View Full Version : DR - Champ weapons, Champ subclassing, faq

4th October 2005, 11:20
partendo dal fatto che voglia di tradurre sotto zero, vi posto un po' di miei considerazioni fatte con la beta e un po' di info trovate in inglese.

'njoy Wink

Come prendere le champ weapons:

2 modalità:

diventare CL5 oppure fare una serie di quest.

le quest saranno in istanze sempre + dure. Ad ogni giro di quest guadagnerete qualcosa in + sulla champ weapon (in pratica come livellare un artefatto).

Se invece andate dal puzzone (il re nano di mid... -.- ) e siete CL5 avrete accesso alle champ weapons completamente sbloccate Smile

questa è la spiega in inglese:

There are TWO WAYS to get your champion weapon and enjoy it to

Way #1:
Doing Champion Quests
These quests are pretty simple and are in 3 chapters
Chapter 1 you run around errands...simple (Level 40)
Chapter 2 you go into an instance and have to kill a boss, pretty easy with a small group (Level 45)
You get your champion level upon completion of Chapter 2 (with charges locked)
Chapter 3 is also known as the "Circle of Five" which the delves on all champion weapons say to "Defeat the circle of five" to unlock the use 1

The chapter 3 dungeon is currently pretty difficult, but still doable by 1 group. You will kill 5 different bosses with different "abilities" all of them very interesting happy After you kill the 5 bosses you have "Defeated the Circle of Five" and can unlock use 1, but I wouldn't stop here...you continue on and have to fight and beat the legion to gain access to the door to the zone where the final boss is "the demon of <your realm>". This guy is a real treat But our group of 6 plus 1 dev did it on our first try. Killing him unlocks your second use charge on your weapon and you are done, you have saved <your realm>!

Way #2:
The second way can involve NO PVE at all (aka the RvR) option and this is by gaining Champion Levels...this may also be the slower way. You gain Champion XP by killing anything (pve mobs, enemies, etc). Champion Level 1 you get your advanced horse, your first subclassing point, and a title. Champion Level 2 you get your first saddlebag, your second subclassing point, and a title. Champion Level 3 you get your second saddlebag, your third subclassing point, and a title. Champion Level 4 you get your third saddlebag, your fourth subclassing point, and a title. Champion Level 5 you get your fourth saddlebag, your fifth subclassing point, your title, and your Champion Weapon completely unlocked.

le champ weapons:

Questo è il delve dell'ascia per warrior, le altre armi hanno stat simili.

Sembra che tutte abbiano l'use del 75% end e il boost alle res melee del 5% overcap (tipo la gsv)

Warrior:[06:07:56] Magical Bonuses:
[06:07:56] - Axe: 4 pts
[06:07:56] - Strength: 10 pts
[06:07:56] - Quickness: 10 pts
[06:07:56] Level Requirement
[06:07:56] - 50 Level
[06:07:56] Bonus to melee damage: 3%
[06:07:56] - Requirement: vs. all
[06:07:56] Bonus to style damage: 3%
[06:07:56] - Requirement: vs. all
[06:07:56] Bonus to melee combat speed: 3%
[06:07:56] Bonus to Strength attribute bonus cap: 8
[06:07:56] Magical Ability:
[06:07:56] Function: endurance heal
[06:07:56] Target regains lost endurance.
[06:07:56] Value: 75%
[06:07:56] Target: Self
[06:07:56] Casting time: instant
[06:07:56] - This spell is cast when the item is used.
[06:07:56] Secondary Magical Ability:
[06:07:56] Function: resistance enhancement
[06:07:56] Enhances the target's resistance to the listed damage type.
[06:07:56] Resist crush/slash/thrust: 5
[06:07:56] Target: Self
[06:07:56] Casting time: instant
[06:07:56] - This spell is active when the item is worn.
[06:07:56] Damage Modifiers:
[06:07:56] - 16.5 Base DPS
[06:07:56] - 5.5 Weapon Speed
[06:07:56] - 100% Quality
[06:07:56] - 100% Condition
[06:07:56] - Damage Type: Slash
[06:07:56] Effective Damage:
[06:07:56] - 16.5 DPS
[06:07:56] Can use item every: 12:00 min
[06:07:56] Cannot be traded to other players.
[06:07:56] Cannot be sold to merchants.
[06:07:56] Cannot be destroyed.
[06:07:56] <End Info>

sgravate? Mr. Green

questi sono i 2 martelli (1h-2h) da guari:

[11:10:27] <Begin Info: Ansuz Healer Hammer>
[11:10:27] Magical Bonuses:
[11:10:27] - Power: 6 % of power pool.
[11:10:27] Level Requirement
[11:10:27] - 50 Level
[11:10:27] Bonus to casting speed: 4%
[11:10:27] Bonus to spell range: 4%
[11:10:27] - Requirement: vs. all
[11:10:27] Bonus to power bonus cap: 5 (works with both power and power % items)
[11:10:27] Bonus to healing effectiveness: 6%
[11:10:27] Bonus to acuity attribute bonus cap: 4
[11:10:27] Bonus to Dexterity attribute bonus cap: 4
[11:10:27] Magical Ability:
[11:10:27] Function: replenish power
[11:10:27] Replenishes the target's power pool.
[11:10:27] Amount: 50%
[11:10:27] Target: Self
[11:10:27] Casting time: instant
[11:10:27] - This spell is cast when the item is used.
[11:10:27] Secondary Magical Ability:
[11:10:27] Function: Boon of Kings
[11:10:27] Target has improved armor and health for this spell's duration.
[11:10:27] Bonus: 10%
[11:10:27] Target: Self
[11:10:27] Duration: 5:00 min
[11:10:27] Casting time: instant
[11:10:27] - This spell is cast when the item is used.
[11:10:27] Damage Modifiers:
[11:10:27] - 16.5 Base DPS (16.2 Clamped DPS)
[11:10:27] - 4.3 Weapon Speed
[11:10:27] - 100% Quality
[11:10:27] - 100% Condition
[11:10:27] - Damage Type: Crush
[11:10:27] Effective Damage:
[11:10:27] - 16.2 DPS
[11:10:27] Can use item every: 12:00 min
[11:10:27] Cannot be traded to other players.
[11:10:27] Cannot be sold to merchants.
[11:10:27] <End Info>

