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View Full Version : [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XV: The Darke Crusade

29th April 2013, 10:22

Certo Joe, "Darke" :nod:

You are the warrior Lone Wolf—Kai Grand Master of Sommerlund. In the distant realm of Nyras a bitter war is waging between the brave knights of Lencia and the evil Drakkarim. The Lencians have won many battles, but now the Drakkarim leader—Warlord Magnaarn—is near to finding the Doomstone of Darke. If he should succeed he will be capable of destroying the Lencians once and for all.

In The Darke Crusade, you must journey through the infernal Hellswamp, trek deep into the forests of northern Nyras and brave the heat of battle. Will you succeed and save your allies? Or will you fall victim to Warlord Magnaarn?

Abbiamo salvato il nostro amato Banedon dalle grinfie dei Maghi della Mano Destra :look: in The Plague Lords of Ruel (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108802)...è ora di tornare al LW Basics: uccidere Drakkarim nelle paludi!

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You are Grand Master Lone Wolf, last of the Kai Lords of Sommerlund and sole survivor of a massacre that wiped out the First Order of your élite warrior caste.

It is the year MS 5076 and twenty-six years have passed since your brave kinsmen perished at the hands of the Darklords of Helgedad. These champions of evil, who were sent forth by Naar, the King of the Darkness, to destroy the fertile world of Magnamund, have themselves since been destroyed. You vowed to avenge the murder of the Kai and you kept your pledge, for it was you who brought about their downfall when alone you infiltrated their foul domain—the Darklands—and caused the destruction of their leader, Archlord Gnaag, and the seat of his power that was the infernal city of Helgedad.

In the wake of their destruction, chaos befell the Darkland armies who, until then, had been poised to conquer all of Northern Magnamund. Some factions which were part of this huge army, most notably the barbaric Drakkarim, began to fight with the others for control. This disorder quickly escalated into an all-out civil war, which allowed the Freeland armies of Magnamund time in which to recover and launch a counter-offensive. Skilfully their commanders exploited the chaos and secured a swift and total victory over an enemy far superior in numbers.

For six years now peace has reigned in Sommerlund. Under your direction, the once-ruined Monastery of the Kai has been thoroughly rebuilt and restored to its former glory, and the task of teaching a Second Order of Kai warriors the skills and proud traditions of your ancestors is also well under way. The new generation of Kai recruits, all of whom were born during the era of war against the Darklords, possess latent Kai skills and all show exceptional promise. These skills will be nurtured and honed to perfection during their time at the monastery so that they may teach and inspire future generations, thereby ensuring the continued security of your homeland in future years.

Your attainment of the rank of Kai Grand Master brought with it great rewards. Some, such as the restoration of the Kai and the undying gratitude of your fellow Sommlending, could have been anticipated. Yet there have also been rewards which you could not possibly have foreseen. The discovery that within you lay the potential to develop Kai Disciplines beyond those of the Magnakai, which, until now, were thought to be the ultimate that a Kai Master could aspire to, was truly a revelation. Your discovery has inspired you to set out upon a new and previously unknown path in search of the wisdom and power that no Kai Lord before you has ever possessed. In the name of your creator, the God Kai, and for the greater glory of Sommerlund and the Goddess Ishir, you have vowed to reach the very pinnacle of Kai perfection—to attain all of the Grand Master Disciplines and become the first Kai Supreme Master.

With diligence and determination you set about the restoration of the Kai Monastery and organized the training of the Second Order recruits. Your efforts were soon rewarded and, within the space of two short years, the first raw recruits had graduated to become a cadre of gifted Kai Masters who, in turn, were able to commence the teaching of their skills to subsequent intakes of Kai novices. Readily the Kai Masters rose to their newfound responsibilities, leaving you free to devote more of your time to the pursuit and perfection of the Grand Master Disciplines. During this period you also received expert tutelage in the ways of magic from two of your most trusted friends and advisors: Guildmaster Banedon, leader of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, and Lord Rimoah, speaker for the High Council of the Elder Magi.

In the deepest subterranean level of the monastery, one hundred feet below the Tower of the Sun, you ordered the excavation and construction of a special vault. In this magnificent chamber wrought of granite and gold, you placed the seven Lorestones of Nyxator, the gems of Kai power that you had rediscovered during your quest for the Magnakai. It was here, bathed in the golden light of those radiant gems, that you spent countless hours in pursuit of perfection. Sometimes alone, sometimes in the company of your two most able advisors—Banedon and Rimoah—you worked hard to develop your innate Grand Master Disciplines, and grasp the fundamental secrets of Left-handed and Old Kingdom magic. During this time you noticed many remarkable changes taking place within your body: you became physically and mentally stronger, your five primary senses sharpened beyond all that you had experienced before, and, perhaps most remarkably, your body began to age at a much slower rate. Now for every five years that elapse you age but one year.

At this time many changes were occurring beyond the borders of Sommerlund. In the regions to the northeast of Magador and the Maakengorge, the Elder Magi of Dessi and the Herbwardens of Bautar were working together in an effort to restore the dusty volcanic wasteland to its former fertile state. It was the first tentative step towards the reclamation of all the Darklands. However, their progress was painfully slow, and both parties were resigned to the fact that their efforts to undo the damage caused by the Darklords would take not years but centuries to complete.

In the far west, the Drakkarim had retreated to their homelands and were engaged in a bloody war against the Lencians. Much of southern Nyras1 had been reclaimed by the armies of King Sarnac, the Lencian commander, and his flag now flew over territory which, two thousand years ago, had once been part of Lencia.

Following the destruction of the Darklords of Helgedad, the Giaks, the most prolific in number of all of Gnaag’s troops, fled into the Darklands and sought refuge in the gigantic city-fortresses of Nadgazad, Aarnak, Gournen, Akagazad, and Kaag. Within each of these hellish strongholds fierce fighting broke out as remnants of the Xaghash (lesser Darklords) and the Nadziranim (evil practitioners of Right-handed magic who once aided individual Darklord masters) fought for control. It is widely believed that by the time the Elder Magi and the Herbwardens reach the walls of these strongholds they will encounter no resistance; the occupants will have long since brought about their own extinction.

Elsewhere, throughout Northern Magnamund, peace reigns victorious and the peoples of the Free Kingdoms rejoice in the knowledge that the age of the Darklords has finally come to an end. Readily men have exchanged their swords for hoes and their shields for ploughs, and now the only marching they do is along the ruts of their freshly furrowed fields. Few are the watchful eyes that scan the distant horizon in fear of what may appear, although there are still those who maintain their vigilance, for the agents of Naar come in many guises and there are those upon Magnamund who wait quietly in the shadows for the chance to do his evil bidding.

Only a year ago the evil Cener Druids of Ruel attempted to enact Naar’s revenge. Secretly, in the laboratories of their foul stronghold of Mogaruith, they had laboured to create a virulent plague virus capable of killing every living creature upon Magnamund, save their own kind. Word of their terrible plan reached Lord Rimoah who immediately urged the rulers of the Freelands to raise armies and invade Ruel. Hurriedly they complied, but the invasion ended in disaster. Seven thousand fighting men entered Ruel intent on storming the fortress of Mogaruith and razing it to the ground. Seven thousand marched into the dark realm; only seventy emerged alive. The Ceners were within days of perfecting their ultimate weapon when you took up the challenge and ventured alone into Mogaruith.

Despite overwhelming odds you thwarted their evil plan by destroying the virus and the means by which it was created.

After emerging from Ruel triumphant, your quest fulfilled, you returned home to Sommerlund and the Kai Monastery where you resumed your duties as Grand Master. Three months later, on the day that saw the first fall of winter snow, you were visited by Lord Rimoah. Once again he found himself the reluctant bearer of ill news. Your friend Guildmaster Banedon, whilst helping with the reclamation of wastelands close to the Maakengorge, had been abducted by a war-band of Giaks under the command of Nadziranim sorcerers. A rescue was attempted, but ruthlessly the Nadziranim obliterated those who tried to follow their escape into the Darklands. It was feared that the Nadziranim would try to extract from Banedon the secrets of Left-handed magic, so that they might marry it to their own foul sorcery. Such an outcome would have given them extraordinary power, power enough to revive the Darklands. A previous attempt to unite the two paths of magic had resulted in catastrophe for Sommerlund. In the year MS 5050, Vonotar the Traitor, a magician from the same guild as Banedon, had betrayed his homeland in exchange for the promise of Nadziranim power. It was his act of treachery which brought about the invasion of Sommerlund and the destruction of the First Order of the Kai.

Banedon’s survival depended upon a swift rescue from Kaag. Mindful of all that was at stake, courageously you volunteered to enter the city-fortress alone in an attempt to save your friend.

Despite fierce odds you gained entry to Kaag, located Banedon, and then snatched him from the foul denizens of that city by way of a daring aerial escape from the upper levels of their great citadel. Banedon was severely weakened by his ordeal at the hands of the Nadziranim and, had it not been for your timely intervention, he would certainly have perished in that grim city-fortress.

The rescue of Guildmaster Banedon and his safe return to Sommerlund was cause for much celebration, especially in the streets and guildhalls of his native city of Toran. For several days you allowed yourself to be fêted by the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star before returning to your monastery where, with a feeling of quiet satisfaction, you gladly resumed your duties as Kai Grand Master.

So the year ended and another began, yet even before the snows of winter had begun to thaw, once again your unique skills were being sought in the relentless struggle against Evil. This time the plea for help arrived by way of a foreign ambassador, a special envoy who had travelled thousands of miles from the court of King Sarnac of Lencia. Their war against the Drakkarim, who were under the command of Magnaarn, the High Warlord of Darke, had stagnated ever since the onset of winter and recently the whole campaign had taken a turn for the worse. The Lencians learned that Magnaarn had undertaken a quest for the Doomstone of Darke, an artefact of legendary evil. It was said that this gem was the most powerful of all the Doomstones created by Agarash the Damned during the Age of Eternal Night. Before the demise of the Darklords, this Doomstone had rested in the head of the Nyras Sceptre, a magical weapon wielded by Darklord Dakushna, Lord of Kagorst. In the chaos that followed the wake of Dakushna’s destruction, the Nyras Sceptre was lost, though many secretly believed it to have been stolen by one of Dakushna’s Nadziranim sorcerers. Some months later during the war in Nyras the sceptre reappeared, but the Doomstone was missing from its setting atop the sceptre’s platinum haft.

‘We fear that Magnaarn is close to finding the Doomstone of Darke,’ said the Lencian envoy. ‘Already he possesses the sceptre’s haft. My liege, King Sarnac, beseeches you, Grand Master Lone Wolf, to come to our aid. Help us find the Doomstone and thwart Magnaarn’s plan, for if he successfully reunites the Doomstone and the Nyras sceptre he will command a power capable of our undoing.’

‘With respect, my lord, surely this one weapon, however evil it may be, is no match when pitted against all the armoured might of Lencia?’ you replied diplomatically, as yet unconvinced by the envoy’s plea.

‘Perhaps so, Grand Master,’ he replied, ‘were the nature of the threat merely the weapon alone. Sadly this is not the only issue here. Until now, the Nadziranim sorcerers who control the strongholds of Kagorst and Akagazad have refused to aid Magnaarn in his war against us. Many times he has begged them for help, for within those fortress walls are thousands of Giaks and other breeds who sought sanctuary there after the defeat of the Darklords. They still possess their weapons and they would make a formidable enemy if ever they were mustered against us. Magnaarn’s possession of the Doomstone of Darke will most certainly influence the Nadziranim. Its power is such that Magnaarn could simply force them to obey his every command. Their refusal would result in their immediate destruction.’

Politely you dismissed the envoy whilst you considered your response to his plea. In the solitude of your chamber you pondered the problem, weighing the plight of Lencia against your duties and responsibilities there at the Kai Monastery. At length, after careful deliberation, you reached your decision.

‘Well my Lord?’ enquired the envoy, nervously, upon re-entering your chamber. ‘Will you help us thwart Magnaarn?’

‘Once, not so very long ago, your King and his army aided me during my quest for the Magnakai,’ you replied. ‘Perhaps now the time has come for me to repay my debt of gratitude. Yes, I shall help you. I shall return with you to Lencia and champion your cause. I vow that I shall do all in my power to thwart Magnaarn’s quest.’

TL;DR: Magnaarn, High Warlord of Darke, sta facendo quello che ogni buon Drakkarim fa nel tempo libero: fa guerra a popoli X di Magnamund (gli abitanti di Lencia, in questo caso) e da la caccia a misteriosi artefatti. Pare che sia anche bravino: sta battendo i Lenciani e ha recuperato lo Scettro di Nyras. Se riuscirà a recuperare anche la Doomstone di Darke, ricostruirà lo scettro del tutto e avrà poteri cosmici tali da asservire i Maghi della Mano destra e ricostituire, di fatto, la minaccia dei Darklord.

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Ciò detto...Discipline Grand Master! In spoiler la lista completa: ne possiamo, come al solito, scegliere 1 nuova. Questo ci da anche un bonus di +1 CS e +2 EP indipendentemente dalla disciplina scelta!

Grand Weaponmastery

This Discipline enables a Grand Master to become supremely efficient in the use of all weapons. When you enter combat with one of your Grand Weaponmastery weapons, you add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Defender, with which you begin the Lone Wolf Grand Master series, means you are supremely efficient in the use of two of the weapons listed below. For each book that you complete in the Lone Wolf Grand Master series (Books 13–20), you will gain mastery of an additional weapon. For example, if you complete The Plague Lords of Ruel and have the Grand Master Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery at the beginning of the next Lone Wolf Grand Master book, you may choose an additional Weapon to gain mastery of.

If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 5 to any number that you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.

Animal Mastery

Grand Masters have considerable control over hostile, non-sentient creatures. Also, they have the ability to converse with birds and fishes, and use them as guides.

Deliverance (Advanced Curing)

Grand Masters are able to use their healing power to repair serious battle-wounds. If, whilst in combat, their ENDURANCE is reduced to 8 points or less, they can draw upon their mastery to restore 20 ENDURANCE points. This ability can only be used once every 20 days.

Assimilance (Advanced Invisibility)

Grand Masters are able to effect striking changes to their physical appearance, and maintain these changes over a period of a few days. They have also mastered advanced camouflage techniques that make them virtually undetectable in an open landscape.

Grand Huntmastery

Grand Masters are able to see in total darkness and have greatly heightened senses of touch and taste. If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.

Grand Pathsmanship

Grand Masters are able to resist entrapment by hostile plants and have a super-awareness of ambush, or the threat of ambush, in woods and dense forests.


When using their psychic ability to attack an enemy, Grand Masters may add 8 points to their COMBAT SKILL. For every round in which Kai-surge is used, Grand Masters need only deduct 1 ENDURANCE point. When using the weaker psychic attack—Mindblast—they may add 4 points without loss of ENDURANCE points. (Kai-surge, Psi-surge, and Mindblast cannot be used simultaneously.)
Grand Masters cannot use Kai-surge if their ENDURANCE score falls to 6 points or below.


In psychic combat, Grand Masters are able to construct mind fortresses capable of protecting themselves and others. The strength and capacity of these fortresses increase as a Grand Master advances in rank.

Grand Nexus

Grand Masters are able to withstand contact with harmful elements, such as flames and acids, for upwards of an hour in duration. This ability increases as a Grand Master advances in rank.

Telegnosis (Advanced Divination)

This Discipline enables a Grand Master to spirit-walk for far greater lengths of time, and with far fewer ill effects. Duration and the protection of his inanimate body increase as a Grand Master advances in rank.


Under the tutelage of Lord Rimoah, you have been able to master the rudimentary skills of battle-magic, as taught to the Vakeros—the native warriors of Dessi. These skills include the basic use of Old Kingdom Spells such as Shield, Power Word, and Invisible Fist. As you advance in rank, so will your knowledge and mastery of Old Kingdom magic increase.


Under the tutelage of Guildmaster Banedon, you have mastered the elementary spells of Left-handed magic, as practised by the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star. These spells include Lightning Hand, Levitation, and Mind Charm. As you advance in rank, so will your knowledge and mastery of Left-handed magic increase, enabling you to craft new Kai weapons and artefacts.

E ora...Upgrade Time! (in spoiler, quelli precedenti)

Kai Grand Guardian

Animal Mastery
Kai Grand Guardians with this Discipline are able to summon a limited number of forest animals to their location. The creatures so summoned will become loyal and willing allies, willing to do the Kai Grand Guardian’s bidding. This ability can only be used in an outdoor setting.

Kai Grand Guardians who possess this skill are able to create a cloud of fog-like vapour within 15 yards of their location. This fog will obscure both normal and infravision. The duration of the fog increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Grand Huntmastery
Kai Grand Guardians with this skill enjoy increased mobility when travelling across all types of terrain, whether on foot or on horseback. This improved ability is very useful when used to outdistance a pursuing enemy.

Kai Grand Guardians who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to attack up to three enemies in psychic combat simultaneously.

Kai Grand Guardians who possess this Discipline are able to exercise a defensive psychic skill known as Mindblend. This cloaking ability enables them to both protect and hide their minds from being detected by a hostile psychic probe.

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
Splinter—This causes breakable items such as bottles, jugs, mirrors, windows, etc., to shatter to pieces. The range of this spell increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Flameshaft—This causes the tip of any Arrow, or arrow-like missile, to burn fiercely with a magical flame which cannot readily be extinguished by normal means.

Sun Knight
If you are a Grand Master who has reached the rank of Sun Knight (6 Disciplines), you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Grand Weaponmastery
Sun Knights with this Discipline are able to wield two-handed weapons (i.e. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, and Spear) with full effect, using only one hand.

Sun Knights who possess this skill are able to repair serious wounds sustained by creatures other than themselves. By the laying of hands upon the affected creature’s body, a Sun Knight can cause an open wound (or other serious injury) to mend itself. The speed at which this healing takes place increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Grand Pathsmanship
Kai Sun Knights with this skill are able to repel at will all normal-sized insects within a radius of three yards. The range and number of insects so affected increase considerably as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Grand Nexus
Sun Knights who possess Mastery of this Discipline are able to feign death. By placing themselves into a state of suspended animation, outwardly they are able to achieve all semblance of being truly dead. However, whilst in this state the only sense that a Sun Knight retains is the ability to hear.

Sun Knights who possess this Discipline are able to communicate telepathically over great distances. Initially the range of this ability is approximately 100 miles, but this distance increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Knight are able to use the following Brotherhood Spells:

Halt Missile—This causes any projected or hurled missile (e.g. arrows, axes, crossbow bolts) which may pose an immediate threat to the life of a Sun Knight, to cease its flight and remain stationary in mid-air. The effect of the spell lasts for 2–3 seconds, allowing the Sun Knight sufficient time to move away from its line of flight. Initially only one missile can be affected by this spell, but the number increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Strength—By casting this spell, a Sun Knight is able to greatly increase his or her physical strength for a short duration. It can be used to lift or move heavy objects, or to effect a temporary increase in COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores whilst fighting an enemy.

A voi la scelta! :D

29th April 2013, 10:26
Prendiamoci Nexus così oltre a Ignore Pain abbiamo anche Feign Death nel caso girassimo il Boss al tank xD

29th April 2013, 10:46
Facciamo Magi-Magic così finiamo di biclassare serimente...

29th April 2013, 10:46
Grand Nexus anche per me.

29th April 2013, 11:51
Magi- magic anche per me :nod:

29th April 2013, 12:31

29th April 2013, 13:35
animal mastery! :forever:

29th April 2013, 13:51

29th April 2013, 15:05
E con una maggioranza risicata, la nostra nuova disciplina è Magi-Magic!

L'equipment è il solito standard, quindi refilliamo la faretra, prendiamo la Laumpspur e riempiamo i buchi di Meal normali!

Qualche parola di incoraggiamento da Joe..

Your mission to thwart Magnaarn’s quest for the Doomstone of Darke will be fraught with deadly dangers. Be wary and on your guard at all times, for the warriors of Nyras are still a formidable enemy despite their recent defeats on the battlefields of the Western Tentarias.

Some of the things that you will find during your mission will be of use to you in this and future Lone Wolf books, while others may be red herrings of no real value at all. If you discover items, be selective in what you choose to keep.

Pick your Grand Master Disciplines with care, for a wise choice will enable any player to complete the quest, no matter how weak their initial COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores may be. Successful completion of previous Lone Wolf adventures, although an advantage, is not essential for the completion of this Grand Master adventure.

The lives of thousands of Lencian crusaders besieging the city of Darke and, ultimately, the final outcome of their war against the hated Drakkarim depends on the success of your mission. May the light of Kai and Ishir be your guide as you venture into the Helotry of Nyras.

For Sommerlund and the Kai!

E si parte!

Having pledged your help, you commence preparations for your long journey to Lencia. You have many things you wish to attend to before you depart and so you invite Lord Floras, the Lencian envoy, to enjoy the hospitality of the monastery for a few days in order that you can settle your most pressing obligations. To your surprise he declines your invitation and insists that you leave at once, for he is anxious to return immediately to his distant homeland. Respectfully he reminds you that time does not favour your quest. By ship and by horse his journey to the monastery took more than a month to complete, and with Magnaarn already so near to finding the Doomstone of Darke, he fears that further delays could prove disastrous.


Mindful of the great distance which needs to be traversed you hurriedly dispatch a journeyman to Toran. He carries your request for help which is addressed to Lord Rimoah, your most trusted friend and advisor, who is presently attending to Guildmaster Banedon in his convalescence. Early next morning Lord Rimoah arrives at the monastery in person, aboard the vessel that is to be the answer to your dilemma: Skyrider—Banedon’s flying ship.

Warmly you greet your old friend, and then you introduce him formally to Lord Floras. The two talk at length about the war in the west, and Rimoah concludes the discussion by voicing his approval of your decision to go to King Sarnac’s aid. Then he offers some words of warning.

