View Full Version : Iraq Academy Award for best spot :D

16th August 2005, 13:54
As we approached the street leading into the Al-Firdos Square, we could tell that there was a very large crowd of civilians starting to form up. It looked like the infantry unit up there could use some support, so we moved our [tactical PSYOP team] TPT vehicle forward and started to run around seeing what they needed us to do to facilitate their mission.... There was a large media circus at this location (I guess the Palestine Hotel was a media center at the time), almost as many reporters as there were Iraqis, as the hotel was right adjacent to the Al-Firdos Square.

The Marine Corps colonel in the area saw the Saddam statue as a target of opportunity and decided that the statue must come down. Since we were right there, we chimed in with some loudspeaker support to let the Iraqis know what it was we were attempting to do. The reporters were completely surrounding the vehicle, and we started having to ask the reporters to move out of the way, but they would not move. We were getting frustrated, but we were also laughing about it. We dismounted the vehicle again and just started pushing the people out of the way. They were starting to really inhibit our ability to conduct our mission. The tanks . . . formed up into a perimeter around the square, with the statue in the middle.

An M88 recovery vehicle approached the statue and continued to drive up the steps right next to the statue in an attempt to bring it down. The people had already tied a noose around the neck of the statue with some rope. They were trying to just tug on it and bring it down and were hitting it with sledgehammers; it was clearly getting crazy in the square. We were no longer in crowd control, as there was just no controlling this crowd at this time. We decided to just ride along with the crowd, and we started just kind of celebrating with the Iraqi people. We actually had to have our interpreter record an ad-hoc broadcast message, informing the Iraqi people that if they did not stand back from the statue, American forces would not bring the statue down. We were afraid that some civilians would get hurt if they were too close or in the wrong spot.

All of this activity was going on within just a few blocks of where other marines were battling with snipers in a building across from the Palestine Hotel. The local Iraqi people just did not care for their well being at this point; they just wanted to see the statue come down...We looked over and now there was an American flag draped over the face of the statue. God bless them, but we were thinking from PSYOP school that this was just bad news. We didn't want to look like an occupation force, and some of the Iraqis were saying, `No, we want an Iraqi flag!' So I said `No problem, somebody get me an Iraqi flag.' I am not sure where it came from, but one of the Iraqis brought us the old Iraqi flag without the writing on it (added by Saddam). We got that as fast as we could and started running that up to the statue. At this time, the marines had put a chain from the boom of the recovery vehicle around the neck of the statue, and they just ran the [Iraqi] flag up the statue. It was real quick thinking on Staff Sergeant

Plesich's part to get that Iraqi flag up there quick. But by the time the Iraqi flag got put on the statue, there had already been a lot of photos taken with the marine covering the statue with the American flag.
Somehow along the way, somebody had gotten the idea to put a bunch of Iraqi kids onto the wrecker that was to pull the statue down. While the wrecker was pulling the statue down, there were Iraqi children crawling all over it. Finally they brought the statue down, but we expected this big statue to come crashing down, to shatter or whatever, but it just slowly bent over and slid off the mounting pipes. Once the statue was on the ground, it was attacked by Iraqis with the sledgehammers and broken apart. The head of the statue was dragged through the streets, with people hitting the face with their shoes and spitting on it. After the statue was down, we started to receive a lot of intelligence on where Ba'ath Party personnel were staying and just generally got a lot of real good intelligence for use in later direct-action missions. All this information was developed with and through the human exploitation teams, which had assigned interpreters

vi riassumo cosa e' successo, l ho visto ora in tv e sono andato a cercare un po di info in giro per avere nero su bianco sul forum.

Versione pro usa = iraqueni che buttano giu la statua di saddam aiutati dagli americani

Versione reale = soldati americani che chiamano gli iraqueni e insieme fanno questo bello spot televisivo, con tutti i carri messi in ordine e via discorrendo. Unico errore e' stato quello di voler coprire la faccia di saddam con una bandiera usa, pezzo tagliato perche' avrebbe dato l idea degli usa come un paese occupatore e non liberatore. :rotfl:

PS quello che ho scritto era riguardo al programma che ho visto, su questo brano risulta piu' pro usa, mo ne cerco altri.

16th August 2005, 14:11
Ma solo io non ci vedo nulla di strano in quell'articolo (o quel che è)?

16th August 2005, 16:06
Guarda che non hanno tagliato nessun pezzo all'epoca, si vide benissimo il soldato con la bandiera USA in faccia a saddam, venti secondi dopo un ufficiale richiama il soldato e gli dice di togliere quella usa e di legarla insieme con quella Irachena per poi legarle al collo di Saddam prima di buttare giu' la statua.

16th August 2005, 21:41
comunque aiutare gli iraqueni ad abbattere le statue di saddam viola una convenzione(non ricordo quale)perchè esse facevano parte del patrimonio storico dell'iraq..

17th August 2005, 00:08
comunque aiutare gli iraqueni ad abbattere le statue di saddam viola una convenzione(non ricordo quale)perchè esse facevano parte del patrimonio storico dell'iraq..
:rotfl: :rotfl:

17th August 2005, 16:44
comunque aiutare gli iraqueni ad abbattere le statue di saddam viola una convenzione(non ricordo quale)perchè esse facevano parte del patrimonio storico dell'iraq..

vabbè dai questa è in fin dei conti una cavolata colossale.

17th August 2005, 19:14
comunque aiutare gli iraqueni ad abbattere le statue di saddam viola una convenzione(non ricordo quale)perchè esse facevano parte del patrimonio storico dell'iraq..
