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View Full Version : daoc per MAC

17th February 2005, 15:06
eiste il gioco per mac?
o ci sono modi per farlo girare cmq in maniera decente?

17th February 2005, 15:07
creato appositamente x mac no
volendo puoi farcelo girare emulando windows ma t serve un computer della nasa

17th February 2005, 15:08
creato appositamente x mac no
volendo puoi farcelo girare emulando windows ma t serve un computer della nasa

Un po mejo di quelli della nasa :>

17th February 2005, 15:14
peccato,avevo un amico che voleva unirsi al game

17th February 2005, 15:19
C'e' una piattaforma per Linux che sostiene di emulare 100% le directx con un0efficienza soddisfaciente.
Linux per mac, c'e'... pero' tutto sommato mi sembra faccia prima a comprare un PC:)

17th February 2005, 15:26
Mythic Entertainment about the possibility of a Macintosh port of their extremely popular new MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. While the news is admittedly grim at the moment, there is the hint that future developments may not be entirely out of the question. Here's the word from Mythic's Eugene Evans:

Thank you for contacting us. We don't currently have plans for a port to
the Mac. However, if we knew the demand was there we would give it
serious consideration.

The game is based on the NetImmerse 3D game engine, which was advertised as having a Macintosh branch until sometime last year. Even though NetImmerse's parent company NDL no longer supports the Mac, they do have the engine running on a number of consoles as well as Windows. This makes the feasibility of a Mac port much higher than if it was a custom-built engine.

While we don't want to encourage too much hope at this point, it is good to hear the company is open to the idea of a Mac version. With the distinct lack of MMORPG's currently available for the Mac, Dark Age of Camelot's popularity would surely cross over if a Mac client was made available. For more information on the game, check out a recent interview at GameAddicts. They discuss how DAoC distinguishes itself from other massively multiplayer games (besides the fact that its launch went much better than other recent online titles), as well as including many impressive screen shots. We'll keep on this and report back any changes that we may hear about their Mac priorities.

Questa intervista risale a un pochetto di tempo fa' , ma ho l'impressione che per ora non sia nei loro progetti :/

17th February 2005, 16:59
altro che radar, se si potesse giocare con linux hghgghghhg fai crashare lo zerg e te li fai uno ad uno mentre crashano :d

17th February 2005, 17:18
altro che radar, se si potesse giocare con linux hghgghghhg fai crashare lo zerg e te li fai uno ad uno mentre crashano :d :sneer:

17th February 2005, 18:16

17th February 2005, 19:43
sai ke figo 500 niubbi dentro torretta porte aperte rimani solo tu sboller e fai crashare tutti

18th February 2005, 00:20
hehehehe lol, credo cmq che se qualche buon personaggio iniziasse a interessarsi di questo tipo di supporto a unix, sarebbero seri guai per la mythic :D!!