‘Be in no doubt, Grand Master,’ he says, ‘this mission you have chosen to fulfil will be as perilous as any you have undertaken in the past. Magnaarn is a cunning adversary and this stone he seeks is possessed of a deadly evil. Do not underestimate your enemy. If he should succeed in his quest then I fear the lands of the Western Tentarias will never be at peace.’

Turn to 140.

Per quanti paragrafi riusciremo a mantenere la Skyrider, a sto giro :D?

Within the hour the final preparations for your airborne voyage to Lencia are completed, and Lord Floras and you are piped aboard the Skyrider by Bo’sun Nolrim and his cheerful crew of dwarves. You exchange a few reminiscences with each of the jovial crewmen and cannot help but smile when they tell you how proud they feel to have been given the chance to serve you once more.

Nolrim takes the helm and you sense a vibration run down the length of the deck as he coaxes the craft’s powerful engine to life. Lord Floras joins you at the prow and together you wave a farewell to Rimoah and your fellow Kai as, steadily, the Skyrider ascends into the crisp, wintry sky. Then, with a sudden surge of power, the keel clears the battlements of the Tower of the Sun and swiftly the monastery and its inhabitants recede into the distance.

You and your companion are escorted to a warm cabin at the bow which has been prepared especially for your passage. It is well stocked with provisions and, spread out across a grand oak table, you find several maps of Northern Magnamund. Aided by Lord Floras, you study these maps and use them to chart your course to the Lencian city-port of Vadera. Bo’sun Nolrim is informed of your chosen route and, as he sets about implementing your course, you settle back to enjoy what will be a long voyage. By your calculations, it will take thirty hours for the Skyrider to reach its destination.

During your voyage, Lord Floras recounts the dramatic events which have taken place in the Western Tentarias since the demise of the Darklords. Prior to their fall, the Drakkarim nations had for many centuries kept the Lencians at bay. Countless crusades had been undertaken to recapture their former lands but all had ended in costly defeat for the House of Sarnac. Then, two years ago, the tide finally turned when the King launched an invasion across the Gulf of Lencia into the lands of Zaldir and Nyras. The boldness of his strategy and the unpreparedness of his enemies combined to win for him many victories in the early months of the war. Much of Zaldir and all of southern Nyras were taken and held by his conquering knights, and now the lines of battle are drawn diagonally across the centre of Nyras, from Lake Lenag in the north to the marshland fortress of Lozonzee in the east. However, King Sarnac cannot lay claim to total victory in the south, for the cities of Shpyder and Darke have defied all his attempts at capture. Their Drakkarim garrisons have steadfastly held on to these important strongholds and, although they have been surrounded and besieged for more than a year, still they refuse to surrender.


‘At present, the war is focused around the towns of Hokidat and Konozod,’ says Lord Floras, tracing a circle around their location on the map with the tip of his index finger. ‘Many battles have been fought here but victory has, as yet, eluded us. Now, with the onset of a cruel winter, our advance has ground to a halt. Maintaining the sieges at Shpyder and Darke has drained us of troops and resources that would have been put to better use in the north. To compensate for this shortage, the King has employed many companies of foreign mercenaries to reinforce his armies in the field, but their services are expensive and the campaign has already proved costly, both in revenue and lives. The King is hard-pressed to pay for their continued loyalty and already several regiments have deserted. If Magnaarn were to complete his quest and strike now, whilst our battle lines are weakened, his counterattack could push us all the way back to the sea.’

Lord Floras’ report is sobering, yet it serves to strengthen your determination to thwart Magnaarn’s quest. Later, shortly before nightfall, you leave the cabin and go up to the stern deck for a breath of fresh air. In quiet solitude you see the great expanse of the Slovarian Plain passing by more than a mile beneath the craft and, as you watch, you lose yourself in thoughts of what may await your arrival in Lencia. The night sky is clear and laced with twinkling stars. As you return to the cabin to sleep, you draw comfort from the thought that the weather and the stars have seen fit to help speed your night passage to Vadera.

Turn to 257.

Joe ha capito che un gigantesco blob di testo nel primo paragrafo è pesante...e quindi ha deciso di spostarlo al secondo :nod:

You rise at dawn and peer out of the cabin porthole to be greeted by a wondrous sight, for the Skyrider is now flying west along the Tentarias, the great divide that parts the two continents of Magnamund. You are soaring more than a mile above blue-green waters which shimmer in the early morning sun. Sunlight is also reflecting from the snow-capped mountain peaks of the Great Bor and Boradon Mountains which rise up on either side to form a gigantic corridor of unyielding stone. Fondly the crew cast their eyes across the northern landscape, for this is the magnificent realm of Bor, the place of their birth, and many years have elapsed since they last visited their native land.

The weather remains clear and swift progress is made as the Skyrider follows its course along the Tentarias towards the Gulf of Lencia. By mid-morning you pass within a few miles of Humbold, capital of Eru; then emerge from the mountain corridor to a less enchanting sight. To the north, as far as the eye can see, stretches a dull and sickly mire. It is the infamous Hellswamp, an infernal morass of twisted vegetation and treacherous, shifting mudflats. Slowly the hours pass and the anticipation of your arrival at Vadera steadily grows. Then, at two hours past noon, the lookout catches first sight of the city-port nestling in its protected bay along the Lencian coast. You join Nolrim at the prow as skilfully he begins a descent towards the main square, the only place large enough to accommodate the craft in the closely packed quarters of this populous city.

At first, the sight of the Skyrider gliding towards their city causes a wave of panic among the Vaderans, who mistake it for a Drakkarim machine of war. But this initial fear is soon assuaged when the tower lookouts pass word that your mast bears a Sommlending flag. Upon landing, masses of curious citizens surge from out of the surrounding streets to form a ring of bodies around the airship’s keel. Then a troop of armoured guardsmen push through the crowds and the air is filled with the buzz of their excited speculation. After a brief consultation with Lord Floras, they escort you both to the Vadera Citadel for an immediate audience with King Sarnac.

Turn to 25.

E vediamo cosa ha da dirci il Re. Secondo me la Skyrider non la riprendiamo più :sneer:

You are ushered into a lavish chamber that is hung with Lencian flags and decorated with exotic fineries from the far-flung corners of Magnamund. All around guardsmen stand rigidly to attention, their eyes watchful and unblinking behind their silver visors as you approach the high-backed throne which dominates the centre of the room. There before you sits King Sarnac, his silver-grey hair framing a benign face that is still lean and firm despite advancing years.

‘Welcome, Grand Master,’ he says, as he rises from his throne and offers his hand in friendship. ‘I prayed that you would come to Lencia, to help in the defeat of that cur, Magnaarn, but I did not imagine that you would arrive so soon. You are most welcome.’

Gladly you acknowledge the King’s greeting and, after he has commended and dismissed Lord Floras, you adjourn with him to an antechamber where he tells you about the mission ahead.

‘Latest reports from my spies and scouts in the north say that Magnaarn is presently at his army headquarters in Shugkona. Drakkarim have been seen combing a region of the Tozaz Forest fifty miles to the north of his headquarters. We think that this is where he believes he’ll find the Doomstone of Darke. There are many ancient temples in this area…perhaps one is harbouring that evil gem.’

The King pauses for a few moments to take some refreshment. From a jewel-encrusted pitcher, he pours two glasses of wine and proffers one to you before continuing. Gratefully you accept and politely you sip the rare vintage whilst listening to the King’s plan of action.

‘Grand Master,’ he says, fixing you with his powerful gaze, ‘if you are to thwart Magnaarn you must travel to Shugkona and seek him out. He must be killed, or failing this, the infernal Doomstone must be destroyed before he can use it against us. Secrecy is paramount if your mission is to succeed; therefore no attempt to approach Shugkona directly can be made. The lines of battle are drawn up to within fifty miles of that stronghold and the region is alive with Drakkarim. Yet there is still one means of approach that the enemy will not be guarding. I have made provision for a boat to take you to a place we call “Bear Rock”. It lies on the River Gourneni and is only thirty miles from Magnaarn’s headquarters. However, there is one complication…to reach the river you must first enter the Hellswamp.’

The thought of venturing into that terrible mire fills you with a cold dread, for the Hellswamp is notoriously perilous. King Sarnac recognizes your apprehension and quickly he tries to assuage your fears.

‘I understand your anxiety, Grand Master, but rest assured that you will not be entering alone. One of my finest officers will be your guide throughout this mission. He has scouted this route before and he knows how to avoid its many dangers. Once you reach Bear Rock he will guide you through the forest to Shugkona. There you must find out where Magnaarn is and do whatever is necessary to foil his quest. Once your mission has been accomplished, my officer will bring you through our battle lines and see you safely back here to Vadera.’

The king reaches for a cord which hangs from a hole in the domed ceiling. He tugs it and a bell tinkles in a distant part of the citadel.

‘Now, Grand Master,’ he says, turning to face the door of the antechamber, ‘the time has come for me to introduce your guide.’

If you took part in the Battle of Cetza in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 315.

If you have not taken part in this battle, turn to 123.

La battaglia è dove siamo morti nella serie di scontri imbecilli di Joe, quindi si, ce la ricordiamo bene :nod:

Through the open archway comes a Lencian soldier attired in the parade tunic and breeches of a Court Captain. He is unusually tall, but his most striking feature is his close-set eyes which are bright above his thin, hawk-like nose and bushy black moustache. At once you recognize this officer, for he is Captain Prarg. During the fighting at Cetza you and he led Prince Graygor’s reserves in a decisive action that helped save the Eruan Guards and turn the tide of the battle in your favour.16

‘Well met, Sire!’ he says, with a smile, ‘ ’Tis an honour to have been chosen to guide you on your noble quest.’

Turn to 80.

Da notare l'addendum:
[16] (Section 315) This description does not match the events described in The Dungeons of Torgar. If you had led the Prince’s reserves to help save the Eruan Palace Guard, you would not have met Captain Prarg (see Section 284 and subsequent sections). What you did together with Prarg was gather scattered soldiers to help save the Lencian knights in their struggle at the bridge (see Section 163, Section 148, and subsequent sections).

Quindi manco Joe si ricorda quello che scrive nei libri prima :nod:

‘You will commence your mission at midnight,’ says the King, motioning you towards a small window which overlooks the busy harbour of Vadera. He points to a ship, one of several moored at the quayside, but one that is readily identifiable for it is the only vessel not in military service.

‘That trading sloop will carry you and the captain to the small island you can see in the distance. That is Battle Isle. There you will find a sailing boat with enough provisions for your mission. The captain knows where it is hidden and he will be responsible for your safe passage once you set sail for the Hellswamp. Remember, secrecy is vital to the success of your mission. Trust nobody save Captain Prarg.’

The King voices his fear that Drakkarim spies are operating in the harbour and he expresses his concern that your unexpected arrival by air may have already alerted them to your presence here in Vadera. However, it is too late to change the plan; it is a risk you must accept.

Having concluded your briefing, King Sarnac sends for an escort to take you to a private chamber where you can rest and reflect upon the mission ahead. Later that evening, you and Captain Prarg are smuggled out of the citadel via a secret passage which leads directly to the harbour. Quietly you board the sloop and hide yourselves amongst its cargo of supplies which are destined for the garrison on Battle Isle. The ship sets sail on the first strike of midnight and, after a smooth and uneventful voyage it moors at a jetty on the southern coast of Battle Isle, three hours later.

The crew of the sloop are unaware that you are aboard and, in order to safeguard your secrecy, you await your chance to disembark without being seen. Soon the opportunity presents itself. As the crew go in search of help to unload the cargo, the two of you leave the sloop and hurry off along the beach, heading north towards the place where your sailing boat awaits. There is no cloud and a near-full moon illuminates the rocky beach, making it easy for you to progress despite the difficult terrain.

If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 202.

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 159.

Ovviamente abbiamo Grand Pathmanship!

Your super-keen senses alert you to something on the brow of a hill which overlooks this stretch of beach. You detect the faint glint of moonlight on steel and at once you whisper a warning to Prarg. Instantly he takes cover among the rocks and together you watch with bated breath as two inquisitive Lencian lookouts leave their post and come down to the sea’s edge. They scan the beach; then, shaking their heads, they turn and retrace their steps, pausing to skewer a few clumps of seaweed with their spears as they trek back to their post.

As the lookouts climb the hill, you and Prarg hurry away whilst they have their backs turned.

Turn to 273.

Prarg farà una fine migliore di Paido? La nostra Death Aura sta stranamente latitando, ultimamente!

Shortly you reach a small secluded cove where Captain Prarg discovers a rusty anchor. It is a landmark, left on purpose by agents of King Sarnac to point the way to the cave where they have left your boat and provisions. You find the cave and together you haul the boat down the beach and raise its coal-black sail before pushing it out into the icy waters of the Tentarias.

Once aboard, you trim the sail whilst Prarg takes charge of the rudder. There is a good wind and within minutes your tiny craft is bobbing towards the far western channel of the Hellswamp, twenty miles distant. You ask Prarg if this dark estuary has a name, and he replies, ‘Yes. The Drakkarim call it “Dakushna’s Channel” after the Darklord who once commanded the city-fortress of Kagorst. They say it is a fitting dedication, for the waterway is as deadly and as treacherous as the being after whom it is named.’

Turn to 60.

Questo libro è particolare, in quanto non c'è alcuna scelta fino al paragrafo 350 :nod:

Dawn breaks as you sail into the estuary of Dakushna’s Channel. Prarg keeps the boat in the centre of the wide waterway, where the slimy water is deepest and the ever-present risk of grounding upon submerged debris is less likely to befall you.

Soon you are enveloped by the chaotic wilderness of the Hellswamp and you feel your spirits drop, as if they are being leeched by some unseen vampire. The monotonous view of slime-laden mudflats extends seemingly forever on every side, broken only occasionally by a dead, vine-strangled tree. You both take some comfort in the fact that there is a wind and it is blowing in a favourable direction. Despite the depressing scenery you make good progress until, late in the afternoon, you are forced to lower your sail when you reach a point where unexpectedly the channel splits in two. Prarg says that this split must have occurred recently, for it was not present the last time he sailed this way. Reluctantly he admits that he is not sure which way to go.

Upon the edge of the left bank, in the middle distance, you see a circle of mud huts perched close to the channel’s edge. You magnify your vision, but you are unable to discern any signs of life.

If you wish to enter the left channel which passes close to the circle of mud huts, turn to 144.

If you wish to take the right channel and thereby avoid passing by the huts, turn to 235.

Ok, questa parrebbe una semplice scelta sx/dx :D Ma in realtà la scelta è avvicinarsi alle capanne o meno! Che si fa :D?

PS: questa è la mappa


************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 42/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Mirror, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Copper Key, Golden Key, Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
************************************************** ******

29th April 2013, 15:10
Aggiorna la disciplina in sheda e andiamo assolutamente a SX...

Poi altra domanda ma i soldi non possiamo aggiornarli tutti al cambio corrente invece di andare in giro sempre con le monete fuoricorso, mi sembra strano che (anche a strozzo) LW non trovi un banchino di cambiamoneta tra un libro e un altro...

29th April 2013, 15:15
Capanne = loot e sono pure a sx ...

29th April 2013, 15:38
Poi altra domanda ma i soldi non possiamo aggiornarli tutti al cambio corrente invece di andare in giro sempre con le monete fuoricorso, mi sembra strano che (anche a strozzo) LW non trovi un banchino di cambiamoneta tra un libro e un altro...

A quanto pare, le monete non circolano su Magnamund lol :D

Quello che possiamo fare è riempirci di Corone droppando le monete straniere, dato che tecnicamente all'inizio di ogni libro possiamo rollare 1d10+X corone...

29th April 2013, 15:45
Teniamoci invece le monete di ogni tipo che non si sa mai, magari dobbiamo sfoggiare l'accento Svedese e pagare con moneta del posto e non con la corona (che a pensarci bene è la moneta svedese lol ).

29th April 2013, 16:06
Sinistra, forever and ever!

P.S: felicissimo di venir smentito in seguito, ma finora Magi-Magic ce l'ha praticamente sempre chiesta in concomitanza con Kai-Alchemy, quindi imho abbiamo preso un po' una sorta di "doppione"... Vabbuò, tanto le discipline fondamentali le abbiamo già prese.

29th April 2013, 16:11
Go left!

29th April 2013, 16:17
Queste capanne stanno per essere Lonewolfate!

PS: sopratutto dopo quello che è accaduto nel Let's Play di Highway Warrior, mi stupisco di non aver fatto fino ad ora un uso improprio dell'emote di



Without a rigged sail, the stinking marsh wind propels your boat along the channel at a far slower rate. Gradually you approach the cluster of huts and, as you pass before them, you see eight dwellings, each built of mud-daubed roots and thatched with rotting vegetation. They are empty but they have not been deserted. The shoreline is littered with bones, the remnants of past meals, and nearby is a crude wooden frame on which the skins of a snake and a lizard have been stretched out to dry.

‘It’s a Ciquali camp,’ whispers Prarg nervously, his eyes scouring the surrounding waters for the slightest sign of movement. During your travels you have heard tales about the Ciquali, none of which were favourable. They are the bane of the Hellswamp—a breed of vicious amphibians, intelligent and cunning, with a taste for human flesh that makes them especially dangerous.

‘Our luck’s good, Lone Wolf,’ says Prarg, as gradually the wind carries you beyond the huts. ‘The camp’s empty—they must be away hunting. Truly we’re fortunate to have come this way this time.’

As soon as you lose sight of the settlement, you hoist the sail and catch the prevailing wind which propels you northwards along Dakushna’s Channel. You are hungry, and unless you possess Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 322.

Ok, le capanne appartengono agli uominimostro Messicani :nod: Ci mangiamo del Cipotle Ciquali grazie a Grand Huntmastery e ci domandiamo dove saranno questi misteriosi nemici :nod:

Gradually, over the next few hours, the level of the water rises until it covers most of the surrounding mud flats. Here and there, clumps of wire-hard briar stand isolated on tiny islands which are almost flush with the surface. They are the only features to break the dreary landscape.

As sunset approaches, so the wind dies until there is barely enough breeze to ruffle the canvas. Stoically Prarg gathers in the mainsail and you ship the oars; then together you pull back against the scum-darkened water and continue on your way. You are watchful of the current, for this will indicate your approach to the River Gourneni, but the water is so thick with silt and slime that neither of you can be certain of its direction, or even of its existence.

It is almost dark when finally you reach the outflow of the Gourneni. It is a sluggish confluence, jammed with deadwood and silt-banks which obstruct most of its fifty-yard width. You both realize that an attempt to navigate this river at night would be foolish, and so you decide to set up camp at the river’s edge and wait until first light before continuing.

Using your Kai skills of detection, you scan the two river banks to determine which would be a safer place to set up camp. Unfortunately you sense little difference between the two; neither east nor west looks very inviting.

If you decide to set up camp on the west bank, turn to 135.

If you choose to set up camp on the east bank, turn to 84.

Abbiamo paura dei palestinesi? :D

29th April 2013, 16:55
Sinistra = West = let's go there!

29th April 2013, 17:12
ebbasta co sta sinistra, east!

29th April 2013, 17:28

29th April 2013, 17:45
Go West!

Within ten yards of the west bank the boat stops abruptly when it runs aground in the silted shallows.

‘Curse our fortunes,’ grumbles Prarg, peering over the side. ‘I was a’hoping we’d be lucky enough t’keep our feet dry.’ Wearily he searches through the provisions and produces a heavy rope, one end of which he proceeds to tie around the stem while you stow away the oars. Then, together, you slip into the cold knee-deep mud and begin the laborious task of hauling the boat towards dry ground.

You encamp on a strip of frozen loam and use the upturned boat as a shelter from the elements. As night falls, so, too, does the temperature. You cast your experienced eye across the darkening skies and see banks of cloud, heavy with snow, scudding the distant horizon. They are an unwelcome sight, the precursors to a winter storm.

Prarg volunteers to sit the first watch but, mindful that his need for rest is greater than yours, you insist that he be the first to get some sleep. For four hours you sit and scan the bleak horizon, your mind filled with unanswered questions about the mission and the dangers you have yet to face. While you ponder what may await you in the future, you remain watchful and alert, for the risk of an attack by the denizens of this swamp is ever present. Fortunately, the cold dissuades them from leaving their lairs this night and your watch passes without incident. Then the time comes for you to awaken Prarg. With a distinct lack of enthusiasm he takes over whilst you settle down to catch a few hours of much needed sleep.

Turn to 327.

Sto giro non abbiamo manco dovuto usare i nostri poteri mentali per falsare il lancio di una moneta! :D

Prarg awakens you shortly before dawn. It has been snowing during the night and the boat is covered with a thin layer of crisp white flakes. As you open your eyes, the cold air brings you swiftly to your senses, its sudden unexpected chill making you shiver violently. However, this discomfort is momentary; your Magnakai skill of Nexus rights the imbalance and a comfortable warmth returns to your frozen limbs.

Carefully you step from beneath the boat and cast your eyes across the marsh which borders the river, now completely white. Tracks in the snow betray the nocturnal passage of several swamp creatures, but none are too large as to cause you undue concern. Prarg unpacks some provisions and, after a breakfast of dried meat, potatoes, ale, and blue cheese, you prepare the boat for your long voyage north up the Gourneni river to Bear Rock.

By mid-morning the snow has returned and your progress is soon hampered by a whipping wind that blows persistently in your faces. Shielded by your innate skills, the sub-zero temperatures cause you little concern as tirelessly you work the oars. But Prarg is not so fortunate and, as the hours pass, the cold saps his strength until he is unable to continue rowing. Single-handedly you take over the oars whilst your guide, swathed in blankets, mans the rudder and acts as your pilot through the narrower sections of the Gourneni.

Turn to 107.

Abbiamo scelto la sponda senza eventi mi sa :sneer:

You reach Bear Rock shortly before dusk. The landmark is a massive granite boulder, weather-worn into the shape of a huge bear standing upright with its forepaws extended. It is positioned on the west side of the Gourneni and overshadows a sheltered cove formed where, over the centuries, the river has undercut the bank. Here you bring the boat ashore and make camp for the night.

