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7th December 2004, 13:09
potete sukarmelo in massa !!!!!!!!!!!

Regeneration/Integration and Instant Healing are no longer Mutually Exclusive. (Integration will retain its +regeneration buff)

Reduced Regeneration/Integration Endurance Cost.
Regeneration/Instant Healing Max Regeneration buff was slightly reduced. Additionally, it gains less of a boost from each added Enhancements.

You can no longer be healed while you have on Regeneration/Moment of Glory. However, your HP reduction is less (you will be left with 25% of your Max HP).

Boost Defense Buff for Moment of Glory.

Improved Regeneration/Moment of Glory Mez resistance.

7th December 2004, 13:49
140 pagine di whine serviranno pure a qualcosa...

7th December 2004, 14:13
Diciammo che è stato uno whine motivato eh

7th December 2004, 14:26
Originally Posted by Statesman
Something about the Regen line over in General discussion... We got back some data from gameplay over the weekend and decided that the mutually exclusive wasn't working