[01:52:27] <Begin Info: Ansuz Healer Two-handed Hammer>
[01:52:27] Magical Bonuses:
[01:52:27] - Power: 6 % of power pool.
[01:52:27] Level Requirement
[01:52:27] - 50 Level
[01:52:27] Bonus to casting speed: 4%
[01:52:27] Bonus to spell range: 4%
[01:52:27] - Requirement: vs. all
[01:52:27] Bonus to power bonus cap: 5 (works with both power and power % items)
[01:52:27] Bonus to healing effectiveness: 6%
[01:52:27] Bonus to acuity attribute bonus cap: 4
[01:52:27] Bonus to Dexterity attribute bonus cap: 4
[01:52:27] Magical Ability:
[01:52:27] Function: replenish power
[01:52:27] Replenishes the target's power pool.
[01:52:27] Amount: 50%
[01:52:27] Target: Self
[01:52:27] Casting time: instant
[01:52:27] - This spell is cast when the item is used.
[01:52:27] Secondary Magical Ability:
[01:52:27] Function: Boon of Kings
[01:52:27] Target has improved armor and health for this spell's duration.
[01:52:27] Bonus: 10%
[01:52:27] Target: Self
[01:52:27] Duration: 5:00 min
[01:52:27] Casting time: instant
[01:52:27] - This spell is cast when the item is used.
[01:52:27] Damage Modifiers:
[01:52:27] - 16.5 Base DPS (16.2 Clamped DPS)
[01:52:27] - 5.7 Weapon Speed
[01:52:27] - 100% Quality
[01:52:27] - 100% Condition
[01:52:27] - Damage Type: Crush
[01:52:27] Effective Damage:
[01:52:27] - 16.2 DPS
[01:52:27] Can use item every: 12:00 min
[01:52:27] Cannot be traded to other players.
[01:52:27] Cannot be sold to merchants.
[01:52:27] <End Info>

sgravati di bestia, visto che portandoli entrambi si hanno 2 cariche per un totale del 100% mana (addio pozze Mr. Green)

questa invece http://users.bigpond.net.au/ember/skaldstats.jpg è la 2h da skald.
Come notate per tutte le armi sarà possibile scegliere tra 2 versioni a seconda del tipo di /use2 che si vuole ottenere Smile

Le staffe per maghi dovrebbero avere queste stat:

All Magic skills: 3pts
Power: 6% of power pool
Dex: 6pts

Focus: all spell lines 50 lvls

Bonus to magic dmg: 4%
- Requirement: vs. all
Bonus to casting speed: 4%
Bonus to dex cap: 6
Bonus to acuity cap: 6

Magic ability: Replenish power: Amount 50%

voci riportano le champ weapon con velox di 4.1-4.2 le main hand, 3.4 le offhand, 5.5 le 2h


ecco un file excel con tutte le subclass possibili (per tutti e tre i reami).

tenete conto che non potete subclassare dal vs trainer di base, ergo dovete sceglierne uno degli altri 3 Smile

io prob usero subclass mistico, ma non so se andare per i DD+Snare o per i debuff castati (2 sec vel di cast, costo power minimo e dovrebbero interruppare (spero se no sono inutili))
eventualmente anche DD+debuff freddo per assist ai ns maghi farebbe comodo...

i cast time sono di tipo "fixed" cioè non modificabili da vel di cast e da dex

a voi la scelta Very Happy

ed infine le super faq !!!

Darkness Rising FAQ V0.08, compiled by Iarn with contribution of Bardic Goddess, Bourric, Curzon, Fingoniel, Kunou, Sapphic, Sharee, Ulfhednar (in alphabetical order) as well as the Herald and the

What is Darkness Rising all about?

It´s the latest expansion for DAoC, featuring horses, champion level sub class ablilities and champion weapons. The capitol cities will be
revamped as well. There will be new quests and tasks as well.

Will there be non - English versions of this FAQ?

Yes, when enough volunteers are found happy

Can this FAQ be distributed freely?

Yes, when the NDA is down, you can post this FAQ anywhere you like but not alter a jota. If you want to add corrections please pm me
(Iarn.Greiper @vn for example). As long as the NDA is intact you can give this FAQ to know beta testers as long as they understand that this
FAQ is for their eyes only.

When will Darkness Rising be released ?

11th of October 2005 is the US release by Mythic. For non US servers like those run by GOA no date is given, but the timeframe from
chrismas till February seems realistic.

What are the minimum specs for Darkness Rising?

Pentium III 1.4GHz or AMD equivalent
512 MB RAM
Requires compatible 3D Acceleration card with 64 MB Video RAM
DirectX 9.0 or later

How much does it cost?

US $19.99 [corrected in v0.02, thanks Kunou],no specifics yet for oversea versions.

Is this a box or a download?

This is a download. It is save to assume that there will be ways to get a CD, too. No specifics yet for oversea versions.

Do I need any previous expansions?

You need catacombs. However, if you buy them bundled, you get both for US $ 29.95. No other expansions needed so you can in theory get
the 14 day trial and buy Cats&DR bundle and be fine. However there will be soon a boxed package with a new account key and all expansions for shop sale.

Do I need to buy DR for all my accounts?

If you want to use the new features on the characters on that account or want to enter the new zones, yes. You need to have Catacombs
enabled on every account you want to have DR enabled. For buffbot accounts see below.

Is DR needed for buffbot accounts?

Not really in my personal opinion. The only advantages are minor:
- your BB can ride as fast as you can
- you can enter a few zones botted, but right now the content of the new zones is more quest orientated, so I personally don t expect much
farming there
- your BB might get a new minor buff like a low powered damage add via subclassing (see below)
In the end you have to dicide if you want to spend 20 or 30 bucks on DR. However in no way, DR is as mandatory for BBs like TOA was because of health and mana fonts.

Which patch version will introduce DR?

1.80, so for US server players whis will be the next patch.

Horses were promised since day one. And now I have to buy an expansion for them?

There will be two kinds of horses. One will be free (only in RL terms, you have to pay for it in game). It is aimed for medium level (35) players
and of moderate cost in game (250gold). Then there will be advanced horses which have higher costs and other requirements (see below).
You need to have DR enabled on that character account to own or ride such a horse.

Will Darkness Rising feature new races?

No, but it will bring new lore for existing races.

Will Darkness Rising feature new classes?

No, but you can aquire sub-classing ablilities as you progress champion levels (see below). These abilities are supposed to round your
character, but you will not gain much in power.

How do you advance your character in Darkness Rising?

Once you have spoken to the king´s advisor (see below) you have a new exp bar called Champion Level Exp. See a full description below.
You will start a new quest of epic dimensions as well. Completing the quest will give you benefits like levels you will gain from CL Exp.
Furtunately they interlink and you will get CL Exp for this quest as well. (I haven t checked but all quests seem to net over 2 levels of CL Exp)

What are the mechanics of CL exp?

You will get champion level exp for everything that will give you normal exp. That is killing mobs (grinding), doing quests (level 50 quests tend
to give tons of exp, now we now why), or killing players. You get a better CLexp / exp ratio for killing other players but it will be very hard to
gain champion levels by RvR. Doing you champion quest will give you enough exp for some champion levels.
The CL exp needed is the same for any level in contrast to normal exp. There are 5 champion levels. You start at champion level 0.
[numbers needed]

"How do I check the Champion level xp it doesn't seem to be anywhere on the UI?"

If you arent using any custom UI's, you can click on the exp bar, it will cycle between EXP, Champ exp, and rvr exp (realm ranks).

It actually already works on normal (non-DR) clients too, cycles between rvr and normal xp.

What are champion levels needed for?

Purchasing special horses, purchasing and using horse equipment (see below), getting a hot champion weapon (see below) as well as a
subcassing ability point per level (see below as well).

What do I gain from doing my champion quest?

First you gain champion level exp for every step (the low level steps give little exp, expect to see better number as you advance the quest).
Second after you helped your realm in need of a hero, you get a special weapon by the king at the start of champter 3. When you are done with the quest or CL 5 it will recieve another ability.
As an alternative way you can get that weapon by getting to champion level 5 alone.

What are the requirements for the Champion quest?

You need to be level 30 to start it and be level 50 for the final steps. Obviously the level 50 steps will be the hardest and best rewarded ones.

You can start the Champ quests at level 30. I understand you can't finish them at this level, but I assume you could still gain Champ XP through PvE/RvR and thus gain Champ levels?
In other words, at level 30, I could be a L5 Champion? But not be able to get my champion weapon until I'm high enough to do the quests?

You can't start your champion levels until level 45. The champion quests will only start giving you champion experience after you start your champion levels (i.e. talk to the King at level 45).

How do I start the champion quest?

To begin your journey in Albion, seek out an NPC within your Profession's halls (for example, all members of the Defenders of Albion should
speak to Sir Amren). In Hibernia, those of the Paths of Essence and Focus should look in Mag Mell, while those of the Paths of Harmony and
Affinity should look within Alainn Cuir. In Midgard, consult with the Visindakonas within the Temple of the Aesir. They will send you to the
advisor of your realm´s king.
Be careful as those NPC are also connected to the new armor epic intorduced in version 1.79. This used to confuse quite a few players.

How hard is this quest series?

You can master this quest series with a solid group. No über group required, but certainly having a balanced class setup helps a ton. You can
do the low level steps mostly on your own. The first steps are a lot of Fed Ex work, but the excellent story helps.. Farther down the steps
beome more group and combat orientated, with some nice extras like large scale battles with NPC support.

How do I subclass?

At each of the five Champion Levels, you will be given an opportunity to increase your skills and knowledge by selecting Subclass abilities.
These abilities are taught by base-class trainers in the starting cities (for example, the Acolyte trainer in Cotswold), and you may learn the talents of any base-class except your own.
At the moment this is a problem for Midgard since Migard has only a single caster baseclass, but Albion has two. Maybe there will be some
changes later.