Over your evening meal you discuss the next leg of your mission. In the morning you will hide the boat before setting off cross-country towards Magnaarn’s headquarters at Shugkona. Fifty miles of dense timberland separate you from this town and, in current conditions, you estimate it will take at least two days to reach.

If you possess Animal Mastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 129.

If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to reach this level of Kai rank, turn to 88.

Niente Animal Mastery!

Having finished your evening meal, you are faced with a difficult decision: who should take the first watch. Both of you are very tired, and after a whole day’s rowing you are less than enthusiastic about the prospect of trying to stay awake for another four hours.

If you decide to volunteer for the first watch, turn to 309.

If you would rather decide the matter on the toss of a coin, turn to 56.


PS: se avessimo avuto Anal Mastery saremmo andati a un paragrafo tarrissimo :metal:

29th April 2013, 18:01
Lasciamo che decida il destinoh!


29th April 2013, 18:30
moneta e poi bariamo con i nostri poteri mentali

29th April 2013, 19:43

cmq si ricordo che magi-magic era tipo l'arte più inutile sempre doppione di alchemy :sneer:

29th April 2013, 22:12
Vediamo se anche questa moneta è anti divination! Lasciamo che sia la sorte a decidere (o anche la death aura) :sneer:

30th April 2013, 08:52
Il fato deciderà il nostro fato!

You take a Gold Crown from your money pouch, flick it in the air, and then catch it on the back of your hand. With your advanced skills it is easy for you to sense immediately what the coin is showing, but Prarg is not so gifted.

‘Heads or tails?’ you ask your companion.

Thoughtfully he scratches his chin as he considers his answer.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 117.

If it is 5–9, turn to 298.


‘Heads!’ says Prarg.

You remove your hand to reveal the citadel of Holmgard stamped on the reverse side of the coin.

‘Never mind, Prarg,’ you say, trying hard not to sound too pleased with the way things have turned out. ‘The time’ll soon pass. Wake me in four hours and I’ll take over.’

Prarg gathers his weapons and equipment and, while you are settling yourself down to sleep in the relative comfort of the boat, he climbs to the top of Bear Rock to begin his cold and lonely vigil.

Turn to 250.

Ma lol, pure lo sfottiamo :D

The sound of a dog growling loudly in your ear stirs you to sudden wakefulness. Instinctively you reach for your weapon, but as you do so, a set of sharp fangs closes about your wrist: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Fiercely you struggle to free yourself from the vice-tight jaws of an Akataz. The war-dog hangs on to your wrist with grim determination until a blow to its neck with the edge of your left hand kills it instantly. As its body drops to the snow, you unsheathe your weapon and call out to Prarg. He replies, but his voice is distant and filled with desperation. You climb the river bank, cursing yourself for allowing your guide to take the first watch. Overcome by fatigue he must have fallen asleep, allowing a pack of marauding Akataz to fall upon you without warning.

As you crest the bank, you see Prarg stabbing and slashing with his sword, fighting like a wild man to save himself from a dozen of the snapping, snarling war-dogs.

‘Quickly, Prarg!’ you shout, as you rush to his aid. ‘Stand back-to-back. Don’t let them separate us or you’re done for!’

Wild Akataz Pack: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 55

These war-dogs are especially susceptible to psychic attack. Double all bonuses you would normally receive should you decide to use a psychic attack during this combat.

If you win the combat, turn to 176.

E ovviamente la paghiamo istantaneamente, perchè il Karma ci odia e Prarg non sa fare la guardia :nod:

COMBAT RATING: +10 (con Mindblast)

Lupo Solitario -2 (38)
Cani di Modica -10 (45)

Roll...2 :(
Lupo Solitario -3 (35)
Cani di Modica -9 (36)

Roll...3 ma che cazz
Lupo Solitario -2 (33)
Cani di Modica -10 (26)

Roll...4 -.-
Lupo Solitario -2 (31)
Cani di Modica -11 (15)

Roll...1 :( :(
Lupo Solitario -3 (28)
Cani di Modica -8 (7)

Roll...2 vabbe -.-
Lupo Solitario -3 (25)
Cani di Modica -9 (MORTI, PORCO KAI)

Non parliamone più <.<

As the few remaining pack survivors slink away into the forest, you help Prarg, who has sustained several deep wounds to his arms and legs, to reach the boat. Repeatedly he apologizes for having fallen asleep while on guard but you refuse to let him take all of the blame.

Using your innate Kai skills you tend to Prarg’s injuries and ensure that they heal without infection. He recovers quickly, but the use of your Curing skills leaves you feeling weak and tired: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

Turn to 215.

Vabbe lol. E tutto perchè ce la siamo sborata che avevamo vinto a testa e croce <.<

ovviamente se facevamo la guardia noi riuscivamo a evitare l'agguato e il combat con le discipline...ma nooo! Facciamo fare la guardia a Prarg, che ha dei bei baffi! Sicuramente basteranno!

You wake with the dawn and fix a hasty breakfast before breaking camp. Within the hour you are ready to begin your trek towards Magnaarn’s stronghold at Shugkona, but first you must dispose of your boat. Prarg takes what provisions he needs; then, with his sword, he pierces several holes in the keel. You launch the boat towards the centre of the river and watch as slowly it sinks beneath the surface. The moment it disappears, you leave the river’s edge and set off into the trees.

Deep in the forest the snowfall is light underfoot, because of the thick canopy of branches overhead, and you find the going much easier than expected. You are struck by the unexpected beauty of this dense timberland in winter, by the intricate webs of frost that trail between its blue-green branches, and by its frozen streams and waterfalls. But even as you admire it, you remain ever conscious of its dangers. Prarg leads the way, and swiftly you progress from one concealed marker to another, all having been placed by him on previous missions behind enemy lines. By using his system of hidden signposts he is able to guide you safely through a maze of Drakkarim outposts and patrol routes that riddle this timberland.

It is nearing noon and you have covered more than twenty miles when Prarg motions you to halt: he has found something unexpected. Nailed to a trunk is a small rectangle of orange-coloured metal.

‘This is a Drakkarim marker,’ he says, after closer examination. ‘They use them to mark the perimeter boundaries of their forest camps. It wasn’t here the last time I came this way which means there must be a new outpost here, somewhere close.’

‘How close?’ you ask.

‘Within half a mile at most.’

For a few moments you stop and listen to the silence of the forest. You close your eyes and concentrate, and through the use of your aural skills, you detect noises away to the north. The sounds are mixed and many, and you are unable to discern their exact cause.

If you wish to investigate these sounds, turn to 65.

If you choose to avoid them, turn to 189.

Visto che le nostre "abilità auricolari" ci hanno fatto scoprire sti suoni...:dumb:? O no :dumb:?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 22/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Mirror, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Copper Key, Golden Key, Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
************************************************** ******

30th April 2013, 09:06

30th April 2013, 09:11
ovviamente :dumb:

cmq mi è piaciuta la prestazione di Prarg....

"guadda sono ezpertizzimo, come me sarai al sicuro ti guiderò ioioio, sarà come bere un bicchier d'acquah!"

alla seconda notte di guardia BAM addormentato come l'ultimo dei niubbi -__-

30th April 2013, 09:35

Prarg has reservations about your decision; he fears that your curiosity could be leading you both straight into the arms of the enemy. You understand his anxiety but you stand by your decision. Time is running against you and some risks must be taken if you are to discover quickly the location of Magnaarn and the Doomstone. With a nod of his head Prarg accepts the logic of your argument. Then, as if to reaffirm his loyalty, he draws his sword and offers to lead the way.

Cautiously you follow him through the dense trees, your nerves as taught as bowstrings. As you draw closer, you are able to make out the sounds of wood being chopped, gruff voices, and the jingle of horse bridles. Your suspicions are confirmed when you reach the edge of a clearing and see a Drakkarim encampment in the centre of recently cleared ground. Three log cabins, two only partially completed, stand in the middle of a circular ditch which is backed in turn by a chest-high wall of sharpened stakes. You count more than a hundred Drakkarim labouring to complete this forest outpost, while another fifty or so stand guard along its perimeter wall. They look well-equipped; all are clad in thick furs and studded leather armour, and they wield weapons which are unmistakably fresh from the forge.

Illustration IV—Suddenly the door swings open and a Drakkarim officer strides out into the snow.

Slowly you edge your way around the clearing until you are on the north side of the encampment. Here the perimeter wall has yet to be completed, affording you an unobstructed view of the cabins. You settle yourself behind a fallen tree and patiently you observe the main hut. Suddenly the door swings open, and a Drakkarim officer strides out into the snow. He pulls on his iron helm and draws his wolfskin cloak close about him as he goes off to inspect his men’s work. The door swings shut, but before it closes, you catch a glimpse of something that sparks your curiosity anew.

Turn to 329.

Ormai so che questi cliffhanger non condurranno mai a Paido nudo incaprettato ç_ç

Before the door closed you caught sight of a map spread out across a trestle table in the centre of the cabin. You whisper to Prarg what you have seen; then you tell him to wait for you here while you try to get a closer look at that map. It may contain a clue to Magnaarn’s whereabouts.

Slowly you work your way across the snowy ground towards the ditch which encircles the camp. Your camouflage skills keep you from being seen by the Drakkarim sentries and you are able to reach the cover of this shallow, ice-filled trench with little difficulty. While you wait here for the chance to make a dash for the cabin, you notice two points of entry: the main door and a side window.

If you wish to enter the cabin by the door, turn to 295.

If you choose to enter through the side window, turn to 16.

Lupo vede Lupo vuole :D

Da dove entriamo?

30th April 2013, 09:35
Avesse avuto almeno la decenza di morire tragicamente....

Passiamo dalla finestra va che fa + scena

30th April 2013, 09:58
Anche io sono per la finestra.

Ladro di anime
30th April 2013, 10:05
Ormai so che questi cliffhanger non condurranno mai a Paido nudo incaprettato ç_ç

Abbi fede! lui tornerà!

30th April 2013, 10:19

30th April 2013, 10:28
Abbi fede! lui tornerà!


You wait as two Drakkarim on horseback come riding past the cabin; then, as soon as the coast is clear, you leap from the ditch and sprint through a gap in the log wall. The moment you reach the cabin you press yourself flat against its rough timbers and peer cautiously through its grimy window.

The cabin is not empty. Inside, you see a Drakkarim sergeant stretching for a bottle of wine that stands on a high shelf. He takes it down, pulls out the cork, and helps himself to a long gulp of the glistening, ruby-red liquid. Behind him you can see the edge of the table; his body is obscuring the map.

If you wish to enter the cabin and attack the soldier while he is distracted, turn to 266.

If you choose to remain where you are and continue your observations, turn to 124.

Potremmo fingerci la donna delle pulizie se avessimo Assimilance :nod:

Che si fa :D?

30th April 2013, 10:37
Solid wold osserviamo carpiamo info a poi garrotiamo nascondendoci sotto la scatola della frutta, 124

30th April 2013, 10:38
Solid Wolf mode: ON

Attendiamo un momento più propizio :nod:

30th April 2013, 11:22
Ci infiliamo nello scatolone e aspettiamo!

You watch the Drakkarim sergeant, who is pilfering his captain’s private stock of wine, tilt the bottle back to take another long gulp. He belches loudly, and then bangs in the cork and replaces the bottle on the shelf before turning to leave. You wait until he is out of view before you slip into the cabin and close the door.


You hurry to the table but, to your disappointment, the map you glimpsed earlier turns out to be merely a construction plan of the encampment. It offers no clues to Magnaarn’s present location.

If you wish to search this cabin more thoroughly, turn to 344.

If you choose to leave the cabin and return to Prarg, turn to 277.

Ok, la mappa si è rivelata una fregatura :saddest:

Proviamo a vedere se c'è qualcos'altro di utile, o teliamo?

30th April 2013, 11:27
Che domande si fruga a fondo, sia mai che solid wolf lascia qualcosa di "nonfrugato", menomale che le impronte digitali ancora non le rilevano

30th April 2013, 11:33
Fruga fruga!

Poi se entra qualcuno cazzi suoi, si ritrova la Sommerswerd al posto del naso :accepted:

30th April 2013, 11:47
Fruga a tutto spiano! Rivoltiamo sta capanna come un fottuto calzino!

30th April 2013, 11:49
andiamocene :(

30th April 2013, 12:01
andiamocene :(

Ahaha povero Kalu, ormai dovrei fare una sezione apposta chiamata "Le scelte di Kalu" invece del "Gioco del Se fosse" a fine libro :D

Quickly you search through the clutter of boxes which lie scattered all around this cabin, and you discover the following which may be of use to you during your mission:

2 Potions of Laumspur (each restores 4 ENDURANCE points)
Signet Ring
3 Arrows
Brass Key

If you decide to keep any of the above, remember to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.

To continue, turn to 277.

Credo sia la prima volta che troviamo del loot umano! Ditemi cosa volete prendere e, visto che siamo full, cosa scartare!

As you are about to leave the cabin, you notice a lantern hanging on a hook beside the door. You take it down, flip up its glass cover, and then cast it into the corner where it immediately sets fire to a heap of clothes. The fire will cover your tracks and, hopefully, cause enough of a diversion to enable you to escape from the encampment unchallenged.

As you hoped, the fire spreads quickly and, as you sprint across the frozen ground towards the forest’s edge, you glance over your shoulder to see bright orange flames roaring from the open doorway, and a pall of black smoke rising into the steel-grey sky. You reach Prarg and together you hurry deeper into the forest. The fire covers your escape, but it also draws several Drakkarim patrols back to the encampment. You are forced to make a wide detour to the west in order to avoid these returning soldiers and your new route takes you across a steep and rugged part of the Tozaz Forest previously unexplored by your guide.

The difficult terrain slows you down and you cover less than six miles before failing light and the increasing sightings of Drakkarim patrols force you to halt and make camp for the night. From the safety of a treetop, fifty feet above the forest floor, you rope yourself to the trunk before settling down to sleep. You are hungry and, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 90.

The night passes without incident and you awake to a bright dawn feeling refreshed by your long, uninterrupted sleep. Prarg, too, has slept well, and he feels eager to start the journey to Shugkona. Fresh snow has fallen during the night, and when you descend to the base of the tree, you discover several sets of footprints nearby. Your Pathsmanship senses tell you that they are little more than an hour old and were made by a Drakkarim patrol heading due north.

You set off towards the northeast, following a frozen stream that winds its way through the forest like a glistening crystal serpent. Luck and your Kai skills keep you safe from the Drakkarim patrols, and by noon you find yourselves approaching the outskirts of Shugkona. From the cover afforded by a small wooden footbridge that crosses the icy stream, you are able to reconnoitre this heavily fortified Drakkarim town. Log-lined trenches encircle most of its perimeter, fronted by pits filled with sharpened stakes to counter attacks by enemy cavalry. Mantlets and wheeled barricades defend its four highway approaches, and the whole line is manned by squads of Drakkarim and Hammerland mercenaries. However, this formidable protection comprises just a first line of defence behind which there are more fieldworks, sharpened stakes, and watchtowers, many bearing recent scars of war. The town itself lies within this second circle. It is constructed entirely of wood, and many of its outermost buildings have, over the years, been reduced to ash by Lencian firebombs. You learn from Prarg that Magnaarn’s headquarters are located at the very centre, in a high tower which commands a clear view over the town and its defensive lines.

At first sight the Shugkona defences look impregnable, but after having carefully observed the perimeter lines you note two places where, with luck, you might enter the town without being observed. The first is close to the east road where an expanse of cleared ground is guarded only by a watchtower. The second is a section of the perimeter, further south, where only one line of trenches has been completed.

If you wish to try to enter Shugkona from the east, turn to 317.

If you choose to try to enter Shugkona from the south, turn to 142.

Ok, da dove vogliamo cercare di entrare :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 29/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Mirror, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Copper Key, Golden Key, Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
************************************************** ******

30th April 2013, 12:07
Io terrei la chiave di ottone e l'anello, eliminando le chiavi della vecchia avventura...

Poi entriamo da sud, sento odore di pasta con le sarde...

30th April 2013, 12:20
Le Laumspur vanno acchiappate pure oltre a a anello e ring, buttiamo quindi il cibo normale e depositiamo sul pavimento con delicatezza lo specchio (sia mai che si rompa xD )

Sud è a sinistra rispetto all'est, quindi Sud.

30th April 2013, 12:26

30th April 2013, 12:34
Teniamo le due pozze, chiave e anello.

Buttiamo mirror, le due chiavi vecchie e un Meal.

Andiamo a Sud, a Est non mi ispira con quella watchtower.

30th April 2013, 12:50
Go left (sud)!

30th April 2013, 14:12
Kalu :saddest:

Comunque sia, prendiamo anello, chiave e 2 pozze; e droppiamo meal, specchio e chiavi vecchie!

E poi rotoliamo verso sud!

Abandoning the shelter of the bridge, you work your way slowly along the ice-filled ditch to a point directly in front of the south trench. Here you settle to observe the Drakkarim guards who are dutifully keeping watch over this sector. All you can see of them is their brutal faces peering over the rim of their dugout, but, after a while, one by one these faces disappear. Your keen hearing detects the sound of laughter, some clicks, and a few Giak curses, and judging by what you have heard you hazard a guess that the guards are busy gambling with dice.

You decide that now would be the best time to make your move, while the guards are distracted from their duty. Prarg insists that he lead the way; he has crossed here once before and he knows a safe way through. The ground in front of the trench-line looks clear but there are concealed pits out there just waiting to snare the careless or unwary. You nod your agreement and follow in his wake as he crawls a zigzagging route towards the distant trench.

Two minutes later you reach the mound of frost-hardened earth abutting the dugout. Silently you motion to Prarg to get ready to attack, but before he can draw his sword, one of the enemy guards pops his head up to take a cursory glance over the parapet. He is less than an arm’s length from you, and his eyes and mouth spring open with sheer terror when he finds himself staring into the face of a Kai Grand Master!

Instinctively you lash out with the edge of your hand, aiming for his right temple, hoping to render him unconscious before he can warn his confederates. But the shock of seeing you makes him reel backwards, and your blow misses by a hair’s breadth.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have chosen is 0–2, turn to 206.

If it is 3–6, turn to 337.

If it is 7–9, turn to 164.

Lupo Solitario, Kung-Fu master!


The guard crashes to the bottom of the trench, screaming, ‘Gaz rekenarim! Gaz rekenarim!’

The other Drakkarim are slow to react, and only one manages to snatch up his spear in his defence as you come leaping over the parapet. He thrusts it at your head and you dodge aside just in time to avoid a fatal wound, yet the tip gouges your shoulder: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

‘Sarnac and Lencia!’ cries Prarg, as side-by-side you land in the trench and strike out at its defenders. Your attack is swift and deadly. In less than five seconds, you have dispatched all four of the Drakkarim trench-troopers who occupy this position, overcoming three of them before they could even unsheathe their swords.

Keen to maintain your advantage of surprise, you quickly leave the trench and rush across the remaining strip of open ground which separates you from the town’s outlying dwellings. Prarg points ahead to an alleyway that lies sandwiched between two burnt-out hovels, and immediately you follow as he hurries towards its shadowy entrance.

Turn to 178.


The dark alleyway leads to a square where, an age ago, the grand mansions of Lencian noblemen encircled a shrine dedicated to the Goddess Ishir, High Priestess of the Moon. But now this square, in common with the rest of the town, bears little resemblance to, or trace of, its Lencian origins. When the Drakkarim first captured Ferndour, as it was then called, all the houses and public buildings which had stood for centuries were demolished. In their place were erected ungainly dormitories and ugly communal dwellings made entirely of timber culled from the surrounding forest. The town’s once-picturesque plazas and narrow, winding streets were replaced with coldly functional military avenues for the marching Drakkarim hordes.

From the shadows of a doorway, you and Prarg observe a small covered wagon and a troop of weary Drakkarim soldiers entering the square from the north. This small procession swings right and approaches an avenue which exits the square, leading off to the west towards the centre of the town. Magnaarn’s headquarters are located in the middle of Shugkona and, with night fast approaching, Prarg suggests you follow the troop using the gathering darkness for cover. You are about to agree with him when suddenly the door of a nearby hovel swings open, and out into the alley step three burly, drunken Drakkarim.

Instinctively you both leap for cover to avoid being seen. Prarg drops down behind a stack of empty ale casks, whilst you dive behind a mound of rotten timbers. The moment you hit the ground you feel it sag beneath your weight; then, in a moment of terror, the ground collapses and you fall headlong into darkness. You have crashed through the rot-infested timbers of a trapdoor into a damp and dingy cellar.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 0–4, turn to 237.

If it is 5 or higher, turn to 58.

Roll...1 :( Anche Grand Huntmastery non ci aiuta, in questo caso...

You land with a jolt, crashing down upon a stack of ale barrels which topple and fall, pinning you beneath them: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Stunned by the fall, and with blood trickling into your eyes from a gash on your forehead, at first you feel totally unable to move. Then you hear sounds that immediately stir you into action. In the alleyway above, you hear the sounds of a struggle taking place: the Drakkarim have found Prarg and they are attempting to overpower him by force.

Turn to 225.

Sarà questa la Death Aura venuta a reclamare Prarg ed i suoi magnifici mustacchi?

The sounds of the struggle cease abruptly and you hear gruff Drakkarim voices yelling and cursing in anger. A yellowy light flares up and grows brighter as it approaches the broken trapdoor. Then the face of a Drakkar appears, framed in the ragged hole, illuminated grotesquely by the guttering flames of a torch. The Drakkar thrusts the torch through the shattered door and peers into the cellar, his small piggy eyes probing into every corner. You keep completely still, and he fails to see you lying beneath the clutter of barrels and casks.

The moment the face and the torch disappear, you prise yourself free and then scramble up onto an upright barrel in order to reach the trapdoor. Prarg and the Drakkarim are no longer in the alleyway, yet as you pull yourself through the gaping hole, you catch sight of them in the square beyond. The Drakkarim have captured Prarg; they have tied his hands and they are marching him along the west avenue towards the centre of the town, towards Magnaarn’s headquarters.

