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14th November 2006, 12:41
Leyali's Guide to Obelisks, Part 1: The Basics

Obelisk's in Labyrinth of the Minotaur are one of the most powerful and most confusing new elements in this upcoming expansion. While simple to understand on the basic concept, they have many baffling quirks about that that seem to repeatedly confuse and frustrate players. As such, I've put together these guides to help everyone understand the many intricate details that will help clear the frustration and help you enjoy your time playing in the new expansion area.

First of all, This is an Obelisk


All of them are named 'Obelisk of Nurizane" and the first four you'll meet are in the 'Hub', also known as "Nurizane's Crossroads".


The Hub is exactly what it sounds like. It's a general focus point from where you'll be doing most of your teleporting around the Labyrinth from. Anytime you visit an Obelisk away from the Hub, it will teleport you directly to a Hub Obelisk.


When you use a Hub Obelisk, you'll be shown a window that looks much like this.


Selecting "Svasud Faste", "Tower of Deifrang", or "Decayed Lands", will teleport you to the Frontier instantly at that given location. Obviously for Hibernia and Albion, the names and locations will be a little different, but the general idea works the same.

But before those names you see three other names. [Collapsed], [Flooded], and [Clockwork]. These are labels for the three different sections of the Labyrinth. Each Section contains a list of all the Obelisk's in that section that you could potentially teleport to. Their's one Obelisk near every Relic Encounter, and many are just near potentally interesting encounters so you'll want to eventually visit them all. Note that, only from the Hub can you teleport to a non Hub Obelisk. All other non Hub Obelisk's will teleport you back to the Hub. You're going to need to familiarize yourself with the different sections of the Labyrinth so you'll know what section you're in at any given time. Here are screen shots of the various Sections.

Now, when you select a Section, You'll be presented with an impressive long list of names. Each of these names is one of the many potental Obelisk's you can visit. Say you wish to visit the Shrine of Tegashirg. The first Clockwork Obelisk you'll undoubtedly find. First select [Clockwork]. Then select [Shrine of Tegashirg] and you'll be instantly teleported there. But please note, their's one important detail you need to be aware of first.

=== You can only teleport to Obelisk's you've already visited. ===

So unless you have already visited the Obelisk at the Shrine of Tegashirg. You can't teleport there. Once you visit the shrine obelisk for the first time and right click on it. You'll complete a quest like this one for the Temple of Laresh.


At this point, you can now go back and visit that Obelisk any time you want. To see all the Obelisk's you've already visited. Just do a /quest command and look at the ones you've already completed.

Making Macros to the Hub (/macro Hub /say Nurizane's Crossroads) or to important destinations (/macro Var /say Shrine of Vartigeth (West)) can help you travel swiftly, specially when you might be in danger.

One other important note is about Obelisks that are away from the Hub. If you are in a group and everyone is within 500 units of the Obelisk (rough estimate), you can all group teleport to the Hub once anyone in the group selects or says 'Nurizane's Crossroads'. If anyone is not with the group or has already teleported to the Hub, the remaining may not be able to teleport as a group to the hub and will have to teleport individually.

When you teleport to the hub individually, You will be randomly tossed to any one of the four Obelisk's in the Hub. If you teleport as a group, You'll all be teleported to the same randomly selected Obelisk but as individuals, you'll be scattered to any one of them.

Note, you can teleport to the Hub as a group. But you do NOT teleport to other Obelisks as a group. Everyone in the group has to teleport themselves individually. And individuals, they have to have unlocked the Obelisk to use it. So remember, make sure everyone in the group has unlocked an Obelisk before you ask them all to teleport to one. Also note, I like to tell people in my group where to go using the following format "[Section] -> [Obelisk Name]" For instance. If I want to tell everyone in my group to go to the Tegashirg shrine. I say. '/g [Clockwork] -> [Shrine of Tegashirg]' And often repeat it 2-3 times to make sure their's no confusion. So far, this has worked out very well.

Now, that should cover all the basics of using Obelisks! Their's more in part 2 of my guide that is very important you should also read. It relates to Combat and Camping Obelisk's. Note, that information can be the difference of having an enjoyable experience, or a frustrating one.

14th November 2006, 12:46
Leyali's Guide to Obelisks, Part 2: Combat and Camping

This guide intends to teach you the details of Obelisks within the Labyrinth in relation to combat and the anti-Camping measures Mythic has put into place with them.

First of all, you should have read the first part of my Guide before touching this one. It's important you understand all the basics I brought up in part one such as group teleporting, the different sections of the Labyrinth and what is the Hub itself before moving on.

Now, for the most important and frustrating element about Obelisks you will no doubtlessly curse over every time you visit one.

=== You can NOT use an Obelisk while in combat. ===

That includes regular and Hub Obelisk's. And I use the term 'in combat' very liberally. If something does damage to you, if you're attacking someone else, if you've been debuffed, if something taunts you, if a DoT is ticking (Yes, every tick), if a mob looks at you cross eyed. All these things will put you into combat and you will NOT be able to use the Obelisk.