Is there a list of subclassing abilities?
Move the mouse pointer over the items to get additional info!
Information is top -> down BTW.

How can I combine subclassing abilities?

You choose a branch of the subclass you chose from a selection of 4 or 5 [?]. With every level you advance you can get deeper in that branch
and get another ability. You can not choose an ability form a different branch. As an example when cou train Midgard Seer A1, A2, A3 you
can not train E4.

Where can I put my champion points?

Players are allowed to purchase abilities through champion points from any subclass OTHER THAN THEIR OWN (i.e. Armsmen cannot subclass in Fighter). You must purchase from top-down: meaning, the first ability in the line must be purchased before you can purchase the next ability in the line. With branching lines (Y), you only need to purchase one side of the branch in order to access the third ability in the line.

I can only pick one of the lines under my primary class? For example, my paladin can only choose one of the lines under fighter?

You cannot sub-class in your own base class, so a Paladin cannot subclass as a fighter. You could conceivably have two level 1 abilities in two different sub-classes, and abilities 1-2-3 in a third, but in order to have a level 2 ability in a line, you have to have the level 1 ability *in that line*, to get a level 3, you have to have levels 1 and 2 *in that line*, etc.

Can I mix and match between subclasses?
Certainly so. For example, you can put 3 points into one subclass and 2 into another.

Are the subclassing abilities game-shaking or most haves?

No, but depending on your character template, they can come quite handy. However don t expect high delves, most spells are more level
20-25 effetcs. However they are not resisted as much.

Do the subclassing abilities follow the the mechanics as standart abilities?

First they delve lower, and have lower values on every aspect (range, radius, other percentages like lifedrain return). Second they have fixed
cast times.
Do subclass buffs stack with existing buffs?
No, these subclass abilities are set up with exactly the same behaviors as the spells the classes of that originating base class receive.

How do I cast these subclassing abilities if I don't have power/concentration?

Once you are champion level 1 (and receive a champion point to spend in subclassing), any class that does not have a power or concentration pool will receive one (albeit, a small pool). Your power pool will grow slightly with each champion level (this is also true for classes that already have power).

Since Vampiirs are any base class, what are they counted as, for subclassing?
Vampiirs, for the purposes of subclassing, are considered as having the Guardian (Way of Arms) base class.

Do subclass styles require a particular weapon?

Subclass styles are set so that you can use the style with any weapon. Additionally, upon receiving Champion Level 3, you will gain the ability to wield* all one handed, mainhand weapon types (Crush, Slash, Thrust, and equivalents) and the ability to equip a small shield.

*This does not increase your damage with the weapon type, like putting spec points into a weapon line would. This is just the basic "you can equip" the weapon type ability/proficiency.

What happened to the ability to equip different weapon types?

At CL3, you will be able to equip one handed weapons: Crush (Blunt, Hammer), Slash (Blades, Sword, Axe), Thrust (Pierce). However, since Midgard weapons work different, you will be able to wield both 1h and 2h wepapons since each weapon proficiency opens up both 1h and 2h. No bows etc. You can not spec that weapon as well.

Where do I get these abilities?

From base trainers - simply interact with one, once you are champion level 1.

How much does a mount cost?

level 35 horse = 250gold
level 45 horse = 1plat

Champion Level Horses
level 1 coloured horses = 2plat
level 2 coloured horses = 3plat
level 3 coloured warhorses = 6plat
level 4 coloured warhorses = 8plat
level 5 quest horses = 15plat + quest

You don t need to purchase horses in any order, just pick the one you like.

How do I use a horse?

You have a new button called "Mount" on your central charater screen. When you click it a new window opens. You can place a horse from
your inventory in the specific slow as well as equpment (armor, barding and saddle bags). Then you need to drag that horse in your hotbar as
well. When you click your hotbar or press that hotkey you whistle and after a few seconds you appear on top of your horse. On your horse
you can move as normal but use mounted animations.When you jump your horse jumps.

How do I dismount?

Ideally by clicking your hotkey. However if you take damage you dismount forcefully and take extra damage. In my personal experiences
mobdamage dismounts you as well as lava. Falling seemed to not dismount you, but this could have changed. Dismounting does not show an animation.

Can I emote on horses?

Yes, there are a few new emotes for rider and mount [need list as old forums are gone]. Some traditional emotes like /dance have a mounted
animation as well.

What are the benefits of horse equipment?

Armor and barding are fluff, saddle bags allow you to carry more weight as you can put items there.

Where I can buy horse equipment?

At the local crafter of your choice. All recipes are skill 1000 for various trades.
Armor = 1000 metalworking
Saddlebags = 1000 leatherworking
Barding = 1000 clothworking

What are champion tasks?

The name is highly misleading. In fact this is another way to get exp on your way to level 50 via short mini-quests; you will be able to choose
the type of task that you wish to perform from various categories. Look for Lieutenant Mauvere in Tir na Nog, Lieutenant Lomnar in Jordheim,
or Lieutenant Purgis in Camelot for more information.

What can I expect from my champion weapon?