Turn to 149.

Prarg è sempre più Paido 2.0 :nod:

You clamber out of the cellar and set off after the Drakkarim with weapon in hand, determined to free your companion from their clutches, but as you hurry into the western avenue you see that they have already joined with the troops who are escorting the covered wagon. The wagon has halted and you count more than fifty Drakkarim jostling the helpless Prarg, bullying and cursing him vilely. More than one voice calls out in the Giak tongue—‘Let’s kill the Lencian spy!’

Fearful that they are going to beat him to death, you decide to charge headlong into the crowd in a desperate attempt to save him, despite the overwhelming odds against your success. But before you can act, a Drakkarim officer on horseback appears and commands the troops to order. An uneasy silence descends on the group; then dutifully they step away from Prarg and form up in a column facing the officer and his mount. Prarg, who has been left lying on the ground, barely conscious, is bundled into the wagon. The officer raises his hand and the wagon trundles off along the avenue towards a distant square, with the troop of soldiers marching smartly in its wake.

You follow and observe, taking in every aspect, every detail that might help you to free your companion. When you reach the square at the end of the avenue, you discover that it is dominated by a tall tower. It is Magnaarn’s tower. His flag, emblazoned with the emblem of a black eagle clutching two fiery swords, flutters lazily from its slender wooden spire. The wagon draws up in front of a building adjacent to the tower and Prarg is dragged unceremoniously inside. Judging by the bars which adorn its windows, and the armed guards at its entrance, you hazard a guess that this is the Shugkona Gaol.


Patiently you watch the square for several minutes while you try to formulate a plan. Then the assembled troops are galvanized into action when an order from their officer sends them off in pairs to search the town for other spies. Several Drakkarim come towards your location and you are forced to seek somewhere to hide. Looking around you can see only two dwellings that may offer some hope of a safe haven. The first is a warehouse; the second a stables.

If you wish to hide in the warehouse, turn to 324.

If you choose to hide in the stables, turn to 96.

Dove ci nasconderemo (coraggiosamente)? :sneer:

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 30/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Signet Ring, Brass Key

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
************************************************** ******

30th April 2013, 14:19
In una bottega ci saranno loot migliori che in una stalla no?

Ergo andiamo a vedere se possiamo incrementare il nostro bottino mentre sodomizzano con ferri roventi l'inutile baffuto.

30th April 2013, 14:35
Anche io sono per il magazzino, non siamo ladri di bestiame.

30th April 2013, 14:41
Anche io sono per il magazzino, non siamo ladri di bestiame.

... a dire il vero da qualche parte siamo ancora ricercati per furto del cavallo (dell'arcere che avevamo battutto per conquistare l'ARCODIDDIO).. ghgh

30th April 2013, 15:04
Ci nascondiamo nel magazzino!

You enter the warehouse through a broken window and soon find a hiding place among hundreds of rolls of canvas that are being stored on the ground floor. Periodically, Drakkarim enter and search the length and breadth of this sprawling building, but they fail to detect you.

While you are hiding from their search parties, you consider your companion’s plight and grow ever more fearful for his safety. You are also very anxious that, under torture, he will reveal your identity and the reason why you have come to this town. You are determined not to allow this to happen and so, as midnight approaches, you slip away from your hiding place and make your way stealthily towards the Shugkona Gaol.

Turn to 260.

Niente loot, purtroppo :(

The dark alleys and streets surrounding the gaol are illuminated by a hundred guttering brands. Magnaarn’s soldiers are everywhere, casting their suspicious eyes over every section of the nighted town laid bare by their torches. Your Kai skills keep you hidden from sight and soon you reach the gaol, but only to discover that the entrance is now heavily guarded by a platoon of Drakkarim.

You abandon your hopes of entering by the front door and instead you circle around to an alley at the rear of the building where you discover a line of windows, each one criss-crossed with iron bars. Instinct leads you to the last in the line and you peer inside to see Captain Prarg lying on a bed of filthy straw. He looks in poor shape; both his eyes are bruised, his lips are swollen, and his bushy moustache is caked with dried blood. You whisper his name and wearily he turns his head towards the cell window. Then he sees you and suddenly his whole face lights up with renewed hope.

‘Thank the gods you are still free, Lone Wolf,’ he says quietly, pressing his battered face to the bars. ‘The Drakkarim have tried to make me talk but I have kept silent. They know nothing about the mission.’

You examine the cell window and reassure Prarg that you will soon spring him from this gaol, but he insists that you do not risk your life on his account.

‘Listen, Sire. I have learned that Magnaarn isn’t here in Shugkona. When the gaolers beat me, I feigned unconsciousness and overheard them say that their leader is at a place called Antah. It’s a ruined temple some forty miles away to the north. They talked of certain victory now that their warlord has found “the stone”. Please, Lone Wolf, I beseech you to continue without me. Go to Antah and defeat Magnaarn, before it is too late.’

Then a yellowy flicker of torchlight at the end of the alley cuts short your conversation. It is a Drakkarim patrol. They turn the corner and come marching towards you with purposeful steps.

‘Don’t give up hope, captain,’ you say, as you make ready to run from the approaching patrol. ‘I’ll come back for you.’

Turn to 79.

Sire? :sneer:

This quarter of the town is now teeming with enemy soldiers, and as you hurry away from the cell window, you know that you are in grave danger of being caught unless you can find somewhere safe to hide.

At length you discover a refuge on the far side of the main square. It is an empty grain storage tower which overlooks Magnaarn’s headquarters and the gaol, and it is here that you spend a sleepless night contemplating the mission and the fate of your captured companion. Now that it appears Magnaarn has found the Doomstone, you know you should do as Captain Prarg insisted; you should try to reach Antah and confront him before he can use his newfound power against the Lencians. But you are loath to abandon your guide. You have promised Prarg that you will help him escape, and a Kai Grand Master never breaks his word. The captain has been captured as a spy, and as such, he can expect no mercy from the Drakkarim.

Soon after dawn you witness some activity in the main square which confirms your worst fears. A squad of Drakkarim engineers arrive and set to work constructing a raised wooden platform in the centre of the square.

An hour later, when their work is complete, a covered wagon arrives. The engineers unload a large lump of black oak which they place in the middle of the platform, and as you focus on this block, a shiver runs the length of your spine the moment you realize its grim purpose.

Turn to 118.

Chissà che bella la facoltà di Ingegneria Drakkarim :nod: Probabilmente è dove Tanek ha imparato a killare i grigggi!

The solid lump of oak is an executioner’s block. Its surface is cut and scarred by blows from a heavy axe, and its sides are stained dark with the blood of a hundred Lencian prisoners who have lost their lives upon it.

Suddenly your thoughts are disturbed by the rhythmic stamp of marching feet and your eyes are drawn to the avenue which runs alongside Magnaarn’s headquarters. Down this thoroughfare come a regiment of Drakkarim. They file into the square and form up in three lines facing the platform. Then an open wagon, drawn by a brace of half-starved oxen, emerges from the alleyway beside the gaol. Captain Prarg is standing in the rear of the wagon with his hands tied behind his back. Despite the bumpy ride he stands rigidly at attention, proudly defiant in the face of imminent death. The wagon halts and the captain is dragged up onto the platform by three brutish gaolers. He is made to kneel down before the block as a Drakkarim officer hurriedly reads the contents of a scroll to the assembled troops. He is condemning the captain to death for spying. When he finishes the reading, he takes a two-handed axe from one of the gaolers and walks slowly across the platform towards the block. Clearly he intends to carry out the execution personally.

Illustration VII—The captain is dragged up onto the platform and is made to kneel before the solid oak executioner’s block.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 270.

If you do not possess a Bow, or if you do not wish to use it, turn instead to 85.

Vogliamo salvare Lemmy? :D



30th April 2013, 15:07
Forse potrà essere la prima istadeath con l'arcodiddio, ma dobbiamo usarlo se non avessi l'arcodiddio mi sentirei nudo come paido... 270 tutta la vita

30th April 2013, 15:35
Poniamo fine alle sofferenze del baffuto con una bella freccia in fronte.

30th April 2013, 15:36
No man will be left behind!!

A costo di spararci un 1 vs 50.... ARCODIDDIO GO!!

Edit: a proposito :look: cosa abbiamo deciso poi per i risultati dell'arcodiddio?

Io rimango fedele alla mia teoria...

30th April 2013, 15:46
Edit: a proposito :look: cosa abbiamo deciso poi per i risultati dell'arcodiddio?

Io rimango fedele alla mia teoria...

La teoria è giusta io userei l'arcodiddio in automatico anche se servisse a spararci su un piede, quindi si potrebbe andare in automatico, ma preferisco la che rimanga l'opzione di decidere, perchè è bello scrivere ARCODIDDIO urlandolo come fosse un potere di Mazinga.

30th April 2013, 16:06
Arcodiddio in azione! :metal:
Glielo appoggio a bortas che si che gli piace tanto!

30th April 2013, 16:29
Ma in realtà io mi riferivo alla questione dei roll e dei bonus che abbiamo con le discipline Magnakai :O

Ovvero il fatto che è un po' insensato il sommare in automatico +6 (+9 con l'ARCODIDDIO ma quello ci sta è un item) quando ci sono fasce di risultato che vanno da 0 a 5 tipo..

Considerando poi che in teoria chiunque giochi questi libri dovrebbe tener conto delle passate discipline e non solo chi si è giocato le avventure dalla 1 alla 12, non so se mi spiego.

30th April 2013, 16:50
Ok, usiamo l'Arcodiddio!

Per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo, direi di fare una soluzione intermedia e abbastanza sensata:

Di conseguenza, non sommiamo il bonus di Weaponmastery (disciplina Magnakai) ai tiri di arco; ma quando (se) prenderemo Grand Weaponmastery, ci sommeremo il bonus relativo.

Per cui per ora rolliamo solo con il +3 dell'Arcodiddio!

You take an Arrow from your Quiver and place it to your bow in readiness to shoot. You gauge the range at forty yards as you take aim at the Drakkarim officer. Patiently you wait for him to reach the execution block, and at the very moment he stops moving, you release your straining bowstring and send your Arrow arcing through the air towards his head.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, add 4 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is 5 or less, turn to 183.

If it is 6 or more, turn to 201.

Rolliamo con +3...1 :(

The Arrow flies true, but at the very last moment before impact, the Drakkar spins around to face the assembled soldiers, and your shaft shatters harmlessly upon the blade of his axe. For a few seconds he is stunned by the nearness of your attack; then suddenly he points to the grain tower and begins to scream like a madman:

‘Up there! At the window! The arrow was fired from up there!’

Turn to 254.


As one, the soldiers draw their weapons and come rushing towards the ground floor entrance to the tower. You retreat from the window and look around for a means of escape for already you can hear the first of the enemy climbing the stairs. With fear running cold in your veins you cross to a window on the far side of the tower. But before you reach it you are confronted at the top of the stairs by two formidable warriors. They are Death Knights, the fighting élite of the Drakkarim.


If you win this combat in three rounds or less, turn to 35.

If this combat takes four rounds or longer to resolve, turn instead to 160.

Ok, dobbiam vincere il combat in 3 round o meno. La nostra COMBAT RATING è +7 con Mindblast o +11 con Kai-Surge. Cosa uso? Abbiamo 36 EP.

30th April 2013, 17:05
Surge e spacchiamo tutto il cazzo di tutto

30th April 2013, 17:11
L'ARCODIDDIO ha chiaramente indicato che il baffo deve morire.

Non è però il caso di seguirlo sommersi d a Drakkarim dalle anti-igieniche arme a lama dentata quindi usiamo tutto il nostro potere per farli a fette rapidamente.

30th April 2013, 17:22
Ok, usiamo l'Arcodiddio!

Per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo, direi di fare una soluzione intermedia e abbastanza sensata:

Di conseguenza, non sommiamo il bonus di Weaponmastery (disciplina Magnakai) ai tiri di arco; ma quando (se) prenderemo Grand Weaponmastery, ci sommeremo il bonus relativo.

Così va benissimo ed era esattamente ciò che intendevo :)

Ora facciamo fuori questi due giannizzeri usando il Raggio Fotonic... ehm, Kai-Surge :D

30th April 2013, 17:28
Kai-surge! Diamo a questo miscredenti il potere della luce nei loro ani!

30th April 2013, 17:37
kai surge

30th April 2013, 18:40
kai surge annientiamoli :nod:

1st May 2013, 09:35


Roll...2 :(
Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(35)
Death Knight -10 (30)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(34)

You slay the Death Knights and bundle their bodies down the stairs to delay the other Drakkarim. Then, with fear running cold in your veins, you hurry across to a window on the far side of the tower. Outside, directly below, you see a Drakkarim lancer sitting astride a warhorse. His lance is sheathed in a tube-like scabbard fixed to the rear of his saddle and in his hand he holds aloft a heavy-bladed cavalry sabre. He is cheering those who are entering the tower and he is completely unaware that you are barely a few yards away.

Swiftly you climb onto the window ledge, draw your weapon, and then leap onto the unwary lancer below.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 153.

If your total score is now 5 or more, turn to 28.


You crash down upon the unsuspecting lancer and send him tumbling from the saddle. Then you seize control of his startled horse and take off across the square. With your left hand you unholster the lance and bring it to bear as you gallop headlong towards the mass of Drakkarim soldiers who stand between you and the platform.

Turn to 63.

Grand Theft Cavallo a manetta!

You steer the horse towards the platform and the troops scatter before you. All, that is, save one. He is a Death Knight sergeant, an élite Drakkarim warrior. He curses his comrades for their cowardice and, as you bear down on him with your lance levelled at his chest, he draws his sword and gets ready to meet your attack head-on. Then the tip of your lance strikes his steel breastplate and you are forced back in your saddle with a jolt that leaves you breathless.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE points score is 12 or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 2 or less, turn to 82.

If it is 3 or higher, turn to 348.

Abbiamo +2 al Roll, quindi failiamo solo con 0 e 1...


The tip of your lance penetrates the Death Knight’s armoured breastplate and kills him instantly. The force of the blow is such that it snaps the lance in two and nearly knocks you clean out of your saddle, but you manage to hold tight and quickly you recover. Moments later you reach the platform to see Captain Prarg struggling to break free from his gaolers. He succeeds and he comes running towards you. With a yell he leaps from the platform and lands astride the rump of your horse.

‘Go, Lone Wolf, go!’ he shouts, excitedly.

You dig your heels into the horse’s flanks and take off through the confused mass of Drakkarim towards an avenue on the north side of the square. Prarg’s hands are still tied behind his back and in order to stop himself from falling off the horse, he is forced to hang on to your cloak with his teeth.

You gallop out of the square and along the northern avenue which is flanked by barracks and hovels. Arrows come whistling from their windows but they are poorly aimed and fly wide of their mark. You glance over your shoulder and see that some Drakkarim horsemen are grouping up at the exit from the square in order to give chase. You urge the horse onwards, and as you speed towards a distant corner, you use your Magnakai skill of Nexus to loosen Prarg’s bonds. Minutes later you turn the corner and see the road which leads out of Shugkona. Your spirits rise, but they are quickly dashed when you see that your route of escape is blocked.

Turn to 22.

Prarg è sorprendentemente resistente alla Death Aura, per essere non-Banedon...

A barricade has been thrown across the road which leads north out of Shugkona. The Drakkarim posted here have been alerted by the sounds of chaos coming from the square, and hurriedly they are trundling an armoured wagon across a gap at the centre of the barricade to seal off the exit completely. You slap your horse’s rump and gallop towards this shrinking gap, but three spear-wielding guards see you approaching, and they rush forward to challenge you with their weapons held ready to strike.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 332.

If you possess Kai-surge and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 312.

If you possess neither of these skills or have yet to reach the required level of Kai Grand Mastership, turn instead to 289.

Ok ciurma, cosa usiamo :D?

1st May 2013, 09:57

1st May 2013, 10:34
kai surge, mettiamolo all'opera

1st May 2013, 11:01
Alchemizziamoli tutti!

1st May 2013, 11:20

1st May 2013, 11:34
Do sostegno all emo-kalu per una volta: kai surge!

1st May 2013, 11:42
Vediamo se c'è alchimia tra di noi!

You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and point your index finger at the trio of Drakkarim. A surge of crackling energy gushes from your hand and explodes in their midst, scattering them like rag dolls. Their comrades flee the wagon and, without slowing, you gallop through the gap in the barricade with barely inches to spare and race along the road beyond. You have passed successfully through the inner defensive line, but as Prarg quickly points out, you have yet to reach the outer defences of Shugkona.

Turn to 31.

Aoe damage is the best damage :nod:

Uncertainty haunts your thoughts as you race across the desolate no man’s land that lies between the inner and outer defences of Shugkona. Soon you catch sight of these outer defences. They comprise a line of man-sized wooden casks filled with earth, behind which there stands a squad of Drakkarim archers. Their bows are loaded and aimed, ready to fire.

Quickly you steer your horse away from the road and set off across rough, snowy ground towards a distant line of trenches. Fortunately, the defences at the northern perimeter are much weaker than elsewhere. The trenches are empty, the guards having left earlier to watch Prarg’s execution in the main square. However, the rough terrain soon takes its toll upon your already tired horse. He is near to exhaustion, and as you approach the trenches, you fear he is not strong enough to make the jump.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Animal Mastery, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, add 1.

If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 246.

If it is 4–7, turn to 87.

If it is 8 or higher, turn to 165.

Interessante...a quanto pare Animal Mastery ci consente di infilare i razzi nel culo del cavallo :D Purtroppo non abbiamo la sempre mitica disciplina di Horse Turbocharging, per cui rolliamo lisci solo con +1

Roll...7 de novo!

Despite its fatigue, the horse clears the trench and carries you safely beyond range of the Drakkarim archers. For half a mile you skirt along the edge of the Tozaz Forest; then, the moment the enemy are lost to sight, you rejoin the road and make your escape northwards.

Turn to 230.

E ora via, verso il tramonto!

As you ride along this road of frozen earth, the sky begins to darken ominously and the weather closes in. What begins as a light flurry of snow soon deteriorates into an icy squall which cuts through you like a knife. Your Magnakai skills protect you from the cold, but Captain Prarg is not so fortunate. He utters not a word of complaint but you can sense that he is in great discomfort. Moreover, your horse, already tired from the exertions of the escape, is greatly weakened by the icy winds. Eventually it can carry you no further and you are forced to halt and dismount.

Your Kai senses warn you that enemy cavalry are in pursuit. You are a few miles ahead of them but their mounts are fresh and the distance between you is shrinking rapidly. You are about to suggest to Prarg that you abandon the horse altogether and seek shelter in the surrounding forest, when suddenly there is a lull in the storm and the falling snow thins out to reveal an unexpected sight.

Illustration XII—Below you the forest road descends to a stone bridge which crosses a frozen stream.

You have stopped near the crest of a hill. Below you the forest road descends to a stone bridge which crosses a frozen stream. A rough log cabin stands beside this bridge, and a thin trail of wood smoke rises from its crooked chimney indicating that it is occupied. At the rear you see stables and at once you sense the presence of horses.

If you wish to approach the cabin and attempt to take a fresh mount from the stables, turn to 52.

If you choose to abandon your exhausted horse and take to the forest on foot, turn to 319.

Ok, rubiamo un altro cavallo visto che il nostro si è rotto, o continuiamo a piedi :D?

1st May 2013, 11:51
Grand theft horse again! Rubiamo/lootiamo tutto il cazzo del tutto come se non ci fosse un domani!

1st May 2013, 12:03

1st May 2013, 12:14
Mmhh rubare i cavalli nel Magnamund si è sempre rivelata un'azione assai perigliosa...

Io dico di andare per fratte a piedi, più lento ma più safe.

1st May 2013, 12:21
Cautiously you descend the slippery hill track and make your approach to the bridge. The thick snow muffles your steps and you are able to reach the cabin without alerting its occupants. You motion to Prarg to take hold of the horse and keep lookout whilst you investigate the stables. Silently you slip alongside the cabin and pass beneath its solitary window.

If you wish to peek through the window, turn to 263.

If you choose to ignore the window and make your way directly to the stables, turn to 115.

Ok, ragazzi, che si fa :D?

1st May 2013, 12:44
Spiamo dalla finestra, magari c'è Edwige Fenech nuda!

1st May 2013, 12:44
Sbirciamo, magari c'è qualcosa di sesso femminile che si fa la doccia, come nei film di buzzanca... 263

1st May 2013, 13:08

1st May 2013, 13:45

1st May 2013, 13:46
facciamo i voyeur

1st May 2013, 13:50
E Pierino vede...

You peer through the grimy glass and see a grizzled old Drakkar sitting in front of a blazing fire. A briar pipe hangs precariously from the corner of his bearded mouth and he puffs fitfully at its contents as he reads from a tattered, leather-bound book which lies open in his lap.

You sense that he is a veteran of many battles who, now that he is too old to fight, has been given the undemanding task of guarding this river crossing. Mindful that time is fast running out, you leave the window and hurry on towards the stables.

Turn to 115.

...Un vecchio Drakkarim :(

Once inside the stable you discover two horses. One is old and lame, but the other is young and powerfully built. Using your powers of Animal Control, you subdue them and lead the younger horse, a grey mare, from its stall. As you leave the stable you see Prarg pointing frantically towards the crest of the hill. A troop of Drakkarim cavalry are descending towards the bridge.

Quickly you mount the mare and help Prarg to climb up upon her back. Then the enemy see you and immediately they sound a horn. Moments later an old Drakkar appears at the door to the cabin. He is holding a Bor musket, and when you fail to obey his command to halt, he levels his primitive gun at you and pulls the trigger.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 288.

If it is 3–6, turn to 145.

If it is 7–9, turn to 342.

Shitfuck -.- Avremmo dovuto ascoltare Deffo: il LW Basics ci insegna che rubare cavalli è la professione più rischiosa di Magnamund!

