View Full Version : Domande su come espare il Warlock...

4th January 2006, 18:55
Riporto alcune domande e risposte copiate dai vari post....
Ma alcune mi rimangono ancora ignote, vi ringrazio per le eventuali spiegazioni!
Scusate ma non ci ho capito molto per ora...
Come si espa con questo PG che tipo di mob si fanno? Regge solo i gialli?
Che sequenza si usa per i cast?
Grazie in anticipo per le future risposte.
P.S. Ho letto sempre di questo PG per le chamber (le sfere) che ha sulla testa che più avanti si "caricano" castando delle magie, per il bolt dal range di 1875 e 2 cast istant, ma questa classe non è anche quella che "sbolla" facendo quella bellissima animazione?
dd+dot e corri aspettando di segarli di dot a liv bassi... io così mi facevo i rossi a rullo da liv 5 fino alla prima chamber
Cavoli i rossi in solo questo mi piace ^_^ grazie tante!!!
Ho trovato questa spiegazione:
allora hai le magie primarie e secondarie, ora nn ricordo se primarie sono solo i base di curs o anke gli spec di curs, cmq casti 2 spells alla volta, 1 primario e 1 secondario(ke sono gli hex)
quindi usi come primario bolt base di curs e lo snare di hex x darti il tempo necessario x castare le altre
in sintesi:
1) bolt base curs + snare hex
2) dd base curs + dot hex
3) dd base curs + lt hex
4) ripetere x mob successivo
esempio se hai quickbar cosi fatta: 1 bolt base curs/ 2 snare hex/ 3 dot hex/ 4 dd base curs/ 5 lt hex
premi: 1+2(come quando fai gli stili di backup x intenderci), poi 4+3, ultimo 4+5 e ripeti, tutto qui
Le domande sono:
1) Ma "lt" che cast è non lo capisco???
2) alleno fin da subito tutto Hexen o c'è qualcosa in particolare?
3) Damage (Instant, PBAOE, Secondary) 11 20 33 48 è la famosa Bolla?
come si usa assieme a quale magia primaria?

Grazie nuovamente per le eventuali spiegazioni!

4th January 2006, 19:21
Guarda,sulla spec non mi sento di consigliarti xkè non ho mai giocato un lock e mai lo giocherò.LT posso dirti con certezza che è il lifetap,ossia il ciuccia vita.Il Pbaoe che dici non credo sia la bolla,bensì un pbaoe (che genio che sono) castabile come secondaria,se ben ricordo x spararlo devi usare un primario (non ricordo se quello che aumenta il raggio o quello che rende non interrompibile il cast) e poi usare pbaoe.
Spero di esserti stato di aiuto :look:

4th January 2006, 19:48
come spec ce ne sono di 2 tipi: con 2 chamber o con 3 chamber...se giri per i post le trovi entrambe ben descritte! :)

5th January 2006, 10:30
Grazie mille per le risposte!!!
:cry: il problema è che per ora avendo allenato a 5 Hexen che sarà la spec
più alta che avrò... quindi tenendola a livello
Ammetto di aver provato poco ma :shrug: faccio fatica a fare i mob blu...
Vebbè ci riproverò con più impegno questa sera semmai...
Ma le magie sono quelle, non capisco!!!

5th January 2006, 18:10
Ci son un po' di idee contrastanti.....
Wow...at lvl 12, I'm 9curse/6witch/4 hex (something like that), and I have NO problem with
yellows at all. I go bolt/snare, bolt/LT, root (if I need to), and then bolt/LT ftw. It also
depends on the resistances of the MOBS you're pulling.
After reading your post, I can see why it's best to spread out your spec lines. I will have
my lvl 8 chamber at level 13. Looking forward to it.
I plan on going into thid at lvl 21 with this spec: 17C/8WC/8HX
You get that level 17 bolt and your 3rd LT that does, I believe, 46 damage.
I go all Hex for 1-20,
Its very simple to kite oranges and level quickly.
You your base curses and utilize the DoT and LT wisely and youll drop mobs quickly.
Oh yeah,
get another Hex Warlock and youll be chaining orjs/reds all day.
i went 4 witch and 3 hex at level 5 and leveling on oranges and yellows was easy i
am currently level 15 after 4 hours of playing and am 8 WC and the rest hex and i
already solo 20's. my 50 spec is 40 WC (for chambers, two bolt chambers)and 36 hexing.
it seems like it will work.
I dinged 21 a little while ago before the servers came down and decided to share my
experiences so far. I am leveling solo and without a buffbot so I can gain a full understanding
of the intricasies of the warlock class.
Level 5-17: I chose to go full curse from 5-17 to keep my spells from getting resisted too
much and keep my variance as small as possible. Since I am soloing several missed bolts or
resisted roots can spell disaster durring a pull. Luckily the 1st level Hex is a 40% snare
which works wonders for you. I open with a Bolt/snare combo then bolt, DD, and root DD. As
long as I start at full bolt range from the mob I'm pulling I can usually get my root off
just as the mob swings at me. I suggest using that 40% snare Hex on all of your Curses as
it tends to get resisted a lot being only a level 1 spell. Once root takes hold kite to bolt
range and do it again. I found that yellows and of course Oj's tended to be very resistant
and that bolts miss a lot, so sticking with blues means little if any kiting and continuous
pulls at these low levels. As a side note warlocks do not get qq ability, however at level 1
in WC you do get your first uninterruptible primer. Unfortunatly this primer costs 50% pow
to use and can't be used to cast your root only your 40% snare if it didn't take the first
three times you cast it. Not really worth it at this level cause spending half your pow pool
to cast a level 1 40% snare just didn't seem worth it.
Level 18-21 This is where I began to split my spec into both WC and Hexes. Not much changes
except that now you have a few more hexes (DoT and LT) to stack on your bolts/dd's. Using
the DoT turned out to be a bad idea because if you needed to root it was gona get broken by
the dot and you would find yourself in a world of hurt. The LT at this level adds just a tad
bit of extra damage onto the bolt/dd but the life return is so low you cannot expect the life
gained to save you (30% of 13 isn't going to save yer butt if you get in trouble). The big
difference came when I got my level 8 chamber. This made kiting less of a issue since my
bolt/snare, bolt/lt, dd/lt, then insta dd/lt held in the chamber would bring yellows to
less than 10% hits, easy enough to move 10ft and cast no pow primer and the DoT or LT
to finish the mob off.
AS a side note I am immensly happy that Mythic had the foresight to give warlocks tireless.
With the ammount of kiting required it is a lifesaver.
I hope these experiences I have shared will help some new warlocks out there.
My planned spec for Thid will be 17 Curse, 10 WC, 13 Hex. This will give me the level 17 bolt
with some decent hexes to stack on as well as a single chamber and the range primer.