, but rather throw you off the mount like intended.
    * Charge can now only be used on targets in a 90 degree cone in front of you.

    PvP Minigames
    * Better notification will flash across the screen when your Totem is destroyed in an Annihilation match.

    Player Character:
    * The descriptions of many abilities have been corrected and updated.
    * Being staggered while mounted will not instantly dismount you, but rather throw you off the mount as intended.
    * You should no longer rez in a dead man's float pose after drowning.
    * Mage General : The Misdirection spell will no longer persist after untraining the appropriate feat.
    * A few new spell icons have been made for the Priest of Mitra, Tempest of Set, and Necromancer.
    * Many spelling and grammar errors have been corrected on feats, spells, and combos.
    * Rogue: Ambush stealth charge should work again
    * Rogue: Escape artist ability should increase the chance of removing snares and roots when more points are spent in the feat. (50%/75%/100%)
    * Rogue: Cheat the reaper should work again.
    * Rogue: Agile Mind should now work properly.
    * Mage: The Mage general feat Purge will now grant a spell.

    * Flesh Necrosis should now function correctly again.
    * From the Darkness combo has been removed. It is now just an ability.

    * The Back in the Fray ability now functions correctly.
    * Brutal Cyclone (Rank 2) will now correctly increase the critical strike chance of the Cyclone of Steel combo starters.
    * Impale should now correctly scale with ranks invested. Impale will now correctly stack from multiple Barbarians simultaneously.
    * Lashing Swords will now increase the area of effect of the Jagged Cut combos.
    * Lure should no longer occasionally fail to apply the damage reduction bonus.
    * Hammer and Anvil should upgrade Stunning Punch I at the first rank.
    * Paralysis will now correctly root the target after performing a Clobber combo.
    * Rampage should no longer show LDB not found error.
    * Rampaging Horde should increase damage based on how many friendly barbarians are nearby.
    * Welcoming Death should increase damage based on the number of dead enemies nearby (15 min radius).
    * Welcoming Death should last for 15 seconds.
    * Hammer and Anvil should upgrade Stunning Punch I at the first rank.
    * Rupture Armor should buff critical strike chance on the combo starter instead of the finisher.
    * Ursine Crush area attack will now correctly break stealth.

    Dark Templar
    * Aura of Infusion's tooltip has been updated.
    * Incinerate Ether will no longer do extra unholy damage against players with no mana pool.

    * All ranks of Counterstrike should now have visual effects.

    Herald of Xotli
    * General mage feats Blood Hunger, Malefic Chant, Specter Chant, and Unleashed Power have been implemented in ways that will aid the Herald now.
    * Many feat tree icons have had descriptions corrected.
    * Word of Command rank 5 will now correctly apply the immunity timer on players.

    * At rank 5, Embrace Death will give you the correct buff after stacking twice.

    Priest of Mitra:
    * The healing effect of Divine Lance has been increased.
    * The healing effect of Divine Lance is now limited to 3 friendly targets per hostile target hit, affecting lowest HP percentage targets first.
    * Lance of Mitra now has a 2.5 second cooldown.
    * The damage of Lance of Mitra has been significantly increased.

    * Hail of Fire (shrapnel) should cause AoE dots on affected targets.
    * Grievous Injury should upgrade Hail of Fire DoT and apply a damage debuff on the targets.
    * Shattering Shots should temporarily remove shielding on the target.
    * Sulfurous Burst should give an ability detecting hidden enemies nearby.
    * Sulfurous Blasts should increase the detection area size and apply a burning damage effect on the closest targets.

    Tempest of Set
    * Divide and Conquer now grants the correct ability.
    * Idol of Set now has a stone idol visual.
    * Puppets of Set should now grant the proper spell.
    * Shock and Awe should now properly augment Divide and Conquer.
    * Static Blood now grants the correct bonuses after training.
    * Storm Field (Rank 3) will not longer stop functioning between level 70 and 75.
    * Symbiotic Idol of Set now grants the proper buff when trained.
    * Vital Shock should now grant the proper ability.
    * Set's Life Spark should now correctly trigger on death.

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