Roll...2 :(

An agonizing pain lances through your body and the warm taste of blood fills your mouth. Then the terrible pain gives way to a terrifying numbness. For a moment the surrounding forest swims in and out of focus; then darkness engulfs you and you slip into a sleep from which you will never awaken.

Tragically, your life and your mission end here.

La morale è ancora quella:
1) Non importa se siamo Grand Master del cazzo e della merda, un fucile in mano a un essere X (che sia un nano deforme o un vecchio) è comunque più efficace;

- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)

La domanda ora è :nod:

Rerolliamo, o rewindiamo ad un paragrafo precedente? E se si, quale? :D

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 30/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Signet Ring, Brass Key

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

1st May 2013, 14:27
Shitfuck :gha: per me rerolliamo!

1st May 2013, 14:28
rerolliamo, non ci dirà sfiga 2 volte

comunque è proprio vero, rubare i cavalli è un crimine TERRRIBBBBILE a magnamund

1st May 2013, 14:42
Ora, dispiace venire qua e fare la parte di quello che dice "ve l'avevo detto"...


...ve l'avevo detto!! è_é

(oltretutto siamo morti con la combo " furto di cavalli + sparo di fucile", estremamente letale)

Cmq! Io sono per rewindare al paragrafo in cui ci si poteva infrattare a piedi. Reroll non ha molto senso imho.

1st May 2013, 14:48
Ora, dispiace venire qua e fare la parte di quello che dice "ve l'avevo detto"...


...ve l'avevo detto!! è_é

(oltretutto siamo morti con la combo " furto di cavalli + sparo di fucile", estremamente letale)

Cmq! Io sono per rewindare al paragrafo in cui ci si poteva infrattare a piedi. Reroll non ha molto senso imho.

* su tutto.

Acqua, scalate, rubare cavalli...tutte cose da evitare.

1st May 2013, 15:02
Ok, è 2 a 2 tra rerollare e rewindare alla scarpinata!

Pari rerolliamo, dispari rewindiamo!


Using your Magnakai skills you command your tired horse to descend the hill and cross the bridge. Hopefully its tracks will lead your pursuers in the wrong direction and enable you to get away. As the horse wanders off, you beckon Prarg to follow you into the dense forest. Your instincts and Pathsmanship skills set you on a northwesterly tack, the direction you hope will lead eventually to Magnaarn and the hidden Temple of Antah.

You have covered two miles when suddenly you hear a sound which stops you both dead in your tracks. It is a terrible, bestial growl.

‘There!’ gasps Prarg, and you spin round to see a terrifying creature come slinking from out of the undergrowth.

Turn to 20.


Towards you stalks a great albino creature as big as a bear. Two huge tusks protrude from its dripping jaws, and it yawns hungrily as slowly it draws closer and closer to you and your companion, attracted by the prospect of easy prey. The beast coughs and advances yet another step, its stubby tail twitching angrily. Prarg panics and he shouts ‘Run!’ as it fixes him with its fearsome pink eyes. Then the creature senses his fear and at once it comes bounding towards you with its great jaws agape in readiness to bite.

Illustration II—A great bear-like creature stalks towards you, two huge tusks protruding from its dripping jaws.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 76.

If you do not have a Bow or choose not to use it, turn to 217.

Ahaha è un incrocio tra un mandrillo e un orso? :lol:

In ogni caso, che facciamo :D?

1st May 2013, 15:05
È tempo di fare ciò che sappiamo fare meglio...

*voce di Ryo Kabuto quando pilota il Mazinga Z*

1st May 2013, 15:20
niente arco, lasciamo morire dilaniato prarg, mi sta sul cazzo

1st May 2013, 16:12
È tempo di fare ciò che sappiamo fare meglio...

*voce di Ryo Kabuto quando pilota il Mazinga Z*


1st May 2013, 16:31

Swiftly you draw an Arrow, take aim, and fire as the beast comes leaping through the air towards your chest. The arrow thuds into its furry belly but the momentum of its leap still carries it forwards.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 174.

If it is 5–9, turn to 258.

Ok, con il +3 dell'Arcodiddio, possiamo failare solo con 0 o 1...


Unexpectedly your Arrow pierces the creature’s heart, which is located at its midriff, and brings the beast crashing onto the snow. For a few moments it twitches and shivers fitfully; then it stiffens and lies still with a sudden abruptness. Prarg regains his composure and sheepishly he steps forward to look at the dead creature.

‘The gods are watching over us, Sire,’ he says, quite respectfully. ‘This beast is a Mawtaw. Few can say they have defeated this fearsome king of the Tozaz Forest.’

You decide to press on without delay, just in case there are others of its breed close by. Your instinct and Pathsmanship skills lead you in a northerly direction and you cover more than five miles before the trees begin to thin out. Then you emerge from the forest to be greeted by an unexpected and spectacular sight.

Turn to 192.

Come sarebbe a dire Unexpectedly ? :D

Before you lies a vast frozen lake, more than a mile wide at the point at which you now stand. An icy wind whips across its glistening surface, stirring freshly fallen snow into eddies which whirl and dance like spinning tops. Silently you stare across the lake at the distant tree-line and your mind is filled with doubt. The Temple of Antah lies beyond, of that you are sure, and the quickest way to reach it would be to traverse the lake, but there is no cover and no way of knowing if the ice is thick enough to support you all the way across. Yet, to go around the lake would delay you by hours, giving your pursuers ample time to catch up and attack.

At length you decide to take your chances and cross the lake. At first the going is smooth and you make easy progress, but as you near the centre, suddenly you sense that something is wrong.

If you possess Grand Pathsmanship and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight, turn to 55.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 37.

Siamo super sboroni!

Your super-keen senses warn you that Prarg is walking towards a patch of thin ice. At once you shout a warning and he halts in his tracks. Then, carefully, he retraces his steps and follows in your footsteps as you make a wide detour around this perilous section. An hour later you reach the far side of the lake and hurry into the forest beyond.

Turn to 187.

Prarg ha più culo che anima, ma è davvero resistente alla nostra Death Aura :nod:

You move deeper into the forest, maintaining a steady pace. Here, in this part of the Tozaz, the snowfall underfoot is light because of the canopy of thick branches overhead, and you make good progress. You have been walking for an hour when a shivery rustle brings you abruptly to a halt. You look up and a miniature snowslide falls from a branch overhead, covering your face and shoulders with a deluge of powdery snow. Prarg laughs as he watches you spluttering, and as you wipe your eyes, you glimpse a grey-winged bird fluttering away to the west.

‘By the gods, I’m hungry,’ exclaims Prarg, leaning weakly against a tree trunk. ‘What I’d give for a side of beef and a plate of boiled beets.’

The captain has not eaten since before you reached Shugkona and you can see that after the rigours of his capture and escape, he is sorely in need of food. Unless he eats soon he will be unable to go much further.

If you possess a Meal and you wish to give it to Prarg, turn to 68.

If you do not, turn to 282.

L'unico Meal che abbiamo è un Gnallia Meal che cura pure 2 EP. Che si fa:D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 30/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Signet Ring, Brass Key

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

1st May 2013, 17:47
Diamogli da magnare

1st May 2013, 17:59
facciamolo morire di fame sto pezzente

1st May 2013, 19:56
abbiamo pochi amici....diamogli da magnare che se no perdiamo pure questo

1st May 2013, 20:57
Massì dai diamogli sto gnaggna meal a sto liccer

1st May 2013, 21:24
Io lo lascerei morire di fame, andasse a far compagnia a paido; st inutile basettone!

1st May 2013, 22:43
diamogli da mangiare su!

2nd May 2013, 08:55
Lupo Solitario, Kai-Crocerossina!

You take some bread and dried meat from your Backpack and offer it to your companion. Gratefully he accepts the food and settles himself at the base of a tree where hungrily he consumes every scrap. (Remember to deduct this Meal from your Action Chart.)

Meanwhile you scan the surrounding forest, ever watchful for enemies. For the last hour you have had a growing suspicion that something has been watching you. Your senses detect the presence of a hostile entity, closing from the east. Now the suspicion has become a firm belief, and the moment Prarg finishes his meal, you suggest that you be on your way as swiftly as possible.

Turn to 14.

Adesso però vedi di renderti utile Prarg <.<

During your trek through the forest, Prarg tells you a little about the history of this land. You learn that the whole of Nyras was once known as Northern Lencia until it was lost to the invading Drakkarim during the Darkdawn War. Many crusades and campaigns have been launched over the centuries to try to recapture this territory, but none, until now, have been successful. The Drakkarim built a fortress on the ruins of the Lencian capital, which was called Gamir, which they renamed Nagamir after their victory. But later, when the Drakkarim allied themselves to the Darklords of Helgedad, the capital was renamed Darke in their honour.

As dusk approaches, you happen by chance upon a forest trail and immediately your tracking skills tell you that it has only recently been constructed. Hoof prints frozen beneath the snow and several sets of footprints tell you that this trail has been used by more than a dozen riders and armoured foot soldiers within the last week.

If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 308.

If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 45.

Kai-Alchemy è come il prezzemolo :nod:

Using the Brotherhood Spell Sense Evil you scour the surrounding woodland and a powerful sensation alerts you to danger. It is not an immediate threat, yet you can feel the invisible waves of power which are radiating from its source. The power is strong, too strong to originate from Drakkarim or a hostile forest creature. You focus your senses in the direction of this power and at once you recognize its source: it is the Doomstone of Darke.

‘What’s wrong, Sire?’ says Prarg.

‘It’s the Doomstone,’ you reply quietly. ‘We’re close…I can feel it.’

Turn to 45.

Incredibile ma vero, non abbiamo subito danni a sto giro!

Guided by your intuition, you set off with Prarg along the forest trail heading west, and soon your tracking skills warn you that you are nearing an enemy encampment. You signal your discovery to Prarg, and he follows as stealthily you enter the undergrowth and slip past a line of Drakkarim sentries. From the cover of the dense forest bracken you observe their camp. You count more than two dozen soldiers, plus horses, wagons, and shelters. Prarg points to the emblem which adorns all of their uniforms and equipment: a black eagle clutching two fiery swords.


‘These are the Tukodak—Warlord Magnaarn’s personal guards,’ he says in a hushed whisper. ‘We would be wise to avoid them.’

You nod in agreement; then together you slip away from the camp and head north through the trees. You are drawn in this direction by something your senses have detected. It is a strong aura of energy, an evil energy which you feel sure must be radiating from the Doomstone of Darke. Within a few minutes you stumble upon a clearing where stands the majestic ruins of an ancient temple. At once you know that this is the Temple of Antah, and you sense that the Doomstone is here, lying somewhere deep within the ruins.

Turn to 100.

Ok, siamo arrivati a destinazione. Ora dobbiamo solo recuperare la Doomstone prima che Prarg ci faccia ammazzare :D

From the cover of the forest’s edge you observe the temple, taking in every detail, your eyes scouring every inch of its leprous grey exterior for a way of gaining entry without being detected. Much of the temple is derelict yet it is still an imposing edifice, especially the squat stone tower which stands intact at its centre. Its walls are covered with intricate designs that must have taken centuries to complete, yet while you admire the craftsmanship you find the embellishments wholly repulsive for they depict and glorify acts of great evil.


The ruins are deserted, except for a wide ramp of stone which leads to a pair of huge bronze doors set into the base of the tower. These doors are open, but they are guarded by two of Warlord Magnaarn’s Tukodak.

If you have Assimilance, turn to 223.

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 59.

Non abbiamo Assimilance!

The open doors to the tower appear to offer the only means of access to the temple. Because of this, you decide that you will try to overpower the two Tukodak who are standing guard there. Armed with your formidable Kai skills, and with dusk fast turning to darkness, you are confident you will succeed.

You tell Prarg, who is unarmed, to wait here at the forest’s edge until you signal for him to join you. Then you stalk towards the tower, your approach masked by your camouflage skills. At first the way is easy, but the last twenty yards of ground to the stone ramp have been cleared of temple debris and this area is completely open, devoid of any cover.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1. If you have reached the rank of Sun Knight, add 2. These bonuses are not cumulative (i.e. if you hold the rank of Sun Knight, you add just 2 not 3).

If your total score is now 5 or less, turn to 268.

If it is 6 or higher, turn to 151.

Abbiamo +2 al Roll!


Thanks to your Kai skills, the two Tukodak guards do not see you until it is too late. From the base of the stone ramp you launch a lightning attack which dispatches them both before they can attempt to raise the alarm.

Turn to 311.

Ma a chi serve Assimilance :D?

You step away from the two dead Tukodak, sheathe your weapon, and then signal to Prarg that the coast is now clear. He emerges from the trees and hurries to your side. He praises your combat skill and then he helps you to hide the bodies of the two slain guards beneath some undergrowth in the surrounding ruins. Before you leave, a quick search of their packs and pockets reveals the following items:

Enough food for 1 Meal
2 Swords
4 Arrows

If you wish to take and keep any of the above items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

To enter the unguarded tower, turn to 221.

Direi che refilliamo la faretra e prendiamo il Meal!

Beyond the doors you discover a large echoing hall, lit by a circle of torches which flare dimly in the moist gloom. The atmosphere is saturated with a malevolent power, an evil that is welling up from somewhere deep below ground. Immediately to your right you see a ladder which ascends to the upper floor of the tower, and to your left there is a wide staircase which leads down. Your senses scream a warning as you approach this staircase and begin to descend, but this time you choose to ignore your trusty instincts. The aura of evil which pervades this place has its source, and you are certain that it is the Doomstone of Darke, the very object you have sworn to destroy.

The staircase leads down to a winding torchlit hallway which passes through a series of narrow chambers, all empty and derelict. Eventually, you come to an iron portal and you stop for a few moments to examine the intricate engravings that embellish its age-blackened surface. Quickly you realize that the engravings are not mere decorations, they are part of a sophisticated combination lock which holds this door secure.


A host of writhing dragons are intertwined above a dial edged with ancient numerals. Each dragon has a number engraved upon its forehead, similar to those numbers which encircle the dial. Your senses inform you that the dragon numbers form a puzzle, and by solving this puzzle you will discover the ‘key’ to this door. Then, by turning the dial to this ‘key’ number, the lock will disengage and the door will open.

Study this puzzle. When you think you have found the answer, turn to the entry in this book which is the same as your answer.

If you discover that your answer is wrong, or if you cannot solve the puzzle, turn instead to 70.

Ah-ah! RIusciamo a craccare il codice di Joe :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 42/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Meal, Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Signet Ring, Brass Key

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

2nd May 2013, 09:15
la risposta è 5

15 - 1 = 14
14 - 2 = 12
12 - 3 = 9
9 - 4 = 5

almeno quest'enigma ha un meccanismo meno stupido di quelli in cui per aprire bastava pigiare il tastino N volte finchè non si apriva :D

2nd May 2013, 09:29
almeno quest'enigma ha un meccanismo meno stupido di quelli in cui per aprire bastava pigiare il tastino N volte finchè non si apriva :D

In questo basta girare la rotella finchè non si apre xD

2nd May 2013, 10:18
Certe sottigliezze sfuggono alla mente degli abitanti di Magnamund :sneer:

There is a dull click and the great iron door swings slowly to reveal a dark chamber constructed entirely of polished black rock.5 Revealed in the torchlight is a throne of rough-hewn marble, upon which there rests the skeletal remains of a warrior clad in mouldering furs. Bare bone gleams dully through a clinging mass of muscle and sinew, now shrunken to an iron-hard texture, and upon its skull there rests a helm of solid gold. Set into the face of this helm is an emerald as large as your fist.

Illustration I—Upon a throne of rough-hewn marble rests the remains of a warrior clad in mouldering furs.

Prarg approaches the throne, tempted by the magnificent emerald, but he halts the moment you warn him that the helm is protected by a magical trap. You sense that a powerful spell of warding encircles the throne; to touch the crown would activate the spell, thereby unleashing a blast of destructive energy. The thought of being blown to atoms serves to dampen Prarg’s curiosity and sheepishly he returns to your side. You give the booby-trapped throne a wide berth and leave the chamber by a smooth-walled tunnel in the far wall. But you have taken no more than a dozen steps when a chill of premonition runs like a trickle of icy cold water down your spine. You halt and reach for your weapon.

Then a loud voice booms out, destroying the silence.

‘Welcome, Lone Wolf. Welcome to your tomb!’

Instinctively you know that it is the voice of Warlord Magnaarn.

Turn to 280.


Comunque mi ricordo che da bambino non riuscivo a risolverne manco 1 di sti enigmi, a parte i più imbecilli :sneer: dovevo sempre andare da mio padre per farmi aiutare lol

The chilling echo of Magnaarn’s voice is drowned by new sounds: the rattle of chains and the rumble of falling stone. You shout a warning to Prarg and he dives aside only just in time to avoid being crushed by a heavy portcullis. The great stone portal slams down, partitioning the passageway and separating you from the captain. The dust has barely settled when a section of the passage wall slides open behind Prarg, and a trio of Magnaarn’s Tukodak bodyguards leap out and seize him. Your companion is unarmed and he is quickly and brutally overpowered. Anger floods your mind and you vow to get even with these cruel Drakkarim, but they are not impressed by your threat. They are aware of your exceptional skills yet they feel safe behind the portcullis. With a knife held to Prarg’s throat they taunt you and dare you to retaliate.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 170.

If you do not, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 34.

Prarg viene preso ostaggio più volte di Peach di SuperMario :nod:

Che si fa :D?

2nd May 2013, 10:25
ARCODIDDIO pensaci tu!

2nd May 2013, 10:44

2nd May 2013, 10:47

Edit 1: cmq era troppo complesso dare una delle nostre armi del caSSo a Prarg invece che farlo girare disarmato come l'ultimo dei cojoni :rolleyes: :sneer:

Edit 2: lol Bortas anche a me è subito venuta in mente quell'immagine di Conan :D

2nd May 2013, 10:55
Ultimamente siamo troppo coordinati, questo è preoccupante...

2nd May 2013, 10:58
Non possiamo fare un torto a Mazinga :nod:

You quickly draw an Arrow and take aim through a hole in the portcullis, but the Tukodak cower behind Prarg, using him as a human shield. Again the, cruel voice booms out: ‘Put down your bow, Lone Wolf, or I’ll have my guards kill your companion.’

At once your anger subsides. You sense that this is no idle threat and, reluctantly, you obey the command.

Turn to 200.

Ma noi avevamo fatto gia la nostra scelta :(

From out of the shadows of the secret passage steps Warlord Magnaarn. He is a huge man—not much over six feet tall but massively built. His body is sheathed in finely crafted armour that fits his frame like a glove, and his features are coarse and foreboding, accentuated by a fresh battle scar which runs diagonally from the top of his red-haired scalp to a point near the lobe of his left ear.

Arrogantly he approaches the portcullis and stares unblinkingly into your eyes. For a moment you consider attacking him, but your senses detect that he is surrounded by a field of energy so strong that already you feel it leeching your psychic powers. He reaches to a pocket inside his cloak and takes out a large black gemstone, which he holds level with his sneering face. Scarlet veins glow within the depths of this stone, swirling and undulating as if they are alive. Waves of dizziness force you to your knees as the evil power of the Doomstone of Darke washes over you, bleeding you of the strength and will to resist.

Illustration XI—The massively built Warlord Magnaarn steps out of the shadows and stares arrogantly into your eyes.

‘I’ve been waiting for you, Lone Wolf,’ says Magnaarn, with a condescending tone. ‘I’ve known your plan ever since my spies told me of your arrival at Vadera. After all, there could be but one reason why the great Grand Master of the Kai would come to Lencia at this time. Yet, as you can see, Grand Master, you are already too late to stop me.’

Magnaarn turns to his Tukodak guards and orders them to take Prarg away. You try to protest but you cannot find strength enough to voice the words. The warlord smiles at your weakness.

‘Know you this, Grand Master. Now that I possess the stone of power, nothing can stand in my way. You were the only threat to my victory, but now you’re a threat no longer.’

With this he steps away from the portcullis and turns to follow his guards as they drag Prarg into the secret passage.

‘Farewell,’ he says, sardonically, before disappearing into the portal, ‘and remember my first words to you: welcome to your tomb.’

With these chilling words echoing in your mind, you watch as he disappears into the passage and the wall closes behind him.

Turn to 43.

Alvaro Vitali è malvagio! O è Bombolo? Lo sapevo!

A few moments after the wall closes there is a sound like distant thunder. Then a shudder runs through the floor and clumps of dirt begin to fall from cracks in the ceiling. Your strength is returning, but before you can attempt to escape, there is an almighty explosion and a deluge of rock and damp earth cascades into the passageway. The ceiling and floor are being pulled in opposing directions, and with a grating cry of tortured stone, the heavy portcullis shatters in two. Quickly you crawl beneath a broken section which lies at an angle to the wall, and take cover as countless tons of rock and earth rain down from above.

When at last the destruction ceases you find yourself trapped in the narrow triangular space between the heavy portcullis and the wall. Your quick thinking has saved you from physical injury, but, as far as you can tell, you are now buried in a collapsed level of the temple, hundreds of feet below the surface. Confident in the knowledge that, at worst, your stamina and Kai skills alone can keep you alive for several days, you begin the slow and laborious task of digging your way out of this subterranean tomb.

Turn to 156.

Ok, questo è il turing point in cui capiamo che LW è ormai un Supereroe a tutti gli effetti.

For fifteen days you tunnel through a solid wall of earth and broken rock, using your weapons and bare hands, sustained all the while by little more than your indefatigable spirit and will to survive. You are near to giving up when, mid-way through the sixteenth day of your internment, you suddenly break through into a passageway that is free of debris. Weak but alive, you drag yourself into this empty tunnel and collapse on the damp, fungi-covered floor.


Reduce your current ENDURANCE points score to 15 (if it is currently above this level). Also, erase any Meals you may have been carrying in your Backpack, and erase any potions of Laumspur and/or Alether.

