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View Full Version : [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XIX: Wolf's Bane

19th June 2013, 10:50

Ah Wolf's Bane...dove tutti si dimenticano di cosa LW ha fatto per loro e in cui finalmente andiamo all'avventura con i nostri discepoli più fidati!

Frustrated by your defeat of his minions, the Dark God Naar plots a bitter revenge. From the depths of his lair upon the Plane of Darkness he creates and sends forth an evil champion who is the very image of yourself.

In Wolf’s Bane, you must hunt down and destroy your evil alter-ego before it lays waste to your proud reputation and your homeland of Sommerlund. Will you find and defeat this evil mirror-image in time? Or will you fall foul of the Dark God’s plans and be destroyed by your likeness?

Dopo aver salvato il Monastero Kai dai seguaci di Naar in Dawn of Dragons (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=109094), ora dobbiamo difendere il nostro buon nome!

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You are Grand Master Lone Wolf, the sole survivor of a massacre that wiped out the First Order of the Kai—the warrior élite of Sommerlund.

It is the year MS 5080, thirty years since your brave kinsmen perished at the hands of the Darklords of Helgedad. These champions of evil, who were sent forth by Naar, the King of the Darkness, to destroy the fertile world of Magnamund, have themselves since been destroyed. You vowed to avenge the murder of the Kai and you kept your pledge, for it was you who brought about their downfall when alone you infiltrated their foul domain—the Darklands—and caused the destruction of their leader and the base of his power that was the infernal city of Helgedad.

In the wake of their destruction, chaos befell the Darkland armies who had been poised to conquer all of Magnamund. This disorder escalated into a mutinous civil war, which allowed the Freeland armies of Magnamund time in which to recover and launch a counter-offensive. Against the odds, a swift and total victory was secured over the feuding Darkland armies.

For ten unbroken years, peace has reigned in Sommerlund. Under your direction, the once-ruined Monastery of the Kai has been rebuilt and restored to its former glory, and the task of teaching a New Order of Kai warriors the skills and proud traditions of your ancestors is also well established. The new generation of Kai recruits, all of whom were born during the era of war against the Darklords, possess strong latent Kai skills and all show exceptional promise. These skills will be nurtured and honed to perfection during their time at the monastery so that they may teach and inspire future generations, thereby ensuring the continued security of your homeland in future years.

Your attainment of the rank of Kai Grand Master brought with it great rewards. Some, such as the restoration of the Kai and the undying gratitude of your fellow Sommlending, could have been anticipated. Yet there have also been rewards which you could not possibly have foreseen. The discovery that within you lay the potential to develop Kai Disciplines beyond those of the Magnakai (which were thought to be the ultimate that a Kai Master could aspire to) was truly a revelation. Your discovery has inspired you to search for the wisdom and power that no Kai Lord before you has ever possessed. In the name of your creator, the God Kai, and for the greater glory of Sommerlund and the Goddess Ishir, you have vowed to reach the very pinnacle of Kai perfection—to attain all of the Grand Master Disciplines and become the first Kai Supreme Master.

With diligence and determination you set about the restoration of the Kai Monastery and the training of the New Order recruits. Your efforts were soon rewarded and, within the space of two short years, the first raw recruits had graduated to become a cadre of gifted Kai Masters who, in turn, were able to commence the teaching of their skills to subsequent intakes of Kai novices. The Kai Masters rose readily to their newfound responsibilities, leaving you free to devote more of your time to the pursuit and perfection of the Grand Master Disciplines. During this period you also received expert tutelage in the ways of magic from two of your most trusted friends and advisors: Guildmaster Banedon, leader of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, and Lord Rimoah, speaker for the High Council of the Elder Magi.

In the deepest subterranean level of the monastery, one hundred feet below the Tower of the Sun, you ordered the excavation and construction of a special vault. In this magnificent chamber wrought of granite and gold, you placed the seven Lorestones of Nyxator—gems of Kai power which you had recovered during your quest for Kai knowledge. In this vault, bathed in the golden light of those radiant gems, you spent countless hours in pursuit of perfection. Sometimes alone, sometimes in the company of your two able advisors—Banedon and Rimoah—you worked hard to develop your innate Grand Master Disciplines, and grasp the fundamental secrets of Brotherhood and Old Kingdom magic. During this time you noticed many remarkable changes taking place within your body: you became physically and mentally stronger, your five primary senses sharpened beyond all that you had experienced before, and, perhaps most remarkably, your body began to age at a much slower rate. Now for every five years that elapse you age but one year.

In the years since your victory over the Darklords, peace has reigned victorious and the peoples of the Free Kingdoms have rejoiced in the knowledge that the evil which once threatened to destroy them has been banished from the face of Magnamund. Men have readily exchanged their swords for hoes and their shields for ploughs, and now the only marching they do is along the ruts of their freshly furrowed fields. Few are the watchful eyes that scan the distant horizon in fear of what may appear, although there are still some who maintain their vigilance, for the agents of the Dark God Naar come in many guises and there are those upon Magnamund who wait quietly in the shadows for the chance to do his evil bidding.

Already your newfound skills have been tested against Naar’s agents and you have, on each occasion, acquitted yourself admirably. Yet your continuing victories have enraged the Dark God and inflamed his lust for vengeance. Three years ago, you and your new Kai kinsmen achieved a glorious victory over a host of deadly Lavas. These dragon-like horrors were sent by Naar to destroy the Kai Monastery and lay waste to Sommerlund, and yet, despite their supernatural strength, they were defeated in battle by the sheer courage and skill of the New Order Kai who fought magnificently under your leadership.

After the ignominious defeat of his minions, Naar retreated to the Plane of Darkness to plot and scheme anew. Victory at the monastery had won for you a respite in the Dark God’s war against Sommerlund and the Kai. The following three years were peaceful for your homeland, yet elsewhere on Magnamund the agents of Naar continued their insidious work. On several occasions your special skills were sought by envoys from foreign realms whose leaders were desperate to rid themselves of Naar’s minions. Courageously you undertook many of these dangerous missions and, by succeeding where no other mortal could, you brought fresh glories upon yourself and your fellow Kai.

In the summer of MS 5080, during a return voyage by sea from a successful quest to distant Dessi, an act of sabotage very nearly wrecked the sailing ship that was transporting you home. Only fair weather and skilful repairs by the Sommlending crew saved the ship from being lost in the Gulf of Durenor. When the damaged craft limped into its home port of Anskaven, more than two weeks late, the reception you received was far from welcoming. The normally cheerful seafaring folk of this busy port were in a strangely sullen mood. Clearly they all recognized you, yet none cheered as you disembarked on Anskaven quay. The crowd was quietly hostile. Before you could determine their reasons, the uneasy silence was shattered by a troop of heavily-armoured cavalrymen who came galloping along the quayside, their gleaming swords drawn. The crowd scattered as the horsemen drew up in a circle around you. Their leader, a nervous young lieutenant whose coat bore the black eagle and three hearts motif of Avan Caldar, Baron of Anskaven, curtly ordered you to lay down your weapons. Not wishing to provoke these city troopers, you obeyed the command and allowed them to escort you to Baron Caldar’s castle where you felt sure their inglorious mistake would be swiftly punished.

Baron Caldar formally received you in the Great Hall of his castle. You had met previously on many state occasions at King Ulnar’s court in Holmgard and had always held each other in high esteem. Yet Caldar, flanked by more than a dozen armed bodyguards, could barely bring himself to conceal his contempt. He spoke to you as if you were a hated criminal. You asked why you were being treated in such a manner, but your pleas fell on deaf ears. Without further explanation, he ordered that you be taken immediately to the dungeons and placed in irons.

Later that evening, using your mental Kai Disciplines to help loosen the tight-lipped resolve of a dungeon guard, you learned the reasons for your apparent fall from grace.

‘You first arrived in Anskaven by ship eighteen days ago, as expected,’ said the gaoler, in response to your psychic commands. ‘Baron Caldar met you personally at the quayside and gave you a horse and six of his best troopers to escort you to Toran. During your ride to that city, they say you murdered his men and burnt their bodies. On arriving at Toran, you tried to assassinate Banedon—the Guildmaster of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star. He survived, yet much of the Guildmaster’s Hall was destroyed by your doing. To cover your escape from the city, you poisoned the wells causing hundreds of deaths. At first it was said that a Helghast had adopted your likeness to gain entry to the Guildhall, but Guildmaster Banedon refuted these claims. He is convinced that you are possessed by the spirit of Naar. The Guildmaster dispatched the Toran militia to spread this message across Sommerlund. A few days later at the forest village of Durnfallow, near Tyso, the Fryearl of Durnfallow was murdered and his manor house was torched to the ground. The villagers say they saw you riding away from the blazing ruins, howling like a crazed wolf. The people are terrified by the thought that Naar has corrupted you—their greatest hero—and turned you against your own. They are scared and they are demanding swift justice. King Ulnar has bowed to their will; he has sent all of his Border Rangers to Tyso with orders to find and kill you on sight.’

The news of your alleged crimes comes as a bitter blow. You are sure that it is all the handiwork of an agent of Naar, and you resolve to find and vanquish this impostor at the first opportunity. However, as you cast your eyes around the damp walls of the castle dungeon, you can only pray to Ishir and Kai that the Baron and his guards will believe your story and allow you a chance to reclaim your honour.

TL;DR: Naar, stanco dei nostri sforzi, ha rilasciato qualche genere di replicante con le nostre fattezze per assassinare Bademon; ha fallito, ma ha ucciso Nmila persone nel tentativo. Quando ci siamo presentati a palazzo, siamo stati rinchiusi nelle segrete. Bademon pensa che siamo "posseduti" da Naar. Siamo diventati schizofrenici? O c'è un doppione?

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Ciò detto...Discipline Grand Master! In spoiler la lista completa: ne possiamo, come al solito, scegliere 1 nuova. Questo ci da anche un bonus di +1 CS e +2 EP indipendentemente dalla disciplina scelta!

In Rossoquelle che gia abbiamo!

Grand Weaponmastery

This Discipline enables a Grand Master to become supremely efficient in the use of all weapons. When you enter combat with one of your Grand Weaponmastery weapons, you add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Grand Defender, with which you begin the Lone Wolf Grand Master series, means you are supremely efficient in the use of two of the weapons listed below. For each book that you complete in the Lone Wolf Grand Master series (Books 13–20), you will gain mastery of an additional weapon. For example, if you complete The Plague Lords of Ruel and have the Grand Master Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery at the beginning of the next Lone Wolf Grand Master book, you may choose an additional Weapon to gain mastery of.

If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 5 to any number that you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.

Animal Mastery

Grand Masters have considerable control over hostile, non-sentient creatures. Also, they have the ability to converse with birds and fishes, and use them as guides.

Deliverance (Advanced Curing)

Grand Masters are able to use their healing power to repair serious battle-wounds. If, whilst in combat, their ENDURANCE is reduced to 8 points or less, they can draw upon their mastery to restore 20 ENDURANCE points. This ability can only be used once every 20 days.

Assimilance (Advanced Invisibility)

Grand Masters are able to effect striking changes to their physical appearance, and maintain these changes over a period of a few days. They have also mastered advanced camouflage techniques that make them virtually undetectable in an open landscape.

Grand Huntmastery

Grand Masters are able to see in total darkness and have greatly heightened senses of touch and taste. If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.

Grand Pathsmanship

Grand Masters are able to resist entrapment by hostile plants and have a super-awareness of ambush, or the threat of ambush, in woods and dense forests.


When using their psychic ability to attack an enemy, Grand Masters may add 8 points to their COMBAT SKILL. For every round in which Kai-surge is used, Grand Masters need only deduct 1 ENDURANCE point. When using the weaker psychic attack—Mindblast—they may add 4 points without loss of ENDURANCE points. (Kai-surge, Psi-surge, and Mindblast cannot be used simultaneously.)
Grand Masters cannot use Kai-surge if their ENDURANCE score falls to 6 points or below.


In psychic combat, Grand Masters are able to construct mind fortresses capable of protecting themselves and others. The strength and capacity of these fortresses increase as a Grand Master advances in rank.

Grand Nexus

Grand Masters are able to withstand contact with harmful elements, such as flames and acids, for upwards of an hour in duration. This ability increases as a Grand Master advances in rank.

Telegnosis (Advanced Divination)

This Discipline enables a Grand Master to spirit-walk for far greater lengths of time, and with far fewer ill effects. Duration and the protection of his inanimate body increase as a Grand Master advances in rank.


Under the tutelage of Lord Rimoah, you have been able to master the rudimentary skills of battle-magic, as taught to the Vakeros—the native warriors of Dessi. These skills include the basic use of Old Kingdom Spells such as Shield, Power Word, and Invisible Fist. As you advance in rank, so will your knowledge and mastery of Old Kingdom magic increase.


Under the tutelage of Guildmaster Banedon, you have mastered the elementary spells of Left-handed magic, as practised by the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star. These spells include Lightning Hand, Levitation, and Mind Charm. As you advance in rank, so will your knowledge and mastery of Left-handed magic increase, enabling you to craft new Kai weapons and artefacts.

E ora...Upgrade Time!

Grand Crown
If you are a Grand Master who has reached the rank of Grand Crown, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

Grand Weaponmastery
Kai Grand Crowns with this Discipline are consummate masters of unarmed combat. When fighting bare-handed, i.e. without any weapons, they may add 3 points to their COMBAT SKILL.

Animal Mastery
Grand Crowns with this ability are able to plant in the mind of any animal the image of their most feared predator or adversary. Under the influence of this illusion the animal will believe, with all of its senses, that it is being confronted by such a creature instead of a Kai Grand Crown.

Grand Pathsmanship
Grand Crowns with this skill are able to create a clear passageway through dense undergrowth, forest, or jungle. Once having passed through this passageway, the plant material will revert to its normal state. This skill can also be employed by a Kai Grand Crown against magical foliage, or to counter any plant material ranged against him by an enemy.

Grand Crowns who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to mask the goodly aura which radiates naturally from their minds and bodies. Additionally, Grand Crowns can deliberately alter these auras to give a false impression of themselves to creatures that are sensitive to such psychic auras.

Grand Nexus
Grand Crowns who possess this Discipline are able to speak a Kai Power Word—a holy utterance which will cause physical and psychic damage to any single creature within a radius of thirty feet. The degree of damage so caused, and the resultant drain upon a Grand Crown’s reserves of ENDURANCE, are dependent upon individual circumstances. The power and range of this skill increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Grand Crown are able to use the following Brotherhood Spells:

Teleport—By casting this spell, Kai Grand Crowns can transport themselves physically to any place which they can see with their own eyes. The spell will carry the caster, his equipment, and clothing to his chosen sighted destination. It cannot be used on any other living creature and it will not transport any other living creature along with the caster. Use of this spell will cost the caster between 1 and 5 ENDURANCE points every time it is used. This cost reduces as a Kai Grand Master increases in rank.
See Illusion—Using this spell, a Kai Grand Crown is able to detect an illusion and know immediately its true identity or purpose.

A voi la scelta! :D

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Lupo Solitario, Grand Thane

CS: 46 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +5 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +6 Levelup)
--> 50 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 54 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

EP: 50/50 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +12 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic
- Telegnosis
- Deliverance
- Grand Weaponmastery

Weapons (2): Dagger, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Signet Ring, Ruby Ring, Iron Key, Stone Bowl, Onyx Key, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Matho's Potion

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Green Key, Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali), Black Amulet, Silver Seal, Sun-crystal
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith, Wolfskin Cloack, Platinum Amulet

Money (50): 28 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 52 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
- Presi per sfinimento dai servi del Deathlord di Ixia (Libro XVI)
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19th June 2013, 11:05
Mmm io dico GrandNexus!

Btw il nuovo rank di animal mastery è veramente >>>>> :sneer:

19th June 2013, 11:33
Grand Nexus!

Voglio la Kay Power Word! (che sarà sicuramente GLOARRRRRR)

19th June 2013, 11:50
Si prendiamo sto nexus, che nell'ultimo libro ce l'ha chiesto tipo 30 volte...

Ricorda ora da disarmati abbiamo +3 cs, magari aggiorniamolo sulla scheda.

19th June 2013, 13:31
grand nexus

19th June 2013, 13:48
Ok pare che Grand Nexus vinca a mani basse :D

The jangle of keys and the metallic squeal of a rusty iron bolt makes your pulse quicken. Moments later, the heavy dungeon door creaks open and two imperious figures step with caution into the dingy cell. They are protected by a dome of radiant magical energy, yet you can see enough of their features through this shimmering force field to recognize them to be Baron Caldar and Guildmaster Banedon.

‘Well met, old friend!’ you call out, but Banedon does not return your greeting. His countenance is one of fearful suspicion. Clearly he and the Baron suspect you are the evil impostor who has wrought havoc across Sommerlund.

‘Come now, Banedon. Truly, it is I—Lone Wolf. Won’t you release me from these shackles?’

Banedon takes hold of a crystal pendant that hangs from a chain around his neck and a wave of strong psychic energy washes over you. The sensation is deeply unpleasant, but you resist the urge to use your psychic Kai defences to repel it. Instead, you allow this mental probe to access the recesses of your mind and gradually Banedon’s grim expression is replaced by a smile. He nods approvingly and, in an instant, the magical barrier which protects the two men blinks out of existence.

If you possess a Platinum Amulet, turn to 195.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 302.

Ce l'abbiamo!

‘Release him, my lord,’ says Banedon. The Baron, caught off-guard by the sudden disappearance of the magical shield and the Guildmaster’s unexpected request, takes a step backwards and reaches nervously for his sword.

