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16th October 2013, 18:58

lo sai che non potrai più girare senza. e parla pure.

16th October 2013, 19:23

16th October 2013, 19:50
mah non sono un srande fan dei pet anzi li detesto proprio, invece il costume di frankuzzo mi garba

16th October 2013, 20:51
il costume di frankuzzo è card only qq

17th October 2013, 15:22
il costume di frankuzzo è card only qq

spero che non prendano sta mania quel cosume e l'unico di quelli messi nelle card che mi piace, non adoro spider noir e la night club armor di im fa cagare (l'ho e non lo metto)
lo comprerei

insomma preferisco che le cose le mettano ad un prezzo nello store piu che costringere chi vuole unite a scommeterci per "prenderlo"

17th October 2013, 15:25
insomma preferisco che le cose le mettano ad un prezzo nello store piu che costringere chi vuole unite a scommeterci per "prenderlo"

ovviamente asterisco.
il gambling è lammerda.

18th October 2013, 18:29
ovviamente asterisco.
il gambling è lammerda.

c'e' stato un po di parapiglia nel forum proprio per le mark 3 molti si sono lamentati proprio che non vorrebbe che le carte diventssero il canale di diffusione dei costumi nuovi o ricercati e quindi dover fare gamble per trovarli

come al solito gli Ungreedy basterds hanno tirato fuori dal cappello alcune soluzioni che sono tutto sommato accettabili, un pelo migliorabili ma e' gia un passo.

ecco il post in cui doomsaw spiega.

I talked with the awesome CosmicCupcake tonight and the items team.

They made a few changes to Fortune Card Mark 3 that will help unlucky players and generally make the experience much better and more forgiving/fun.

It does NOT include putting the costumes in the online store, but I am happy with their solution and will test out their changes now and report back tonight if everything is working.

Update -- Here are the things we talked about:

People have lots of Retcons

Solution: No Retcon Potions in Fortune Card Mark 3 + Make some crafting recipes the use Retcon potions for next patch.

People can open hundreds of cards but not get the exact item they want.

Solution: Every time you open a Fortune Card Mark 3, in addition to whatever else you get, you always get a bar of Ruby Quartz.

These bars can be used to buy some of the items from the Fortune Card (the consumables would be around 10, the cosmetic artifacts would be around 50 and the costumes around 100). This is an insurance policy if someone has absolute horrid luck in getting the item they want.

This means you could have good luck and get the exact item you want in the first card or you could have bad luck, but still eventually get whatever items you want over time.

You could also get something in the middle, where you get the first costume you want early, but are having bad luck on the second one and eventually get enough Ruby Quartz to buy it.

There are too many "fun artifacts" in the cards.

Solution: They have reduced the number of artifacts in the cards.

It can be frustrating to get something you don't want, but can't sell it.

Solution: All items can be sold for some amount (the minimum is 500, but some are higher).

People want to know drop rarity ratios so they know what they are getting.

Solution: They are approximately 1 : 3 : 6 for rare, uncommon, common.

Animal balloons are "the cutest thing ever" but kind of useless.

Solution: They now provide a buff to everyone around you when used.