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Thread: i primi oggetti blu

  1. #1
    Chief Petty Officer
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    Default i primi oggetti blu

    finora nn mi sn messo a cercare oggetti dai mercanti, ma ieri cercavo un arco e sono rimasto impressionato quando ho visto lo stesso arco bianco, verde e poi blu, il blù aveva 40 danni in + rispetto allo stesso arco bianco, meglio indossare quell'arco che un arco di 10 lvl sopra.. unico problema il costo :P 700.000 monete...

    dunque a and game cosa bisogna fare?? farsi craftare un arco blu con tutte le spese del caso?

    per upgradare gli oggetti ci sono quelle palle bianche e quelle gialle che differenza fa?
    Averok sei un tirchio , taccagno, e pure xxxx di merda
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  2. #2
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    le armi funzionano a culo. crafti la base e speri che procchi, se procca usi il verde per la base di un altro verde, se anche questo procca esce il blu. Visto che è difficile far uscire tutto al primo colto e visto il costo dei materiali, le armi blu costano un bel po'.

  3. #3
    Petty Officer 2nd Class Bionico's Avatar
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    ..sembra il vecchio craft di daoc..per fa uscire un pezzo 100% ti ci partiva la mamma :P

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Chief Petty Officer
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    quindi se il mio inglese nn mi inganna se ho capito bene

    se estraggo una palletta da un oggetto verde avrò la possibilità se l'upgrade riesce di avere l'oggetto +5 ?

    spiegatemi raga che nn capisco
    Averok sei un tirchio , taccagno, e pure xxxx di merda
    --Blizzard B.Net--
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  6. #6
    Petty Officer 2nd Class cancer.shezhar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burbero View Post
    quindi se il mio inglese nn mi inganna se ho capito bene

    se estraggo una palletta da un oggetto verde avrò la possibilità se l'upgrade riesce di avere l'oggetto +5 ?

    spiegatemi raga che nn capisco
    no, hai solo +1 x ogni "palletta che applichi" fino a un max di +10 (10 pallette usate 1 alla volte e tutte con successo) e se da errore, torna tutto a 0

    Cancer She'Zhar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khè_éld View Post
    Cioè ci state raccontando che il vostro cazzo è duro perchè entra nella panna montata. Vi direi di provare a piantarlo nel popò di un altro player ...

  7. #7
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    puoi ench un arma fino a +10
    con le polverine ench, se riesci aggiungi +1 se fallisci perdi -1
    con i verdi di solito si usano da +5 lv in su di differenza rispetto all' oggetto per avere un buona probabilità di riuscita , con i blu da +10 lv.

    esempio hai arco verde lv 20, usa polvere ench di lv 25 almeno
    il +1 aumenta il danno ( dipende da quale arma) e altre feat per esempio libiri e orb prendono +20 magic boost ogni +1
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  8. #8
    Chief Petty Officer
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    quindi estrarre da oggetti merdosi e uppare armi grosse è na cazzata ?

    lol gli oggetti che mi davano le quest li distruggevo e uppavo i miei oggetti che come lvl sono + grossi allora il mio arco +5 è uscito a culo :P

    se canna 1 sola volta l'upgrade anche se fosse +9 ritorna a 0 o va a 8?
    Averok sei un tirchio , taccagno, e pure xxxx di merda
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  9. #9
    Petty Officer 2nd Class cancer.shezhar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burbero View Post
    quindi estrarre da oggetti merdosi e uppare armi grosse è na cazzata ?

    lol gli oggetti che mi davano le quest li distruggevo e uppavo i miei oggetti che come lvl sono + grossi allora il mio arco +5 è uscito a culo :P

    se canna 1 sola volta l'upgrade anche se fosse +9 ritorna a 0 o va a 8?
    va a 0

    Cancer She'Zhar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khè_éld View Post
    Cioè ci state raccontando che il vostro cazzo è duro perchè entra nella panna montata. Vi direi di provare a piantarlo nel popò di un altro player ...

  10. #10
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    perdi solo un +1

    andava a 0 nelle patch precdenti.
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  11. #11
    Chief Petty Officer
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuKas View Post
    perdi solo un +1

    andava a 0 nelle patch precdenti.

    infatti ho provato l'arco è sceso di un solo punto Gg
    Averok sei un tirchio , taccagno, e pure xxxx di merda
    --Blizzard B.Net--
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  12. #12
    Chief Petty Officer Nuvola's Avatar
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    A me lo hanno spiegato in questo modo

    Item Bianchi= Differenza livello +1-10 Levels
    Item Verdi = "" +5-20 Levels
    Item Blu = "" +15-40 Levels
    Item Arancioni= ""+30-50 Levels
    Significa questo:

    Un item bianco è + facile da incantare di un verde e così via.. poichè le stone necessarie per incantarlo con una % ottimale sono di pochi livelli sopra al suo. ( Ciò non significa che non si possa sbagliare cmq... ma è molto meno probabile ).
    Il massimo incantabile è 10 e non è affatto difficile da fare con le stone giuste.
    Per ogni "fail" l'enchant torna indietro di 1.

    Se hai un item verde lvl 25... Incantarlo bene ti costerà minimo stone lvl 30.. sarebbe meglio cmq usare lvl 35.. o 40

    Avevo trovato anche queste info nn so se possono servire:

    Enchanting Guide

    1. Introduction

    That being said though for the time being this guide shall focus on leveling gear that is lv 10 to use. This is because I will only use info that I have myself encountered. I may add more about my experience at the higher levels that come later, if there is enough demand for it.

