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19th February 2004, 21:03

- Necromancers casting petcast spells now check of line of sight visibility instead of forward arc checks. This should solve a good deal of problems with necromancer pet usability.

- Necromancers in shade mode must be within 100u of their pet when casting storms.

- Objects created by necromancers in shade mode (including siege weapons and Prescience Nodes) are no longer invulnerable.

19th February 2004, 21:26

- Necromancers casting petcast spells now check of line of sight visibility instead of forward arc checks. This should solve a good deal of problems with necromancer pet usability.

- Necromancers in shade mode must be within 100u of their pet when casting storms.

- Objects created by necromancers in shade mode (including siege weapons and Prescience Nodes) are no longer invulnerable.

il terzo punto e' semplice , gli oggetti creati dal negromante in shade ora non sono + invulnerabili(veniva creati degli arieti cos'i pare)
il punto 1 credo si risolva qualche problema di visibilita' di cui soffriva il necro mentre il punto 2 proprio non so

19th February 2004, 23:09
k thx :p

20th February 2004, 03:17
Il punto 2 dice che devi stare entro 100 unità di distanza dal pet x castare le storms (tempeste ML)

25th February 2004, 16:40

- Necromancers casting petcast spells now check of line of sight visibility instead of forward arc checks. This should solve a good deal of problems with necromancer pet usability.

- Necromancers in shade mode must be within 100u of their pet when casting storms.

- Objects created by necromancers in shade mode (including siege weapons and Prescience Nodes) are no longer invulnerable.

In pratica ha detto che... sti necromancer sono andati in casting.. (castigo) perchè i pet han rott il cast (hanno rotto il cazzo) now.. (il verso che fan i pet ce romb il cast..e le ball anch...) hanno acciekato... in questa testa [non la mia] (check instead). han dett anch... (dis, han dett) che sti pet son diventati un solvente ...tipo colla (this should solve) che è anche buona (a good deal) e di probblemi col necromancer pet non ce ne sono..

Ecc... sper di essere stat abbastanza chiaro nel spegazione.

31st May 2004, 08:48
Chiarissimo :awk: