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View Full Version : Guide: Specific Loot Drops

7th January 2014, 09:20
Guide: Specific Loot Drops: https://forums.marvelheroes.com/discussion/57156/guide-specific-loot-drops

Most items in the game can be found from almost any enemy.

There are some items that can only be found on certain enemies or are more likely to be found on certain enemies. This is a list of those items.


White Suit Jacket -- Only drops from Tier 4 green & red Kingpin in Fisk Tower terminal.

Hand of Doom - Only drops from Tier 4 red Doctor Doom terminal.

Grappling Hook - Only drops from any version of Black Cat.

Unique Items:

Ruby Topped Cane -- Drops from any version of Kingpin at any level.

Mechanical Arms of Doctor Octopus -- Drops anywhere, slightly higher chance from Tier 4 Red Doctor Octopus in terminal.

Symbiote Infestation - Drops anywhere, slightly higher chance from Venom anywhere.

Coming Soon: (not yet in game)

MODOK's Chair
More coming soon...!