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5th February 2005, 11:01
"I kind of find it frustrating that my warlock does not get AE mez. Pac healers are uncommon on my server, and if any class/spec deserves to get AE mez it is Warlock Hex. or maybe WC?

Frog Snare in hex is unbreakable. So why is curse root breakable? it makes no sense. Curse root should be changed to be unbreakable.

Also, it is unacceptable how warlocks are forced to gimp their curse line in order to get the tools in Hex and WC. Given the warlock's lack of baselines, 1.25x spec points does not seem unreasonable, especially since warlocks have to dump points into a line with zero offense or defense (WC).

Finally, an AE spell would be nice. An AE version of the Hex DoT seems in order, especially since midgard is lacking in AE dots. (cave shammies are rare and anyway they don't benefit from acuity, etc) It's completely unfair how we only get PBAE.

These changes might, at last, bring up the warlock to be on par with alb and hib casters. Thanks.

mi pare tutto molto ragionevole no? :confused:

5th February 2005, 11:05
sisi mez aoe.. dot aoe :nod:

5th February 2005, 11:12
"I kind of find it frustrating that my warlock does not get AE mez. Pac healers are uncommon on my server, and if any class/spec deserves to get AE mez it is Warlock Hex. or maybe WC?

Frog Snare in hex is unbreakable. So why is curse root breakable? it makes no sense. Curse root should be changed to be unbreakable.

Also, it is unacceptable how warlocks are forced to gimp their curse line in order to get the tools in Hex and WC. Given the warlock's lack of baselines, 1.25x spec points does not seem unreasonable, especially since warlocks have to dump points into a line with zero offense or defense (WC).

Finally, an AE spell would be nice. An AE version of the Hex DoT seems in order, especially since midgard is lacking in AE dots. (cave shammies are rare and anyway they don't benefit from acuity, etc) It's completely unfair how we only get PBAE.

These changes might, at last, bring up the warlock to be on par with alb and hib casters. Thanks.

mi pare tutto molto ragionevole no? :confused:
mahaha e' un grande sto tipo :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

5th February 2005, 11:19
lol :rotfl: diamoli pure la speed, un par d istant e il pet che intercetta :gha:

5th February 2005, 11:27
Io onestamente oltre a farlo aoe il dot, aggiungere qualche altro tick

5th February 2005, 11:44
se lo sanno scegliere il tl ce' poco da dire,

5th February 2005, 11:57
devono avere una convenzione con la Kinder, reparto Ovetti, per la scelta dei TL... altrimenti nn si spiega -.-

5th February 2005, 12:05

5th February 2005, 12:11
Io onestamente oltre a farlo aoe il dot, aggiungere qualche altro tick


5th February 2005, 12:25
si 8 tick da 160 son pochi :|

5th February 2005, 12:34
"I kind of find it frustrating that my warlock does not get AE mez. Pac healers are uncommon on my server, and if any class/spec deserves to get AE mez it is Warlock Hex. or maybe WC?

Frog Snare in hex is unbreakable. So why is curse root breakable? it makes no sense. Curse root should be changed to be unbreakable.

Also, it is unacceptable how warlocks are forced to gimp their curse line in order to get the tools in Hex and WC. Given the warlock's lack of baselines, 1.25x spec points does not seem unreasonable, especially since warlocks have to dump points into a line with zero offense or defense (WC).

Finally, an AE spell would be nice. An AE version of the Hex DoT seems in order, especially since midgard is lacking in AE dots. (cave shammies are rare and anyway they don't benefit from acuity, etc) It's completely unfair how we only get PBAE.

These changes might, at last, bring up the warlock to be on par with alb and hib casters. Thanks.

mi pare tutto molto ragionevole no? :confused:

ma sto tipo gioca e usa pure un warlock o pensa a come far girare i meloni alla gente?dovrebbe diventare il TL degli eld e farsi un void questo lol

5th February 2005, 12:37

Cmq è chiaro che il tl ha giocato il pg sulle Grab Bag, attività molto in voga ultimamente

5th February 2005, 13:12
Mah si dai diamogli anke un bazooka e la possibilita' di kiamare una Banshee volante di nome Enola Gay

5th February 2005, 13:25
Beh però come TL è scaltro: in vista dell'inevitabile nerf alla sua classe sta "mettendo le mani avanti per non cadere" ovvero anzichè sboroneggiare a destra e a manca, inizia a lamentarsi su cosa si potrebbe fare per migliorarsi ulteriormente.
Forse un giorno lo nerferanno... ma proprio in base a queste richieste, non è detto che in qualcosa poi non lo accontentino (e si sa che spesso la cura è peggiore del male).

5th February 2005, 13:38
Io è da un po' di giorni che mando sto feedback. Di solito dopo che un warlock (ne gira uno 7lx su merlin) mi sega facendomi 1800-1900 danni in 2-3 secondi.

"Nerf warlocks. Fire whoever thought to implement it. Thank you for playing daoc"

5th February 2005, 15:17
è vero il warlock non ha nessuna utility..dategli qualcosa

5th February 2005, 15:19
Io è da un po' di giorni che mando sto feedback. Di solito dopo che un warlock (ne gira uno 7lx su merlin) mi sega facendomi 1800-1900 danni in 2-3 secondi.

"Nerf warlocks. Fire whoever thought to implement it. Thank you for playing daoc"
parli dell'esimio dott. ing. nutzel presumo :confused:

6th February 2005, 04:50
Potrebbero dargli pbt su linea base che non consuma mana visto che in giro non si vedono rune sopp... :confused:

6th February 2005, 12:14
"Nerf warlocks. Fire whoever thought to implement it. Thank you for playing daoc"
dici che funziona? :scratch:

6th February 2005, 12:59
Alla fine gli danno pure lo stealth cosi magari nn ti girano gia le palle quando ne hai uno di fronte 1 vs 1

6th February 2005, 14:54
Incredibile sto tipo, e mazinga come pet no ?

6th February 2005, 15:27
diamogli l'istakill ad area :confused:

6th February 2005, 16:26
rhelbe mi metti il link che lo mando a cagare sulle vn boards plz?

6th February 2005, 16:34
diamogli l'istakill ad area :confused:

Ce l'ha già. E' la rr5 :rotfl: :rotfl:

6th February 2005, 17:48
Che le devo ingessare?". "Ingessame er cazzo che me s'e' rotto…". (dal film "Delitto a porta romana" di Bruno Corbucci)