View Full Version : X i bardi

20th February 2011, 11:05
Se avete una g11-15 o una reclusa (come me )potete pawnare il tunnel carpale dei motif, mettendo una macro in sequenza su un tasto con 1050 ms di delay, ho provato adesso e funziona perfettamente :dumbnod:

20th February 2011, 12:07
il cheat dei nabbi

20th February 2011, 12:08
la reclusa è la peggio tastiera ever

comprati una g19.

20th February 2011, 12:15
si certo li spendo 120 euro lol mi è costat 17 euro ed è ottima :D

20th February 2011, 12:45
non ho ancora provato... ma quindi sono twistabili tipo i vecchi chant del pally di daoc?

Rollo bardo :nod:

20th February 2011, 13:01
i motif sono buff a tempo, 30 sec con talento, se vai deep ne hai fino a 6 quindi è uno sklero tenerli semrpe up tutti senza macro ;)

20th February 2011, 15:10
posso farlo pure con una tastiera normale??

21st February 2011, 00:01
Sì volevo già farlo pure io (reclusa)
Magari faccio uno con i 4 principali e uno con tutti

22nd February 2011, 18:21
From the RIFTBARDS website.

For those looking for an official response read below. Its is as expected as long as your at your computer and able to respond to a GM your not botting. Using long looping macros might get you a tell from a GM but as long as your there its not botting. I will still be using my advanced macros because I'm always playing my computer when they are running. When farming I never look like a bot because I'm actually playing my character so the chances of me bing reported is slime to none. I've used a G15 in many MMO's and have never been asked by a GM if I'm a bot.

My petition in game.

I need an offical confirmation if using a G15 is ok and running a looping macro for my motifs while im sitting at the computer playing the game.

Thank you for contacting us regarding Rift.

It is acceptable to use macros from gaming keyboards. If you start using macros which automate multiple actions, you run the risk of botting. If you are ever away from your keyboard and unable to respond the challenge of a GM investigating a botting report, your character may be banned. You are safest in not layering your macros with multiple actions.

If you have any additional questions or concerns then please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you for your continued support of Trion Worlds and for playing Rift. Your reference number for this question is 110221-000113


GM Nox
In-Game Support Sr.
Trion Worlds Inc.

22nd February 2011, 19:08
It is acceptable to use macros from gaming keyboards. If you start using macros which automate multiple actions, you run the risk of botting. If you are ever away from your keyboard and unable to respond the challenge of a GM investigating a botting report, your character may be banned. You are safest in not layering your macros with multiple actions.

E come si farebbe a usare le macro della tastiera da afk ? o_0
Cmq buono a sapersi. Macro a bestia per i buff e gg.
Era anche ovvio che non potesse esser 'illegale'. La logitech se li inculava duro.

22nd February 2011, 19:17
in teoria puoi farti una macro complessa per fare una intera rotation, se ci aggiungi un tab/ attack potrebbe diventare quasi da bot, molto fatto in casa però asd cmnq il punto e che non c'è nessun divieto a fare rotation macrate se sei davanti al pc.

con un sham avevo fatto una full rotation che si ripeteva 5 volte di fila , tipo premevo un bottone e lui faceva tutto per 5gcd.

22nd February 2011, 20:14