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View Full Version : Bracciale con 5 Resistenze al 6%

5th January 2005, 10:09
Credo che faccia comodo a tutti un bracciale come questo x il template.

Realm: Albion
Start Zone: Stygian Delta
Start NPC: Trevor
Required Class: All
Type: Regular
Avg. Time: 90 min.
Related Zones:

Land of Atum

Min Level: 46
Max Level: 50
Grants XP: Yes
Grants Coin: Yes
Rating: 4.33
Related NPCs:

Black Crocodile
Large Desert Scorpion

DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Starts with Trevor, a merchant in Haven of Stygia, he will give you a series of kill tasks to perform:

- Kill a Large Desert Scorpion in the Land of Atum (30k, 54k also found at loc=28820, 60484).
- Kill a Black Crocodile in the Land of Atum (64, 37k).
- Kill an Icaculia in the Stygian Delta (West of Haven).

When you go back to Trevor after completing his list he apparently has more for you to do. He wants you to find his cousin.

- /search at loc=56815,62905 in Stygian Delta and you will get a Note. Careful when you swim to this island there are a lot of sokebites under the water ready to attack.

-Take the note back to Trevor. He will now send you to the West Mau camp to look for Ruseth.

- Talk to Ruseth in Stygian Delta (13k, 51k he has also been reported to be found at loc=57k 62k).

- Next you will need to kill a Setian in the Land of Atun (45k, 28k).

Received 1 bil xp at lvl 47, 25 gold and the Ebon Hide Bracer.

lvl 49 received 1,325,441,393 exp.

Slot: Wrist
Magic Level: 48
Magical Bonuses:

Slash Resist: 6%
Cold Resist: 6%
Matter Resist: 6%
Body Resist: 6%
Heat Resist: 6%

Starting Condition: 100%
Starting Duration: 100%
Default Bonus: 35%
Quality: 100%
Weight: 0.50 lbs
Utility: 60.00

5th January 2005, 10:15
Credo che faccia comodo a tutti un bracciale come questo x il template.

Realm: Albion
Start Zone: Stygian Delta
Start NPC: Trevor
Required Class: All
Type: Regular
Avg. Time: 90 min.
Related Zones:

Land of Atum

Min Level: 46
Max Level: 50
Grants XP: Yes
Grants Coin: Yes
Rating: 4.33
Related NPCs:

Black Crocodile
Large Desert Scorpion

DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Starts with Trevor, a merchant in Haven of Stygia, he will give you a series of kill tasks to perform:

- Kill a Large Desert Scorpion in the Land of Atum (30k, 54k also found at loc=28820, 60484).
- Kill a Black Crocodile in the Land of Atum (64, 37k).
- Kill an Icaculia in the Stygian Delta (West of Haven).

When you go back to Trevor after completing his list he apparently has more for you to do. He wants you to find his cousin.

- /search at loc=56815,62905 in Stygian Delta and you will get a Note. Careful when you swim to this island there are a lot of sokebites under the water ready to attack.

-Take the note back to Trevor. He will now send you to the West Mau camp to look for Ruseth.

- Talk to Ruseth in Stygian Delta (13k, 51k he has also been reported to be found at loc=57k 62k).

- Next you will need to kill a Setian in the Land of Atun (45k, 28k).

Received 1 bil xp at lvl 47, 25 gold and the Ebon Hide Bracer.

lvl 49 received 1,325,441,393 exp.

Slot: Wrist
Magic Level: 48
Magical Bonuses:

Slash Resist: 6%
Cold Resist: 6%
Matter Resist: 6%
Body Resist: 6%
Heat Resist: 6%

Starting Condition: 100%
Starting Duration: 100%
Default Bonus: 35%
Quality: 100%
Weight: 0.50 lbs
Utility: 60.00

E' il classico Ebon Hide Bracer, nn ho capito il post :scratch: , se vuoi a cata il mobbino 55 (ara al 50) droppa un anello con 5 resist +6

5th January 2005, 10:36
welcome to >1 year ago :sneer: :gha:

5th January 2005, 10:57
E' il classico Ebon Hide Bracer, nn ho capito il post :scratch: , se vuoi a cata il mobbino 55 (ara al 50) droppa un anello con 5 resist +6

magari sai anke dirmi dove si trova ke lo rendo razza in via di estinzione quel named?


5th January 2005, 11:03
Che resistenze dà l'anello?

5th January 2005, 12:26
magari sai anke dirmi dove si trova ke lo rendo razza in via di estinzione quel named?


si cri pecacto ti faccia 300 di danno a tick. Cmq ieri fatto 2 volte 2 anelli droppati e oggetti carini con overcap buoni

10th January 2005, 15:32
ho letto sulle vn che in catacombs si droppa quell'anello e pure un mantello che sta vicino al feathered wrap come utility, solo che non ho trovato nè le stat dei drop nè che mob li droppano.
qualche info in merito?

10th January 2005, 17:59
6% a

-e qua non me ricordo ma sicuramente NON body/crush

10th January 2005, 21:25
beh x l'ebon si sapeva grassie x l'altro anellino lo metterò nella lista delle persone da uccidere con il negro ubbah :)

22nd January 2005, 04:40
sylent ma ci dici chi lo droppa pls