‘Have no fear,’ says Banedon, staying the Baron’s hand, ‘for we have here the real Grand Master of the Kai.’

‘How can you be so sure?’ retorts Caldar. Banedon smiles and points to the amulet that you wear around your neck.

‘Look there,’ he says. ‘No agent of Naar could tolerate the touch of that goodly artefact. Banish your doubts, my lord. This man is Lone Wolf.’

Turn to 88.

Beh, è stata dura ma li abbiamo convinti :nod:

Caldar removes his hand from his sword and heaves a sigh of relief. ‘Thank Ishir you’ve returned to us, Grand Master. Perhaps now the evil that has befallen Sommerlund will be avenged.’

The Baron summons his gaoler who unlocks the shackles that encase your wrists. Then, as the three of you hurriedly ascend from the castle dungeons to the Great Hall, Caldar and Banedon confirm the account of events that you extracted earlier from the gaoler. In addition to these facts you also learn that several days ago an angry mob, composed in the main of soldiers and citizens from Holmgard, marched upon the Kai Monastery. Firestone, the most senior of the New Order Kai, pleaded with the mob for calm. Fortunately they heeded his call and allowed him to send four Kai Masters to Tyso—the city where the impostor was last sighted. Firestone has ordered these four Kai to track down and slay the impostor as quickly as possible.

You are in no doubt that this impostor is a formidable enemy, one who could easily prove more than a match for the four young Kai. Anxious for their safety, you request that you be allowed to ride to Tyso to join with them. Banedon is in agreement, but he suggests a swifter and surer way that you may reach Tyso. Moored to the tower of Baron Caldar’s castle is Cloud-dancer—the Guildmaster’s skyship—which he places at your disposal. Gratefully you accept his generous offer.

You are keen to leave for Tyso without further delay, but before you depart, Baron Caldar offers you the chance to equip yourself with weapons and stores from his well-stocked armoury.

If you wish to accept the Baron’s offer, turn to 149.

If you decide to decline his offer, turn to 260.

Che si fa :D?

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Lupo Solitario, Grand Thane

CS: 46 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +5 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +6 Levelup)
--> 50 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 54 (con +8 Kai-Surge)
+3 CS se combattiamo disarmati

EP: 50/50 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +12 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic
- Telegnosis
- Deliverance
- Grand Weaponmastery
- Grand Nexus

Weapons (2): Dagger, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Signet Ring, Ruby Ring, Iron Key, Stone Bowl, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Matho's Potion

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Green Key, Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali), Black Amulet, Silver Seal, Sun-crystal
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith, Wolfskin Cloack, Platinum Amulet

Money (50): 31 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 52 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
- Presi per sfinimento dai servi del Deathlord di Ixia (Libro XVI)
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19th June 2013, 14:13
Lupotti non rinuncia mai a possibili loot e/o doni.

19th June 2013, 14:28
Andiamo a vedere che tiene in magazzino il Duca-Barone Cobram, 149

Magari cambiamo la Kagonite

19th June 2013, 14:29
Boh io lascerei stare, abbiamo già Sommerwerd, Arcodiddio, bombe a mano tricchetracche, facciamo gli sborooooni e diciamo che stiamo bene così.

19th June 2013, 14:36
lootiamo, probabilmente non ci sarà nula di utile ma non si sa mai

19th June 2013, 14:40

19th June 2013, 14:54
:dumb: for ever and ever

19th June 2013, 15:30
:dumb: trionfa!

Caldar instructs one of his guards to escort you to the castle armoury, where you are encouraged to take whatever you need. From among the many racks of fine weapons and equipment, the following items catch your eye:

Short Sword
Arrows (6)
Quiver (counts as a Special Item if you choose this in addition to any Quiver you may already possess)
Naphtha Bomb (small explosive incendiary—counts as a Backpack Item)

If you choose to take any of the above items, make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart. You may then leave the armoury by turning to 260.

Ok, in soldoni ditemi se volete la nafta per il trattore :nod: e cosa scartare nel caso!

Baron Caldar escorts you and Banedon to the roof of his castle’s main tower where, hovering above, you see the great gleaming hull of the Guildmaster’s skyship—Cloud-dancer. At Banedon’s signal a cage is lowered from the stern of this magical vessel and, after bidding farewell to the Baron, you are both hoisted aboard. The crew, some of whom are survivors from his previous skyship—Skyrider—are clearly agitated by your unexpected appearance; the sibilant hiss of their fearful whispers echoes softly along the deck. But immediately Banedon vouches that you are not the impostor who has terrorized Sommerlund these past few weeks and this swiftly allays his crew’s suspicions. As you accompany the Guildmaster to his quarters, the mood of the men and dwarves of the ship’s complement changes. Respectfully they salute you and welcome you with pride aboard their wondrous craft.

The Cloud-dancer sets sail and follows a southwesterly bearing for the city of Tyso, over one hundred miles distant. The night sky is clear and Javano, the ship’s pilot, is confident that you will arrive within the hour. During the brief voyage, Banedon communicates magically with the elders of his Brotherhood in Toran. He informs them of your safe return and tells them of your plans to track down the impostor. In response they assure him that word of your return will be conveyed at once to the King in Holmgard, and to your beleaguered kinsmen at the Kai Monastery. This glad news does much to lift your bruised spirits.

It seems as if you have been aboard the Cloud-dancer for no more than a few minutes when a message arrives from the forward lookout: ‘Tyso lights due south.’ You leave Banedon’s comfortable quarters below deck and accompany him to the prow rail from where you catch your first aerial glimpse of the distant city-port. The warm lantern light of hovels and taverns shimmers like a captive cluster of stars within the city’s protective wall. At the Guildmaster’s command, Javano begins the skyship’s descent and, as the twinkling lights loom larger, you are able to make out the silhouette of a grand castle that is perched on a headland overlooking the harbour.

‘There’s our destination, Lone Wolf,’ says Banedon, cheerfully, ‘the castle of Baron Tor Medar—the Seneschal of Tyso.’

Turn to 7.

Un giorno avremo una nave volante nostra, e riusciremo a starci sopra per più di 2 paragrafi :nod:

Guided by a circle of blazing beacons, Javano the pilot lands the skyship expertly in the middle of a paved training park located within the castle’s expansive grounds. In Tyso a curfew is in force, and the only figures lawfully abroad this night are Baron Medar’s guardsmen whose numbers have been doubled by a regiment of Border Rangers recently arrived from Holmgard. Banedon suggests that you stay on board until he has informed Baron Medar of the true situation.

‘The guards of Tyso are under orders to kill you on sight,’ he says, as he gets ready to disembark. ‘It would not be wise to show yourself, Grand Master, until I have explained all to the Baron.’

You remain in his quarters while Banedon seeks an audience with Baron Medar. Shortly he returns with the Baron who, upon entering the cabin, greets you warmly like a father welcoming home a favourite son.

‘You will always be welcome here, Lone Wolf,’ he says clasping your hand in friendship. ‘I knew in my heart that you were innocent of these crimes which have so shocked our people. You may rely on me to help you find this impostor who has sought to harm us and bring dishonour upon your good name.’

You thank the Baron for his support and his pledge of loyalty, and you tell him how pleased you are to be in Tyso after the months you have spent abroad.

‘Then come, my lord, let’s adjourn to my hall where you may enjoy the hospitality of my court,’ he says, and turns to leave the cabin. As he reaches the door he says: ‘Oh, and by the way, there are some men waiting there who, I’m sure, will be most pleased to meet with you.’

Turn to 238.

he Baron escorts you and Banedon through the echoing corridors of his castle, past watchful ranks of court guards and Border Rangers, to a hall which is lavishly furnished with Durenese oak and rare silken tapestries. Awaiting you there are a group of young men attired in hooded grey cloaks and close-fitting tunics. You recognize them immediately for they are four of your most promising students—Kai Masters Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Blazer, and Steel Hand.

Illustration XIII—Awaiting you in the hall are four of you most promising students: Black Hawk, Star Lynx, Blazer, and Steel Hand.

‘Praise Ishir you’ve returned to us, Grand Master!’ says Black Hawk, laying his right hand across his chest in a formal Kai salute. His companions breathe an audible sigh of relief as they, too, salute you and bow in deference to your rank.

‘Stand easy, my lords,’ you say, smiling as you motion them to relax. ‘It warms my heart and gives me strength to be with you again.’

‘We have heard the Guildmaster’s account,’ says red-haired Blazer, ‘and we await your orders, my lord. Upon your command we will find the impostor and avenge the honour of the Kai.’

You are about to give your answer when a court herald announces the unexpected arrival of Lord Foilan, Reeve-lieutenant of Tyso, the man charged with keeping law and order in the city. Upon entering the hall he is momentarily taken aback by the sight of you standing at the Baron’s side.

‘Calm yourself, Foilan,’ says Baron Medar, ‘this is the true Lone Wolf, not the impostor who stalks our land. What news have you?’

‘Sire…the Kai impostor has been sighted within the hour by rangers in the city’s North Quarter. They tried to take him captive but he slew two and wounded three of their number before escaping into the old necropolis. The city watch now have both entrances to the necropolis secure—he will not be permitted to escape.’

‘Very good, my lord,’ retorts the Baron. ‘So we have him cornered.’

‘If he’s gone to ground in the old necropolis,’ says Banedon, ‘he’ll be hard to track down. The catacombs of that ancient burial field are vast. It could take months to search them all.’

‘Never fear,’ you say confidently. ‘With the help of my able young Kai Masters I shall track and trap this impostor before dawn.’

‘Aye, my lord,’ pipes Star Lynx, elated by the thought of the hunt, ‘we’ll flush this cur from his hole before sunrise and bring him to justice.’

Guided by Lord Foilan, you take your leave of Banedon and Baron Medar and depart from the castle on horseback, accompanied by your eager Kai. During your ride through the twisting, lantern-lit streets of Tyso, you learn from Foilan that there are only two ways in and out of the city’s old necropolis: by its South Gate or by its Western Arch.

‘The impostor fled into the burial ground by the South Gate, my lord,’ says Foilan, ‘but that was more’n an hour ago. He’ll be deep un’erground by now.’

If you wish to ask Foilan to lead you to the South Gate of the necropolis, turn to 337.

If you choose to ask that he take you to the Western Arch instead, turn to 323.

Black Hawk, down.

Star Lynx, hippie.

Blazer, che indossa solo i maglioni più morbidi.

e Steel Hand, maestro della "magia" della mano sinistra.

Cazzo, abbiamo i Backstreet Boys :lol:

EDIT: per altro, Steel Hand ha in mano un dildo mostruoso, per qualche motivo.

Comunque, dove andiamo?

19th June 2013, 15:48
Andiamo con legolas etero e i suoi amici frustony, a west (323) che è sinistra, degli oggetti se abbiamo posto io prenderei un petardo diesel...

19th June 2013, 19:43
sinistra obv

19th June 2013, 22:37
Non sapendo da che parte arriviamo, non possiamo dire con certezza che l'Ovest sia a sinistra :nod:

Quindi, dico Sud, e mettiamoci alle calcagna dell'infame!

P.S: la sopravvivenza dei 4 niubbi Kai viene pagata alla SNAI intorno ai dodicimila a uno :sneer: :cry:

20th June 2013, 11:04

Andiamo a westeros!

‘Follow me, my lords!’ shouts Foilan, as he spurs his black mare along a narrow, cobblestoned street that wends its way through Tyso’s shabby North Quarter. At a junction close by the city’s main stables, he turns into an avenue that leads to the West Arch of the Old Necropolis.

When the Arch is less than a hundred yards distant, Foilan brings his horse to a halt and you rein in your steed beside him. Several dozen guards and rangers have gathered at the Arch and they have erected a barricade which completely blocks the entrance to the burial ground beyond. The Reeve-lieutenant tells you to wait here with your men while he goes forward to inform the guards of the situation and to tell them that you and your companions are not Kai impostors.

Patiently you wait for Foilan to complete his task. Then, on seeing his signal, you move forward and join him at the Western Arch. He shouts an order and hurriedly the guards pull aside a wagon which blocks the entrance, enabling the five of you to dismount and proceed into the necropolis on foot.

Aided by the moonlight, you lead your party along a gravelled path towards the centre of the burial ground, to where a tunnel-like opening has been excavated in the side of a mossy mound. On arriving at this shadowy entrance you stop to examine the surrounding area, to check for any clues that may help you track your quarry. You find no fresh prints and you sense no lingering aura of an evil that could betray his presence. Confident that it is safe to proceed, you enter the mound and lead your comrades down a wide stone ramp to an oval-shaped chamber. A dozen stone coffins, each carved with the likeness of its occupant, are laid out in a circle like the spokes of a wheel. The chamber is cold and unwelcoming, but it does not harbour any trace of evil. You are sure that the impostor has not set foot here.

On the far side of the burial chamber, opposite the ramp, there is a stairwell which descends deep into the catacombs below the necropolis. You go down these stairs until you come to a landing where a passage crosses from north to south. Black Hawk suggests that the party split in two and explore both ways, but you are not in favour of this idea. Splitting the party would make it easier for the impostor if he chose to launch an ambush. You peer along both passages and draw on your Grand Master skills to determine the best route to follow, but with little success. Neither passage looks especially inviting.

If you decide to enter and explore the north passage, turn to 275.

If you choose to investigate the south passage, turn to 107.

Altra scelta geografica! Dove andiamo :D?

20th June 2013, 11:19
lancio monetina, testa nord, croce sud...

Mi è uscita croce, per me sud.

20th June 2013, 11:30
Esplorare o Investigare, Nord e Sud (quindi niente sx)....niente che possa essere ricondotto al LW Lore.

Ok segna un altra morte perchè al povero LW è esploso il cervello nel tentativo di venir fuori da questa situazione di Lock ghghg.

(seriamente...rotoliamo verso sud va)

20th June 2013, 12:42
This narrow passageway leads to a vault littered with scraps of cloth, rodent skins, bones, and twisted clumps of dry vegetation. Out of this carpet of debris a crude, nest-like hollow has been fashioned. The glint of burnished gold prompts you to investigate the nest more closely and, to your surprise, you discover a valuable Gold Cup (Special Item) entangled among its twigs and grasses.

Suddenly you sense movement directly overhead. You glance upwards and find yourself looking into a brick-lined vent which ascends all the way to the surface. Descending this chimney at an alarming speed is a Bangrol—an acquisitive and aggressive breed of Sommlending sea-eagle. This particular bird is far from pleased that you have disturbed its secret nest.

If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 139.

If you do not possess this skill, turn to 217.

Niente Animal Mastery, ma ehy, more bling!

You unsheathe your weapon and dive aside to avoid the Bangrol as it swoops out of the chimney and attempts to claw you with its razor-sharp talons.


If you win this combat in 3 rounds or less, turn to 142.

If the combat goes to a fourth round, do not continue the fight. Instead, turn immediately to 19.


COMBAT RATING: +troppo (con MindBlast)

Lupo Solitario -0 (50)
Bangrol -18 (12)

Lupo Solitario -0 (50)
Bangrol -18 (morto)

Se per qualche misterioso motivo non riuscivamo a killarlo in 3 round

Blazer si sfilava il maglioncino e usava la sua versione dell'ARCODIDDIO per far secco il mostraccio :nod:

Your killing blow decapitates the Bangrol and the two sundered halves of its body fall limply to the debris-strewn floor. Hurriedly you wipe clean your weapon and re-sheathe it; then you motion your companions to follow as you leave this chamber by a tunnel in its south wall.

Turn to 298.

This tunnel gradually descends by slope and stair through deeper levels of the catacombs. You detect no trace of the impostor and, when eventually the tunnel comes to a dead end, you curse your ill luck and turn reluctantly to retrace your steps. It is then that you sense a faint but lingering aura of Evil close to the tunnel floor.

Closer inspection reveals a trapdoor set into the flagstones. You pull this heavy hatch open and uncover a circular chute and a ladder descending into darkness. Your heart misses a beat when you notice fresh tracks on the ladder’s iron rungs; at last you have found the impostor’s trail.

Cautiously you lead the descent into the chute, using your powers of infravision to scan for signs of movement in the damp darkness below. After several minutes you reach the bottom of the ladder where you discover a large vaulted chamber. Around its walls are positioned urns and grey stone caskets, each embellished with traces of gold. There is an unexpected air of opulence about this vault which prompts you to guess that it is a secret burial tomb.

If you have ever visited the Graveyard of the Ancients in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 182.

If you have never visited this place, turn to 206.

Ci siamo stati nel primissimo libro, se la memoria non mi inganna!

Looking around the walls of this tomb brings back memories of the time that you ventured into the Graveyard of the Ancients. The shape of the urns which stand here are identical to those that you discovered by chance in the tombs beneath that forbidden burial ground. The recollection chills you, for clearly you recall that those urns contained deadly Crypt Spawn.

You focus your Sixth Sense on the urns that line this chamber and, to your relief, you detect no living creatures lurking within. You instruct the others to examine them with care and, to your surprise, they discover that some contain Laumspur leaves. They are spotted with age but they still possess their healing powers. (There are enough leaves here for three Potions of Laumspur. Each potion counts as one Backpack Item and will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed immediately after combat.)

You are helping Blazer to tilt one of the urns when a sudden and unexpected noise at the far end of the chamber sets your pulse racing.

Turn to 80.


