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3rd March 2004, 12:42
Ciao qualcuno sa dove un mentalista e un incantatore livello 35 possono espare che non siano dg.Sono stufo di stare al buio :D
Grazie :wave:

ops sbagliato sezione cmq rispondete uguale tnx :ach:

Zurlaccio è_é
3rd March 2004, 14:36
vale of balor, mantidi rosse o fomoriani.

Edit xò se siete solo voi 2 e senza buff forse è un pelo presto.

8th March 2004, 14:47
il mentalista è mana o luce? (ench suppongo mana)

8th March 2004, 16:16
si tutti e due mana :)

8th March 2004, 17:47
34-35 Find a group in Treibh Caillte, you NEED those items...Bog Creeper in Bog of callen for solo. Best exp will be Far darring or Dull group in Innis

36-37 outside of Coruscating Mines, you will find Cliff Dweller. At the town of Cliff of moher, at the back of the town you will see a beach. Go down there, you will see a bunch of cliff dweller. Go left more, you will see some gray color hill. There are some cliff hanger there too.

38-39 If you are BRAVE enough, you can try those chicken looking mob in Cliff of moher. At the town of Cliff of moher, go to the left. You will see a lot of chicken looking mobs running in circle. They are surround by some small gray stones. BEWARE! Their attack speed are INSANE. And they can outrun your sprint.
The other spot is Grovewood outside of Coruscating Mines. Beware! They can root and self heal!
Another option will be Irewood Greenbark. You go to Innis. Head south all the way, you will see a tower. DON'T go near that tower, archer up there. Pass that tower, you should see greenbark on your left.

40-45 It is no point to solo. You should find a group in Innis to hunt Pooka. You just sit in Innis and ask for group.

Again, don't solo after level 40, you will go crazy.

46-50. Arch magi, banshee, sibara guardian gives you the best exp.

And you have to group. For 40+ epic zone is also an awesome place to hunt.. just make sure you have enough people to go with you. My Enchanter is curretly level 41 and made about .85 of a bub there in 20 mins.. would have made more but everyone tried to move forward and we all died =/

9th March 2004, 11:00
provate gli empyreans guardians a sud est di druim caine, dovrebbero essere gialli-arancio per voi ma dovreste farne tre alla volta col pet pull.

1st April 2004, 21:54
provate gli empyreans guardians a sud est di druim caine, dovrebbero essere gialli-arancio per voi ma dovreste farne tre alla volta col pet pull.


13th April 2004, 22:07
se andate in giro per la palude di cullen(cavallo fino a Innis) troverete sicuramente mob adatti a 2 maghi del vostro rango... l'unico inconveniente e' che il bind + vicino e' a connla :shocked: