View Full Version : Server Down ????

27th October 2004, 15:17
Come mai? quanto stanno down ????' :shocked: :shocked:

27th October 2004, 15:18
Tratto da: http://www.camelotherald.com

"Okay! 1.72 is live and kicking! All servers will be coming up within the next twenty minutes. One cloud in my sunny sky - Shield Swipe is not activating correctly. There will be a patch tomorrow starting with taking the servers down at 8:00 AM EDT, and returning at noon, to get Shield Swipe properly installed. Thanks for your patience in this matter, gang."

27th October 2004, 15:19
in pratica stanno down fino alle 18

27th October 2004, 15:20
imparare a leggere l'herald FTW :clap:

27th October 2004, 15:20

27th October 2004, 15:21
ma oggi o domani i server stanno down ????

non ho capito , inglese down asd :laugh:

27th October 2004, 15:23
se nn riesci a loggare evidentemente oggi -.-

27th October 2004, 15:24
NO ke OO mo ke faccio fino alle 18???

27th October 2004, 15:25
pen schveglio cianni!!! dormito ppene? tutto appost'? ptu ptu!

27th October 2004, 15:39
in pratica stanno down fino alle 18


In addition to the patch tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM to address the Shield Swipe issue (see post below), we will be upgrading Lancelot, Percival, and Galahad and bringing them back at 6:00 PM EDT. <------( per chi non conosce l'ora americana della costa est equivale alle 24:00 in italia ) (What's this about? Check out the announcement section of an old Friday Grab Bag: http://www.camelotherald.com/more/1716.shtml.)

27th October 2004, 16:04

In addition to the patch tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM to address the Shield Swipe issue (see post below), we will be upgrading Lancelot, Percival, and Galahad and bringing them back at 6:00 PM EDT. <------( per chi non conosce l'ora americana della costa est equivale alle 24:00 in italia ) (What's this about? Check out the announcement section of an old Friday Grab Bag: http://www.camelotherald.com/more/1716.shtml.)

Si Lancelot, Percival e Galahad saranno giù fino alle 24 di stanotte circa, come tutti i mercoledì da un po di tempo chiudono 3 server per tutto il giorno, il resto dei server dovrebbe essere up verso le 18 :nod:

27th October 2004, 16:08
dal momento che nn gioco su Lancelot, Percival o Galahad per me riaprono alle 18 =P

27th October 2004, 16:09
io gioko su galahad e lancelot -.- ma pz

27th October 2004, 16:12
io gioko su galahad e lancelot -.- ma pz


27th October 2004, 16:13
6pm orario mythic = 8pm = 2am in italia = bonanotte a me hehehe

27th October 2004, 16:19

kissa xkè te la uppo :bored:


27th October 2004, 16:27
ciao maynuzza^^

27th October 2004, 16:34
FIno alle 18 ? non partiva alle 14 manutenzione e durava 2 ore ? o era alle 16....boh, mi vado a fare un pisolino :sneer:

27th October 2004, 16:54
Tutti i server ora sono up rimangono down solo i tre che erano stati elencati prima :nod:
Ciao a tutti vo a finirmi la corona 100% sono solo al 60° tentativo :gha:

27th October 2004, 16:55
mo so up tutti pz so dei maghi

27th October 2004, 17:10
Mayna mi hai sfondato il monitor