The grating rumble of heavy stone on stone heralds the sudden appearance of the impostor. Like some secret door to a nightmare realm, the entire far wall of this vault is slowly sliding open. Violent tremors shake the floor and orange tongues of flaming gas shoot from the ever-widening gap. Silhouetted in the centre of this fiery portal is a warrior clad in a parody of the robes of a Kai Grand Master. His stature and his facial features bear an uncanny resemblance to your own, yet the two of you are not entirely identical. The eyes of this impostor betray his true nature for they are black and cold; they are like two tiny windows through which you can see the evil lurking deep within his heart.

The portal crackles and roars like a blazing furnace yet it radiates no heat. You sense powerful magic at work here and you shout a command to your young Kai comrades to prepare themselves for combat. They react as one, their years of training suppressing their fears, and swiftly they draw arms and form up in a protective circle around you. The impostor unsheathes his black-bladed sword and gives vent to a chilling laugh that momentarily drowns the roar of the flames. His cruel laughter fills your head and suddenly the stone walls of the vault seem to writhe and buckle inwards. Your psychic Kai defences resist this illusion and the distortion ceases, yet as it does so you realize that something important has changed. You command your companions to retreat towards the chute but they do not respond. They are completely rigid, frozen immobile like four stone statues.

‘Ha ha ha…’ cackles the impostor, ‘so we meet at last, Lone Wolf.’ He advances a little nearer and you feel an icy chill wash over you. The body of this bogus Kai Lord radiates coldness.

‘How I have enjoyed myself in your guise,’ he sneers. ‘Let me introduce myself…I am Wolf’s Bane. An apt name, don’t you think?’

‘What is your purpose?’ you growl in reply, your hand poised to draw a weapon in case he should attempt to launch a sudden attack.

‘Why, I’ve come to kill you, of course,’ he retorts, his voice full of contempt. ‘There should be but one Grand Master and only I am worthy of such distinction.’ The impostor narrows his coal-black eyes and curls back his lip in disdain.

Illustration V—‘Why, I’ve come to kill you, of course,’ retorts Wolf’s Bane in contempt.

‘And I intend to prove my worthiness, Lone Wolf,’ he adds, with quiet menace.

‘How so?’

‘By a duel,’ he replies. ‘I challenge you to a duel. A fight to the finish. A fight between just you and I, Lone Wolf.’

‘And if I refuse your challenge?’ you retort, defiantly.

‘Then your four frail acolytes will die.’ The impostor sweeps his sword in a wide arc, as if to emphasize his threat, and the fiery wall at his back begins to change. The plumes of flame twist and spin with increasing speed until the wall is transformed into a swirling vortex. Fear tightens its icy fingers around your throat as you witness the creation of a Shadow Gate—a portal to another plane of existence. At once you know his threat is real. If he were to direct the power of the vortex towards your paralysed companions, they would be helpless to resist. They would be sucked into the Shadow Gate and destroyed.

‘Very well,’ you say, ‘I accept your challenge.’

Wolf’s Bane gives a triumphant smile and whirls his black sword around his head. Then he dashes the blade to the floor and, in a terrifying instant, a mighty gust of wind tears the two of you off your feet and sends you both hurtling into the fiery heart of the dread Shadow Gate.

Turn to 200.


La buona notizia è che *forse* i nostri discepoli sono ancora vivi :nod:

Fiery winds sear your face and body as you, and your adversary, tumble headlong towards the whirling white heart of the vortex. Motes of fire stream past on all sides and a roaring wind howls like a demon in your ears. You pass through a cloud of sparkling vapour which wraps threads of silver light around your limbs and torso. As you emerge from the cloud, this shimmering cocoon grows tighter and tighter until the pain becomes almost unbearable.

If you possess Grand Nexus and have attained the rank of Grand Thane, turn to 229.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 281.

Sta volta possiamo rispondere SI!

Rapidly the pain melts away as your advanced Kai Mastery sheathes and protects you from the crushing grip of the vortex. The strands of light unravel themselves and dissolve as you plummet ever nearer to the blazing white heart of this cosmic whirlpool. Then, at the moment you plunge into its core, your senses are obliterated and you are engulfed by total darkness.

From out of the depths of this cold, dark universe there appears a pinpoint of light. You feel yourself being drawn inexorably towards it and, although you struggle to resist, you cannot tear yourself free from its irresistible pull. You feel yourself accelerating towards the speck until it becomes as large as a glowing sun. Then, with an abruptness that leaves you gasping, there is a flash of blue-white light and you find yourself lying spread-eagled upon a bed of moist green foliage.

Turn to 49.

Adesso ci violentano :saddest:

With mixed feelings of fear and fascination you force open your eyes and gaze upon your alien surroundings. At first it seems as if you have fallen into a humid, green-walled cell, illuminated by a solitary lantern at the apex of a fluted chimney-like ceiling. Then slowly your mind makes sense of sights and smells and the realization of where you are makes you shiver with dread.

You have landed inside the corolla tube of some gigantic flower. Huge stamens rise up to the light from the sticky bowl-shaped floor on which you lie, and nearby there is a large, chute-like tunnel which drops away into the plant’s hollow stem. For a moment you close your eyes and let your psychic senses explore this strange environment. Your greatest fear is that you have been drawn through the Shadow Gate to the Plane of Darkness, the supernatural realm of Dark God Naar, yet you can detect no abnormally high concentrations of Evil. Also, you are unable to sense the presence of your adversary—Wolf’s Bane. Your hopes begin to rise when suddenly you realize that you are still somewhere within the material universe of Aon. You are able to determine that this alien place is not your home world, yet you are certain that it is a planet that lies within the same galaxy as Magnamund.

You cling to this small crumb of comfort and resolve to find a way of returning to Magnamund as quickly as you can. You open your eyes and stare around the walls of your plant-prison, searching for a means of escape. There appear to be only two ways out: by climbing a stamen towards the light high above, or by sliding down the nearby chute which plunges deep into the plant’s stem.

If you wish to climb a stamen, turn to 264.

If you choose to slide down the hollow stem, turn to 103.

Ok, dove andiamo? :D

E ditemi cosa scartare se volete prendere fino a 3 Laumpspur (ciascuna conta come 1 Backpack Item) e la Gold Cup (Special Item)!

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Grand Thane

CS: 46 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +5 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +6 Levelup)
--> 50 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 54 (con +8 Kai-Surge)
+3 CS se combattiamo disarmati

EP: 50/50 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +12 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic
- Telegnosis
- Deliverance
- Grand Weaponmastery
- Grand Nexus

Weapons (2): Dagger, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Signet Ring, Ruby Ring, Iron Key, Stone Bowl, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Matho's Potion

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Green Key, Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali), Black Amulet, Silver Seal, Sun-crystal
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith, Wolfskin Cloack, Platinum Amulet

Money (50): 31 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 52 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
- Presi per sfinimento dai servi del Deathlord di Ixia (Libro XVI)
************************************************** ******

20th June 2013, 12:48
Buttiamo via gli anelli e la chiave che tatno è roba dell'altro libro non ce le chiede +.
Anche come oggetto speciale direi l green key che manco so a che cazzo servisse.

20th June 2013, 13:10
Oggetti fate voi, per il resto slide down, lone wolf si sa non sa usare climb, poi la luce calda e rassicurante non mi da fiducia... per me 103

20th June 2013, 15:01
giu nel buco

20th June 2013, 15:19
Bam! Giù nel canestro!

20th June 2013, 16:51
Allora seguiamo i consigli di Rise per gli item e poi BAM!

You lower yourself carefully into the hollow stem and soon discover that it drops away very steeply. It is a vertical tube for most of its length, yet you are able to slow your rate of descent by grabbing hold of tiny tendrils which protrude from the lining of the stem wall. As you get nearer to its base, the stem wall becomes semi-transparent and slick with moisture. You press your face to this warm surface and you are able to discern other stems. They look like the trunks of trees in a dense green forest. Then you look down to see that the stem of this plant is descending into darkness. The darkness begins at the point where the stem passes below ground level. You decide to stop at this point for you have no desire to explore the roots of this strange flower.

Carefully you examine the fabric of the semi-transparent stem. If you can force your way through this tough plant wall, you will be able to escape from your prison-like tube.

If you possess a bladed Weapon or a bladed Special Item, turn to 332.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 279.

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 57.

If you possess none of the above or choose not to use them, turn to 4.

Abbiamo scelte multiple :D Che si fa?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Grand Thane

CS: 46 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +5 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +6 Levelup)
--> 50 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 54 (con +8 Kai-Surge)
+3 CS se combattiamo disarmati

EP: 50/50 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +12 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic
- Telegnosis
- Deliverance
- Grand Weaponmastery
- Grand Nexus

Weapons (2): Dagger, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Stone Bowl, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Matho's Potion, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP),

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali), Black Amulet, Silver Seal, Sun-crystal, Gold Cup
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith, Wolfskin Cloack, Platinum Amulet

Money (50): 31 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 52 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
- Presi per sfinimento dai servi del Deathlord di Ixia (Libro XVI)
************************************************** ******

20th June 2013, 17:01
In realtà non possiamo propriamente scegliere..abbiamo la SPADADIDDIO che ha una lama degna dei migliori Miracle Blade serie perfetta quindi dovremmo usare lei.

20th June 2013, 17:49
affettiamo il fiore carnivoro

20th June 2013, 17:50
ah e comunque il sun crystal è andato distrutto, quindi andrebbe rimosso dal backpack

21st June 2013, 00:28
Affettiamo tutto con la Sommerwerd, peddé!

21st June 2013, 10:21
ah e comunque il sun crystal è andato distrutto, quindi andrebbe rimosso dal backpack

C'hai ragione anche tu <.<

The toughness of the plant wall and the confines of the stem make it difficult for you to wield your weapon effectively. It takes you nearly half an hour to hack your way out of this plant, during which time you lose 2 ENDURANCE points due to fatigue.

To continue, turn to 230.

Scavare per una settimana senza cibo ne acqua, sepolto sotto terra? circa 18EP. Mezz'ora senza alcun problema? 2 EP :nod:

You leap from the rent in the plant wall and land safely on a mound of soft black earth. As you struggle to your feet, you notice that this rich soil forms a narrow clearing between the base of the plant and the stems of many others, all of a similar species. Their colossal stalks soar into a dimly amber sky where gigantic flowering heads bend and sway in a humid breeze. Staring at this awe-inspiring canopy, hundreds of feet above, makes you feel incredibly small and vulnerable—like a tiny insect. This feeling is made worse when suddenly a huge, horse-sized beetle comes careering through the plant stems. Instinct and quick thinking save your skin. Instantly you freeze and the shiny black monstrosity ignores you and continues its chaotic rampage through this forest of gigantic plants.


It is several moments before your pulse slows and your senses detect a distant source of energy, somewhere away to the north. You cannot discern its nature or purpose but you feel compelled to investigate. Guided by your tracking skills, you trek through this extraordinary forest for nearly an hour before arriving at a huge clearing where, from the cover of a huge fallen leaf, you gaze upon a spectacular sight.

Turn to 334.

Chiaramente è Rick Moranis in Tesoro mi si sono ristretti i ragazzi :nod:

You have come to the edge of a deep canyon. The verdant walls of this massive gorge are carpeted with a rainbow of colour and the air is alive with the busy noise of huge, buzzing insects. Everything is fecund and fertile and dripping with humid jungle heat. High above the gorge you glimpse for the first time the source of the light which illuminates this strangely wonderful realm. The canyon is set within a cavern, the walls of which seem to engulf the sky. At its apex there is an oval-shaped vent through which a concentrated shower of amber rays pours down, like sunbeams through a stained glass portal. You watch in awe as flights of dragonflies, each as large as a Vassagonian Itikar, circle languidly above the canyon on gossamer wings. They shimmer like streaks of liquid silver as they ride the thermal currents. The sight is one of great beauty, yet one you cannot fully enjoy. The instinct which led you to the rim of this gorge now tells you that the source of the power you seek lies several miles away and above, beyond the vent that is the source of this cavern’s light. Carefully you consider your predicament and determine that in order to escape, you must reach the vent—an exit that lies more than a thousand feet above the rim of the gorge.


If you possess Kai-alchemy (and wish to use it) and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 329.

If you possess Kai-alchemy (and wish to use it) but have yet to attain the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 146.

If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 116.

Che si fa? :D

21st June 2013, 10:34
Go alchimiadiddiooo

21st June 2013, 10:47
Alchimia + Grand Crown = Beam me up, Scotty!


21st June 2013, 10:50
Gloar! flawless win...

21st June 2013, 11:17

Drawing on your newly-acquired magic, you focus on the distant vent and carefully recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Teleport. For a few seconds your vision swims in and out of focus as your strength is sapped of the power that this spell requires (lose 4 ENDURANCE points). Then your sight becomes crystal clear and you feel yourself floating upwards through the air towards the apex of this gigantic cavern.

You have risen close to a mile above the canyon when suddenly you attract the unwanted attention of a gigantic dragonfly. Anxious to evade a probable attack, you concentrate harder upon your destination and will yourself to accelerate.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now 3 or less, turn to 340.

If it is 4 or higher, turn to 84.

Ok, chiaramente Joe non ha idea di cosa sia il teletrasporto. Per futura referenza: secondo lui, è come levitazione. Però ci costa dei punti vita :nod:


You increase the rate of your ascent and swiftly accelerate beyond the reach of the predatory dragonfly. Unable to catch you, it emits a loud buzz of frustration which slowly fades as it spirals away. You glance down to see it satisfying its appetite in an attack upon a number of smaller dragonflies. From this great height they appear to be no larger than a cluster of colourful dots hovering above the centre of the great gorge.

After several minutes you reach the apex of the cavern and soar into the light-filled vent. Upon entering this vast aperture you are buffeted by crosswinds which sweep you precariously towards its rocky lip, yet your Kai Mastery and your lightning-swift reactions save you from being crushed to death as you are blown onto its jagged, volcanic edge.

You survive the impact and are able to haul yourself out of the vent and climb safely onto a surface that you assume to be the roof of the cavern. Seeking shelter from the raging crosswinds, you squeeze yourself into a hollow in the porous rock from where you are able to take stock of your new surroundings. The sight makes you gasp, for it is a view that truly rivals the fertile wonders of the cavern below.

Turn to 239.

Before your disbelieving eyes there spreads a vast volcanic landscape, punctuated by mountainous dunes of blue-grey sand and columns of towering rock. The amber sky is mottled and banded, like the eye of an angry tiger, and within its fathomless reaches you count twelve multi-coloured moons. These glowing spheres cast their light upon the burnt and crusty soil, lending it a ghostly aspect. Thick clouds, black and turgid, swollen with humid vapours, rear up like shadowy castles upon the far horizon. You can feel coarse grains of sand in the stinging crosswinds and your senses warn that a storm is fast approaching.

Seeking safer shelter from the coming storm, you get to your feet and cast your eyes across this warm yet unwelcoming land. Away to your right, lying less than a mile distant within a shallow basin of age-worn rock, you see a monstrous temple crafted from opaque black glass. Spikes of crystal embellish its many tiers and atop its highest level there stands a tower, tall and sleek.


A square of yellow light marks an open portal at the tower’s base. You glimpse something standing in the doorway and, when you magnify your vision, you see that it is a cloaked warrior silhouetted against the portal’s fiery glow. Your pulse quickens the instant you recognize the warrior. It is your accursed adversary—Wolf’s Bane.

The compelling urge to move northwards, that you felt shortly after you broke free from the plant stem, returns to haunt your senses. You feel drawn towards the temple as if you are being summoned by a force beyond this world. Your Sixth Sense screams danger, and every fibre of your being knows it should resist, but you suppress these natural instincts and set off towards the temple. This towering edifice holds many dangers, of that you are in no doubt, yet bravely you resolve to confront and overcome them. Only by doing so can you hope to triumph over your enemy and find a way back to your home world of Magnamund.

During your difficult trek to the temple, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 251.

Siamo in una foresta di vegetali e animali giganti, ma se non abbiamo Grand Huntmastery non possiamo procurarci da mangiare :nod:

By the time you reach the base of the temple, the storm is howling like a vengeful demon in your ears. Stinging blasts of hot, sand-laden wind whip your face mercilessly and you are forced to lean almost horizontally into the storm to maintain your balance. The storm is increasing in ferocity by the minute. You are sorely aware that you must find cover within an hour at most or you will perish in this hellish blizzard.

An empty parapeted stairway ascends from the temple’s lowermost tier to the portal of its crowning tower. The parapet offers you protection from the wind and you climb the many steps bent over, almost on your hands and knees, in order to stay out of the abrasive storm. Before you ascend the last tier, you check to make sure that your adversary is not lying in ambush. The portal is now closed and you can sense no living creature nearby, yet you unsheathe your weapon from your belt and hold it ready in case danger should come from an unsuspected quarter.

When you reach the portal, you discover that it comprises a seamless sheet of lead-lined iron, many inches thick. You detect a lingering aura of magic around its threshold which makes you wary that a trap may have been set. Yet when you summon your psychic skills to probe deeper, you sense otherwise. You detect that Wolf’s Bane has deliberately cast an illusion of magic around this portal, no doubt in the hope that it will delay or deter you long enough for the storm to do its work. Confident that the door is not lethal, you examine it more closely. Set flush into the glassy surface of its surrounding arch, you discover an inscription above two squares of dull crimson gemstone. Your Sixth Sense reveals that tapping upon each square a correct number of times will cause the door to open. Cautiously you place your fingers lightly upon the squares and feel the gentle vibration of the door’s locking mechanism. By concentrating on these vibrations you hope to be able to decipher its locking codes.

