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30th October 2012, 11:58
utile se non si ha cazzi/tempo di smanettare su d3rawr

Its easy! You find an item that you want to buy, but you are not sure however it is an upgrade or not. You then link the item in the chat, any chat. You join a game and then click the item to see whatever if it is an upgrade or not! Remember you have to click on the image of the item in AH, to be able to link it in chat.
Picture: http://i.imgur.com/pVA5g.jpg

ovviamente se avete arma con buco pieno e fate compare con arma con buco vuoto siete sciocchi.

30th October 2012, 12:18
Good, mi servirà ora che sto cambiando un bel po' di roba.