You can expect a weapon that is looking very nice in most cases. You can see a lot of threads of various message boards featuring the graphics like this one: http://vnboards.ign.com/Darkness_Rising_Discussion_Forum_/b23027/92002740/?23
Only few are not appreciated by the player base (berserker and to a lesser extent friar), maybe they will get revamped soon.
However, there is one thing you have to be aware of: because the weapons are unique to a class, friend and foe can learn your class from your weapon. However their stats are nice even compared to the most powerful artifacts and truely stunning on alternate ruleset (so-called Classic) servers.

What kind of weapon can I get? Is this choice final?

You can get any weapon that your class can wield per default. You can choose 2h or 1h if your class can and any kind (slash, pierce etc) if your class can use such weapons.
You can exchange your weapon for a different kind at any time at the throneroom of your realm. The weapon needs to be in perfect condition,
so you can t safe repairs by trading a weapon.

Do champion weapons decay?

They can be repaired as many times as needed. If you want to trade it for a different type (see above), you need to repair it first.

What stats can I expect?

All champion weapons are 100% qua level 51 weapons. Most are slow with a few classes that tend to like fast weapons. Caster stats feature 4 casting speed and damage, most melees have 4% melee speed and damage. Healer types have spell range and speed. All weapons have a souple of + stat and + pool, too.
All weapons have two useables. Most casters have a power replentish /use like Tartaros staff. The second useable is unlocked by finishing the champion quest or reaching cl 5. Just trade your weapon in.

4th October 2005, 11:27
non ci ho capito una ceppa di cazzo....

qualcuno puo tradurre??

4th October 2005, 11:39
sgravati di bestia, visto che portandoli entrambi si hanno 2 cariche per un totale del 100% mana (addio pozze Mr. Green)

ah ...quindi non dobbiamo scegliere tra 1h o 2h ....ce ne danno 2 direttamente? :shocked: ...belli ....vado a fare TP :awk:

4th October 2005, 11:42
ho scritto anche in italiano pakko !

4th October 2005, 11:51
ah ...quindi non dobbiamo scegliere tra 1h o 2h ....ce ne danno 2 direttamente? :shocked: ...belli ....vado a fare TP :awk:

detta cazzata ne prendi 1 e la puoi cambiare quando vuoi, ma sempre una rimane :(

Juha Lightbringer
4th October 2005, 11:54
aaaaaaaaaaaa a me scoppia la testaaaaaaaaaaa

lol tutti i tp toa a fan beep?

4th October 2005, 11:57
ma io avevo capito ke si potevano scambiare, quindi se qlcn nn la vuole (löööl) puo scambiarla cosi ne ho 2...sbaglio?

4th October 2005, 11:59
la devi ridare al reper avere la nuova

4th October 2005, 12:17
I tp uber saranno più semplici, tp cut&paste vabbè

4th October 2005, 12:39
Ma io ancora nn ho capito una cosa...se sono un merce senza mana, come faccio a castare debuff e malattia se subspecco mage?

Ladro di anime
4th October 2005, 12:48
Ma io ancora nn ho capito una cosa...se sono un merce senza mana, come faccio a castare debuff e malattia se subspecco mage?

Ti danno una barra di mana.

4th October 2005, 13:11
Raga domanda....AIUTATEMI!!!!
Allora: Queste Champ weapons sono una figata bla bla bla...perche hanno grandi utlity e bla bla bla....ma a me interessa capire...hanno dei buoni proc??
cioe una champ weapon puo competere con un proc di malice?? o proc di una leggendaria??(considerando anche gli 1vs1)

pls rispondete

4th October 2005, 13:16
guarda lo screen della spada da skald (è in mezzo al mio primo post) e ti rispondi da solo :)

4th October 2005, 13:36
ho guardato....e le abilita sono solo quelle castabili..io parlo di proc...

Vuoi mettere proc malice con una champ weapons?
o un proc di leggendaria?

le CW hanno solo abilita castabili..non proc

4th October 2005, 13:39

4th October 2005, 14:02
puoi scegliere come secondo proc tra 1 difensivo ed 1 offensivo

quello offensivo,per le armi che ho visto sin ora è un debuff del 10%/10% del danno che fa l'arma

in pratica debuffa 10% sull resist che hai nel tp ( quelle che han cap a 26% x intenderci )
quindi su target a 26% slash,procca gli e l'abbassi la resist a 16%
la resist non può andare sotto lo 0%
il secondo 10% agisce sulle resist castate...quindi credo sui proc tipo gsv/nuovo proc armi dr 5%

4th October 2005, 14:09
si ma sullo screen si legge chiaramente che l'item va "usato" per far partire il debuff...non e' un proc (Tipo malice per intenderci)..quindi lo puoi usare ogni tot minuti

4th October 2005, 15:03
si ma io intendo se tu vorti hai un guaritore e io pure, io ho martello 2h e io 1h e tu mi regali il tuo 2h..io ne ho 2...se puó fa o no?

4th October 2005, 15:07
sicuri sia un use?._.?

4th October 2005, 15:07
non sono tradabili le CW

4th October 2005, 15:08
dagli screen sono tutti /use - /use2

4th October 2005, 15:12
allora tanto vale tenerla nel terzo slot per luse senza scassare i tp,un proc battler è sempre migliore di un arma senza proc:)

4th October 2005, 15:19
è un debuff proc,bhahaha


per bm nessuno ha niente?

4th October 2005, 15:32
Ma piuttosto che una staffa di queste, che vantaggio avrebbe uno a farsi una tartaros?
La tarta mi pare anzi + sfigata di queste...
E' iniziata l'era di buttare nel cesso toa e avere oggetti buoni senza troppo sforzo come doveva essere?