After several minutes you determine that the first code is equal to the ENDURANCE points score below which a Grand Master cannot use the Discipline of Kai-surge.

The second code is equal to the number of villages that lie on the highway between the cities of Holmgard and Ragadorn.

In order to determine the numbers that will open the door to the temple, consult the map and games rules. When you think you know the two-digit solution, turn to the entry that is the same number as your answer.

If you cannot decipher the codes, turn instead to 283.

Non ci provi neanche più, vero Joe :D?

Comunque, ecco la mappa!


21st June 2013, 11:55
hai postato la mappa sbagliata :)

comunque la soluzione è


21st June 2013, 12:07
Era un test :saddest:

21st June 2013, 12:41
Cmq interessante che LW è un po' come Deadpool..sa di essere un personaggio di un RPG.

Se no come cribbio farebbe a sapere che cosa sono gli EP e qual è il limite minimo per usare Kai-surge. lol

23rd June 2013, 19:18

Se non ho contato male :nod:

Mi mancavano gli enigmi :nod:

24th June 2013, 08:38
Cmq interessante che LW è un po' come Deadpool..sa di essere un personaggio di un RPG.

Se no come cribbio farebbe a sapere che cosa sono gli EP e qual è il limite minimo per usare Kai-surge. lol

Joe è incredibilmente meta, oppure è incredibilmente pigro :nod:

Comunque andiamo al 64!

The moment you complete the code, you feel a shuddering vibration run through the great iron portal. Slowly it grinds open to reveal an antechamber that is lit by a dozen flaming torches set around its glassy walls. The wind has now become so fierce that it is tearing the fabric of your cloak and tunic. Rather than remain outside in the storm a moment longer, you hurry through the open portal and seek shelter within.

Turn to 227


The iron portal grinds to a close behind your back, shutting out the storm so completely that the roar of the wind instantly disappears. The abrupt silence and lower air pressure within this entry chamber make your ears pop painfully. You lower the hood of your cloak and carefully wipe the sand from your eyes before taking your first tentative steps across the antechamber’s polished glass floor.

You pass through a triangular arch and down a ramp that leads to an echoing hallway. The floor and walls of this broad hall are fashioned from a black, glassy mineral that is veined with fluorescent greens and sickly purples. You sense strong pulses of psychic power radiating from an open arch at the far side of the hall and your skin prickles with a presentiment of danger. You unsheathe your weapon and move towards the arch with the utmost caution; you are expecting the unexpected.

Turn to 150.

Quindi a sto giro NON ci sarà Paido nudo coperto di ragni.

Beyond the arch lies a steep ramp that descends to the floor of a circular chamber, the lowest level of the tower which soars into the stormy sky above. Runes of alien design run around the seamless glassy walls and the air is heavy with the sweet smell of decay. A large circular plinth stands in the centre of the chamber, its mirror-smooth surface a little under three feet from the floor. You take a step towards it and suddenly it is surrounded by a wall of fierce blue flames which shoot upwards from tiny vents in the floor around its base. As these flames gradually subside, you see four Kai Masters cowering upon the plinth. They are the four young Kai you thought had been left safely behind in the Old Necropolis of Tyso. They look petrified with fear, and when they see you they throw up their blistered, soot-blackened hands and plead for you to release them from their fiery prison.

Drawing upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, you detect that the image of the four Kai Masters is nothing but a cruel illusion. Then, in the very next instant, the ramp on which you are standing suddenly drops away from under your feet. You throw yourself to one side and crash down upon the floor of the chamber, rolling over as you strike the hard surface to lessen the shock of impact. As you stagger to your feet, you see the image of the four Kai being consumed by fire. It is a frightful sight, and as they scream their last, a wave of hostile psychic energy crashes into your mind.

If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 122.

If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 45.

Siamo screenati!

The sudden and unexpected ferocity of this psychic assault makes you fall to your knees and clasp your head in both hands. The pain is worming its way deep into your mind, causing your body to convulse with psychic shock. Dimly, through a red haze, you sense that the Platinum Amulet you are wearing around your neck affords you some defence against this attack, although it cannot protect you completely.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. For every level of Kai Mastery that you have attained above the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1 to the number you have picked. (The maximum you are permitted to add is 5.)

If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 16.

If it is 4–9, turn to 96.

If it is 10 or higher, turn to 315.

Abbiamo +5 al Roll.


You gather your psychic defences and construct a wall around your mind to protect yourself from this agonizing mental assault. Your strategy is swiftly effective and costs you but a fraction of your remaining reserve of psychic energy (lose 1 ENDURANCE point).

This psychic assault has been one of the strongest you have ever experienced. You have survived it, but your Kai senses tell you that your ordeal has not ended; it has only just begun. You force open your eyes and look with dread at the terrible threat that confronts you now.

Turn to 300.


From the uppermost reaches of the tower there descends an icy fog which radiates an intensely powerful aura of Evil. This menacing mist darkens as it swirls around the lower levels, like some huge vaporous snake seeking out its prey. Then, slowly, it gathers in towards the centre of the chamber where it hangs above the plinth like an angry thunderhead, roiling and seething with colossal malevolence.

You gaze into this black cloud and are gripped by an abject terror the instant you fathom its nature and purpose. This cloud is not of this world and it has not fully taken on substance and being within the material plane of Aon, yet even in its malformed state you recognize it to be a materialization of ultimate Evil. This is a manifestation of Naar—the King of the Darkness!

Suddenly a deafening clap of thunder shakes the walls and the base of the tower is lit up by crackling arcs of lightning. The freezing air seethes with tension as the presence of Naar triggers explosive chemical imbalances within it. Then, above the crackling cacophony of noise, you hear a chilling voice speaking to you in your native tongue.

‘Disciple of Kai—you know my name. Will you not deign to speak it?’

Morbid terror is ripping at your insides yet you refuse to show the slightest trace of weakness. You steel yourself and inwardly you pray to Kai and Ishir to protect you in this hour of deepest need.

‘No!’ you scream. ‘I will never acknowledge you!’

‘You may be one of Kai’s favourite minions,’ retorts the voice, ‘but you will always be mortal. You would do well to remember that in my presence.’ Thunder booms and the floor shakes beneath your feet, causing you to fall involuntarily to your knees.

‘Now that you bow before me, Lone Wolf, I shall impart to you your fate, for I am the true master of Aon. This is Avaros, a small and insignificant satellite of Duron, a world that has long been devoted to my cause. And you have been lured here for one purpose—to be destroyed. During the speck of time that you have existed, you have become an impertinent obstacle to my conquest of Magnamund. For this you will forfeit your soul. Yet, before I claim your worthless soul, I shall make sport of your demise so that Kai and Ishir shall see the worthlessness of their creations and know the futility of their cause.’

Once more the thunder booms and you are blinded momentarily by a flash of white fire. Slowly your sight returns, and now you can see your adversary—Wolf’s Bane—standing upon the plinth, directly under the menacing black cloud.

‘Here is my champion,’ speaks the voice of Naar. ‘You and he are well-matched for the contest that is about to commence.’

Wolf’s Bane unsheathes his sword and levels it your chest. His facial features twist into a grotesque parody of your own as he spits out a venomous threat:

‘Victory will be mine, Lone Wolf. Evil shall ultimately triumph!’

You shout a defiant riposte, but the voice of Naar booms once more, drowning your worthy cry:

‘So be it! Let the duel begin!’

Turn to 30.

La nostra nemesi

Nausea wells up from the pit of your stomach as the lower chamber of the tower is suddenly transformed into a whirling spiral of violent colours and noise. You feel yourself falling forwards into this vortex and, for a few fleeting seconds, you glimpse your adversary. He is brandishing his sword and laughing like a madman, his face twisted with maniacal glee as he rides this terrifying whirlwind. Then he is lost to the chaos of the maelstrom and he vanishes from your sight.

For what seems like an eternity you spin and fall through a rainbow of colour and sound. Only gradually do you become aware that this nightmare journey is coming to an end when the noise abates and the swirling colours begin to fade. Then, with a jolt, you find yourself standing ankle-deep in stagnant green water, struggling to keep your balance. You draw your weapon and scan your surroundings, fearful of sudden attack, but you soon realize that you are alone.

You appear to be under the ground, standing in a crude sewer-like tunnel which has been excavated by primitive means. The roots of trees protrude from its beaten earth ceiling and there is a stale and unpleasant smell of rotting vegetation. You use your psychic skills to probe for Wolf’s Bane but you cannot detect his presence, and so you sheathe your weapon and relax your guard. The encounter with the manifestation of Naar has left a fear gnawing at your heart, the fear that the Dark God could at any moment he chooses lay claim to your soul. But your Kai courage swiftly overcomes the anxiety and you draw comfort from your faith in the Gods Kai and Ishir. You offer up a prayer to them to watch over you during the coming trial of strength, and vow that you will never lose hope, no matter what dangers you may yet face. As if in answer to your prayer you feel a surge of energy flow through your body, revitalizing your mind and senses (restore any ENDURANCE points which you may have lost during your adventure so far).

Alert and confident, you peer along the gloomy tunnel in both directions and try to determine the best course to follow. Neither way looks especially appealing.

If you choose to explore the tunnel ahead, turn to 128.

If you decide to follow the tunnel behind, turn to 262.

In quale "tunnel" ci vogliamo infilare? Quello davanti o quello dietro? :nod:

24th June 2013, 08:58
Io mi butterei in quello davanti :nod: da dietro l'abbiamo preso un po troppo :sneer:

24th June 2013, 11:49
andiamo dietro

24th June 2013, 13:40
avanti senza paura!

24th June 2013, 14:09

The damp subterranean tunnel meanders for nearly a mile before entering a cavern which is lit by rays of insipid sunlight, permeating through holes in its root-entangled ceiling. Your natural Pathsmanship warns you that the slimy water is deep at the centre of this cavern and, as you enter, you take extra care where you tread.

Thirty yards opposite there is a sloping tunnel which appears to ascend towards the surface; dim light illuminates its dry earthen floor. You approach it, keeping near to the cavern wall to avoid the deep water, but you have only taken a few paces when a sudden noise jars your nerves. With a dull boom, a concealed portcullis falls from the ceiling to seal off the tunnel through which you have come. Moments later, swirling eddies form in the water at the centre of the cavern and, with a hissing splash, a huge snaky head breaks through the surface and rises up to scrape the ceiling. Around its banded neck there is a collar of iron which is attached to a heavy chain. The chain disappears below the surface, keeping the creature a prisoner of this cavern. You gasp as you look into the eyes of this gigantic serpent for they radiate waves of evil that seem to place a chill in your very soul.

Illustration VIII—The eyes of the gigantic serpent radiate waves of evil, chilling you to your soul.

If you possess the Discipline of Animal Mastery and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 61.

If you possess Animal Mastery but have yet to attain this rank, turn to 208.

If you do not possess Animal Mastery, turn to 110.


You attempt to subdue the giant serpent using your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, but the creature is resilient to mental suggestion and it resists your psychic command.

You are now faced with a dilemma. In order to escape from this cavern you must either face the chained serpent in combat, or you can evade it by discovering some way of opening the portcullis so that you can go back the way you have come.

If you choose to face the creature in combat, turn to 165.

If you decide to attempt to open the portcullis, turn to 171.

Che si fa :D?

24th June 2013, 14:13
ma famolo a fette sto serpentone di merda

25th June 2013, 09:03
A pezzi per KAI! Facciamogli male! Tanto male!

25th June 2013, 09:28

You soon realize that the creature’s iron collar and chain prevent it from reaching you so long as you keep your back pressed to the cavern wall. Mindful of this, you inch your way slowly towards the tunnel. However, you have progressed only a few yards when you feel the floor sloping away. The water is getting deeper.

If you possess Magi-magic and have attained the rank of Grand Thane or higher, turn to 234.

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline or have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 25.

A Joe piace il biscione (:nod:) e non vuole che glielo smazziamo (:nod:)

Comunque abbiamo Magicabula!

You recall the verses of the Old Kingdom Spell Hold Enemy, and as you whisper these arcane words, you focus upon the eyes of the chained serpent. Instantly, the creature ceases to thrash the water and falls silent and still, enabling you to wade across the deep channel which bisects this cavern.

Turn to 342.


As you pass close to the creature’s barbed torso, you sense that inwardly it is struggling desperately to overcome the effects of the spell you have placed upon it. Its body begins to twitch as its great crushing coils go into spasm. Sensing that it is about to break free, you cast the spell again to reinforce its effect.

Your second casting of the spell keeps the serpent from breaking loose and swiping you with its deadly tail, but the double use of Old Kingdom magic takes its toll on your physical stamina (lose 5 ENDURANCE points). With the serpent subdued, you are able to reach the safety of the exit and make your escape unscathed.

Turn to 115.


You follow the tunnel as it ascends towards the surface. A dot of daylight appears in the distance which, as you climb towards it, becomes a cluster of bright sunbeams filtering through a curtain of vines. This fringe of emerald streamers conceals the cave mouth entrance to this tunnel. The tunnel itself becomes increasingly humid as you get nearer to the exit. Its dry earth floor has gradually transformed into a slick and treacherous surface which is alive with beetles and centipedes, some as long as daggers.

Upon reaching the cave mouth, you stop to peer through the hanging vines. Outside, in the fiercely tropical heat, you can see a dense jungle sweltering beneath a blazing sun. It extends in every direction towards a jagged horizon of volcanic mountain peaks. Then your eye is caught by something small and metallic glinting in the mulch of vegetation that carpets the entrance. You pick it up and discover that it is a brass button, engraved with a sun motif. It is identical to the buttons which adorn your own tunic, none of which are missing. You deduce that it has come from the tunic of your adversary, but you cannot be sure whether it was lost accidentally or was placed here deliberately for you to find.

If you wish to search the entrance for further clues to the whereabouts of your enemy, turn to 101.

If you choose to leave the tunnel and explore the jungle beyond, turn to 47.

Mmmm...che si fa :D?

25th June 2013, 09:34
:dumb: 101 fosse mai che ci troviamo paido nudo e incaprettato!

25th June 2013, 10:07
101 frugare

25th June 2013, 11:34

You detect several footprints in the loamy mulch, all of them virtually identical to your own. They have been partially covered by leaves and there are many narrow channels in the soft soil, made unmistakably by human fingers. Your suspicions are immediately aroused; the tracks are so poorly concealed, it is as if someone wanted you to find them.

If you possess Telegnosis, turn to 51.

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 258.

Ce l'abbiamo!

You relax the tension in your body and allow yourself to enter a trance state, the preliminary stage required before you spirit-walk. You feel yourself leave your corporeal body and, in spirit form, you move through the curtain of vines and out into the jungle heat. Immediately beyond the cave mouth there is a small clearing which slopes away to the jungle perimeter. You scan the border of dense foliage and you are shocked when you detect your adversary, Wolf’s Bane, hiding among the bushes less than fifty yards away. He is armed with a bow which he has trained upon the entrance to the tunnel.

You retreat into the cave mouth and re-enter your body. On awakening from your trance, you move forward and peer through the hanging vines to locate your enemy’s hiding place. So advanced is his camouflage skill that it takes you several minutes to find him. Once you are sure you have him, you allow yourself a smile; you are looking forward to turning the tables on this arrogant impostor.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 196.

If you possess Grand Nexus and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown (and wish to use your mastery), turn to 43.

If you do not have a Bow or the Discipline of Grand Nexus, or if you have yet to attain this higher level of Kai Mastery, turn to 114.

Chessifa :D?

25th June 2013, 11:42
Grand Nexus!

L'Arcodiddio ormai non mi ispira più la fiducia di una volta :saddest:

25th June 2013, 11:59
Grand Nexus perchè c'è scritto più roba, poi diamo la possibilità anche a queste discipline sfigate di figurare un po'...

l'arcodiddio mi ispira sempre e di più specialmente dopo la freccia assassinkilleresplosivatuttoilcazzoditutto tirata nell'occhio del signore dei draghi nel finale del libro prima oneshottandolo, però non possiamo sempre risolvere tutto con l'arco...

25th June 2013, 12:02

Raga guardate che diavolo fa Grand Nexus

Grand Nexus
Grand Crowns who possess this Discipline are able to speak a Kai Power Word—a holy utterance which will cause physical and psychic damage to any single creature within a radius of thirty feet. The degree of damage so caused, and the resultant drain upon a Grand Crown’s reserves of ENDURANCE, are dependent upon individual circumstances. The power and range of this skill increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.

Come minimo ci becchiamo una tranvata nei denti di danni per shottare dei trash.

25th June 2013, 12:14

25th June 2013, 12:40
Visto lo stallo devio su arco

25th June 2013, 15:58
E arco sia!

Se sceglievamo Nexus per sparare il pbaoe gigante, Joe ci faceva il trucchetto. Confronta "any single creature within a radius of thirty feet" con "Wolf’s Bane, hiding among the bushes less than fifty yards away".

Non chiedetemi perchè LW non si ricordi visivamente che 30 piedi non sono manco vicini a 50 iarde :nod:

You place an Arrow to your bowstring and draw it taut to your lips. Expertly you gauge the distance to your target and then let your Arrow fly. It arcs into the jungle and slams into the tree behind which your enemy is partly hidden, peppering his face with splinters of damp wood.

He curses you, his teeth showing white against the green of the jungle as he spits out fragments of tree bark. Then he springs from his hiding place and disappears into the undergrowth. Determined that you are not going to allow him to get away so easily, you dash out of the tunnel and give chase.

Turn to 90.


