23rd September 2013, 12:51
giovedi e' patch time oltre al rework di IM ci sara Luke cage in vendita (400 splinter 900 g's) , forse qualche nuovo costume (ne avevnao anncunciati due insieme a l'emma marvel now), un paio di recipe nuove (se si fa in tempo a integrarle dovrebbe essere il lvele unique ed il +1 sui viola) e poi ste Odin quest
quest giornaliere fattibili per char e che danno exp dei token per degli item, se ricordate dovrebbero essere gli anelli che per qualche giorno sono comparsi in un vendor (valkyrie) vicino al port per il pvp
copio incollo da doomsaw
Odin Quests
Players will have Legendary Quests of Odin available. The plans of Doctor Doom have affected both Asgard and Earth and have threatened stability. While Odin isn't particularly fond of interfering with earth directly, he is willing to help the heroes of Earth help themselves.
Starting at level 20, all players will be given a Legendary Quest of Odin in their quest log. When they complete it, they will receive a large experience reward along with an Odin Mark. Odin Marks are used to buy Legendary Blessings for your character. (Details will be announced next week).
As soon as you complete a Legendary Quest you are immediately given a new Legendary Quest to complete. You can do as many as you wish. In addition, the first one you complete each day, on each of your heroes, will give you an extra exp award and Odin Mark, to help those of us who enjoy leveling several heroes.
Odin Marks are listed on your stats page for each character and each hero gets their own "first quest of the day" bonus.
The bonuses awarded for these Legendary Quests do two things: (1) They give you an option to level faster as you complete them and (2) They make the most efficient leveling FUN - not just a grind of one zone, but quests that send you all over the world and into every mode to take down bad guys and be amply rewarded for it.
We've been working on this system for awhile now, recognizing the need to offer a faster way to level that wasn't a mind-numbing Hood run. This will provide a choice: You can level using boss runs if you prefer, or you can level with quests if you find that more fun - it's up to us to decide what we prefer.
altro modo per livellare probabilmente molto veloce e probabilmente meno cagacazzi di grindare come dice lo stesso doomsaw.
quest giornaliere fattibili per char e che danno exp dei token per degli item, se ricordate dovrebbero essere gli anelli che per qualche giorno sono comparsi in un vendor (valkyrie) vicino al port per il pvp
copio incollo da doomsaw
Odin Quests
Players will have Legendary Quests of Odin available. The plans of Doctor Doom have affected both Asgard and Earth and have threatened stability. While Odin isn't particularly fond of interfering with earth directly, he is willing to help the heroes of Earth help themselves.
Starting at level 20, all players will be given a Legendary Quest of Odin in their quest log. When they complete it, they will receive a large experience reward along with an Odin Mark. Odin Marks are used to buy Legendary Blessings for your character. (Details will be announced next week).
As soon as you complete a Legendary Quest you are immediately given a new Legendary Quest to complete. You can do as many as you wish. In addition, the first one you complete each day, on each of your heroes, will give you an extra exp award and Odin Mark, to help those of us who enjoy leveling several heroes.
Odin Marks are listed on your stats page for each character and each hero gets their own "first quest of the day" bonus.
The bonuses awarded for these Legendary Quests do two things: (1) They give you an option to level faster as you complete them and (2) They make the most efficient leveling FUN - not just a grind of one zone, but quests that send you all over the world and into every mode to take down bad guys and be amply rewarded for it.
We've been working on this system for awhile now, recognizing the need to offer a faster way to level that wasn't a mind-numbing Hood run. This will provide a choice: You can level using boss runs if you prefer, or you can level with quests if you find that more fun - it's up to us to decide what we prefer.
altro modo per livellare probabilmente molto veloce e probabilmente meno cagacazzi di grindare come dice lo stesso doomsaw.