4th October 2005, 15:52
si per un healer invece meglio tenerla di main dati i bonus che dà :D

4th October 2005, 16:15
allora tanto vale tenerla nel terzo slot per luse senza scassare i tp,un proc battler è sempre migliore di un arma senza proc:)

Ma che dici Gramas? Proc battler è la cosa + inutile del mondo, ti sei confuso con qualcos'altro?

Juha Lightbringer
4th October 2005, 16:17
Ma che dici Gramas? Proc battler è la cosa + inutile del mondo, ti sei confuso con qualcos'altro?

non è inutile per tutte le classi.....

comunque è davvero una rivoluzione.... :D

4th October 2005, 16:47
non è inutile per tutte le classi.....

comunque è davvero una rivoluzione.... :D

Proc Battler => Skill of the Gladiators => accuracy bonus

utile :confused:

4th October 2005, 17:10
Gramas quindi cosa fa il proc? se procca toglie 10% di resist melee da item e 10% da artefatto ? oppure da RA? tipo phisical defence

4th October 2005, 17:19
non riesco a capire/tradurre bene dice metà del debuff è sul spell-based resist del bersaglio e laltra metà sugli item-based.Poi dice se uno degli altri tipi di resist non esiste il debuff viene ignorato..bho,cmq non parla di % ma di unità proprio

Proc Battler => Skill of the Gladiators => accuracy bonus

utile :confused:
no,è un boost di danni del 10%..mi pare

4th October 2005, 17:19
in pratica debuffa 10% sull resist che hai nel tp ( quelle che han cap a 26% x intenderci )
quindi su target a 26% slash,procca gli e l'abbassi la resist a 16%
la resist non può andare sotto lo 0%
il secondo 10% agisce sulle resist castate...quindi credo sui proc tipo gsv/nuovo proc armi dr 5%

aggiungo: e sui nuovi buff resist melee che si prendono con alcune sub-class

4th October 2005, 17:25
L5:Thrust 6%
Accuracy Boost
Target's chance to strike successfully with melee attacks increased
Value: 10%
Target: Self
Duration: 1:0 min
Casting time: 2.0 sec

*to strike successfully* l'ho sempre inteso *non missare*...

Siete sicuri?

4th October 2005, 17:26
10% lo toglie dai bonus dati dalla tua SC (tipo se hai 26% ti debuffa di 10 e vai a 16%)

inoltre se hai bonus (tipo quelli del subclass o le resist del selvaggio) attivi ti debuffa pure quelli del 10%.

4th October 2005, 17:27
L5:Thrust 6%
Accuracy Boost
Target's chance to strike successfully with melee attacks increased
Value: 10%
Target: Self
Duration: 1:0 min
Casting time: 2.0 sec

*to strike successfully* l'ho sempre inteso *non missare*...

Siete sicuri?

hai il 10% in meno di probabilità di non missare

4th October 2005, 17:36
ma quel 3% in melee combat speed con requirement: vs.all significa anche in rvr o solo contro ogni tipo di mob... se no mi pare piuttosto scarsa l arma da champion...

4th October 2005, 17:36
ma quel 3% in melee combat speed con requirement: vs.all significa anche in rvr o solo contro ogni tipo di mob... se no mi pare piuttosto scarsa l arma da champion...

Imho sia PvE che RvR. Sennò avrebbe scritto qualcos'altro.


4th October 2005, 17:43
sia rvr che pve

4th October 2005, 17:52

le abilità secondarie che posso prendere, sono tutte quelle che sono visibili nel foglio exel?x intenderci, se scelgo le abilità seer, me le becco tutte o ho un limite?
alcune costano piu punti altre meno?quanti punti ho a CL5?


4th October 2005, 17:59
è spiegato molto esaurientemente nel post.. basta solo leggere invece di cliccare solo il link :D

4th October 2005, 18:01
per ogni CL predi 1 punto, ogni ailità ti costa un punto.

per avere l'abilità 3 devi prendere la 1 e la 2.

in tot al max avrai 5 abilità nuove

Juha Lightbringer
4th October 2005, 19:28
Proc Battler => Skill of the Gladiators => accuracy bonus

utile :confused:

e io che mi attaccavo a ogni cosa per non dover rifare il tp :(

4th October 2005, 20:10
Non ho capito bene sto proc come funziona, ma come fa uno ad avere slash castato ? la maggior parte delle volte fara 26--->16...rimane migliore il debuff malice a sto punto...

4th October 2005, 20:44
..ma quindi la spada del war ha solo use -.-? nessun proc?

4th October 2005, 20:47
Non ho capito bene sto proc come funziona, ma come fa uno ad avere slash castato ? la maggior parte delle volte fara 26--->16...rimane migliore il debuff malice a sto punto...
resistenze del svg,resistenze delle subspec e resistenze passive delle champion weapon

4th October 2005, 20:55
resistenze del svg,resistenze delle subspec e resistenze passive delle champion weapon

aggiungo banner

5th October 2005, 10:34
te zitto last e vai a expare... -.-''

5th October 2005, 11:39
cosa subclasso col rune sec voi? e con animist? e con thane? e soprattuto, con healer?