You force your way through the dense tangle of plants and grasses and soon reach the place where Wolf’s Bane lay in wait for you. The foliage around this hiding place has been carefully arranged, which suggests to you that he must have spent some considerable time setting his ambush. Yet there is also evidence of a hasty retreat. Lying on the ground behind a tree you discover 2 Arrows and a Dagger. (If you wish to take one or more of these, remember to make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.)

Determined to stay on his trail while it is still fresh, you leave this hide and press deeper into the jungle in pursuit of your enemy. However, you have penetrated less than twenty yards into the undergrowth when his trail becomes indistinct.

If you possess the Discipline of Grand Pathsmanship and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 246.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 77.

Refulliamo le frecce e abbiamo GP e il rank!

You use your advanced mastery to find your enemy’s tracks, and then you clear a path through the dense undergrowth which covers them. You sense that he has used magic to assist his escape, for the foliage here is entangled far tighter than in neighbouring areas of this jungle. Your advanced Discipline flattens the undergrowth as you advance, as if you were being preceded by some invisible battering ram. So effective is your skill that you gain ground on your fleeing enemy.

As you pass through a copse of toa trees, you hear the sound of running water away to your left. The tracks turn in this direction and you follow them all the way to the banks of a fast-flowing watercourse. Less than fifty yards downstream there is a primitive settlement of huts that form an untidy line along the banks of the stream. You catch sight of Wolf’s Bane as he runs into this settlement and hides in the nearest hut—a mud-walled hovel with a clay-tile roof.

If you wish to stay in the jungle and observe the settlement, turn to 339.

If you choose to continue your pursuit, you can approach the settlement under cover of the jungle, by turning to 285.

Ci stiamo prendendo gusto :D Che si fa?

25th June 2013, 16:06
osserviamo cautamente

26th June 2013, 09:04
Osserviamo l'accampamento e poi distruggiamo tutto il cazzo del tutto! :wolfeek: ' Bane subirà la nostra ira!

26th June 2013, 10:03
Io invece voglio avvicinarmi e non dar fiato all'impostore!

26th June 2013, 10:35
339 osserviamo che sembra il solito trappolone che attende il frescone di turno.

26th June 2013, 16:11
Son due giorni che il forum è impazzito? Comunque non cadremo nella trappola di


Potere di paint :nod:

From the cover of a leafy bush you observe the primitive settlement for several minutes. (During this vigil, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.) But as time ticks by you become increasingly restless. The hut into which your enemy ran is a small, single-roomed hovel, yet you can detect no movement within it. Prompted by a gnawing fear that you may have allowed Wolf’s Bane to escape, you move closer to the settlement under cover of the thick jungle foliage.

Turn to 285.

I bioritmi di LW sono inalterabili :nod:

Warily you approach the settlement, your keen senses absorbing every detail. The line of deserted mud huts looks innocuous, but the words of the voice of Naar still linger in your memory. This humid jungle realm lies within his domain; it is therefore reasonable to expect the inhabitants of this place to be wholly devoted to the cause of Evil.


You reach the edge of the undergrowth and pause to assess potential threats. The huts are semi-derelict, all bearing some signs of neglect and decay. The clay-tiled hovel that Wolf’s Bane entered appears to be empty, but when you focus upon its open doorway, you see what appears to be a trench cut into the earth. You magnify your vision and at once you see steps in the wall of this excavation. Your heart sinks: Wolf’s Bane has escaped underground.

If you wish to enter the hut and follow your enemy without further delay, turn to 161.

If you choose to investigate the hut to check for traps, turn to 188.

CHe si fa:D?

26th June 2013, 16:21
Andiamo con i piedi di piombo...esploriamo, cerchiamo, scaviamo... qui puzza troppo di trappolone

26th June 2013, 16:22
non vedo neppure i miei stessi post lol

27th June 2013, 08:58
investighiamo va

27th June 2013, 09:09

EDIT: c'è un qualche problema col forum...non mi faceva aprire la 5a pagina lol.

You approach the hut and crouch down beside its mud wall, close to its open door. Your senses detect no glyphs or other traps here, and there are no residues of magical energy that might betray the presence of illusions or shielding spells. However, your Kai senses do detect a strong aura of Evil lingering at the rear of the hut, close to the water’s edge.

You move around to the rear of this hovel and discover that the bank is deeply undercut where the soft earth has been eroded by the fast-flowing stream. Standing in a line in the shadow of the undercut are a dozen wooden cages, each containing a fleshless skeleton. A shiver runs down your spine as your Magnakai Discipline of Divination detects the lingering agonies of these luckless victims. They suffered cruelly at the hands of the natives of this settlement before death finally ended their torment. The shock of your discovery is unnerving: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

You leave the stream and return to the front of the hut. Inside the open doorway you discover several fruits stacked in mounds on a mat of woven rushes. Somewhat to your surprise, your senses reveal that they are nutritious and safe to eat. (There are sufficient fruits here for 3 Meals.)

Wary of further delay, you approach the trench at the centre of the hut and descend a flight of steps that lead down to an underground tunnel. You can detect no traps, yet you have gone only a few yards along this narrow passageway when you hear the terrifying roar of a large cat. With an abruptness that takes your breath away, a huge tiger-like beast comes bounding from out of the darkness ahead. So sudden and unexpected is this creature’s attack, that you only just have time in which to unsheathe a hand weapon as it hurls itself upon you.


This creature is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.

If you win this combat, turn to 249.

Ormai da qualche libro i poteri mentali di LW sono diventati una sfiga più che un bonus :D

Comunque sia, spacchiamo il tigrotto rompiglione!

COMBAT RATING: +6 (con Kai-Surge)

Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(46)
Rahjaz -10 (31)

Lupo Solitario -2 (-1)(43)
Rahjaz -10 (21)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(42)
Rahjaz -14 (7)

Roll...9 :oldmetal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(41)
Rahjaz -16 (morto!)

Your killing blow fells this feline horror, bringing it crashing nose-first to the dirt floor. The body of the beast almost blocks the passageway, forcing you to clamber over it in order to reach the other side. You are struggling across its still warm carcass when you notice a thick leather collar buckled around its throat. Affixed to the buckle is a curious Black Clasp. (If you wish to take this clasp, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you carry in the pocket of your tunic.)

To continue, turn to 120.

Ditemi cosa scartare per la magica Cozza.

At the end of the passage you discover another tunnel that leads off to the left. The walls and ceiling of this adjacent passageway are dripping wet, indicating that it passes directly under the stream. You stride along its narrow confines, your shoulders grazing the muddy walls as you advance up a flight of steps which lead to an archway supported by thick wooden beams. Beyond the arch lies a large subterranean chamber that is daubed and decorated with runes and evil insignia. It is a primitive temple and it radiates an aura of Evil so vile and malicious that the thought of entering makes your skin crawl.

On the far side of this unholy place, you see a stone altar standing before a huge boulder that has been crudely chiselled to resemble a grinning human skull. An eerie green glow pulsates from the eye sockets of this great skull-rock, and a mist swirls from its open jaw. Wolf’s Bane stands before the altar, an arrogant sneer spreading slowly across his face.


‘I’d expected better sport from you, Lone Wolf,’ he chides. ‘You disappoint me…but no matter. Such easy triumph proves the worthiness of my master’s cause. I bid you farewell, Lone Wolf. A final farewell.’

And with these chilling words ringing in your ears, your enemy stretches out both of his hands and takes hold of two iron staves that protrude from the ground on either side of the skull-rock’s jaw. He jerks them out of their settings and casts them into the centre of the temple. Then, with a patronising salute, he turns and enters the open jaw, swiftly disappearing into the swirling mist.

The dull boom of an explosion somewhere in the rock above the ceiling makes your heart miss a beat. Moments later, the walls begin to shake and the floor shudders violently beneath your feet, throwing you off balance. Rock and earth cascade from the roof and fissures tear open the ground. With fear running ice cold in your veins, you begin a desperate race to reach the mouth of the skull-rock before the entire roof collapses and you are buried alive in this doomed temple.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. For every level of Kai rank you have so far attained above the rank of Sun Knight, add 1.

If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 222.

If it is 4–6, turn to 321.

If it is 7–9, turn to 205.

If it is 10 or higher, turn to 59.

Abbiamo +6!


Guided by your advanced Kai instincts, you avoid the rain of debris without too much difficulty and reach the entrance to the skull-rock unscathed. Without any hesitation you enter the misty portal in pursuit of your enemy. Barely seconds later, there is a tremendous explosion and the entire temple ceiling collapses.

Turn to 174.

The moment you enter the mouth of the skull-rock you are engulfed by a dense fog that is icy cold and impenetrable to your sight and senses. The thunderous noise of the temple’s destruction ends abruptly, as if a great door has suddenly been closed upon it. You strain your Kai skills to aid your pursuit of Wolf’s Bane but to no avail; the ivory-white fog hides everything, swamping and distorting your sense of time and direction.

You keep moving, forcing yourself onwards, even though the surface beneath your feet has become viscous and uncertain. After what seems like an eternity spent wandering through this cloudy limbo, you gradually feel the ground hardening and sense that the impenetrable fog is beginning to dissipate. Patches of grey appear in the creamy whiteness. Then the fog dissolves completely and you find yourself standing in the middle of a rubble-strewn street, surrounded by the bleak and derelict remains of a decaying, alien city.

It is the dead of night and a fine drizzle falls from a storm-laden sky, dampening this dreary landscape. Everywhere you look you see the hollow shells of buildings. They are heaped with mounds of broken stone, twisted rusty iron, and shattered glass. There are no trees, no blades of grass, no animals here. Everything is cold, grey, and dead.

You examine the paved surface of the street and detect your enemy’s footprints. They are fresh and they lead you to a small courtyard flanked by two buildings: a large municipal hall and a smaller two-storey dwelling. Wolf’s Bane’s tracks end in the middle of the wet courtyard and you sense that they have been deliberately erased. Despite your advanced hunting skills, you are unable to determine into which building your enemy has escaped.

If you wish to enter the municipal hall, turn to 148.

If you wish to investigate the two-storey dwelling, turn to 267.

Dove andiamo?

PS: ricordatevi di dirmi cosa scartare se volete prendere la Black Clasp!

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Grand Thane

CS: 46 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +5 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +6 Levelup)
--> 50 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 54 (con +8 Kai-Surge)
+3 CS se combattiamo disarmati

EP: 50/50 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +12 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic
- Telegnosis
- Deliverance
- Grand Weaponmastery
- Grand Nexus

Weapons (2): Dagger, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Stone Bowl, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Matho's Potion, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP),

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali), Black Amulet, Silver Seal, Sun-crystal, Gold Cup
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith, Wolfskin Cloack, Platinum Amulet

Money (50): 31 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 52 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
- Presi per sfinimento dai servi del Deathlord di Ixia (Libro XVI)
************************************************** ******

27th June 2013, 10:05
Andiamo al municipio, voglio protestare col sindaco per l'indecente degrado in cui versa la città!

E per prendere il nuovo oggetto scartiamo la Stone Bowl.

27th June 2013, 10:22
Dobbiamo scartare un qualcosa di speciale non un oggetto da zaino (tra l'altro la teniamo in tasca, per darci quell'odorino raffinato che ci fa cuccare un casino).

Tra gli speciali c'è un sacco di fuffa di cui non ricordo la provenienza..confidando che siano messi in ordine di vetustà direi che il vecchio oggetto inutile dovrebbe essere la silver road (mi pare non abbia effetti speciali no?)

E poi... "investigate" !!!!

27th June 2013, 11:21
Io direi 267 e buttiamo via la gold cup :nod:

27th June 2013, 13:33
Buttiamo la Rod che è vecchia e si è scurita tutta e andiamo a investigare!

There is no door to the entrance of this derelict dwelling and, after checking that Wolf’s Bane has left no unwelcome surprises, you enter and find a foyer strewn with mouldering masonry. Two staircases lead off this small entrance hall: one ascends to the floor above; the other descends to the basement. The stairwell down is blocked by timbers and sheets of crumpled iron. It shows no signs of having been disturbed for years and so you choose instead to explore the upper floor.

At the top of the stairs you make an unexpected discovery. You emerge into a corridor that is lined with a seamless metallic skin. Unlike the dereliction you have so far witnessed, the walls and floor of this passage bear no signs of neglect or corrosion. They gleam like highly polished steel.

You explore the corridor and come to what, at first sight, appears to be a dead end. Then you hear a loud hiss and a concealed panel slides open to reveal another steel-lined passageway. You pause to examine the panel but you can detect no traps or residues of magic.

If you wish to enter the new passageway, turn to 252.

If you choose not to enter, turn to 274.

Infilatio? O no?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Grand Thane

CS: 46 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +5 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +6 Levelup)
--> 50 (con +4 Mindblast)
--> 54 (con +8 Kai-Surge)
+3 CS se combattiamo disarmati

EP: 50/50 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +12 Levelup)

Discipline Grand Master
- Grand Huntmastery
- Grand Pathmanship
- Kai-Alchemy
- Kai-Surge
- Kai-Screen
- Magi-Magic
- Telegnosis
- Deliverance
- Grand Weaponmastery
- Grand Nexus

Weapons (2): Dagger, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Stone Bowl, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Matho's Potion, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP),

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali), Black Amulet, Silver Seal, Sun-crystal, Gold Cup, Black Clasp
[Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith, Wolfskin Cloack, Platinum Amulet

Money (50): 31 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 52 Lune (4=1C)

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
- Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
- 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
- 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
- Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
- 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
- Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
- Presi per sfinimento dai servi del Deathlord di Ixia (Libro XVI)
************************************************** ******

27th June 2013, 14:46
Entra entra

27th June 2013, 15:00
penetriamo :dumb:

27th June 2013, 16:43
Si entra!

The moment you enter the new passage, the concealed panel slides shut behind you. Almost immediately, another panel slides out of the metal wall and seals off the passage ahead, trapping you in the cell-like space between. You throw yourself against the steel door and run your hands over its smooth surface, searching frantically for a means to escape. Your efforts are made all the more urgent when suddenly a loud hissing sound fills your ears; it is the sound of the air being extracted from this cell.

Gasping for breath, you turn around to search the opposite panel. Your hopes rise when you see a combination lock set flush into its surface. It is unlike the lock which secured the entrance to the temple of Avaros, but your Kai senses soon detect how it operates. The lock is inlaid with five dials in two groups. There is one group of three and one group of two. Each dial indicates a number. One dial however, in the group of two, is set to zero. By turning this dial to the correct number you will cause the lock to disengage.

Study the following sequence of numbers carefully.


When you think you know what the correct solution is, turn to the entry that is the same as your answer.

If you guess incorrectly, or if you cannot answer this puzzle, turn instead to 303.

Puzzle time! Riusciremo a risolverlo :D?

27th June 2013, 17:03
no, siamo spacciati

27th June 2013, 17:06
mmhh.... boh? :D

Gli enigmisti di Magnamund sono andati a ripetizione... Non trovo nessuna relazione particolare che lega questi numeri, l'unico che mi verrebbe di mettere è 60 (per far sì che la somma dei numeri di sinistra sia uguale a quelli di destra), ma con poche speranze di successo :saddest:

28th June 2013, 08:53
Non mi vengono altre combinazioni, perciò lo appoggio a Deffo.

Così in caso è colpa sua se crepiamo....

28th June 2013, 08:58
Non vedo null'altra soluzione che l'uguaglianza tra le somme,quindi 60,come dice Deffo

Quindi gliel'appoggio sulla spalla :nod:

28th June 2013, 11:12
Lo appoggio anche io a deffo così famo una gang bang...

28th June 2013, 11:27

1st July 2013, 10:51
Appoggino go!!!

The moment you twist the dial to the correct number, the panel slides open and a rush of air surges into the cell. Greedily you fill your lungs as you stagger out into the corridor and make your way back along this steel-lined passage towards the stairs. Quietly cursing your ill luck, you descend the steps to the foyer and leave the building.

Turn to 71.

E' bello vedere che la proprietà commutativa funziona anche su Magnamund :nod:

Once outside, you focus your tracking skills and attempt to pick up your enemy’s trail. You have a feeling that he may have doubled back on his tracks and so you retrace your steps to the street where you first appeared in this alien city. As you are nearing this place, you suddenly hear the ringing metallic clang of an iron girder falling from a height. The noise echoes from an alleyway off to your right and immediately you go to investigate.

At the end of the alley you discover a derelict warehouse. Fire has ravaged its interior and much of the roof has caved in, but amongst the debris you can see that it once stored metal cylinders and coils of wire. You stop at the entrance and listen. Your caution is rewarded when you hear footsteps at the rear of the building. You draw your weapon and enter, using the debris for cover as you inch your way towards the back of the ruined warehouse. You are moving between cover when suddenly you see the outline of a human form silhouetted against a broken window. Instantly you know that it is not Wolf’s Bane: this figure is clad in grey, close-fitting armour and is holding a metallic spear. The realization makes you hesitate, and in that split second of indecision, the armoured figure sees you and raises its spear. A blinding flame ignites at its tip and a beam of white-hot light comes speeding towards your chest.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now 5 or less, turn to 312.

If it is 6 or higher, turn to 6.

Abbiamo +3 al roll!