To continue, turn to 239.


Cioè, è la cosa più metal del mondo: ci hanno sepolti vivi e noi siamo sopravvissuti 15 giorni scavando a mani nude, nutrendoci di redbull e terra. E ora sono cazzi per Alvarone!


Many hours pass before you regain consciousness, and although your terrible ordeal has left you physically weakened, your mind is still as sharp and resolute as ever. You are determined to find a route to the surface and continue your quest, for even though Magnaarn now has Captain Prarg and the Doomstone of Darke, there may yet be a way you can defeat him. Before he entombed you in the passage he admitted that you alone posed a threat to his quest for victory over Lencia. Now that he thinks you dead and buried, you feel sure you can turn this to your advantage.

You stagger to your feet and peer along the gloomy passageway in either direction, east and west. You are anxious to pursue a route that will lead you quickly to the surface, and when you detect cold, damp air wafting from the west, you hurry this way. But you are soon disappointed. The passageway ends abruptly at the edge of a vast chasm, formed by the same destructive powers which buried you alive. At the bottom of this great fissure is a river of black water, and high above, you glimpse a few rays of winter daylight filtering through a tiny rent in the darkness. It looks so far distant that you abandon any thought of reaching it from here and return along the passageway.

A few hundred yards beyond where you emerged, you discover an octagonal chamber that is bathed by an eerie green light. This light is emitted by fungi which blanket the walls and ceiling and illuminate a strange circular door that has an octagonal lock. You have been in the chamber for no more than a few seconds when your senses detect something is wrong. Invisible fumes are rising from the fungi, which, in your weakened state, are making you feel dizzy and nauseous.

If you possess Grand Nexus, turn to 109.

If you do not possess this skill, turn to 292.

...epperò non abbiamo Nexus :D

You feel yourself awakening; all you wish for is to sleep. But your senses warn you that to fall asleep here could prove fatal. You know you must do something, and quickly, if you are to avoid unconsciousness.

If you possess some Oede or some Sabito, turn to 212.

If you possess neither of these substances, turn to 233.

Non abbiamo queste saporite sostanze!

Fearful of what may happen if your stay in this chamber any longer, you retrace your steps and make your way swiftly to the place where you first emerged from the collapsed passage. You pause here to catch your breath; then you continue along the tunnel until, once more, you find yourself standing at the edge of the chasm. You scan this vast and dismal fissure, hoping to find a means of escape from this grim subterranean prison.

If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 340.

If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 138.

In compenso, abbiamo Kai-Alchemy :D

After several minutes you notice a ledge which juts out from the chasm wall. It is located fifty feet or so directly above the place where you are currently standing. Close to this ledge you see a dark shadow. It marks the entrance to another tunnel, one that hopefully may lead all the way to the surface.

With renewed optimism, you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and at once you feel gravity losing its grasp. Assisted by this magic, you climb the rough chasm wall with ease and quickly reach the ledge above. Here you cancel the spell before hurrying into the new tunnel in search of a clear route to the surface.

Turn to 64.

Fuck yeah.

Your hopes of finding a clear route out of here are soon dashed when you arrive at a ruined staircase. It leads to a landing where you are confronted by the corpse of a Drakkarim guard, slumped beside a mound of rubble which is blocking the stairs to the level above. A quick examination of the dead body reveals that both arms are broken. Injured and trapped here by the falling rocks, it appears that this guard eventually died of thirst.

If you wish to search the body further, turn to 247.

If you wish to attempt to clear away the rubble that is blocking the stairs, turn to 347.

Ok popolo :D Dopo aver meditato su quanto siamo sburoni, che si fa :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 20/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Signet Ring, Brass Key

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

2nd May 2013, 11:11
Ovviamente cerchiamo loot sul cadavere.

Cmq bello che se avessimo avuto 15 punti vita (ovvero fossimo stati feriti seriamente) passare 15 giorni a scavare non ci avrebbe provocato nessun disagio ghgh

2nd May 2013, 11:15
Loot of course!

2nd May 2013, 11:16
Lootiamo tutto il cazzo del tutto peddè!


2nd May 2013, 11:35

You empty the dead Drakkar’s pockets and pouches, and discover the following items:

Bottle (empty)
2 Arrows
Ball of String
40 Kika (equivalent to 4 Gold Crowns)

You are about to abandon the body when suddenly you notice something gleaming in the top of its left boot. It is a rod of silver, plain and unmarked, and little more than four inches in length. If you wish to keep this Silver Rod, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you carry in your pocket.

Satisfied that you have overlooked nothing of worth, you turn your attention to clearing the rockfall which is blocking your escape from this landing.

To continue, turn to 347.

Ok gente, ricordatevi di dirmi cosa volete prendere!

With stoic determination you begin the laborious task of clearing away the rock and rubble which fills this stairwell. You are fearful that it may take you several days to reach the next level, and so it comes as a welcome surprise when, after just a few minutes work, you see a gap appearing at the top of the mound. A gust of cold, wintry air wafts through this breach, rekindling your hopes of reaching the surface. Revived by the cold clean air, you attack the rubble with renewed vigour. But then your hopes are shaken when you hear a sinister sound; behind you, something is climbing the stairs to the landing.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and have reached the rank of Sun Knight, turn to 256.

If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 285.

Chevvelodico a fare :D

You pause to incant the words of the Brotherhood Spell Strength and within seconds you feel the fatigue disappear from your aching muscles. A vibrant sense of power and well-being infuses your whole body, enabling you to attack the rockfall with increased effect. Soon you have removed enough debris to enable you to squeeze through the gap to a clear section of the stairwell beyond. Once here, you block the opening behind you, and then race up the steps to the level above.

Turn to 175.

Siamo meglio di JC Denton :nod:

Quickly you climb the stairs, spurred on by the wintry chill which grows steadily colder as you ascend. You count one hundred and fifty steps before you arrive at a chamber which is heaped with rubble. Its only door is blocked by debris and huge slabs of marble, making an immediate exit impossible. But it is not the door which commands your attention; it is a narrow circular shaft which is set into the middle of the ceiling. It is the source of the cold, wintry draught.

Expectantly, you step closer and investigate this shaft. For the most part it is dark, but you can see glimmers of grey daylight high above, and you can hear the whistling of the wind. But you can also hear another sound, one that is quite unexpected. It is a buzzing, insectile noise. You focus upon the darkness and suddenly you see that the noises come from nests of winged insects which are fixed to the inside of the shaft.

If you possess Grand Pathsmanship and have reached the rank of Sun Knight, turn to 240.

If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to reach this level of Kai rank, turn to 281.

LW, inventore del Raid :D

You stand directly below the shaft and focus your Kai power on the basket-sized nests that are fixed along its walls. The incessant buzzing grows steadily louder; then several lines of large wasp-like insects emerge from the nests and escape towards the sky at the top of the shaft, driven away by your mental command.

When you feel sure that the nests are empty, you reach up and take a grip of the rough brick which lines the shaft. It offers good purchase for your fingers and toes, enabling you to climb past the nests and reach the top of the shaft in a matter of minutes.

Turn to 300.

From the top of the shaft you look out across the sprawling ruins of Antah. You have emerged upon the flat roof of a mouldering stone crypt situated a few hundred yards from the tower by which you first entered the subterranean temple. A chill wind howls in the surrounding trees and overhead the darkening winter sky warns that night is fast approaching.

The ruins are completely deserted. The undisturbed blanket of snow which lies thick upon the ground, hiding all tracks, sorely reminds you that fifteen precious days have elapsed since your internment. You think of Captain Prarg and wonder if he is still alive, and an empty feeling gnaws at your stomach when you pause to consider the fate which may have befallen him and his Lencian countrymen now that Magnaarn is in possession of the Doomstone. You are fearful, but you are not entirely without hope. Magnaarn believes you to be dead; it is a belief that you could use to your advantage. After all, by his own admission, did he not say that you were the only threat to his victory?

Carefully you descend from the roof of the crypt and make your way through the forest to where, two weeks earlier, Magnaarn’s Tukodak guards were encamped. In this clearing there are no visible remains of their campsite, but diligently you sift through the ankle-deep snow, looking for clues to where they may have gone.

If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 173.

If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 320.

E siamo pure degli Sherpa da paura :nod:

Aided by your Kai skills, you uncover some tracks frozen beneath the snow. They were made by horses and wagons and are a little over a week old. There are far more than you expected to find here, and you can tell at once that they were not all made by Magnaarn’s entourage. Before he left this site and headed west, he was joined by several hundred reinforcements.

During your search you also discover some scraps of food which you eat immediately: restore 3 ENDURANCE points. Having satisfied your curiosity, and your rumbling stomach, you decide to leave the campsite and follow the tracks westward.

If you possess Animal Mastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian (or higher), turn to 227.

If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 131.

E per tutte queste nostre qualità, gli animali ci odiano :saddest:

With mixed feelings you begin your trek through the forest. You are still hopeful of defeating Magnaarn, but you are less than enthusiastic about the prospect of having to foot-slog more than 250 miles in order to reach Darke, the city where you are most likely to find your sworn enemy.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 216.

If it is 5–9, turn to 46.

Random Roll!


Stoically, you begin the difficult trek westwards through this dense timberland, following the tracks left behind by Magnaarn’s troops. At dusk you reach the forest’s edge and stare out across an open expanse of bare, snow-covered plain. There is no cover to be had here, but at least the approaching darkness will help keep you hidden from hostile eyes.

As you emerge from the trees, by chance you notice something half-buried in the undergrowth. A closer look reveals it to be a large Drakkarim backpack. You flip open the buckles to search it and discover it contains the following items:

2 Arrows
Enough food for 2 Meals
Potion of Alether (increases COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for duration of one combat only)
Bottle of Wine

If you wish to keep any of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

To continue your trek, turn to 103.

Fuck Yeah, random loot! Ditemi cosa prendere :D

Layers of heavy snow clouds blanket the moon, and dusk quickly fades to a darkness which is total. Yet, using your Magnakai night vision, you experience no difficulties as you follow Magnaarn’s tracks across the open plain.

Shortly before midnight you come to the banks of the River Shug, close to a small cluster of log huts which are grouped around a derelict ferry post. Your enemy’s week-old tracks lead you to the centre of this deserted settlement.

Turn to 310.

Col nostro culo, siamo arrivati a Silent Hill :sneer:

The tracks end at a wooden jetty which juts precariously into the deep, fast-flowing waters of the River Shug. Carefully you examine the ground around this landing area, and aided by your exceptional tracking skills, you make two important discoveries. You deduce that Magnaarn and his troops boarded a barge here and headed downstream towards Darke. Also, you discover that this area was used as a mustering place for a second, far larger unit of troops. Doomwolf droppings and a Giak tooth hint at the identity of these troops, but your suspicions are confirmed when you find a bronze belt buckle which is engraved with the symbol of a fortress and a full moon. It is the symbol of the old Darklord city-fortress of Kagorst. It confirms your fears that Magnaarn has at last persuaded Kagorst to join his cause.

Illustration XVIII—You find a bronze belt buckle engraved with the symbol of a fortress and a full moon.

You are tired after your long trek. Rather than attempt to go any further, you decide instead to rest here in one of the empty cabins overnight and continue your journey at dawn.

Turn to 188.

I drakkarim hanno un casino di swag :nod:

You awake at first light and make a search of all the cabins, but they have either been despoiled by Giaks or stripped bare and you discover nothing of practical use. However, you do uncover enough scraps of food, preserved by the cold, to make quite a decent breakfast: restore 3 ENDURANCE points.

After your meal, you gather together your equipment and set off along the river bank, heading west. The surrounding landscape is a harsh black and white desolation, devoid of all colour. The bleakness is deepened by the constant moaning wind and the occasional cawing of distant carrion crows. Five miles downstream you happen upon a hut at the edge of the river. You are expecting it to be empty, like the others at the ferry stage, so it comes as a welcome surprise to find it contains a rowboat and a pair of oars, both in good condition. Heartened by your discovery, you launch the boat into the water and begin your voyage towards Darke.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 73.

If it is 5–9, turn to 293.

Un altro random Roll!


The journey downstream is swift and easy. The icy river cuts a direct path across the frozen plain before it wends its way through an expanse of low, rolling hills, blackened and scarred by war. Ruined hovels smoulder on the horizon and scores of snow-covered corpses, human and otherwise, lie where they died in a running battle that has swept like wildfire across this land.

Shortly after midday, you see something in the distance that sets your nerves on edge. It is a group of figures, huddled together on the river bank. You magnify your vision and identify them to be Drakkarim, possibly deserters from Magnaarn’s army, who are attempting to catch fish from the river.

If you wish to hide in the bottom of the boat and allow the current to carry you past them, turn to 108.

If you choose to row with the current, so that you will pass by these enemy soldiers as quickly as possible, turn to 69.

Che si fa :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 39/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Signet Ring, Brass Key

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

2nd May 2013, 11:46
Allora prendiamo la silver road (speciale), Alether , 2 cibi e il vinello.

Visto che non possiamo combattere spingiamo a tutta e diventiamo dei fuoribordo umani.
E poi come si fa a dir di no al paragrafo 69 (come minimo ci troveremo di fronte a Paido nudo usato come esca per pesci)

2nd May 2013, 11:49

2nd May 2013, 11:52
Imboschiamoci sul fondo della barca fa tanto fuggitivo, mi vengono a mente decine di filme dove le guardie frescone vedono passare una barca vuota nel fiume e non la cagano... 108

Per l'ggettistica refulliamo le freccie, la pozza, i meal, e se avanza posto la bottiglia di vino... Cambiamo anche le 5 corone in kika non si sa mai...

Chiaramente la silver rod la considero presa e infilata negli special.

2nd May 2013, 12:06
108 anche per me, Solid :wolfeek: in azione!

2nd May 2013, 12:20
Per gli item: prendiamo la Silver Rod e droppiamo la statuetta di Zagarna.

Nello zaino mettiamo l'Alether, i due Meal e la bottiglia di vino (che male non fa!)

Per la scelta. sono per imboscarci...


2nd May 2013, 12:24
Solid :wolfeek: !!!

You flatten yourself against the bottom of the rowboat and listen to the gruff voices of the Drakkarim as you draw closer to their position. You hear splashes; then suddenly there is a loud thud and the rusty tip of an arrow punches its way through the side of the boat, stopping barely inches in front of your face. You hear the enemy’s coarse laughter and you realize that they are simply using your boat for a spot of target practice. They are unaware that you are hiding inside. As you drift past them they rapidly lose interest in your craft. They put down their bows, pick up their makeshift fishing lines, and resume their efforts to catch themselves something to stave off their hunger.

Turn to 251.

Il classico trucco della barca randagia funziona sempre :D In effetti le acque sono così pericolose su Magnamund che passeranno decide di barche senza equipaggio ogni giorno, da sto ponte...

It is late afternoon when you catch sight of a town on the horizon. You check your map and discover it to be Konozod, a fortified Drakkarim stronghold. As the river carries you closer, you magnify your vision and see that it is built upon the left bank of the Shug. A huge stone bridge spans the river, and beneath this you see that the waterway is blocked by a barrier of chained logs.

If you wish to allow your boat to drift towards this barrier, turn to 314.

If you decide to avoid the barrier, you can put ashore and continue on foot by turning to 231.

Che famo :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 42/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Signet Ring, Brass Key, Alether (+2 CS), Meal, Meal, Wine

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key, Silver Rod
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 37 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

2nd May 2013, 12:34
Scendiamo a terra, che dallo scontro contro le catene sommerse rischia di venir fuori una stupidissima morte.

2nd May 2013, 12:54
Scendiamo a terra le acque ci sono nemiche, abbiamo già avuto abbastanza fortuna con questa bagnarola, col culo che abbiamo puntano dirette alle cascate giganti del re caduto alte 1000 metri con statue ginganti ai lati che sbeffeggiano una morte così stupida...

2nd May 2013, 13:01
Sisi scendiamo, il lupo é animalo di terra non di fiume!

2nd May 2013, 13:04
You steer the boat towards the river bank and as soon as the prow embeds itself in the mud, you disembark and make your way quickly towards two lines of ramshackle huts which are standing near the water’s edge. A narrow alley separates these hovels, and it is from here that you observe the town’s defences and try to assess how many Drakkarim are stationed within this stronghold.

The town itself comprises a sorry collection of battle-damaged buildings, ringed by a perimeter wall of logs which is shored up in many places. Several long and bitter battles have been fought here over the past year, and everywhere you look the vivid scars of war are plain to see. The town is strangely quiet and it appears to be weakly protected. The Drakkarim garrison are few in number, and those that you have seen so far appear to be either young, old, or walking wounded.

Night is beginning to draw in. The Drakkarim are lighting the torches which line the perimeter wall, and a change of guard is taking place at the main gate. You are considering leaving this town and continuing on your way towards Darke, when suddenly you see something which makes you change your mind.

Turn to 50.

Inutile che vi dica chi ci si para di fronte, nudo e incaprettato...

A ragged line of Lencian prisoners are crossing the stone bridge, escorted by a dozen Drakkarim armed with crossbows and spears. The main gates swing open to admit them, and, as the Lencians file through with their heads bowed in defeat, you see that the central square of this town has been turned into a large prisoner-of-war compound. It is enclosed by a crude fence of wire and sharpened stakes, which is patrolled by sentries and Akataz war-dogs. From what little you can see you estimate at least two hundred Lencians are being held captive here.

The conditions are shocking. The men are being kept out in the open, without shelter or heat of any kind, and judging by the state of those already here, it looks as if the Drakkarim are purposefully starving them to death.

Your shock soon turns to anger, and you vow to do something to help these prisoners. But before you can think through a plan of action, your Kai senses warn you of approaching footsteps. Two of the Drakkarim escort have slipped away from the line and they are now walking briskly towards the alleyway. One has a large canvas sack slung over his shoulder, and as they draw closer, you are forced to take cover in a shadowy doorway to avoid being seen.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 3 to your score.

If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 116.

If it is 5 or more, turn to 259.

Non abbiamo Assimilance, quindi rolliamo liscio!


The two escorts enter the alleyway and, although you are less than ten feet away from them, they fail to see you hiding in the shadowy doorway. You watch as they open the sack and proceed to pick over and divide its contents. It is filled with the spoils of battle: items of value which they have taken from prisoners or stolen from the dead.

They laugh greedily until they hear the gruff shouts of their sergeant who is standing at the main gates, shouting out their names. Quickly they hide their booty in a hole beneath an empty horse trough; then they leave the alleyway and hurry back to the town.

If you wish to uncover the hiding place and search the sack, turn to 323.

If you choose instead to follow these two Drakkarim, turn to 137.

To :dumb: or not to :dumb:?


2nd May 2013, 13:36
loot ovviamente!

2nd May 2013, 13:37
fottiamogli il loot per dispetto hahahaha

2nd May 2013, 13:59

2nd May 2013, 14:27

You uncover the sack and sift through its contents. Gleaming in the dim light you see a mass of coins, silver plates and candlesticks, jewellery, and all manner of precious and semi-precious stones. There are countless gold teeth, pulled no doubt from the mouths of fallen Lencian knights, and scores of trinkets and other mementoes taken from less noble corpses. One item you sense possesses magical properties. You pull it out and, on closer inspection, you discover it to be a polished Jadin Amulet which is fixed to a gold neck-chain.

If you decide to keep this Jadin Amulet, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you wear around your neck. It adds +1 to your score should you be instructed to pick a number from the Random Number Table when trying to avoid normal missiles (e.g. arrows, bolts, darts, etc.) aimed at you.

Having replaced the sack in its hole, you draw your cloak about you and approach the main gates. The guards are busy admitting the latest batch of prisoners and, helped by your camouflage skills, they do not give you a second glance as you stride confidently into the town.

Once inside, you head towards a dark, deserted alleyway which is sandwiched between a stables and an armoury. From here you observe the compound with a growing anger and pity for those trapped inside. Stirred by their plight, you vow to help these starving men. Patiently you watch and wait for the patrols to pass; then you scurry towards the compound fence to make contact with the Lencians.

Turn to 150.

Amuleto! Immagino che ce lo intaschiamo :D

Huddled together in a corner of the compound, away from the other prisoners, is a small group of men-at-arms. The fronts of their tattered blue coats bear the emblem of a crown set above the crest of Vadera identifying them to be of the same regiment—the Imperial Vadera Guard—one of Lencia’s finest. Using your Magnakai skills to avoid detection, you make your way to the fence and try to attract their attention. One of their number, a captain, sees you and is immediately suspicious. You signal to him to come closer and, reluctantly at first, he crawls towards the fence.

Illustration VIII—A captain of the Imperial Vadera Guard crawls reluctantly towards the fence in response to your signal.

‘You’re not Drakkarim or Lencian. Who are you? What do you want?’ he hisses, through cracked lips that are blue with hunger and cold. ‘Is this another Drakkarim trick devised to torment us?’

‘This is no trick,’ you whisper in reply, trying hard to reassure him, ‘I’m an ally in the service of your King. I want to help you and your men to escape.’

He holds you with his steely-grey eyes and slowly shakes his head.

‘It’s too late to help us,’ he says, sadly. ‘We’re too weak to resist. Some have tried and they’ve all died in the jaws of the dogs. No, you save yourself, stranger. Forget us.’

‘But if you stay here you’ll starve to death,’ you retort. ‘Surely it’s better to die fighting than waste away. The garrison here is small, barely forty in number. I could cause a diversion and draw their dogs away. Your men may be weakened but still they outnumber the enemy five times over. For Ishir’s sake, man, have you lost the will to live?’

The Lencian captain glances over his shoulder at his starving comrades and, when he turns to face you once more, you see a faint glimmer of hope in his eyes.

‘All of these men have been more than a week without food or shelter. Many have died, many are near to death. I fear they are too weak to fight an enemy who has food in his belly and a sword in his hand. Perhaps…if we had weapons…’

‘If you do as I say, you’ll have weapons enough to pluck this town from under their very noses,’ you reply, earnestly.