5th October 2005, 12:00
vabbè mo non mi pare il caso di cambiare tp toa almeno nei primi tempi , cioè se le armi non danno proc si usano 1 volta ogni tanto ^^

o almeno io ho un toa buono e non vedo sta tragedia..poi al max basta cambiare l'arma e 2 oggettini credo ^^

5th October 2005, 16:10
Ehm, nn si sa gia approssimativamente le stat delle altre armi epiche? Nn so, se qualcuno le ha postate sulle vn....

5th October 2005, 17:08
io col guari raffo prendo la seconda linea da mystic ^^

9th October 2005, 13:07
Ho una domanda da fare a kleypippa(ma quanto ti mancherà il mio pet :sneer: ?)

se ho un pg al 49/50 e ho tutti gli artefatti da expare(compreso cloudsong, chiaramente un pg nuovo insomma) e li expo a poc con un gruppo full, i 5 lv della champion li faccio? (considera che expare cs da 0 a 10 e come fare dal 45 al 50

9th October 2005, 13:56
Leia se puo' servire ti chiarisco un paio di cose riguardo gli stealther, ho parlato tanto con Vilna e Burrpy (Zerole).

La champ weapon ha proc debuff 10% (per intenderci come la GS), dal punto di vista dei vostri reami (parlo da middo) è un arma che potete sostituire al battler nello slot MH.
Da middo posso dirti che e' una merda perchè la Malice è superiore sia come proc che come /use2 e anche la LW è meglio nello slot MH a causa della tabella di resist.
Unico caso in cui uno SB può decidere di andare per la CW è se il proc della CW e quello della GS stackano, allora si potrebbe rifare TP con CW e GS, ma altrimenti da SB (e purtroppo anche da skald....l'altra mia classe :gha: ) la CW è utile solo per fare passarella....


9th October 2005, 17:50
pd artigli CW su un savage, e che cazzo diventa lol, swinghi a 1.5 procchi un disastro, mettici il battler fisso in 2h... roba da passare i 600 di mainhand su abs 19% di continuo lol

9th October 2005, 18:23
Leia se puo' servire ti chiarisco un paio di cose riguardo gli stealther, ho parlato tanto con Vilna e Burrpy (Zerole).

La champ weapon ha proc debuff 10% (per intenderci come la GS), dal punto di vista dei vostri reami (parlo da middo) è un arma che potete sostituire al battler nello slot MH.
Da middo posso dirti che e' una merda perchè la Malice è superiore sia come proc che come /use2 e anche la LW è meglio nello slot MH a causa della tabella di resist.
Unico caso in cui uno SB può decidere di andare per la CW è se il proc della CW e quello della GS stackano, allora si potrebbe rifare TP con CW e GS, ma altrimenti da SB (e purtroppo anche da skald....l'altra mia classe :gha: ) la CW è utile solo per fare passarella....

che proc ha la cw da skald? no xkè per il champion è il proc debuff res..bo a me meglio della malice sembra soprattutto se giri con 2 dual wilder con cw/malice

9th October 2005, 23:19
Ci sono parecchie informazioni aggiunte qui:

compresa una tabella con tutte (o quasi) le immagini dell armi dei Campioni e relativi bonus.

Ci sono anche link alle tabelle per le subclassi e a tutti i cavalli e relative bardature ed armature.

Juha Lightbringer
10th October 2005, 10:37
valmer per la staffa albion wizard io ho trovato queste stats.
immagino valgano anche per le altre staffe quindi.

ma sono diverse dalle tue stat del tuo sito.

chi dei due ha ragione?

10th October 2005, 11:11
domanda per chi ha provato

il percorso supporti / miglioramento personale ( o almeno cosi' riportato sulla pagina di valmerwolf) ha i buff che stackano con quelli che si ricevono dalle classi buffer?

( a senso logico se si e' una stupidata )

10th October 2005, 11:17
@ Lastdruid: i champ level li expi solo dopo aver fatti il lvl 50, vai dal re, ci parli e gli dici che vuoi diventare campione e vai ad expare (tipo al 50 expi arte e CL assieme)

@ Saffho: +3% fisiche della GSV e +5% fisiche delle CW NON staccano :(

10th October 2005, 12:40
Io mi sbaglierò ma sul bm credo che la CW finirà nello slot 2H al posto del Meritorius, sinceramente con un tp con 2 overcap 101 e 344 hp dubito mi cambi qualcosa, e se sono tutti /use tanto vale tenerle solo per le abilità, senza rinunciare a malice e battler.

Per le nuove abilità sinceramente sono rimasto un po deluso, carina l'ablativa ma avrei preferito avere a disposizione malattia che sarebbe davvero utile da usare sui caster.

10th October 2005, 13:28
thx saffo :( dovro tenermi le leggendarie

10th October 2005, 16:37
Io mi sbaglierò ma sul bm credo che la CW finirà nello slot 2H al posto del Meritorius, sinceramente con un tp con 2 overcap 101 e 344 hp dubito mi cambi qualcosa, e se sono tutti /use tanto vale tenerle solo per le abilità, senza rinunciare a malice e battler.

Per le nuove abilità sinceramente sono rimasto un po deluso, carina l'ablativa ma avrei preferito avere a disposizione malattia che sarebbe davvero utile da usare sui caster.
sn proc..

10th October 2005, 17:21
Beh a quel punto se le stat sono simili metterò la malice nel 2H :)

10th October 2005, 18:36
thx saffo :( dovro tenermi le leggendarie

Tu da ranger puoi cmq valutare...slash per te e' una figata...hai nemici neutrali o deboli, io da SB non posso andare con 2 armi slash sarebbe un suicidio vs hibby e poco furbo vs infi, mi tornerebbe utile forse solo vs scout...