You throw yourself to the ground and the beam of blazing white light passes within inches of your head, close enough to scorch the hood of your cloak. The moment you hit the warehouse floor you roll over and over and scramble for the nearest cover—a heavy iron chest, banded and riveted with steel. The warrior follows your swift movement and looses a second beam from his spear which slams into the iron chest with stunning force. You gasp with horror as you see the side of the chest bulging towards your face. Its thick rivets tremble and its age-blackened skin smoulders with a sullen heat. Instinct takes over, making you roll away from the iron chest and seek cover elsewhere. As you move, the beam of light tears through the rear of the iron box and destroys the ground where, only moments before, your face had been.

You call upon all of your camouflage skills to mask your body as you hurriedly seek a way to escape from this warrior and his sorcerous weapon. You reach the base of a large steel tank and scramble up a ladder fixed to its side. The top of the tank is stacked high with coiled ropes and you force yourself in amongst them. A few moments later you watch the warrior approach the smouldering remains of the iron chest. He is close enough now for you to see that his weapon is attached by a length of steel cable to a canister strapped to his back.

If you possess a Bow and the Discipline of Magi-magic and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord, turn to 209.

If you do not possess a Bow or this skill, or if you have yet to attain the rank of Sun Lord, turn to 156.

Ce li abbiamo!

You unshoulder your Bow and draw an Arrow from your Quiver. As you fix the notch of the Arrow to the bowstring, you cast the Old Kingdom Battle-spell Flameshaft upon its tip, keeping the last word of the spell upon your lips until you are ready to fire.

Patiently you watch the warrior kicking at the smouldering remains of the iron chest. The moment he turns away, you utter the completing word of the spell and let loose your Arrow at his back. The tip of the Arrow ignites in flight, the magical flame illuminating the gloom as it arcs towards your unwary target with deadly precision. The fiery point penetrates deep into the metal canister strapped to the warrior’s back and, in a terrifying instant, he and his sorcerous weapon are engulfed by a crackling mass of electrical energy. He screams and staggers across the floor, his limbs and torso trailing blue-white snakes of light which earth themselves to the surrounding metal debris. Then, finally, the energy that is contained within the canister is expended. Released from his torment, he loses his balance and falls heavily to the floor.

You shoulder your Bow and move to descend from the top of the storage tank, but you freeze when you see a second warrior running to where the first has fallen. As he passes beneath the tank, you leap onto his back and bring him crashing to the ground. To your shocked surprise you discover that he is an exceptionally strong opponent. He draws power from the armour he wears and he uses it to break your grip. In desperation you utter the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Energy Grasp and use it to discharge a powerful pulse of energy into the fabric of his armour. The effect is devastating. His armour disintegrates, crushing him to death as it crumples and compresses his body.

Turn to 21.


Cautiously you approach the slain warriors. You are eager to examine their strange armour and you are particularly curious about the light-emitting spears they wielded; weapons such as these could prove useful in your fight against Wolf’s Bane. However, on examining these steely shafts you discover that they are now useless. The source of their power was contained in the canisters strapped to the warriors’ backs, a power that is now depleted.


When you prise open a helmet and breastplate, you discover a thin, pale-skinned humanoid within. His bone structure and muscularity is surprisingly weak for a warrior, prompting you to suspect that he must have relied heavily on his power-fed armour for strength and protection. This sallow-faced soldier has a lean and brutal appearance, a look which resembles that of an emaciated Drakkar.

After having satisfied yourself that there is nothing worth salvaging from the bodies of these two slain enemies, you make a cursory check of your own equipment. You are hungry, and unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Having satisfied your curiosity and your appetite, you hurry out of this derelict warehouse by a rear door and continue your hunt for Wolf’s Bane’s trail.

Turn to 31.

Nooo niente lanciafiamme sparafulmini per noi ç__ç

The rear of the warehouse opens onto a wasteland of shattered rubble which is bisected by a dead stream of salty, acidic water. You trudge across this bleak and forbidding landscape, past sharp spires of crimson and jet that erupt through the dereliction to scratch the cloudy sky. Rust-red water encircles their bases, lending them a wholly sinister aspect. To your eyes it seems as if this blighted city has been impaled upon these cruel, towering spikes.


Beyond the spires you discover a paved street almost clear of debris. You find several sets of footprints here, and your hopes are raised when you determine that one set belongs to Wolf’s Bane. You follow them to a gutted building, several storeys high, which is adorned with strangely angular gargoyles. The inside of this crumbling edifice is completely empty and your adversary’s trail passes through it to a rear exit. As you emerge on the far side, you catch your first breathtaking glimpse of this grim city’s tallest structure.

Turn to 250.

Before you stands a great tower of gleaming black stone which rises from the depths of a fathomless moat and soars to within a hundred feet of the stormy grey clouds. Its pitted surface bristles with metal discs and antennae, streaked with rust, yet there are few windows and you can see but one portal.

You magnify your vision and note that your adversary’s tracks lead to a traffic-worn area on this side of the moat, directly opposite the portal. You watch this area for several minutes, and then you see two armour-clad warriors emerge from the ruins and approach it. Suddenly a semi-transparent drawbridge extends from beneath the portal. It resembles a flattened beam of solid, green-grey light, and this beam bridges the moat and provides the two warriors with the means to reach the open tower door.

You scan the great tower with your senses and you feel sure that your opponent is lurking somewhere within. Powerless to reach him, you can only stand and watch the two warriors as they cross the moat and disappear into the portal, which slides shut behind them. At first glance this stronghold looks to be impregnable, but you have gained access to far tougher fortresses in the past and you refuse to allow your spirits to be dampened by the daunting task of finding a way into this one.

Turn to 308.

For two hours you observe the tower. During this time you sense that an invisible field of energy surrounds the wall, a defence that complements the terrifyingly deep moat. This force field disappears only when the portal opens and the drawbridge extends to allow for the arrival or departure of armoured warriors, or strange horseless wagons that hover a few feet from the ground, but in the main the great door remains firmly closed.

You notice that the sparse traffic of warriors and wagons passes along one avenue. It is the only thoroughfare approaching the tower which has been cleared of debris. It is an uncomfortable vigil, but the time you spend observing the tower is rewarded when a bold plan gradually takes form in your mind.

You assess that an entry to the tower could be effected by two means: if you were able to ambush a warrior and use his armour as a disguise, or, if you were able to stow away aboard one of the wagons approaching the moat.

If you wish to attempt to ambush one of the armoured warriors, turn to 276.

If you decide to attempt to stow away aboard a hover-wagon, turn to 79.

Che si fa :D?

1st July 2013, 11:09
Modalità Solid Wolf...attivare! 276

1st July 2013, 11:17
Imboschiamolo che è figo farlo...

1st July 2013, 14:16

You make your way towards the avenue and select an ideal place from where you can launch an ambush. Twenty minutes tick by before you see two armoured humanoids approaching. One walks several paces behind the other, but both are on their way towards the tower. At first you are discouraged that there are two, fearing that an ambush will be harder to effect. But as they draw closer you note that neither appears to be carrying weapons.

You let the first warrior pass and then you strike the second one, dragging him off the street and into the dark alley where you have been lying in wait. A sharp blow beneath the chin-guard of his helmet renders him unconscious, and swiftly you begin to strip away his armour. All is going to plan until a scraping noise behind alerts you to trouble. His companion has noticed that he is alone and has retraced his steps to investigate the sudden disappearance of his brother-in-arms.

You are holding an armoured breastplate in both hands when he comes striding into the alley. You hurl it at him, hoping to buy yourself a few precious seconds in which you can unsheathe your weapon, but the warrior bats it aside and attempts to close his hands around your throat.

Illustration XV—The warrior bats your weapon aside and attempts to close his hands around your throat.

Manoyd (with power gloves): COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 40

Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have attained the rank of Grand Crown, you must reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 4 for the duration of this fight.

If you win the combat, turn to 289.

Oh cazzo, Ironman! Fortunatamente abbiamo +3 nel combattimento a mani nude, invece che -4!

COMBAT RATING: +9 (con Kai.Surge)

Lupo Solitario -3 (-1)(46)
Manoyd -9 (31)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(45)
Manoyd -18 (13)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (-1)(44)
Manoyd -18 (morto!)

You drag the body of the dead Manoyd into the ruins of a house and cover it with rubble. Then you put on the armour, which you have stripped from the unconscious Manoyd, and lower the visor of the helmet to hide your face. A black haversack taken from the warrior provides you with a convenient means to hide your own weapons, equipment, and cloak.

After checking that the avenue is clear, you emerge from the alley and stride boldly towards the tower. On reaching the edge of this windswept canyon, you hear the distant clang of a bell and watch as the drawbridge extends from beneath the portal to span the chasm. You march across, trying not to look down through the semi-transparent bridge to the dark floor of the moat that lies thousands of feet below, and enter the tower’s great portal.

Turn to 124.

The great portal closes behind you with little noise, save the serpent-like hiss of escaping air. Inside, a cavernous plaza awaits you, crafted entirely of steel, glass, silver, and iron. Towering girders arc over your head, buttressed upon each other to support the many upper levels of this stupendous edifice.

The plaza is vast and alien in design, and it is virtually deserted. You count no more than six armoured warriors, some so far distant that you have to magnify your vision to be sure that they are what they seem to be. Your arrival goes unchallenged and you waste no time in attempting to locate your adversary’s trail. As expected, you find traces of his tracks close to the portal. They lead you to an archway which opens into a steel-lined chamber that has two exits: one to the left, the other to the right. Here the tracks become indistinct and you are unable to determine which way Wolf’s Bane went from here.

If you wish to explore the left exit, turn to 243.

If you choose to explore the right exit, turn to 254.

Finalmente :D

:dumb:? :sneer:

1st July 2013, 14:23
Cioè abbiamo fottuto l'armatura potenziata?
Iron Wolf alla riscossa! (a sx ovviamente)

1st July 2013, 14:30
Sinistra ovvio...

1st July 2013, 14:49
nascondiamoci sotto al vagone come veri ninja

fuck arrivo tardi, vabbè go left :dumb:

1st July 2013, 14:53
Left, ovviamente :D

This exit leads to an echoing tunnel constructed from sheeted steel. Its walls and ceiling are lined with iron pipes and braided copper cables for most of its length. You follow this passage for several hundred yards before arriving at another which crosses it from left to right.

If you possess Telegnosis and have attained the rank of Grand Thane, turn to 73.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 347.

Ce l'abbiamo!

Your advanced Kai Mastery reveals to you that a hoard of precious platinum is stored in a chamber at the end of the left corridor.

If you wish to explore the left corridor, turn to 95.

If you choose instead to explore the right corridor, turn to 137.

Sembra una scelta semplice...forse troppo?

Che si fa :D?

1st July 2013, 14:55
go right, cazzo ce ne facciamo di roba sbrilluccicosa

1st July 2013, 15:31
Come api sul miele go left!

1st July 2013, 16:03

Freghiamogli fino all'ultimo grammo di platino!!!!

1st July 2013, 16:31
LEFT! come le falene verso le lampade al neon che le friggeranno!

1st July 2013, 17:09

This passage ends at a door crafted from sheeted silver inset with circles of iron. It has no handle and there appears to be no lock. You try pushing against it but to no avail: it refuses to open. Then you notice a small slit cut into the frame of the door and, when you run your fingers across it, you detect the tell-tale vibrations of an electrical lock.

If you possess an Iron Disc, turn to 159.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 143.

Niente Iron Disc ç_ç

Unable to open this portal, you turn around and retrace your steps back to the junction and then explore the other passageway.

Turn to 137.


This passage ascends by a slope to a chamber that is lined with sheets of a glassy, jet-black mineral. A flight of iron steps ascends from here to a landing where a circular stair continues the ascent to the levels above. On a shelf beside the opening to the circular stairway there is a steel cage containing a small primate. It reminds you of the Kakarmi, the wild primates who inhabit the forests around the Kai Monastery. This creature seems to recognize you, and as you approach the stairs, it begins to shriek with fear. Rather than risk drawing unwanted attention to yourself, you use your innate skills of Animal Control to calm and subdue the frightened creature.

If you wish to release this creature from its cage, turn to 46.

If you choose to ignore it and continue on your way up the circular stairs, turn to 287.

Liberiamo la creatura o la lasciamo al suo tristo destino? :D

1st July 2013, 17:15
Liberiamola e chiamiamola Cita. Tanto dopo essere andati in giro con sfigati del calibro di Paido andar in giro con un altro primate non può certo rovinarci la reputazione.

1st July 2013, 17:15
liberiamo cita e usiamola come scudo "umano"

1st July 2013, 17:42
Liberiamola tanto se è alleata ci pensa death aura

1st July 2013, 18:02

You open the cage door and command the creature to jump onto your outstretched arm. You are hoping to be able to use it as a guide to help you find Wolf’s Bane, but the primate does not cooperate as expected. It is deeply confused. It thinks that you are Wolf’s Bane and adamantly it refuses to leave its cage.


You detect that it has suffered cruelly at the hands of the impostor, and this sudden realization serves to strengthen your determination to find and defeat him. You take one last look at the pitiful creature before closing the cage door and continuing your exploration of the tower by way of the circular stairs.

Turn to 287.

Ahhaha ma Wolf's Bane si stupra le scimmie :lol:

As you climb the stairs, you are filled with a growing sense of uncertainty and dread as you ponder what may yet await you in this alien tower. However, these feelings of impending doom are quickly banished when you reach the third level, for here you pick up the trail of your adversary. Your tracking skills determine that his trail is fresh and you pursue it eagerly.

You pass through a maze of empty passageways which lead eventually to a large, circular hall. Cautiously you approach the entrance and peer inside. Your tracking skills and your curiosity are handsomely rewarded when you see Wolf’s Bane; he is standing alone and he is unaware that you have found him.

Turn to 100.


You are eager to confront your enemy, but you are wary of walking into a trap. At first glance he appears to be alone in this circular hall, but then you notice something curious about the hall itself. At the four points of the compass there are rails attached to the walls. Small horizontal platforms are attached to these rails and they move along them in a continuous procession. At the north and the south these platforms ascend through holes in the ceiling; at the west and east the platforms descend through similar holes and continue through other holes cut in the floor. You suspect them to be elevators and your suspicions are confirmed when suddenly an armoured warrior appears; he is standing on a descending platform and he passes through the hall and continues travelling downwards to a level somewhere below.

Wolf’s Bane is standing with his back to you and is examining a panel of glass set into the chamber wall. You magnify your vision and you see that the panel displays an illuminated view of the avenue that approaches the tower. Your adversary is watching and waiting for your approach; clearly he is unaware that you have already gained access to the tower.

Suddenly, something alerts him to your presence and he spins on his heel, his dark eyes blazing with a mixture of fear and loathing. He sees you at the entrance to the hall and immediately he leaps upon a rising north platform in an attempt to escape from you. Determined not to let him get away again, you enter the hall and jump onto a rising south platform. As the platform passes through the ceiling of the hall, it carries you up a tall, open shaft. Wolf’s Bane is on the far side of the shaft wall, some twenty feet above. You can see his face peering over the lip of the platform on which he is standing. He mouths something that you suspect is a curse, but then he points at you with an extended hand and a crackling arc of crimson fire leaps from his fingers and comes twisting down the shaft towards your face.

If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 341.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 153.

Ce l'abbiamo!

You draw your divine blade and a radiant halo of golden flame caresses its razor-sharp edge. You raise the sword above your head and then strike out at the leading point of the approaching fire-bolt. There is a tremendous splash of fiery sparks as you connect with the bolt and send it arcing away to explode harmlessly against the wall of the shaft.

The Sommerswerd absorbs some of the energy of the fire-bolt which it transfers to you through its hilt: restore 3 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 37.


As your enemy’s platform passes through the next level of the tower, he leaps off and disappears from view. A few moments later, when your platform reaches this level, Wolf’s Bane is nowhere to be seen. You step into the circular chamber and cast your eyes around its bare metallic surfaces. There is only one exit from here: a narrow tunnel in the north wall.

Quickly you enter this tunnel and discover footprints in the dust which blankets the floor. You follow the tracks, but they soon fade and then disappear completely. You stop to examine the floor and your tracking skills tell you that your adversary is deliberately masking his trail. Determined not to give up the pursuit, you break into a run and hurry along this tunnel to where it makes a sharp turn to the left. What you see filling the corridor ahead brings you skidding to a halt.

The way is blocked by a criss-crossed tangle of thick, gluey strands, which are anchored to the floor, walls, and ceiling. You sense that Wolf’s Bane has cast this magical net to ensnare and delay you while he makes good his escape.

If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 118.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 233.

If you possess Grand Weaponmastery, have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord, and possess a bladed Weapon (i.e. Sword, Short Sword, Broadsword, Axe, or Dagger), turn to 187.

If you possess none of these skills, rank, Weapons, or this Special Item, turn to 69.

Non metto la solita scelta, perchè è ininfluente...

Vigorously you attack the sticky strands of the net with your magical sword, cleaving through them with unexpected ease. They shrivel at the touch of your golden blade and drop in smouldering heaps onto the floor of the tunnel. Within a matter of seconds you have cut your way through and are able to continue your pursuit.

Turn to 316.

Beyond the net you rediscover your opponent’s tracks. They lead you to an unlit storage chamber containing dozens of iron canisters and large steel crates. Using your ability to see in the dark, you follow his footprints as they wend their way around these obstacles and trail off towards a distant door. But before you reach the door you are brought to an abrupt halt by a strange sound—a whirring, mechanical growl. Instinctively you look over your shoulder, in the direction of the noise, and freeze with shock the moment you catch sight of the creature that is moving slowly towards your back.

Turn to 199.

