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6th June 2004, 16:09
Mi fareste una grande cortesia se spammaste a questa url, il messaggio che segue! Vi chiederà i vostri dati... In poche parole non è possibile respeccare la battler da Hammer a Sword, quindi mi impedisce di fare respec (perche voglio la battler nel tmp finale). La barzelletta è che si puo fare l'incontrario!

grazie per la partecipazione e l'aiuto


hi, i would like respec to sword, now i`m hammer. I `ve a problem with battler (ver. hammer) i need you to allow me to activate/respec the battler in sword version. tnx

6th June 2004, 16:15
le genialate di mamma mythic...spammato cmq il feed

6th June 2004, 16:19
Fatto ma non ci spererei se fossi al posto tuo...

6th June 2004, 16:19
Mi fareste una grande cortesia se spammaste a questa url, il messaggio che segue! Vi chiederà i vostri dati... In poche parole non è possibile respeccare la battler da Hammer a Sword, quindi mi impedisce di fare respec (perche voglio la battler nel tmp finale). La barzelletta è che si puo fare l'incontrario!

grazie per la partecipazione e l'aiuto


hi, i would like respec to sword, now i`m hammer. I `ve a problem with battler (ver. hammer) i need you to allow me to activate/respec the battler in sword version. tnx


per curiosita come si respecca?
si perde l'exp giusto?

6th June 2004, 16:22
Spammato e.......

facci sapè se ti azzera la exp!! :)

6th June 2004, 16:25
jero urgente leggi pm un sec

6th June 2004, 16:37
se respeccate da sword ad hammer si resetta l'exp.

cmq grazie... continuati cosi! piu spam c'e meglio e!

fish =]
6th June 2004, 16:47
io ho attivato traitor slash e ho provato a respeccarlo thrust, manco a me lo fa fare xo da thrust a slash lo fa

6th June 2004, 16:50
spam ftw :nod:

6th June 2004, 16:57
lo stesso problema lo ha la MALICE and TRADITOR... quindi SPAMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

6th June 2004, 17:08
lo stesso problema lo ha la MALICE
in che si puo respeccare la malice oltre slash ?

6th June 2004, 17:44
Battler (Albion)

- Crushing versions of Battler have been added. Clerics and Friars may now activate Battler as a one-handed crushing weapon. Mercenaries and Reavers can now select from a slashing version and a one-hand crushing version. Armsmen and Paladins can now select from a one-handed slashing, a two-handed slashing, a one-handed crushing or a two-handed crushing version. Mercenaries, Reavers, Armsmen, and Paladins can speak to Scholars Brivela or Torradan to exchange their old Battler for a crushing version. Please note any experience or levels Battler has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the crushing version.

Battler (Midgard)

- Hammer versions of Battler have been added. Shamans and Healers may now activate Battler as a one-handed or two-handed hammer. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers may now choose from the one-handed or two-handed hammer version in addition to their other choices. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers can speak to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their old Battler for one of the hammer versions. Please note any experience or levels Battler has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammer version.

Battler (Hibernia)

- Blunt versions of Battler have been added. Blademasters, Druids, Bards, and Wardens may now choose between a one-handed blade and a one-handed blunt version of Battler. Heroes and Champions may choose between the one-handed and two-handed blunt version in addition to their other choices. Any of these classes can speak to Sages Girom or Aideena to exchange their old Battler for a blunt version. Please note any experience or levels Battler has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the blunt version.

Malice's Axe (Albion)

- Crushing versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Clerics and Friars may now activate Malice's Axe as a one-handed crushing weapon (Malice's Mace). Mercenaries and Reavers can now select from a slashing version and a one-hand crushing version. Armsmen and Paladins can now select from a one-handed slashing, a two-handed slashing, a one-handed crushing or a two-handed crushing version. Mercenaries, Reavers, Armsmen, and Paladins can speak to Scholars Brivela or Torradan to exchange their old Malice's Axe for a crushing version. Please note any experience or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the crushing version.

Malice's Axe (Midgard)

- Hammer versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Shamans and Healers may now activate Malice's Axe as a one-handed or two-handed hammer. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers may now choose from the one-handed or two-handed hammer version in addition to their other choices. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers can speak to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their old Malice's Axe for one of the hammer versions. Please note any experience or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammer version.

Malice's Axe (Hibernia)

- Blunt versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Blademasters, Druids, Bards, and Wardens may now choose between a one-handed blade and a one-handed blunt version of the Axe. Heroes and Champions may choose between the one-handed and two-handed blunt version in addition to their other choices. Any of these classes can speak to Sages Girom or Aideena to exchange their old Malice's Axe for a blunt version. Please note any experience or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the blunt version.

Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Midgard)

- A one-handed hammer version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers. These classes may exchange their swords or axe versions of the Crocodile's Tooth for the hammers version by speaking to Loremasters Trygve or Joakim. Please note any experience or levels the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammers version.

Crocodile's Tooth (Midgard)

- Savages now have the choice of activating the Crocodile's Tooth as a hand to hand weapon in addition to their other choices of sword, axe, and hammer. Savages that wish to have a hand to hand version should return to Loremasters Trygve or Joakim to exchange their weapon. Please note any levels or experience your Crocodile's Tooth has gained will be lost when it is traded in for the hand to hand version.

Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Hibernia)

- A one-handed blunt version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for Heroes, Champions, and Blademasters. These classes may exchange their blades or piercing versions of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger for the blunt version by speaking to Sages Miodac or Deavin. Please note any experience or levels the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the blunt version.

6th June 2004, 18:13
cagata cmq quella di perdere la exp...se io mi expo una cosa taglio per esempio nn è che se la respecco frantu ci perdo la exp... la trovo na cosa stupida ma d'altronde...

6th June 2004, 18:38
in che si puo respeccare la malice oltre slash ?

la malice puo essre anche hammer mi pare (crush)

6th June 2004, 19:28
la malice puo essre anche hammer mi pare (crush)
non importa Mez...ma posta più che puoi che fà piacere a tutti :oro:

6th June 2004, 19:42
Sono da poco registrato ... ma ... mez ... la firma ... :drool: :drool: :nod:

6th June 2004, 20:02
E' una cosa sensata xche' e' stato fatto in quanto malice e battler prima erano solo slash e ora possono essere usate crush.
Se uno la sceglie crush e' dopo la patch quindi non c'e' motivo di cambiarla in quanto neppure gli altri artefatti si possono disattivare o cambiare.

6th June 2004, 21:26
si ma io voglio respeccare spada e non posso se no non potrei piu riutilizzare la battler, nel mio tmp finale che è TUTTO CAPPATO con 10 su melee dmg e 10 melee speed. è una cazzata dare la possibilità di potere passare da slash a crush senza fare il viceversa... se no facevano a meno di dare la possibilita di utilizzare gli artefatti su piu fronti.

7th June 2004, 16:57