The Lencian narrows his eyes, and for a moment, the trace of a smile softens his gaunt features.

‘Very well, stranger. Tell me your plan.’

Turn to 61.

"Il nostro piano è che tagliamo la rete con la nostra luminosissima spada urlando "For Sommerlund and the Kai!" a squarciagola e voi finirete comunque tutti vittime della nostra Death Aura" :nod:

‘I’ll prepare a diversion. When the guards and their dogs are drawn away from the perimeter fence, you must act quickly. You and your men must storm the gates. Once you are free, make your way to the armoury with all haste. You’ll find your weapons there.’

‘That’s all very well,’ replies the captain, sceptically, ‘but how do you propose we get into the armoury? It’s the most secure building in the town.’

‘Don’t worry about that,’ you say, with confidence. ‘I shall be inside, waiting to let you in.’

For a few moments the captain considers your plan in silence. Then, with a nod, he finally agrees.

‘Very well, so be it. I’ll pass the word.’

You watch as he returns to his men; then you leave the fence and retrace your steps to the darkened alleyway.

Turn to 305.

Ok, il mio piano per fuggire dalla prigione è uscire dalla prigione e sopraffare le guardie!


When the coast is clear, you enter the stables and set a fire in the straw loft. Then, as you are leaving, you open each of the stalls so that the horses will be able to escape once the fire has taken hold. On returning to the alleyway you run to the rear of the armoury building and locate a window through which you can force an entry. It is shuttered and barred, but aided by your innate Kai skills, you are able to break it open. Unfortunately, the noise of your forced entry alerts the two Drakkarim who are on guard inside the building and, as you are squeezing through the narrow window, they attack you with their black-bladed swords.

Armoury Guards: COMBAT SKILL 32 ENDURANCE 40

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Pathsmanship, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 3 for the first round of this combat.

If you win this combat, turn to 166.


COMBAT RATING +13 (con Mindblast)

Lupo Solitario -1 (41)
Armoury Guards -14 (26)

Roll...0 :oldmetal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (41)
Armoury Guards SBLATTATI!

As you step away from the dead guards, you hear shouts of alarm outside the building: the roof of the stables has just erupted into a sheet of flame. The garrison is thrown into a state of near-panic as it tries to fight the fire and contain the horses which are stampeding through the streets.

You run the length of the armoury and hurriedly lift the massive drawbar which holds the main doors closed. Outside, you see the perimeter guards are abandoning their posts in order to fight the fire now raging through the stables. The Lencians are on their feet. They are grouped by the entrance to the compound and, as the last of the guards leaves, they rush forward and barge open the gates. Led by the captain, they come streaming across the flagstoned square towards the armoury, sweeping aside any Drakkarim foolish enough to try to turn this vengeful tide. With a cheer they pour into the armoury and equip themselves with weapons from its many racks of spears and swords.

‘Let’s take this town!’ shouts the captain, and amid stirring battle-cries of ‘Lencia’ and ‘For the House of Sarnac’, the starving Lencians set off to obey his command.

You try to reach the captain, whose name you learn is Schera, but before you reach him you are swept out into the street and carried along by this crowd of battle-hungry soldiers.

Turn to 39.


The fight for control of Konozod is swift and bloody. Within the hour the town is under Lencian control, its Drakkarim garrison having been put mercilessly to the sword. However, not all of the enemy perish in the battle. To Captain Schera’s dismay, several manage to escape across the river and flee to the west on horseback. He is anxious that they may return with reinforcements to retake the town.

A food store is discovered and, whilst the starving Lencians satiate their hunger, you talk with Captain Schera about the events of the last few weeks which have led to this meeting. Your learn from him that after you were interred in the Temple of Antah, Warlord Magnaarn waged a major offensive against the Lencian army. Having reunited the Doomstone with the Nyras Sceptre, he has, as King Sarnac feared, forced the Nadziranim sorcerers of Kagorst and Akagazad to help him. Their combined skills have wrought great destruction. They attacked and drove through the Lencian lines like demons in an offensive which was swift and deadly. A week ago, Captain Schera and his regiment were cut off and captured in the fighting around Hokidat, after which they were marched here and imprisoned. He considers himself lucky to be alive, for the Drakkarim rarely take prisoners. Then you ask what news he has heard about the war since he came here.

‘There’s much confusion,’ he says, wearily. ‘I’ve heard talk that most of the mercenaries in Sarnac’s pay have deserted us. Some have even joined the enemy. The Drakkarim taunted us, saying that our army had been smashed. They said the remnants had been pushed into the Tentarias, but I dismissed this as lies. One thing is sure, though: Magnaarn intends to raise the siege of Darke. It has become his battle call—“On to Darke!” This cry was on the lips of his troops during the battle at Hokidat. I saw him during this battle. He was leading his army personally, and he was wielding his accursed sceptre, dealing death to all who tried to stand in his way. He possesses a great and terrible power, and I fear that we may now be unable to put an end to his evil ambitions.’

If you wish to ask Schera if he knows anything about Captain Prarg, turn to 97.

If you do not, turn to 236.

Ci informiamo sulla sorte di Prarg :D? O no :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 42/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Signet Ring, Brass Key, Alether (+2 CS), Meal, Meal, Wine

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key, Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali)
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 37 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

2nd May 2013, 14:34
Scopriamo come è morto male, fa sempre piacere avere tali info...

2nd May 2013, 14:44
Secondo me ci dirà che lo conosce e che era un imbecille che si addormentava sempre quando doveva fare la guardia...

2nd May 2013, 15:08
Ahò, 'a Schera, pe' caso sai cheffine ha fatto Prarghe?

E già che ci sei, hai mica visto un certo Paido in giro? Magari nudo e incaprettato? :D

2nd May 2013, 15:10
Schera considers your question, and then he replies:

‘I’m sorry, I’ve heard nothing. There have been so many men lost, killed, or captured since Magnaarn attacked. I know of this officer, and though we’ve never met, I’ve heard tell that he is a good and brave man. All I can tell you is that I have not seen him here in Konozod.’

Turn to 236.

Chissà che fine ha fatto :look:

Captain Schera musters his men, and posts lookouts around the town wall as a precaution in case the Drakkarim return during the night with reinforcements. He then oversees the care of the sick and wounded. You are impressed by his devotion to the men under his command and, once his duties are completed, you return with him to the armoury to formulate a plan of action. It is decided that it is too dangerous to remain here and you agree that you should leave at first light. Schera says there are sufficient boats to transport everyone downriver to Darke, but there is a risk that you could run foul of Magnaarn’s troops. However, he is determined to rejoin his army. If the Lencians are still resisting Magnaarn, then he reasons that the city of Darke is where the battle is most likely to be taking place.

Before you settle down to sleep, one of Schera’s men brings you some food and ale: restore 3 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 23.

Schera wakes you shortly before dawn and wearily you rise from your makeshift bed. Mindful of the journey ahead, you make a brief search of the armoury and discover a few weapons, and other items which could prove useful:

6 Arrows

If you wish to keep any of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

The captain sends word to his men to find boats for the voyage downstream. The order is duly carried out and, within the hour, twenty small craft have been brought to the icy river on the west side of the stone bridge. Schera appoints ten men to each craft; then you and he step aboard the first boat, cast off, and begin a voyage that will take you towards the coastal city of Darke.

The current is strong and the river is free of obstructions, enabling your flotilla to make swift progress downstream. Much of the river bank is lightly wooded and Schera commands everyone to remain vigilant in case there are Drakkarim among the trees, lying in ambush. You pass through the woods without incident, and shortly before noon, you see the ruined town of Odnenga in the distance. Every building has been razed to the ground and a pall of wood smoke hangs above the town, fed by fires still smouldering from a battle that took place here several days ago. The river here is blocked by debris and you are forced to put ashore. Schera’s men set to work clearing a passage, while you and the captain scout the ruins in search of information.


A soot-blackened road, running east to west, divides this shattered town into two halves. Schera suggests that you split up and search one half each and you nod in agreement.

If you wish to search the north side of this ruined town, turn to 2.

If you choose to search the south side, turn to 296.

Nord o Sud :D? Non credo ci serva nulla dalla rumenta che abbiam trovato.

2nd May 2013, 15:10
Ahò, 'a Schera, pe' caso sai cheffine ha fatto Prarghe?

E già che ci sei, hai mica visto un certo Paido in giro? Magari nudo e incaprettato? :D

Mamma mia mi è venuta in mente la scena della Lussuria di Seven...solo con Paido come puttana e Prarg come cliente e un contorno di Drakkarim festanti...

EDIT: finalmente qualcuno di utile...sto Schera invece di fotterci il cibo ce ne porta lui ed è pure così buono da curarci. Perchè i pg utili come questo o muoiono o li abbandoniamo dopo 2 pagine?

Cmq Nord...facciamoci guidare dal nostro sangue Ariano (anche se ultimamente le copertine la mettono un po' in dubbio).

2nd May 2013, 15:19
Mamma mia mi è venuta in mente la scena della Lussuria di Seven...solo con Paido come puttana e Prarg come cliente e un contorno di Drakkarim festanti...



Comunque si aprono scommesse sulla futura sopravvivenza di Schera :sneer:

2nd May 2013, 15:26
Andiamo a sud a portare il nostro ariano verbo a quelle creature senza fede...

Btw Schera sembra troppo figo come amico, apro al a terza via per me è un traditore...

2nd May 2013, 15:48
Andando verso sud ovest, la sinistra è il sud... rotoliamoci!

2nd May 2013, 16:37
Andiamo a Nord!

Comunque sia è lolloso vedere come Joe faccia sparire dalla faccia di magamund i nostri inutili companion :sneer: sono proprio curioso di vedere se lo fa ripoppare nudo e con la doppia incaprettura Paido on Prarg!

2nd May 2013, 18:39

2nd May 2013, 20:10

3rd May 2013, 09:26
Ci piace il caldo, quindi andiamo a sud!

Slowly you wander through the smouldering ruins but discover little that has survived the fire which, at its height, must have transformed this whole town into a blazing inferno. The charred bones and skulls of those who died in the battle are strewn everywhere, and no attempt has been made to gather and bury them. You are examining the twisted remains of an iron axe when suddenly you sense that someone is nearby. You can tell that they are weak and in pain.

Instinct leads you to the ruins of an inn, and as you enter what was once its front door, you stop to listen. You can hear someone breathing. You detect they are somewhere below ground and you call out to Captain Schera to come quickly.

‘What is it?’ he says, as he enters the ruined inn.

‘There’s someone alive here,’ you reply. ‘They’re somewhere beneath the floor.’

Schera helps you to lift away some charred beams and you discover a trapdoor. You pull it open and slowly descend a flight of stone steps leading down into a cold, dank cellar. The sound of breathing has stopped but your suspicions are soon confirmed. There is somebody here.

Turn to 197.

OMG, le cantine sono pericolose quasi quanto l'acqua e rubare cavalli, su Magnamund...speriamo bene!

In a corner of the cellar you see two booted and bloodstained feet protruding from beneath a mass of collapsed flooring. You move closer and discover they belong to a Lencian soldier who is badly wounded and barely conscious. Schera helps you to clear away the charred timbers that are pinning him to the ground and, using your Kai healing skills, you attend to the man’s wounds. After a few minutes he recovers consciousness just long enough to tell you his name—Hul Sendal.

You both carry the man back to the river and place him carefully into your boat. The captain’s men have managed to clear a passage wide enough for the flotilla to pass through in single file, and as you continue your journey down-river, you spend some time nursing the injured soldier back to consciousness. He tells you of the battle that destroyed his regiment, of how Magnaarn used his sceptre to set the town ablaze, and of how he has survived the last six days sustained by nothing more than a few handfuls of snow. His account of the battle is chilling and it leaves you with a gnawing fear that maybe it is already too late to prevent Warlord Magnaarn from regaining control of Darke.

Turn to 208.

Fortunatamente è solo un'altra futura vittima della nostra Death Aura :nod:

West of Odnenga, the river meanders very little as it crosses the snow-swept plain of Southern Nyras. It is a deserted landscape, yet Captain Schera cautions his men to remain watchful, doubly so whenever the boats pass an occasional copse of fir or stunted pine. Late in the afternoon, as the light is beginning to fade, you come to a forested part of the river where the banks are steeply undercut. Trees are growing at the very edge of the overhanging banks and their roots are clearly visible, hanging down like clusters of vines into the icy waters of the Shug. You are watching the left bank when suddenly your Pathsmanship senses alert you to the threat of ambush. You warn the captain and he signals to the following boats to put ashore at once.

Having sensed the threat, you volunteer to go forward and scout the woods to find out who—or what—is there. Schera agrees, and he calls for three of his men, all trained army scouts, to accompany you. He and the rest of his command will remain here with the boats and wait for you to return.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 81.

If it is 5 or more, turn to 275.

"Si Sig. LW, lei è un dio tra gli uomini, ma la faccio accompagnare da questi esploratori che sono incredibilmente meno abili di lei e che le saranno totalmente inutili in caso di combattimento"


Roll...3! +3 andiamo a 6 :D

You brief the three Lencians to spread out into an extended line and to watch carefully for your signals before you scale the river bank and make your approach to the trees. They all seem to be competent scouts but you have your reservations. Had it not been for Schera’s insistence, you would have preferred to have reconnoitred this copse alone.

Silently you creep forward through the snow, using the sparse undergrowth to your advantage wherever possible. You are less than a hundred yards into the copse when you spy a small camp hidden among the trees. It comprises four white canvas tents attended by a dozen lean and hungry-looking human soldiers armed with longbows. A furled battle-flag stands propped against one of the tents and you signal to your nearest scout to join you, hoping he will be able to identify its chequered black-and-white design.

‘They’re League-landers of Ilion,’ whispers the scout, staring at the campsite. ‘I know that flag well. They’re good mercenaries, these men, loyal to the King. We fought alongside them at Hokidat.’

You are anxious about going forward and making contact with the mercenaries. If they are as good as your scout claims, there is a real danger that they will fire first and ask questions later. You tell your companion of your fears and he smiles.

‘Don’t worry, Sire,’ he says, ‘I know how to contact them.’

Turn to 316.

Had it not been for Schera’s insistence, you would have preferred to have reconnoitred this copse alone. E' una cosa così cretina che se n'è accorto addirittura Lupo "Dove sono finiti i miei 50 Ranger" Solitario! :sneer:

The scout places two fingers to his lips and gives a long, warbling whistle. The sound makes the mercenaries turn and stare in your direction, and you hear one of them whistle twice in reply. Your scout then calls out a request that you be allowed to enter their camp. There is a long pause; then a heavily-accented voice replies:

‘Show yourselves.’

Relief that you are human, and not Drakkarim, is displayed clearly on the faces of these League-landers when the four of you stand up and walk towards their camp. You receive a warm welcome from these soldiers of fortune, and two of them offer to escort you to their leader—Baron Maquin.

Turn to 294.

"Relief that you are human, and not Drakkarim" Wait a minute O-o Ma da quando i Drakkarim non sono esseri umani? O.o

Comunque andiamo a incontrare il Barone Manichino :nod:

You and your scouts are taken to a lookout post on the banks of the river where you meet with Baron Maquin, the leader of this mercenary band. He is a tall man, clad from neck to toe in furs that are caked with frost. A battered silver helm hides much of his battle-scarred face, but you can see enough of his distinctly Ilionian features to know at once that he is a brave man, a man of honour. He regards you with a sceptical eye, having never before met a Sommlending lord, let alone one such as you. He questions you at length, and upon hearing your story, you sense that he is greatly impressed. In return he tells you briefly of how he and his men have come to find themselves here.

Illustration XVII—Baron Maquin, leader of the mercenary band, regards you with a sceptical eye.

‘This regiment is still loyal to King Sarnac,’ he says, proudly, ‘unlike the cowardly Stornlanders. They have broken their pact and now they fight ’gainst Lencia, alongside the enemy.’ The Baron spits at the ground in a show of contempt for these treacherous regiments. ‘My command has been left here to fight as a rear-guard. Our orders are to ambush any Drakkarim that may try to reach Darke by river. We believe there to be many enemy reinforcements at Konozod and our task is to prevent them from joining with Magnaarn.’

You remind the Baron that you have just come from Konozod and that it is virtually empty. There are no enemy reinforcements there. Respectfully you suggest that he and his men join with you in an attempt to reach Darke, where he could join once more with the Lencian army. He considers your suggestion, and after discussing it with his men, finally he agrees.

‘But first,’ he says, as he shakes your hand in friendship, ‘you must summon your men to my humble camp. It will soon be dark and it is much too dangerous to travel this river at night. You could be ambushed!’

Turn to 262.

Illustration XVII—Baron Maquin, leader of the mercenary band, regards you with a sceptical eye. Oh certo Barone. Ho solo salvato il mondo intero un paio di volte. Non c'è di che.

You send one of the scouts to summon Captain Schera and his men, and when they arrive they are treated most hospitably by the mercenaries who, despite their own hunger, unselfishly share out their meagre rations.

You stay here overnight and break camp at dawn. The Baron’s regiment has suffered heavily in battle and now totals little more than forty men, and so you have no difficulty in finding room for them in the boats. Captain Schera is especially pleased to have these warriors aboard. Despite their losses, they are a cheerful group and they help lift the morale of his men.

The journey downstream passes swiftly and without incident until, shortly before noon, the sky grows steadily darker. An orange glow illuminates the distant horizon, and you can see many pinpoints of fire spread all across the land. An eerie silence descends on the flotilla as it draws nearer to the city of Darke. Shortly after, you see lines of troops marching towards the glowing skyline. Then you witness isolated actions taking place in the surrounding fields as groups of Lencian knights, cut off during the retreat, fight desperate hand-to-hand battles with Drakkarim cavalry. Some Drakkarim horse scouts have reached the river bank, and as you pass them, they open fire at you with their bows. But the swift current soon carries the flotilla away and there are few casualties.

Illustration XIV—Whilst observing the distant battle, a large black carrion crow lands on a nearby log and stares at you with a cold, beady eye.

It is an hour past noon when you first see the forbidding city of Darke. A great battle is raging around its mighty walls and bastions, and the noise and stench of this fierce conflict comes gusting towards you on the chill winter wind. The river current is getting stronger as it approaches the sea, and so you signal to the other boats to row for the bank. You put ashore on the right bank and both Captain Schera and Baron Maquin have their men take up defensive positions here. There is a road close by, running parallel to the river, and beyond it lies a snowy expanse of open plain on which many regiments of Drakkarim, and some Giaks, are marching towards the city. You are observing the distant battle when a large black carrion crow lands on a nearby log and stares at you with a cold, beady eye.

If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 168.

If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 302.

Non avendo Animal Mastery non possiamo ordinare al corvo di cagare in testa al Barone :saddest:

The bird suddenly takes fright and flies away, cawing long and loud as hurriedly it disappears towards the northern horizon.

Turn to 328.


Baron Maquin and Captain Schera are anxious to move their men away from the river bank. Their military training has taught them to avoid placing their troops with their backs to an impassable body of water, for if the enemy were to attack, there would be no way to escape. You understand their concern and, using your ability to magnify your vision, you scan the landscape in search of a more advantageous position. A mile away, to the northwest, you see a tiny hamlet. It appears to be deserted and you suggest to the two officers that they move their men there. Briefly they discuss your suggestion and both agree that it would be a safer position.

The order to move is passed along the ranks and the men prepare to leave the boats and go forward. You take the lead, together with the Baron and the captain, but you have barely covered a quarter of the distance to the hamlet when your tracking senses warn you that a threat is approaching from the north.

If you wish to insist they return to the river, turn to 105.

If you wish to hurry towards the hamlet, turn to 248.

Torniamo indietro verso il fiume, o procediamo avanti verso il villaggio :D?

3rd May 2013, 09:49
Andiamo al villaggio, l'acqua ci è ostile, nell'acqua la deathaura funge meglio, però nel villaggio si loota, poi magari si mena... 248

3rd May 2013, 09:59
Verso il loot sempre e comunque! Radiamo al suolo il villaggio!!

3rd May 2013, 10:27
Più lontano siamo dall'acqua e meglio è!

Villaggio, here we come!

3rd May 2013, 10:40
Via dall'acqua!

The order goes out to advance quickly towards the distant hamlet. But you have covered barely a quarter of a mile when you see enemy horsemen fast approaching from the north. Mindful of the danger of being caught out here in the open, Baron Maquin orders his mercenaries to form into a square in readiness to repel a cavalry attack. Captain Schera issues the same order to his men, and together they create a square that is bristling with spears.

The cavalry thunder towards you, undaunted by the sight of this porcupine-like defence. The first wave of Drakkarim cavalry slams against the square and is repulsed with heavy losses; then a second line hits home and it, too, fails to break through. The wounded are dragged to the centre of the square and the ranks close in readiness to face the next charge. Twice the Drakkarim have been repulsed but they are a determined enemy and they are getting ready to attack again. This time the charge is led by armoured Zagganozod, on warhorses that are sheathed with plates of bronze. Their armour—and the sheer weight of their attack—smashes a corner of the square and, in a terrible moment of carnage and chaos, several enemy horsemen break into the middle of the square and trample the helpless wounded.

Illustration XIII—The charge is led by armoured Zagganozod on warhorses that are sheathed with plates of bronze.

You rush to help them but, in the heat of the battle, you are knocked down by a riderless horse. Before you can get to your feet you are attacked simultaneously by two enemy lancers, who are maniacally determined to pin you to the ground with their lances.

2 Zagganozod Lancers: COMBAT SKILL 37 ENDURANCE 45

If you win this combat, turn to 95.

COMBAT RATING: +8 (con Mindblast)

Roll...1 :(
Lupo Solitario -4 (38)
2 Zagganozod Lancers -7 (38)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (38)
2 Zagganozod Lancers -16 (22)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (38)
2 Zagganozod Lancers -16 (6)

Roll...9 :lol:
Lupo Solitario -0 (38)
2 Zagganozod Lancers -18 (morti!)