10th October 2005, 18:43
che proc ha la cw da skald? no xkè per il champion è il proc debuff res..bo a me meglio della malice sembra soprattutto se giri con 2 dual wilder con cw/malice

Ancora non è chiaro, ma come caratteristiche ho un fantastico 4% magic damage e 5 OC acuity....mi metterò a castare :sneer:


10th October 2005, 18:44
per un BM sul classic pensavo a un martello PoC in main e la CW sul left, che ne dite?

10th October 2005, 22:37
valmer per la staffa albion wizard io ho trovato queste stats.
immagino valgano anche per le altre staffe quindi.
ma sono diverse dalle tue stat del tuo sito.
chi dei due ha ragione?
Penso tu, visto che poni l'evidenza visiva.
Può essere che l'informazione che è stata presa da qui:
fosse di un oggetto non ancora ben definito, visto che è proprio molto differente.
Visto che le prove le fornisci tu, non appena tornerà attivo il sito ufficiale correggerò quei bonus.
Grazie per la segnalazione!

Juha Lightbringer
10th October 2005, 23:29
Penso tu, visto che poni l'evidenza visiva.
Può essere che l'informazione che è stata presa da qui:
fosse di un oggetto non ancora ben definito, visto che è proprio molto differente.
Visto che le prove le fornisci tu, non appena tornerà attivo il sito ufficiale correggerò quei bonus.
Grazie per la segnalazione!

ma se ho ragione io quella staffa è >>>>>>>> alla tarta....... o no?

Nazgul Tirith
10th October 2005, 23:36
per un BM sul classic pensavo a un martello PoC in main e la CW sul left, che ne dite?

E' una buona accoppiata. Anche se continuo a preferire craftato+Cw(o ds un tempo), per bilanciare meglio danno su spd delle 2 armi :D

11th October 2005, 08:29
E' una buona accoppiata. Anche se continuo a preferire craftato+Cw(o ds un tempo), per bilanciare meglio danno su spd delle 2 armi :D
è vero, per la swing speed sarà un casino con un 4.3 e un 4.0, sul server classic arrivi a massimo 4% melee speed e niente haste rosso ;_;
al limite pensavo a una CW su main hand e il martellino poc (proc endurance drain) sulla sinistra, velocità 4.3 e 3.3

Nazgul Tirith
11th October 2005, 10:23
è vero, per la swing speed sarà un casino con un 4.3 e un 4.0, sul server classic arrivi a massimo 4% melee speed e niente haste rosso ;_;
al limite pensavo a una CW su main hand e il martellino poc (proc endurance drain) sulla sinistra, velocità 4.3 e 3.3

Bhe con il martello/arma CW dovresti aver un altro 4% di spd, cmq si, a sto punto fai un 4.3, e un 3.3.

11th October 2005, 11:06
Domanda sui CL (vediamo se sapete rispondermi): Expo i champion level anche se gioco con client toa ad esempio? Ovviamente ho dr attivo sul mio acc.

11th October 2005, 11:14
ovviamente si

11th October 2005, 11:21
domanda su Kley. Expa i suoi gay level anche quando va con travestiti o solo con gay consenzienti?


11th October 2005, 11:59
domanda su Kley. Expa i suoi gay level anche quando va con travestiti o solo con gay consenzienti?


se expa da dietro gli regalano anke il cavallo :rotfl:

11th October 2005, 13:17
domanda su Kley. Expa i suoi gay level anche quando va con travestiti o solo con gay consenzienti?


Muahahahahahahaha, di solito gira con saffo e silent ( keope..) , trai tu le conclusioni :sneer: :sneer: :sneer:

11th October 2005, 13:32
Bhe con il martello/arma CW dovresti aver un altro 4% di spd, cmq si, a sto punto fai un 4.3, e un 3.3.

"purtroppo" le CW per BM hanno +4% melee damage e style damage ;_;

11th October 2005, 13:34

brutti gay passivi, solo perchè non ho ceduto alle vs moine (e di pazzo ho anche gli screen che testimoniano la sua provolazione con me... :awk: )

Nazgul Tirith
11th October 2005, 13:40
"purtroppo" le CW per BM hanno +4% melee damage e style damage ;_;

Orca troia mi era sfuggita come cosa. Allora sicurametne 4.3/3.3 e' "d'obbligo"

11th October 2005, 13:51
però mi intrigava girare con debuff absorb E debuff crush ;_;

11th October 2005, 14:04
A ke ora tornano up i server?

11th October 2005, 14:16
Dopodomani forse....

11th October 2005, 14:25
Dopodomani forse.... :shocked:

11th October 2005, 14:40
Beh considera che devono uppare tutti i file nuovi sui server...cosidera che x almeno 2 giorni si saranno almeno 3 hotfix al giorno.....x giocare senza problemi se ne parla almeno giovedi sera-notte.

11th October 2005, 15:09
Beh considera che devono uppare tutti i file nuovi sui server...cosidera che x almeno 2 giorni si saranno almeno 3 hotfix al giorno.....x giocare senza problemi se ne parla almeno giovedi sera-notte.

Ah cmq buona fortuna x l'esperienza su Kay :D Speriamo di scontrarci presto :cool: