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View Full Version : TP Eld 2011

8th March 2011, 20:32
Qualcuno ne ha uno decente sottomano????

8th March 2011, 20:42
questo è uno base, che andrebbe arricchito con rogs/oggetti più uber per essere migliorato

25% duration, traldor/zoak, cloak ml10, 2 oggetti con cariche int

Constitution: 83/81
Dexterity: 101/101
Intelligence: 154/101
Hits: 300/300

Body: 30/26
Cold: 27/26
Heat: 25/26
Energy: 26/26+5
Matter: 24/26
Spirit: 26/26
Crush: 26/26+5
Thrust: 25/26
Slash: 25/26

All magic 8/11
Light Magic: 11/11

Power Pool: 18/25
Spell Duration: 25/25
Casting Speed: 13/10
Spell Range: 12/10
Spell Damage: 11/10
Spell piercing: 10/10

Chest (SIDI)
Two-Handed (Traldor's Oracle)
Neck (Kraken Beak Necklace)
Cloak (ml10)
Jewel (Eerie Darkness Stone)
Belt (Molten Hephaestian Belt)
Left Ring (Ring of Arcane Gestures)
Right Ring (Ring of Arcane Gestures)
Left Wrist (Bracer of Snow)
Right Wrist (Bracelet of Zo'arkat)
Arms (Crafted)
Hits: 60
Energy: 9%
Constitution: 25
Light Magic: 3
Hits: 40
Head (Cloth Cap)
Legs (Crafted)
Heat: 2%
Matter: 11%
Slash: 11%
Constitution: 19
Power Pool: 5
Hands (Crafted)
Crush: 11%
Thrust: 11%
Cold: 5%
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 15
Feet (Crafted)
Crush: 9%
Dexterity: 25
Spirit: 5%
Energy: 9%
Spell Duration: 5

9th March 2011, 12:24
Grassie :D