The first thing you see is the creature’s eyes. Like two strips of molten sulphur, they radiate a cold, yellow light. Then you glimpse the outline of its angular shoulders, its square snout, and its gleaming steel forelegs. Oily drool hangs from an iron jaw which is set with jagged blades. As this shocking jaw widens, you hear the whirr of metal cogs and gears.

You can be fearless in the face of foes of flesh and blood, but this steel wolf strikes terror in your heart. You turn and flee towards the distant door, praying that it will lead to a safe haven from this bloodless beast, but you reach it only to discover that it is locked. Frantically you search for a bolt or a keyhole but there are none. Then you locate two squares of opaque crimson gemstone set into the wall. The squares are like those you encountered at the entrance to the temple of Avaros, yet these differ in one important respect: they are separated by a small slot.

If you possess an Iron Disc, turn to 261.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 210.

Ancora niente Iron Disc...

The rasping growl of the metal wolf is steadily getting louder. The sinister sound makes your palms slick with cold sweat as you feverishly examine the door and the locking mechanism set into the wall nearby.

The gemstone squares are sensitive devices which secure this door. By tapping upon each of them a correct number of times you will cause the lock to disengage and the door will open. You place your fingers lightly upon the squares and feel the tell-tale vibrations that are the key to deciphering their secret code. Aided by your Kai skills, you are able to determine that the first code is equal to the number of named Kirlundin Islands north of Egen. The second code is equal to the number of villages to the east of Ragadorn.

In order to discover the exact numbers that will open the door, consult the map.

When you think you know the two-digit solution, turn to the entry that is the same number as your answer.

If you cannot decipher the codes, turn instead to 134.

Puzzle time, again! :D

Riposto la mappa per semplicità.


1st July 2013, 19:14
Nella mia mappa strafiga le isole a nord di egen sono 3 e si chiamano taug, broka e vor, anche se li ce ne sta una con nome, i paesi a est di ragaetc nelle wildlands non ce ne dovrebbero essere, quindi stando ala tua mappa il numero è 10 stando alla mia è 30...

1st July 2013, 20:23
Io dico 10 :nod: , il 30 non mi garba :nod:

1st July 2013, 20:48
famo metà, io dico 15

2nd July 2013, 12:38
La mia mappa rulez :nod:

The door opens with a hiss. You rush forward and immediately sidestep to place a solid wall between you and the steel monster. Then the door slides shut and, a few moments later, you feel a shudder run through the wall as the creature slams head-first into the portal and shatters its skull.

To continue, turn to 83.

The steel walls of the room you have entered are sheened with ice. Several tall glass canisters stand in a circle at the centre of this frigid chamber, connected to one another with pipes and coils of copper cable. Their liquid contents bubble and seethe and appear to be boiling despite the freezing air temperature. You walk around them, mesmerized by the strange beauty of the roiling multi-coloured fluids. Then you sense imminent danger somewhere to your right and instantly you spin around to face it, your hand reaching reflexively to the weapon at your belt.

You see a dark stairwell and a shadowy shape which is crouched near to the bottom steps. It is Wolf’s Bane. He is clutching a bow and he has an arrow drawn ready to fire. The instant you see him, he releases his bowstring and the tip of the arrow bursts into flames as it comes speeding towards your chest.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE score is 10 or less, deduct 2.

If your total is now 3 or lower, turn to 155.

If it is 4–7, turn to 102.

If it is 8 or higher, turn to 248.

Abbiamo +2 al Roll! E +1 per l'amuleto che ci portiamo dietro da secoli :D

Roll...1 ç_ç

You throw yourself forwards to avoid the missile, yet it dips in mid-air and carves a furrow across your shoulder blades as you slide along the frost-encrusted floor: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

Your adversary sniggers when he hears your cry of pain. Yet, despite the burning agony of your wound, you scramble to your feet and level your weapon defiantly at the darkened stairway. But Wolf’s Bane is no longer crouching near the steps—he is fast ascending them. Calling upon your innate healing skills, you staunch the blood that is trickling freely from your back and hurry towards the staircase in pursuit of your hated foe.

Turn to 29.


You climb more than two hundred steps before the staircase arrives at a short tunnel which opens into a damp, cavernous hall. This huge chamber is partitioned into pens which house several giant dragonflies, similar to those you encountered when first you arrived on Avaros. High above, great oblong sections of the steel roof are open to the elements and the bases of passing storm clouds are lit up by the glow from the hall’s phosphorescent lighting. You scan the rain-swept pens for a sight of your adversary, and find him climbing upon the saddled back of a great crimson dragonfly. He urges the creature into the air and it obeys with stunning swiftness. You watch as Wolf’s Bane steers his winged mount once around the roof of the hall, and then, to your horror, you see him bring the creature to hover directly over your head. He shouts at you, but his words are lost in the buzz of the dragonfly’s massive wings. Then he leans from the saddle and casts down a metallic box before urging his mount skywards. The box lands close by, bouncing once before coming to rest near your feet. Your heart pounds when you sense that it is a powerful time bomb. A panel on the side of this device contains several illuminated numerals that are blinking intermittently. You can see by the numbers remaining that you have only 30 seconds before the bomb detonates.

If you wish to attempt to defuse this time bomb, turn to 177.

If you decide instead to mount one of the giant dragonflies and attempt to escape from this hall before the bomb explodes, turn to 190.

Che si fa :D???

2nd July 2013, 12:41
Go lone wolf artificere cazzo ahahahh

2nd July 2013, 12:45
Fuga sul libellulone gigante, che fa tanto figo con esplosioni e distruzione dietro le spalle tipo locandina film d'azione anni '90. 190

2nd July 2013, 17:02
Ma non possiamo lasciar morire la scimmietta! Lone Wolf disattivatoredituttoilcazzodeltutto mode /on

2nd July 2013, 17:21
You pick up the ticking bomb and examine it carefully. Below the illuminated panel, which is counting down the seconds, you see four small windows which display a sequence of numbers. Beneath these windows are tiny buttons which, when pressed, change the numbers that are displayed. The third window in the sequence is blank and, when you concentrate upon it, your Kai senses reveal to you that by keying in the missing number in the sequence you will prevent the bomb from exploding.

Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know the solution, turn to the entry that is the same as your answer.


If you guess incorrectly, or if you cannot determine the missing number, turn instead to 269.

Solo le nostre Kai abilità di matematica per la terza media potranno salvare Cita! E noi!

2nd July 2013, 17:55
vabbè dai, too easy lol, 130-00

2nd July 2013, 18:16
Sposti un punto et voilà 130.00 , sono ancora dell'opinione che fuggire sul libellulone fosse più figo tanto la scimmia sarà irrimediabilmente preda della nostra Death aura...

3rd July 2013, 09:24
Kai-Matemagic si rivela sempre fondamentale :dumb:

The moment you key in the correct number, it activates the detonator lock and the bomb ceases to function.10 You wipe a trickle of sweat from your brow as you look at the illuminated display, for it shows that there were only five seconds to go before the bomb would have exploded. Carefully you set the device down on the floor and then hurry to the nearest dragonfly pen where you use your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to subdue its hostile occupant. The creature reluctantly submits to your will and allows you to climb upon its back. It has no saddle, and so you are forced to grip its scaly spine as you urge it skywards in pursuit of Wolf’s Bane.

As you emerge through the open steel roof of the tower, you catch a fleeting glimpse of the rain-swept city far below. Then, in the next instant, you plunge into the base of the thick black storm clouds which keep this alien city forever in shadow.

Turn to 310.

Ahahah LW ci ha messo 24 secondi a risolvere l'enigma :nod:

The moment you pass through the storm clouds, you enter a stratosphere that is bathed with magnificent light. Above the city’s perpetual cloud layer lies a wondrous vista, an aerial realm that is calm and clear. The golden rays from two suns and the reflected light from twelve satellite moons, combine to bathe the thunderheads with a panoply of colour. You scan these heavens and see high above the dragonfly which is carrying Wolf’s Bane. It is climbing towards a castle-like fortress that seems to rest upon a base of wispy cloud, defying gravity. Your enemy’s flying mount enters the castle from below, passing through a gap in the underside of its cloudy base. Upon seeing his destination you urge your own winged mount to follow in his wake.

Illustration XVII—Wolf’s Bane’s dragonfly enters the castle and you urge your own mount to follow.

You enter the clouds and pass through an open portal, like some massive trapdoor located in the belly of this mystical stronghold. Beyond the portal is a cavern of stone, vaulted and substantial like the dungeons of a great castle. There is no sign of your enemy, save for his mount which is tethered to a wooden pier. You bring your dragonfly in to land upon this pier and then leap down from its back and examine the ground for tracks. You find what you are seeking and they lead you to an archway that opens upon a landing where three tunnels lead off in different directions. However, to your dismay, you discover that Wolf’s Bane has deliberately spoiled his tracks; his footprints lead to all three tunnels.

If you wish to explore the north tunnel, turn to 294.

If you choose to explore the east tunnel, turn to 109.

If you decide instead to explore the west tunnel, turn to 235.

Ma che si è fumato Joe prima di scrivere sto libro lol :D

Comunque: dove si va?

3rd July 2013, 09:33
Ci vorrebbe la musichetta della "storia infinita", btw veniamo da sud, quindi west=sinistra... 235

3rd July 2013, 12:22
go east

3rd July 2013, 14:50

3rd July 2013, 17:15

The tunnel zigzags to the left and right for several hundred yards before it widens at the entrance to a long, low-ceilinged hall. The slabs of stone which have so far paved the tunnel end abruptly at the entrance to this chamber. The floor here appears to be made of a gritty brown soil that gives off a pungent, earthy aroma. You scan its surface but you can see no tracks—it looks perfectly smooth.

If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 164.

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 48.


Wary of the uncertain floor of this hall, you utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and feel yourself rising slowly to the ceiling. Using the gaps between the bricks in the arched roof, you pull yourself along the ceiling until you reach the far end of the hall. Fortunately, the door is unlocked and you are able to open it with your foot and lower yourself safely through its archway and into the hall beyond.

Turn to 62.

The moment you negate your spell of Levitation spell and set foot upon firm ground, you feel a warm breeze. You sense that it comes from a stairwell at the far end of this new hall and, when you investigate it, you rediscover Wolf’s Bane’s footprints on the stone steps. You cast your hands over them and detect that this is not a false trail: your enemy passed this way sometime within the last hour.

Slowly you ascend the stairs and arrive at the arched entrance to a large, vaulted stone chamber. Gathered around a fountain set into its north wall are a group of six grey-skinned humanoids. They are busy drinking a clear, oily fluid that pours from the fountain’s spout into a semicircular trough. All are barefoot and clad in rags, and they are each armed with a spear and a bow. The only exit from this chamber appears to be an archway set high in the north wall. There is a balcony in front of it that can only be reached by two flights of stairs which rise up on either side of the fountain.

Quietly you observe the creatures slaking their thirsts, and you try to formulate a way in which you can get past them and reach the balconied exit in the north wall.

If you possess a Bow, the Discipline of Magi-magic with the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, and wish to use them turn to 138.

If you possess Kai-alchemy with the rank of Grand Crown and wish to use it, turn to 26.

If you do not possess these skills or a Bow, or if you have yet to attain the required levels of Kai Mastery, turn to 121.

Cosa vogliamo usare? :D

3rd July 2013, 17:24
Arcodiddio con freccia megasupermaggicaaaaaa!!! 138

3rd July 2013, 17:37
Prima ha voluto fare il furbo lui con l'arco..ora è il nostro turno.

4th July 2013, 10:08

You detect that the fluid which the creatures are drinking from the fountain is highly flammable. Armed with this knowledge, you place an Arrow to your Bow and take aim at the stone trough. Moments before you release your bowstring, you utter the words of the Old Kingdom Battle-spell Flameshaft and the tip of your missile flares brightly with a crackling magical flame. You launch the Arrow and watch as it arcs into the trough. With a deafening wumph! the liquid ignites to form a blazing fireball which greedily consumes the creatures gathered around the lip of the trough.

Turn to 204.


You feel a searing wave of heat wash over your body as the fireball reaches its peak and then rapidly dies to form a sputtering flame which clings to the mouth of the fountain. None of the creatures have survived the conflagration and you are able to cross the hall and ascend the stairs to the balconied archway without meeting any resistance.

To continue, turn to 50.

You have covered twenty yards of a passageway that extends from the balcony when you hear a grating noise. It is a concealed portal, and it is sliding shut to seal off the hall through which you have just passed.

Ahead lies a chamber which is bedecked with a score of lavish tapestries, each depicting the landscapes of remote and wondrous planets within the universe of Aon. Your adversary’s tracks pass through this opulent chamber and end at a pair of stout wooden doors, inlaid with exquisite gold marquetry. You place your ear to one of the doors and concentrate. The only sound you can hear is the crackle of a log fire, but your Kai senses detect the presence of your adversary in the room beyond. You peer through a keyhole and glimpse part of a gallery with a railed parapet. The wooden rails are lit from below by the warming yellow flicker of a fire.


You reach out to open the doors and confront your enemy, but a strong sense of unease stays your hand. It feels as if a swarm of butterflies are fighting to escape from your churning stomach. You have a chilling premonition that a confrontation with Wolf’s Bane in the room beyond could prove fatal for both of you. This fear prompts you to pray to the Gods Kai and Ishir to sustain and protect you in the coming fight.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 104.

If it is 5–9, turn to 216.


In response to your prayer, you feel a warm and glowing sensation deep within your chest. This feeling grows and then pulses through your body and your mind, leaving you physically and mentally refreshed and alert: restore 8 ENDURANCE points.

Confident that the divine Gods of Good are watching over you in your moment of truth, you throw open the doors and stride boldly into the hall beyond.

Turn to 240.

Sticazzi, poterla usare in altri punti sta cosa no, eh? :saddest:

The doors swing open onto a gallery which encircles three sides of a large banquet hall. Below, through the wooden spindles of the gallery’s parapet rail, you can see the hall itself. Tapestries drape the walls and a blazing fire crackles in a great stone fireplace that occupies much of the north wall. Your adversary is sitting alone in a throne-like chair at the head of a long banqueting table. A plain, oblong-shaped wooden case lies closed on the table before him.

‘Welcome, Lone Wolf—so glad you could join me,’ he says, his voice oozing sarcasm as he gets to his feet and tilts his head condescendingly towards the gallery. You see his right hand move below the edge of the table and, moments later, you hear the double doors swing shut and lock behind you. Anxiously you cast your eyes around the hall, searching out his hidden accomplices.

‘We’re alone,’ snaps Wolf’s Bane. He raises a hand and beckons you to descend the gallery stairs to the hall below. ‘The time has come, Lone Wolf. Our jaunt across Avaros has been leading to this moment of truth.’

Illustration XIV—‘We’re alone,’ snaps Wolf’s Bane. ‘The time has come, Lone Wolf.’

Wolf’s Bane reaches out to the slim case that is laid on the table before him and he flips open its lid. Inside you see two thin-bladed duelling rapiers couched on a velvet liner.

‘We two are as equally matched as these fine blades,’ he says, in a voice as syrupy as rancid molasses. ‘Come, Lone Wolf. I challenge you to duel honourably. Come and choose your weapon and let fate decide who of us will triumph this day.’

You magnify your vision and scrutinize the open case. Your senses confirm that these swords are finely crafted blades. They are not booby-trapped, nor are they magically cursed in any way.

If you choose to accept Wolf’s Bane’s challenge to a duel to the death using these swords, turn to 304.

If you choose to decline his challenge, turn to 85.

Mmmmm...a voi la parola!

4th July 2013, 10:24
Queste due spade sono uguali fidati ed io sono uno che ispira fiducia, prendi, questa è di plastica io tengo quella di ferro, fidersi di wolfbane è sicuramente la via giusta per finie il libro...
Per me che si fotta 85

4th July 2013, 10:46
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Prendiamo la spada da duello e prendiamo a calci un culo sto coglione.

4th July 2013, 10:49
Accettiamo il duello! 304

4th July 2013, 11:09
Si si, certo che accettiamo, come no.

"Guadda ma cetto vengo li e piglio la spadina"

Ops....mi è scappata fuori dal fodero la sommerswerd....

Affettiamo sto cojone con il nostro fidato spadone, altro che duello. 85

4th July 2013, 11:14
duello all'ultimo sangue

4th July 2013, 12:26

Alla pugna!

Slowly you descend the stairs and approach the banqueting table. Wolf’s Bane slides the open case towards you and motions for you to take a weapon. You reach for the box and remove the uppermost rapier, and then you slide the case back across the table to your opponent.


‘Very well,’ he says, as he takes the sword and makes a few strokes to gauge its balance, ‘let the duel begin.’

The Duel: Lone Wolf vs. Wolf’s Bane

The Combat Ratio for the duel is −4. This ratio takes account of all bonuses which may apply (e.g. Grand Weaponmastery with Sword, psychic attacks, and Special Items). Wolf’s Bane’s ENDURANCE score is identical to your current ENDURANCE score, unless you possess a Bronze Disc. If you possess this Special Item, you may reduce your enemy’s ENDURANCE by 4 points before the commencement of combat.

Conduct the combat using the normal combat procedure. However, should Wolf’s Bane’s ENDURANCE be reduced to 10 or less, do not continue any further with the fight. Instead, turn immediately to 151.

Ok, il caso è destino di questo combattimento :D Infatti WB e LW si equivalgono in EP, e -4 è il Combat Rating in cui la distribuzione dei danni è in equilibrio tra LW e il suo avversario. Detto questo, abbiamo ancora Ignore Pain da spararci, e cambiamo paragrafo quando WB arriva a 10 o meno. Ciò detto...si mena!