Inspired by your victory, the Lencians and their League-land allies repel the remaining Zagganozod and close their ranks until the square is intact once more. The enemy are now exhausted and wearily they retreat across the plain with the stinging cheers of their foes echoing in their ears.

Then an ominous noise comes rolling across the plain from the city of Darke, a thunderous boom that shakes the very ground on which you stand. You look towards the city and see that the battle is growing ever fiercer. But now there is a new and sinister aspect. Flickerings of magical fire can be seen dancing along battlements, engulfing friend and foe alike. You sense that it is the work of Magnaarn; he and his Nadziranim allies are responsible for this.

Then, through the smoke of battle, you see a Lencian flag flying proudly amidst the carnage that is taking place on the coastal plain to the south of the city. Here, King Sarnac’s crusaders have turned an enemy flank and are storming its weakened centre. Maquin and Schera see the flag and, encouraged by the cheers of their own men, they decide to march at once in support of the crusaders’ brave attack.

You wish them both good fortune, for you know the time has come to part company with these brave men. Their destiny awaits them on the field of battle; yours will be found inside the city of Darke itself where, if you are to fulfil your quest, you must confront Warlord Magnaarn.

You bid them farewell and watch as they lead their men in a marching column across the plain towards the distant field of battle. When they are a mile away, you set off alone towards the hamlet, which lies en route to the gates of Darke.

Turn to 154.

Maquin e Schera si sono allontanati da noi ancora vivi! E nel mezzo di una guerra! La nostra Death Aura si è gravemente indebolita :(

You reach the hamlet and hurry along its solitary road. Flanking you are two rows of low cottages, their thick-thatched roofs still intact despite the fiery carnage that has swept so near. Off to the right you see a barn-like building standing with its door ajar. A brazier of coals, an anvil, and a scattering of iron strips prove it to have once been a busy smithy. But now, like the surrounding buildings, it is seemingly deserted.

Illustration IX—A Lencian Crusader rushes out into the road brandishing a heavy steel mace in his left hand.

You are passing the open door when suddenly you hear a man’s voice. He has a strong Lencian accent and he is cursing you, thinking you to be a turncoat Stornland mercenary. As you turn to face the smithy door, a Lencian Crusader comes rushing out into the road, brandishing a heavy steel mace in his left hand. You yell at him that you are loyal to King Sarnac, but he ignores your plea and swings his weapon wildly at your head.

Lencian Crusader: COMBAT SKILL 34 ENDURANCE 36

Throughout this combat you are attempting to strike a blow that will render the knight unconscious. Fight this combat using the normal combat procedure.

If you manage to reduce the knight’s ENDURANCE to zero or below, turn to 272.

Ma lol :D

COMBAT RATING: +13 (con Mindblast)

Lupo Solitario -2 (37)
Lencian Crusader -12 (24)

Roll...0 :lol:
Lupo Solitario -0 (37)
Lencian Crusader SODOMIZZATO!

The misguided knight falls unconscious at your feet. Before he recovers, you take to your heels and continue on across the plain which leads inexorably towards the gates of Darke.

As you approach the city, the din of battle fills your ears. The shouts of angry men, the neighs of galloping steeds, the clang of riven steel, and the terrible screams of the slain buffet you remorselessly. Then, all of a sudden, you are plunged into the battle and to survive you are forced to cleave your way through a seemingly endless wall of enemy troops. It is as if they are gladly willing to sacrifice themselves in order to prevent you from reaching the apex of the slope that ascends to the shattered gates of the city. Undeterred, you forge a bloody path through this Drakkarim horde, wielding your weapon with deadly precision, every blow claiming an enemy soul. It is not until you are standing upon the very threshold of the gates that you encounter more formidable defenders. The breached gates are being held by a trio of blood-spattered Tukodak. They are in a state of battle-frenzy which you sense has been magically induced. Wild-eyed with savage bloodlust, they scream maniacally as they rush at you with their bloodied blades.

Illustration XV—The breached gates are held by a trio of blood-spattered Tukodak who rush at you with their bloodied blades.

‘For Sommerlund!’ you cry, as you steel yourself to meet their attack.

3 Tukodak Guardians (in battle-frenzy): COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 44

If you win this combat, turn to 125.

E che cazzo :D

Ok, i 3 tizi in posa sono abbastanza crugni. Con Mindblast abbiamo +1 di COMBAT RATING; con Kai-Surge, abbiamo +5. Cosa volete che usi :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Sun Knight

CS: 41 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +2 Levelup)
--> 45 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 49 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 37/42 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +4 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic

Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Signet Ring, Brass Key, Alether (+2 CS), Meal, Meal, Wine

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key, Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali)
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

Money (50): 37 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
************************************************** ******

3rd May 2013, 10:44

3rd May 2013, 10:55
3 vs 1 con dei pazzi maniaci assetati di sangue?

challenge accepted! :accepted:

Spariamogli in faccia tutto il nostro Kai-surge :metal:

3rd May 2013, 11:05
Kai-surge abbestia,apriamo in due queste lattine!

3rd May 2013, 11:25

3 Tukodak Guardians (in battle-frenzy): COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 44

COMBAT RATING +5 (con Kai-Surge)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(36)
3 Tukodak Guardians -14 (30)

Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(35)
3 Tukodak Guardians -12 (18)

Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(33)
3 Tukodak Guardians -9 (9)

Lupo Solitario -3 (-1)(29)
3 Tukodak Guardians -8 (1)

Roll...1 :(
Lupo Solitario -4 (-1)(25)
3 Tukodak Guardians -6 (morti!)

Ok, siamo andati un po' in calando lol :D

You clamber over the bodies that are heaped chest-high around the shattered city gates; then you begin to fight your way steadily towards the centre of this terrible stronghold. Beyond the entrance you see that a wild battle is raging through the streets. A regiment of Lencian Crusaders are fighting to wrestle possession of the keep from a determined horde of Magnaarn’s Drakkarim. The tide turns against the Lencians and as they are driven back towards the gates, you are forced to climb a stair which leads to the battlements in order to avoid being lost in the crush. Halfway up the steps you are attacked by a Drakkar armed with sword and shield. You duck his clumsy swipe and lash out at his chest. He catches your blow on his shield, but the sheer force of your attack hurls him down on the steps where he remains, cradling his broken arm, tears streaming down his soot-blackened face.


You stride up the steps towards the battlements where a group of Lencians are locked in combat with two Death Knights. The Crusaders slay their enemies, but they, in turn, are slain when a bolt of crackling crimson energy rips through their shiny steel armour, fired from the tip of a wizard’s staff. Their lifeless bodies come tumbling down the steps, knocking you flat on your back and pinning you down beneath the weight of their armour. You struggle to get free, but you are being observed by the one who slew the knights: an evil Nadziranim wizard. He levels his staff at your head and a swirling trail of sparks ignites at its tip. With imminent death staring you full in the face, you steel yourself to meet your maker.

Turn to 177.

Addirittura :nod:

Suddenly the evil wizard cries out in pained surprise and throws his claw-tipped hands into the air. A sparkling bolt, which was destined to seal your doom, arcs from his staff and blows a man-sized hole in the wall of the fortress. As the resultant smoke and dust slowly clears, you see Captain Prarg standing over the body of the slain wizard with a bloodied sword held in his hand. With a cry of victory, he leaps over the crumpled corpse and comes rushing down the steps to help free you from the tangle of bodies.

Illustration X—Captain Prarg stands over the body of the slain wizard with bloodied sword in hand.

‘Well met, Sire,’ he says excitedly. ‘I feared you were dead and buried at the Temple of Antah.’

‘I, too, thought you dead, Prarg,’ you reply, thankful to see him still alive. ‘Yet it seems that fate has decreed otherwise.’

‘I was lucky,’ he says, ‘I escaped from Magnaarn. But come, Sire. There’s no time for tales now. We must away from here. Follow me; I know where the Warlord is hiding.’

Turn to 36.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

Prarg ed i suoi baffi! E ci ha pure salvato la vita!

Tutto ciò è stupefacente O.o

You follow Prarg to the top of the steps, and as you race along the body-strewn battlements, you see the fighting which is raging both inside and outside the city. The battlements end at a tower where a flight of spiral steps ascend to a circular landing. Here you wait in the shadows until a troop of Drakkarim pass by. While you are waiting for them to disappear, you look out of the tower through an arrow slit and see the waters of the Gulf of Lencia, and the conflict that is raging across the coastal plain.

‘The King’s Crusaders breached the city gate three days ago,’ whispers Prarg. ‘They were close to taking the city when Magnaarn and his armies arrived. His newfound power shattered the Crusaders, but even though they were broken by it, not all were ejected from the city. Those you saw fighting at the keep are trying to hold on until our allies arrive from Kasland. The fleet is expected at any time. Magnaarn must be slain. He and the sceptre have become one entity—he is now a puppet of a far greater evil.’


A shudder runs down your spine as, for the first time since you entered Darke, you feel the presence of the Doomstone. Fear returns to haunt you, the fear that the evil gem will sap your strength, as it did when first you encountered it at the Temple of Antah. If this is still so then Magnaarn may prove impossible to defeat.

Prarg senses your anxiety and he offers some words of advice and hope: ‘The taking of Darke has weakened the Warlord—he’s paid a terrible price. He has been forced to retire from the battle in order to recover his strength and he is presently at his weakest. Now, Sire, is the time to strike.’

Beyond the landing lies a corridor which leads to a junction where another passageway crosses from left to right. You look to the right and see that the way is blocked by a heavy steel door. Prarg utters a curse under his breath, and then he explains his anger.

‘That way leads directly to the Palace Tower. Magnaarn is hiding there, in its uppermost chamber.’

Anxiously he glances along the opposite passage and furrows his brow. ‘Perhaps we can get there by another route,’ he muses.

If you wish to investigate the closed door, turn to 220.

If you choose to look for another way of reaching the Palace Tower, turn to 182.

Che si fa :D?

3rd May 2013, 11:37

E cmq avevamo anche l'aleter come buff da spararci oltre al kai surge.

3rd May 2013, 12:03
L'aleter meglio nei momenti di crisi, btw, investigazione!

3rd May 2013, 12:16
Investighiamo sbirciando dalla serratura, magari di là c'é Edwige Fenech nuda! :D

(o Paido, nudo e incaprettato :look:)

3rd May 2013, 12:30
A man can dream!

You hurry to the door and examine the lock. It is a unique design, quite unlike any you have seen before. It appears be made entirely of silver with a keyhole that is smooth and circular in shape.

If you possess a Silver Rod, turn to 27.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 290.

Eccerto che l'abbiamo :D Probabimente ci fa inchiappare paido con la verga d'argento :nod:

Guided by your instincts, you take the Silver Rod from your pocket and insert it into the lock. It is a perfect fit. Silently the lock disengages and the door swings open to reveal two Tukodak guards, both standing with their backs to you. One feels a draught and glances over his shoulder, but before he can draw a weapon or warn his comrade, you leap forward and silence them with two swift and deadly open-handed blows to the napes of their necks.

Turn to 83.

Sempre più Kung-Fu master :nod:

You detect a strong presence of evil lurking somewhere nearby and you warn Prarg of what you sense. Cautiously, the two of you leave this chamber by a passage which leads to a flight of black stone steps. You ascend the steps to a domed chamber which is sheathed with dull black stone. Heavy velvet hangings of ebony hue cover most of the walls, and all of the furnishings are upholstered with the same morbid cloth. The sensation of evil is stronger here, so strong that you feel as if you are slowly suffocating.

‘It’s here…’ you whisper, your hand reaching for your weapon. ‘The Doomstone. I can feel its presence!’

Suddenly there is a movement away to your left and a blast of white-hot energy comes roaring towards your face. You dive aside in time to avoid it, but the bolt rebounds from the steel-hard wall and glances off the back of Prarg’s head, knocking him unconscious.

Turn to 161.

AH-AH! Sapevo che la Death Aura si stava riprendendo...

You kneel beside Prarg and check that he is still breathing. He is fortunate that the bolt struck him a glancing blow; had it hit him squarely it would have killed him outright. Then you hear a movement over on the far side of the chamber, and when you look up, you see Warlord Magnaarn emerging from behind one of the many hanging black drapes. An aura of evil surrounds his body like a shimmering grey cocoon, and his features no longer appear as they did when first you encountered him in the subterranean labyrinths of the Temple of Antah. Now his body is twisted and mummy-like, and feverish eyes burn from black sockets within a bald skull of a face. You sense that he is wholly possessed by the object he holds clenched in his shrunken hand—the Nyras Sceptre.


The dread sceptre hums with the power of the Doomstone that is set upon its platinum shaft. Magnaarn utters an evil laugh and points the sceptre at you, but curiously you feel no weakness or leeching of strength, as occurred at Antah. The Warlord’s sick eyes widen with surprise and you sense that he is fearful. He threatens you with death, but his voice is wavering. He is unsure of his power. Then you sense another presence, a magical presence. A wispy shape emerges from behind another curtain, summoned forth by Magnaarn, and at once you recognize it to be the formless life-force of a Nadziranim sorcerer. You hear Magnaarn issue a psychic command, ordering the creature to slay you, and immediately it responds. Swiftly it moves across the chamber, changing shape as it draws closer. It is no more than ten feet distant when it solidifies into a form which is truly horrifying to behold.

Turn to 42.

Ok, lo scettro ha fatto cilecca. Vediamo che dice il mago :D

The Nadziranim sorcerer has taken on the visage of a great snuffling beast which creeps towards you on six long-clawed feet. A vile, bulbous head is perched uneasily on its immense shoulders and its baleful, milky-coloured eyes roll like balls of mist within its scabrous head. The reeking fur of its body seems to bristle as slowly, with ponderous steps, it draws closer and closer.

Illustration III—The Nadziranim sorcerer, taking on the visage of a great sniffling beast, creeps towards you.

If you possess the Sommerswerd and you wish to use it, turn to 271.

If you do not possess this Special Item or do not wish to use it, turn to 134.

Ma che cazzo :afraid:

Che si fa :D?

3rd May 2013, 12:41
Estraiamo la spada diddio, andiamo di aleter, kaisurgiamo e schiacciamo il cane cervello...

3rd May 2013, 12:43
E ora con l'aiuto del sole ..vincero!!

3rd May 2013, 12:50
E' arrivato il suo momento:


Atomizziamo questo scarrafone, SOMMERSWERD GO!!

3rd May 2013, 13:10

The creature opens its great jaws and from the depths of its throat it coughs forth a guttering ball of flame. Immediately, your senses alert you to the fact that this is no ordinary fireball; it is wholly psychic in nature. It comes roaring towards you like a mini-sun trailing fiery orange sparks. You strike at it with the Sommerswerd, and as your divine blade connects, the fiery ball suddenly explodes into a million motes of light which rapidly dissolve.

The sudden jolt of contact knocks you backwards. Before you fully recover your footing, the creature seizes its advantage and comes leaping through the air towards your chest.

Turn to 283.


Desperately you roll across the black stone floor to avoid the creature’s initial attack. Your swift reactions save you from its razor claws, but it, too, possesses lightning reflexes. It leaps once more and you barely have enough time to unsheathe your weapon before it lands upon you and slams you to the ground.

Tarhdemon (polymorphed Nadziran): COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 42

If you win this combat, turn to 66.

Tarhdemon, il Pokemon ritardato, è un avversario abbastanza potente...comunque sia la nostra COMBAT RATING è +5 (con Kai-Surge)!

Roll...0 :oldmetal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(33)
Tardhemon -18 (24)

Lupo Solitario -3 (-1)(29)
Tardhemon -8 (16)

Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(26)
Tardhemon -10 (6)

Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(23)
Tardhemon -10 (morto!)

The moment you strike your killing blow, the creature explodes with a flash of brilliant white light. As the glare fades, you see that nothing whatsoever remains of either its body or spirit. Magnaarn witnesses the death of his servant with a look of pure terror. He screams, and in a moment of panic, he touches the head of the Nyras Sceptre to the floor. There is a tremendous boom, and the floor shudders violently as it is torn wide open by a massive quake.

Hurriedly, Magnaarn makes his escape through a curtained archway. Determined not to allow him to escape, you get ready to leap across the fissure which has opened up the chamber floor. It is no less than twenty feet wide at its narrowest point.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now 3 or less, turn to 128.

If it is 4–6, turn to 75.

If it is 7 or more, turn to 179.


You clear the gap with one bound, and even manage to stay on your feet when you land on the far side of the fissure. Hungry for victory and vengeance, you tear aside the curtain through which Magnaarn disappeared and discover a short flight of steps which emerge at a turret at the very top of the Palace Tower, the highest point in the city of Darke.

Here you find Magnaarn, cowering with his crooked back pressed hard against the frost-covered wall. You sense that he has very nearly succumbed to the evil power of the Doomstone; he is treading a fine line between life and undeath. Yet, even though he is but a whisker away from eternal damnation, he musters enough spite to challenge you to a fight to the death.

‘Very well, Drakkar,’ you reply. ‘Let battle commence.’

Warlord Magnaarn (with Nyras Sceptre): COMBAT SKILL 50 ENDURANCE 36

If you win this combat, turn to 350.

Ok, siamo allo scontro finale! Abbiamo una Combat Rating di -1 (con Kai-Surge). Abbiamo la Drogga e l'Alether. Abbiamo anche la super cura di Deliverance. Cosa ci spariamo, se ci spariamo qualcosa :D?

3rd May 2013, 13:24
Ma gli spacchiamo il culo a sto cialtrone dimmerda, vai liscio così al max usiamo ignore pain!

3rd May 2013, 14:00
io un alether lo tirerei...e poi apriamogli il culo.

3rd May 2013, 14:27
Aleter e ip a 7 pf come di consuetudine...

3rd May 2013, 14:54
Ci caliamo un Alether! (tra l'altro, da -1 a +1 c'è il gain maggiore sulla tabella, perchè ci muoviamo di 2 "slot" più avanti, invece che solo di 1 come al solito)

COMBAT RATING: +1 (con Kai-Surge)

Lupo Solitario -3 (-1)(20)
Warlord Magnaarn -7 (29)

Lupo Solitario -3 (-1)(16)
Warlord Magnaarn -7 (22)

Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(13)
Warlord Magnaarn -8 (14)

Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(10)
Warlord Magnaarn -8 (6)

Lupo Solitario -1 (-1)(8)
Warlord Magnaarn -10 (morto!)

LOL abbiamo evitato anche di usare IP (dovrei controllare se scatta a 8 o se scendiamo sotto 8 lol) :D

The moment you strike your killing blow, the Nyras Sceptre explodes with a brilliant flash and you are knocked down by the sudden release of energy. For several minutes you lie unconscious on the floor of this wind-swept turret, until you are found and revived by your guide and companion, Captain Prarg. Nothing remains of either Warlord Magnaarn or the Nyras Sceptre; both have been utterly destroyed. Prarg helps you to your feet, and as you look out across the battle-torn landscape, you witness a wondrous event. The Gulf of Lencia is dotted with scores of square-rigged men o’ war. They are the ships of the Kasland fleet: at last Lencia’s allies have arrived.

Thanks to your bravery and determination, the power which has so devastated this land is now no more. The destruction of the Nyras Sceptre heralds a turning of the tides of war in the west. The Nadziranim and their armies flee the field of battle and are pursued by the allies all the way back to their strongholds in the north. The remnants of Magnaarn’s army are routed and swept out of Nyras, and after many centuries, this country finally returns to its rightful heirs.

In recognition of your victory over Warlord Magnaarn, King Sarnac of Lencia and Archduke Chalamis of Kasland hold a royal banquet in Vadera in your honour. You are heaped with praise and you receive the thanks and warm congratulations of a grateful populace.

Well done, Lone Wolf. Once again you have achieved a victory over the forces of darkness and proved yourself to be worthy of the title ‘Kai Grand Master’. Yet the fight against Evil goes ever on. On your return to your homeland you will be faced with a new and deadly challenge that will test your remarkable skills and unquestionable bravery. The nature of this challenge can be found in the next Grand Master adventure, which is entitled:

The Legacy of Vashna

Speriamo che Vashna non abbia lasciato il suo pugnale a nessuno nel testamento! :hidenod:

Ok truppa: come al solito, abbiamo un po' di tempo per il GIOCO DEL SE FOSSE!

3rd May 2013, 15:18
Se andavamo a nord? al bivio nord/sud

3rd May 2013, 15:21
Cosa succedeva se non davamo da mangiare al lurido baffuto?

3rd May 2013, 16:12
Quando siamo sbarcati nei pressi di Darke, cosa succedeva se fossimo tornati indietro verso il fiume invece di andare verso il villaggiuzzo?

6th May 2013, 10:22
Se andavamo a nord? al bivio nord/sud

trovavamo dei cadaveri bruciati, dopodichè Schera ci chiamava (perchè trovava lui i prigionieri ancora vivi).

Cosa succedeva se non davamo da mangiare al lurido baffuto?

Ci fa usare Huntmastery per dare da mangiare a Prarg radici e lombrichi <.<

Quando siamo sbarcati nei pressi di Darke, cosa succedeva se fossimo tornati indietro verso il fiume invece di andare verso il villaggiuzzo?

Avevamo un 50% che ci lasciassero perdere e andassero a combattere nella battaglia principale; altrimenti, dovevamo combattere un capitano nemico, che però non era molto forte. Dopodichè, arrivavamo al villaggio senza colpo ferire.

Preparo il nuovo thread!

6th May 2013, 10:28
Vermi e lombrichi era una dieta sana ed equilibrata per quell'inutile essere (anche se alla fine ha trovato le @@ lasciate sul comodino ed è tornato utile)

6th May 2013, 10:37
Ma invece che succedeva se il roll che ci ha permesso di far ingabbiare Prarg andava a buon fine e non ruzzolavamo come imbecilli?

6th May 2013, 10:49
Spe Sturm son rincoglionito dal weekend (e Prarg si è fatto catturare 20 volte in questo libro lol), che paragrafo era :D?