    2. My gear can level too?

    That’s right your gear can level as well! No your gear doesn’t have its’ own exp bar or take durability damage. However you can level your gear threw enchanting. The current cap on gear is level 10, which each level adding more pts to a base stat then previously before. Keep in mind though that this system works differently then manastones. In this system your gear starts at lv0 and can’t go below this point (unless your raving,his gear is -1 apparently). That being said for each success your gear will gain one level. However, if you fail the enchantment your gear will lose one level.

    How do I shot web?

    You put on your spider man custom, make the pew pew sound, then proceed to spray your opponent with a can of wipcream!

    On a serious note using this system is actually very easy to do. First start off by gathering equipment you no longer need and proceed to the local general merchant. Most general merchants will carry an item that sells for 900ish Kinah which breaks down equipment for you. Just right click this item after you buy it, and choose the gear in the inventory you wish to disenchant. Please keep in mind once you disenchant a piece of gear it is gone forever, and the disenchant item is consumed upon use. once you succeed the disenchant process you will be given 1-3 enchantment items to use. Which one and how many you get depends on the quality of the item in my experience, also part of it appears to be random; as the yield of enchantment items are not consistent.

    4. Stick to the plan!

    Ok now you know how to enchant, time for some strategy! You poster, hiding in the corner, I want you to kill devil. The other guy with the funny hat, I want you to distract Knite with role play. And the other guy who wants to join in the fun, but I ran out of things for the plan to do, you can be our cheer leader; and lead us on to victory threw your words of encouragement!

    Ok yes, yes I will get on with a serious plan…. I’m bored sorry. As you know all gear starts at level 0…. which means you have nothing to lose, except for your pride! That being said spam away all your crappy enchant items on all your items until they are lv 1 each. That way you don’t waste them or proceed to face palm b/c you worked all the way up to lv 9 and went back all the way to lv 0… almost had this happen to me once.

    Once you get to about 4 or 5 using normal enchants, stop leveling it and save up your good enchants to finish the job! This way you can save your self a ton of money and time by not playing the level up and down game continuously proceeding to /facepalm. Remember, when enchanting your gear, patience goes a long way. If you feel you don’t have enough high level enchants, its best to stop and grind for more.

    Now on to how to upgrade level 10 gear the most efficient way! First your target is lv 9 white or higher, with lv 7 green or higher. lv 7 white and lv 4 green or lower in my experience gave absolute crap. It is best just to vendor or auction these items to help pay for your enchanting. Also belts can’t be disenchanted either, so just vendor or auction those as well.

    5. Picture book comparison

    Here is a picture book of enchanting. Note I will add more pics later, but I just wanted to get a rough draft started of this section due to the beta is almost over.

    Lv10 enchant blue quality. After spamming these on lv 7 and 9 green gear, I can confirm they are complete crap for this armor set, don’t waste your time or money on them unless your gear is level 0.

    Lv8 enchant blue quality. Same as above don’t use these on level 7 or 9 green gear, unless your gear is still level 0.

    White quality enchanting material. These had a much better success rate for lv 7 and lv 9 green gear. In particular I had the best rates with the level 14-16 ones. Keep in mind I had a ton of white grade enchanting supplies, these seem to be the most common from lv 9 white gear and lv 7 green gear.

    Lv 22 gold grade quality seems to be quite rare, as I only got it once breaking down a green lv 14 shield. Keep in mind though I didn’t have much experience breaking down higher lv green items, as I only bought the cheap ones on the auction. That being said I had the best success rate with these which actually lead to my first +10 item :sparkles:. Note I forgot to take a picture of these, I will try to get these again some time today before the servers close. If some one wants to donate their own pic of these though feel free, I will give you credit for it in the guide.

    6. Rumor mill buster!

    So, I know what you’re thinking. There is a ton of rumors running around, what’s true and what’s not you say? Read on!

    * Fact: You ARE NOT penalized for using too high level of an enchant on your gear. I had the best success rate with higher level enchants.
    * Fact: Your gear level and level to use the item are different depending on the quality of your gear, and where it came from. This will affect which enchanting stones you should use for best results.
    * Fact: You CAN NOT fail the disenchant phase of turning gear into enchant stones. However, your yield will be random.
    * Rumor: some pieces are harder to enchant then others. I can’t confirm this due to I have not experimented enough, but I did run into a few questionable set backs that makes me wonder.
    * Rumor: matching the exact level of the gear will give the best results. I can’t confirm or deny this due to not enough testing. However, I can confirm that the higher the level, the more then likely you will exceed to an extent.
    * Rumor: Saphira has a full set of +10 gear and is made of win. I can’t confirm or deny this due to I never meet this person. However, I heard rumors he has a +10 shield, chest, and legs. While he currently working boots that he got to +5… but are now sitting at +3

    7. Reap the Rewards!

    Getting +10 gear is no easy task: it requires time, patience, money, and above all dedication (going all the way to +6then going back to +3 back and forth really…. really sucks haha). That being said you shall be rewarded for your efforts. +10 gear is much stronger then level 0 gear as you will notice a significant increase in stat compared to before. Here is some of mine.

    8. Conclusion

    This is the end of the guide. I kept it short and sweet as new players where my current focus, as they need help the most. In the future I may expand this guide, or make another guide if there is enough demand for it. I do however, plan to add a few more things to this guide. That being said what is here right now is to benefit those that want to enchant there lv 10 gear who are currently in beta, or new players in the future in retail. I hope you have found this guide useful.

    Last edited by Nuvola; 6th October 2009 at 00:11.

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