Lupo Solitario -4 (46)
Wolf's Bane -5 (45)

Roll...9 :oldmetal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (46)
Wolf's Bane -9 (36)

Roll...0 :oldmetal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (46)
Wolf's Bane -10 (26)

Lupo Solitario -5 (41)
Wolf's Bane -2 (24)

Lupo Solitario -4 (37)
Wolf's Bane -4 (20)

Lupo Solitario -3 (34)
Wolf's Bane -6 (14)

Lupo Solitario -4 (30)
Wolf's Bane -4 (10)

Wolf’s Bane staggers backwards, clutching at his wounds with his free hand. You move forward, eager to finish him, but he parries your lunge and then, with a look of utter desperation in his soulless eyes, he glances up at the ceiling and shouts:

‘Take him, Doom-blight! Take him now!’

Your blood freezes when you see a great gull-winged horror emerge from a hidden perch among the hall’s shadowy rafters. It plunges towards you, a fiery sword held at arm’s length ready to be driven through your heart.

If you have ever encountered the Demoness Shamath in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 263.

If you have never encountered this creature, turn to 74.


The creature that is diving towards you suddenly freezes in mid-air. The morbid fear of death that had gripped your heart quickly evaporates, but you are left with a feeling of deep unease as your Kai senses detect that something extraordinary is taking place around you. The hall has become filled with a deadly silence and everything, including the tongues of flame trailing from the creature’s sword, and the blazing fire in the grate, is utterly frozen. It is as if time itself is standing still.

Wolf’s Bane is a frozen statue, his face fixed in the malevolent sneer he was wearing in gleeful anticipation that you were about to meet your doom. You are beginning to think that perhaps you have been killed and that this is life after death, when suddenly you glimpse a blurred movement at the corner of your eye.

From out of the shadows cast by the gallery steps a young teenage girl, dressed in a leather jerkin and threadbare trousers. You recognize her at once—it is Alyss, the strange enigmatic creature who helped you once before, during your confrontation with the Demoness Shamath.

‘Wh…what are you doing here?’ you stammer. Casually she walks towards you and reaches up to touch a finger to the frozen fiery sword clutched in the taloned hands of Wolf’s Bane’s winged minion.

‘Why, doing what I like doing best,’ she replies, airily, ‘minding other people’s business.’

She prods the frozen sword with the tip of her finger and there is a gentle Pop! Instantly the creature disappears.

‘I do hate cheats,’ she says, as she wanders over to where Wolf’s Bane is standing immobile. Cheekily she pokes out her tongue at him and then she spins on her heel to face you.

‘Now, perhaps you can finish what you came here to do, Lone Wolf,’ she says, and claps her hands three times. A sudden rush of noise assails your ears and your senses reel as the reality of time comes flooding back into the hall.

Turn to 296.

A wild a plot device appears!

It's super effective!

The triumphant sneer dies on Wolf’s Bane’s face the instant he realizes that his winged minion has disappeared and that you are still alive. He recoils, his mouth gaping and his eyes wide with disbelief. As he retreats, he brushes against Alyss and utters a yelp of fright. His abject fear, however, soon transforms into blind fury.

‘You!’ he cries, accusingly. Fuelled by rage, he raises his sword in readiness to slash at her face. You rush forward and block his vicious blow; then you twist the blade from his grasp and, with one swift thrust, you skewer his heart upon the tip of your rapier.

Wolf’s Bane regards the blade protruding from his chest with a look of utter astonishment. Then, with a curse on his blood-flecked lips, he drops to his knees and crumples lifelessly to the floor.

Turn to 40.

Meno male che almeno WB sa chi è sta tipa <.< Non che questo gli abbia fatto molto bene...

You step away from the body of your enemy and allow yourself a smile of grim satisfaction that you have, at last, rid Aon of this evil intruder.

‘Hurry, Lone Wolf,’ says Alyss, impatiently. ‘Naar is vengeful. He will soon be wanting to know how his champion is faring. If he finds him slain, we will both feel his wrath.’

‘Then we must escape from here,’ you reply. ‘But how? Do you know of a way?’

‘Mmm…maybe,’ she replies, narrowing her green eyes. ‘Yes…I’ve got a plan.’

If you possess the Discipline of Kai-screen and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 280.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 98.


‘Come, Grand Master. You’re going home,’ she says, and she takes you by the hand and leads you to the middle of the banquet hall, to a place directly opposite the great fireplace. ‘But first we must make preparations for the journey.’

Alyss then proceeds to tell you to use your advanced Kai Mastery to mask the goodly aura that radiates naturally from your mind and body. When you have done as she requests, she touches the Platinum Amulet which you wear around your neck and smiles.

‘Good, good,’ she enthuses, ‘this bauble will take care of the rest.’

She then takes a piece of limestone from her pocket and proceeds to draw a pentagram on the floor of the hall. She has half completed the complicated design when suddenly she becomes agitated.

‘Must hurry,’ she mumbles, ‘must, must hurry.’

Suddenly the fire in the hearth flares brightly. The flames begin to grow and whirl and slowly change colour.

‘It’s no good!’ cries Alyss, tearful with frustration. Angrily she casts her chunk of crumbling limestone at the roaring flames and then leaps to her feet and comes rushing to your side. ‘It’s too late!’ she screams, her voice now barely audible above the unnatural crackling of the fire. ‘Naar is summoning his champion!’

Illustration XVI—‘It’s too late!’ screams Alyss. ‘Naar is summoning his champion!’

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 273.

If it is 5–9, turn to 67.

Ma non era WB il campione di Naar?!? :saddest:


You feel your throat tightening and your lungs collapsing as the air is sucked out of the chamber. The whirling flames of the fire have rapidly transformed into a raging vortex which is dragging into its core every loose item in the banquet hall. You and Alyss hang on to the banister rail affixed to the gallery stairs, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your grip. Chairs, tapestries, tables, and other furniture batter you as they tumble past to be sucked into the vortex (lose 4 ENDURANCE points). Then the rail collapses and the two of you are drawn into the raging heart of this fearsome whirlpool.

Turn to 170.


For what seems like an eternity, you plummet into the swirling heart of a supernatural vortex. Brilliant sparks and flashes of colour illuminate this funnel of darkness as items of furniture from the banquet hall explode and disintegrate, unable to withstand the extraordinary pressures generated by this cosmic whirlpool. You watch with shock and awe as the lifeless body of your adversary—Wolf’s Bane—is transformed into a fiery meteor before your very eyes. Then, gradually, the spin of the vortex becomes less fierce and you feel the centripetal pull on your body easing. Beams of light penetrate the darkness and you see Alyss glide into view. She appears to be reclining, as if casually resting upon a couch after a weary day’s work, and her expression is mildly pensive. She looks as if to her this whole terrifying journey is nothing more than an irritating inconvenience.

At last the vortex slows to a standstill and you feel ground solidifying beneath your feet. But the darkness gives way to a swirling mist which dissolves to reveal a horrifying sight. A deep and morbid terror returns to twist its knife in your guts when you suddenly realize where you are. You have been summoned to the throne hall of Naar—the seat of power of the King of the Darkness—the inner sanctum of ultimate Evil.

Turn to 331.


Before you lies a smoke-filled hall that reeks of death and decay. Only the floor appears to be solid, and yet when you stare down at its glassy surface, you see that it is honeycombed with thousands of cells, each one occupied by a tortured soul writhing in perpetual torment. The walls of this evil chamber are wreathed with sulphurous smoke, lit intermittently by shafts of crimson lightning. The foul substances which pass for air seethe with the tension of ferocious, evil energies.

From the centre of the floor there arises a slender domed plinth. Moments later, a wide dais rises beside it, upon which you see a visage of the Dark God, one that he favours whilst occupying his unholy throne hall. Nothing could have prepared you for the sight that now meets your gaze—it is the foulest you have ever seen.

Naar’s favoured form is a great globular body, like that of a bloated spider, borne by a score of stunted limbs which emerge chaotically from the underside of a sac-like abdomen. His face hangs like a parody of a wrinkled old sow’s yet with an evil-smelling black hole where one could expect a snout. The upper surface of his body is covered with pouches of vile fluids that trail wisps of black smoke, and his maw is studded with hundreds of blue-stained fangs. But it is the eyes that shock you most. The Dark God has the eyes of a man.

Illustration XIX—Before you is Naar, the foulest thing you have ever seen.

Naar shifts his bloated body from the dais and slither-shuffles towards the plinth. A misshapen limb extends to the plinth and its domed cover retracts to reveal a wondrous and mysterious artefact. A second shock stuns your senses when you recognize the nature of this artefact. It is one of the most legendary items in all the long history of Magnamund. It is the fabled Moonstone of the Shianti!

Turn to 112.

Siamo davanti a Naar e la cosa che ci stupisce di più è un sasso <.<

The fabled Moonstone was created many thousands of years ago by the god-like Shianti, whose presence upon Magnamund heralded the dawn of humanity. This wondrous artefact contains the combined might of all their magic and wisdom, the sum of all their knowledge. So significant was the creation of this artefact that all time on Magnamund is measured from the date of its creation. It had long been held that the Moonstone’s location was a secret known only to the remnants of the Shianti, who dwell upon the Isle of Lorn in deepest Southern Magnamund, yet the evidence of your eyes tells you that this mystical stone of power has fallen into the hands of the Dark God.


Suddenly the significance of the Moonstone becomes clear. Naar is using its legendary powers to generate Shadow Gates within the world of Magnamund, at locations and times of his own choosing. Such power has enabled him to send his loathsome champions to your home world, while the goodly forces of Kai and Ishir are held at bay, helpless to counter them. Only you and your Kai brethren have stood in the way of the onslaught of Naar’s agents since the demise of his Darklords.

The hideous form of the Dark God returns to the dais and settles there uneasily. Then a deep rumble fills the throne hall; it is the prelude to the voice of Naar.

‘You have done well, my champion,’ it booms. ‘Now I command you to return to accursed Sommerlund and finish my work. Prepare the way for my armies of night. At last this planet is mine for the taking. My victory is complete!’

It is clear from his words that Naar is convinced that you are his champion—Wolf’s Bane—freshly returned from a duel in which Evil has triumphed. Suddenly you see Alyss emerge from the smoky wall less than a dozen paces behind Naar, yet the Dark God appears unaware of her presence. She appears calm and focused, and you sense that she is waiting for an auspicious moment to approach the plinth and take the Moonstone. With bated breath you watch as she inches closer and closer to the legendary stone. Then Naar shifts his gruesome bulk and she freezes.

‘You will not return to Sommerlund alone, Wolf’s Bane. Kekataag the Avenger will accompany you. He has a mission of assassination to complete in Toran, at the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star.’

Then the Dark God emits a high-pitched whistle and, moments later, a fearsome warrior answers the call. He emerges from the smoky wall and the floor shudders as he strides to the centre of the throne hall.

If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 183.

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 34.

Ce l'abbiamo!

Kekataag the Avenger is attired in battle-armour that glimmers like slime-dulled gold. Beneath his helmet there is a hollow skull-face from which emerges a sickly stench that permeates even the foul air of this hall. The skulls and bones of humans bedeck his armoured hide and in his mighty hands he carries a great two-handed axe, its blade stained black with the blood of his countless victims.

This fearsome warrior holds you with his glowing eyes and you feel waves of powerful psychic energy buffet your mind. Your advanced Kai defences repel this attack, but you are left in no doubt that he is deeply jealous of your supposed defeat of Lone Wolf.

Turn to 255.


Naar moves from the dais and commands Kekataag to cease his psychic assault. The murderous leviathan complies at once with his fell master’s wishes. For the first time since he strode into this throne hall, Kekataag turns to face Naar. His intent is to bow his huge form in dutiful deference to his master’s authority, but this formality is soon forgotten when his psychic powers detect the presence of Alyss. The realization that she is here makes the warrior bellow with supernatural rage. The deafening sound galvanizes Alyss into action; she leaps towards the plinth and places both of her hands upon the surface of the Moonstone. Instantly a whirling hole appears in the smoky wall of the throne hall; it is the unmistakable mouth of a Shadow Gate.

‘Flee, Lone Wolf,’ she cries. ‘Flee to your homeland before it’s too late!’

Bravely she stands her ground, her hands clasped upon the glowing Moonstone, as Kekataag and Naar advance upon her from two sides. You are deeply moved by the courage of this enigmatic being; it seems she is prepared to sacrifice her immortality that you might escape alive from this terrible place.

If you wish to obey her command and enter the whirling Shadow Gate, turn to 282.

If you choose to stay and fight the Dark God and his evil avenger, turn to 343.

Che si fa :D??

4th July 2013, 12:41
Se LW fosse affetto dal terribile morbo del White Knight e se considerasse Alyss una fanciulla in difficoltà allora sicuramente si butterebbe a testa bassa contro un Dio.

Ma siccome LW non ha mai giocato a un MMORPG (principale veicolo di diffusione del WK virus) , ritiene Alyss una scassacazzo, ne ha le palle piene di combattere in dimensioni oscure e soprattutto sa che questo non è l'ultimo libro quindi non può ragionevolmente vincere contro il main antagonist... decide di salutare tutti e buttarsi nel portale.

4th July 2013, 12:58
Scegliete e perite, scegliete la forma del distruggitore di Gozer...

In questo caso è passato vari capitoli abbiamo pf, ignore pain, laspadadiddio, direi che una morte di merda contro il dio del male ce la possiamo permettere... 343 a cazzo duro.

4th July 2013, 13:34
Ma go a fare il culo a naar perdio

4th July 2013, 14:08


Alyss draws upon her powers to create a cocoon of energy to protect both her vulnerable body and the legendary Moonstone. Kekataag assaults this glowing shield with maniacal ferocity, his great two-handed axe drawing fiery sparks with every mighty blow. You can sense from the hatred which blazes in his supernatural eyes that he and Alyss are old enemies.

Illustration XX—Alyss creates a cocoon to protect herself and the Moonstone.

Naar is now aware of your true identity. He also senses that you have made no effort to reach the Shadow Gate and so he moves away from Alyss, seemingly happy to allow his minion to press on with the attack while he devotes his undivided attention to you.

If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 132.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 147.


You draw your divine blade from its scabbard and a halo of golden light irradiates the throne hall. Naar bellows with a terrible rage. He is mortally aghast that such a holy weapon should be unsheathed in his presence, in his inner sanctum, and in his anger he summons a host of rubbery-limbed horrors from the smoky walls of his evil domain.

If you wish to fight these creatures, turn to 201.

If you wish to attempt to evade them by entering the Shadow Gate, turn to 162.

Che facciamo ora :D?

4th July 2013, 14:14
Stay and fight!

4th July 2013, 14:26
Ci avverte istadeath approach ma noi siamo noi quindi avanti a vazzo duro! Sterminiooooooo 201

4th July 2013, 15:01

4th July 2013, 15:13

The seething horde of needle-fanged horrors attempts to surround and overwhelm you. They seem undaunted by the divine glow of your wondrous blade—a blade that can seal their doom.


If you win this combat, turn to 350.

La nota ci suggerisce che, come negli altri casi in cui combattevamo sul Plane of Darkness, abbiamo un bonus di +4 alla CS.


Roll...0 :oldmetal:
Lupo Solitario -0
Cryopedeans instagibbati!

As the last of the creatures dies, you leap over its heaped body and stumble through the Shadow Gate into a whirling oblivion. The last image that burns itself into your memory is that of Alyss slowly succumbing to the relentless blows from Kekataag’s axe. The memory of her fearless bravery strengthens your spirit and resolve to forever serve the forces of Good against the accursed hordes of darkness.

Congratulations Grand Master—you have won a great victory over the forces of Evil. You have defeated Naar’s sinister plan to destroy you and conquer all of Magnamund. But, as you return through the Shadow Gate to the land of your birth, you know that the fight against Evil is not yet over. If you are to prevent the Dark God from launching his armies of night into Magnamund, you must return to the Plane of Darkness and retrieve the fabled Moonstone. Only by doing so will Magnamund be safe from the ravages of Naar’s unholy hordes.

It will be a supremely perilous mission, perhaps the most dangerous you have ever undertaken. If you possess the true courage of a Kai Grand Master, the ultimate quest awaits you in the climax to the Grand Master series, entitled:

The Curse of Naar


E prima di avventurarci nell'ultimo libro, un po' di tempo per il GIOCO DEL SE FOSSE!

4th July 2013, 15:34
Ok quindi il morbo del WK era benefico in questo caso.

Cosa succedeva se scappavamo?

E se rifiutavamo di duellare onorevolmente col nostro sosia?

4th July 2013, 15:58
Anche io stessi dubbi...

4th July 2013, 18:43
ma scusa e gli accoliti che fine hanno fatto...boh sto libro è stato un po fail imo

5th July 2013, 09:41
Cosa succedeva se scappavamo?

Combattevamo meno mostrini O-o lol

E se rifiutavamo di duellare onorevolmente col nostro sosia?

Ci faceva capire che se non lo duellavamo chiamava i suoi cuggini che ci facevano il culo <.<

ma scusa e gli accoliti che fine hanno fatto...

Chiaramente sono con Paido...

5th July 2013, 09:53
Il nuovo libro è QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=109277&p=1964368#post1964368)!

5th July 2013, 12:02
Ah tra l'altro...ma ricordo male io o hai rimosso a manina tutti i riferimenti al Destino Del Lupo (non so il nome originale), la spada sostitutivia?

5th July 2013, 12:54
La spada sostitutiva è in questo libro qui :D