But you can still activate an Obelisk, (i.e. get quest credit to teleport to it) while in combat. But if you try to use it immediately after unlocking it, you need to be out of combat. Also note, You don't need to unlock a Obelisk to use it. But if you've already gone through the trouble of visiting it. You migth as well unlock it.

Now, if you're in a group, as long as someone in the group is not in combat, and then uses the Obelisk, your group will be teleported back to the Hub safely. So make sure someone stays out of combat! Remember, you remain in combat for up to 10 seconds after your last action. If you're being chased by mobs, you might have to kite them some time before you can use the Obelisk. And boy do the Mobs in the Labyrinth seem to throw instants out at you. Specialy Disease or Dots.

Now, one also has to note, that Obelisks have several anti-camping measures in place. The first of which, is the "nexus rift". Never, ever stand on top of an Obelisk. If you do, a small damage effect will tick every few seconds and do a trivial amount of damage but, this will prevent you from stealthing, Interrupt your casts and most importantly, prevent you from using the Obelisk.

So please, stay just a little distance away from the Obelisk before you use it. Else you'll have to wait 10 seconds before you can use it again.

The second, and most frustrating anti-camping measure is one around each Hub Obelisk. It's a Lightning attack that does moderate damage to anyone who stays around one of the Hub Obelisks for longer then 60 seconds. Yup, you heard me. When you visit/teleport/whatever a Hub Obelisk. You have 60 seconds to teleport out of there or move. If not, First you'll get a message stating it's not safe to stand where you are now.

You now have only a few seconds left before you will then get zapped by lightning.

To avoid the lightning you must move away from the Obelisk and be all the way down the stairs onto the lower platform at least. You will still get attacked by the lightning even on the stairs. So move fast. It hurts.

Once your attacked. You have to wait 60 seconds before you can move back to the obelisk again and try again. If you don't wait long enough, you'll get attacked again and have to wait another 60 seconds to try again. This is very, very frustrating to face, and can easly get you in trouble! But it's intended to prevent groups from camping the Hub Obelisks..

And it's also more complicated then that. If you port to the Hub, then run down the ramp, your timer does NOT reset. This means, it still expects you to make a choice in 60 seconds. Don't think that by going down to the lower platform that you can extend your time some because you can't. If you go back up, you'll most likely just get zapped again. So what I highly recommend is that you know exactly where you or your group is going and be very vocal about this to everyone. Give clear instructions before hand and then warp to the hub and quickly warp to your destination. Make sure nobody is AFK or not paying attention because this can be one of the most frustrating elements of the Obelisks and was the reason I started these guides. Please, make sure everyone moves swiftly and decisively to your destination. Hub Obelisks do not like people that linger at all. Once you manage to avoid these two obstacles, your Labyrinth experience will be a much more rewarding experience.

Well that's it for this guide. I wish all of you best of luck with the Expansion. Middy, Hibby and Alb alike. I know it's going to be a very frustrating few weeks for all of us up ahead. I just hope this guide can help make that transition a little easier. May the Aesir smile down on all of you.

14th November 2006, 15:22
non centra na sega ma visto ke e' il 3d + recente su lotm kiedo qua... c'e' gia il link x acquistare la CD kay immagino visto ke sta andando live in questo momento... mi date linc? mi fa fatica cerkare

14th November 2006, 15:29
non centra na sega ma visto ke e' il 3d + recente su lotm kiedo qua... c'e' gia il link x acquistare la CD kay immagino visto ke sta andando live in questo momento... mi date linc? mi fa fatica cerkare

io ho acquistato direttamente dalla schermata daoc iniziale, vai sul billing, c'è la sezione delle espansioni attivate, selezioni quella nuova e te la addebita sulla carta.

14th November 2006, 15:29
non centra na sega ma visto ke e' il 3d + recente su lotm kiedo qua... c'e' gia il link x acquistare la CD kay immagino visto ke sta andando live in questo momento... mi date linc? mi fa fatica cerkare

mi sa che semplicemente attivi l'espansione dalla sezione dell'account come per darkness rising

14th November 2006, 15:37
si ma se non la compro non salgon le cl?

14th November 2006, 15:39
si ma se non la compro non salgon le cl?

Direi di no.

14th November 2006, 15:39
si ma se non la compro non salgon le cl?

già, in più non so se hai lo slot per l'oggetto mitico..

14th November 2006, 16:01
già, in più non so se hai lo slot per l'oggetto mitico..

anche se hai lo slot dalla skin, non puoi mettere qualunque oggetto mitico, perchè partono dal presupposto che tu sia almeno cl6 (visto sul valmer)

14th November 2006, 16:01
si ma se non la compro non salgon le cl?

E come fanno a vendere l'espansione se salissero cmq le cl :rotfl: ?

14th November 2006, 16:44
boh ce speravo cmq ^^

14th November 2006, 17:18
ah imo kmq rr5 del mauler o la nerfano o la nerfano... c'e' gente ke ha un resurrect!

14th November 2006, 17:25
ah imo kmq rr5 del mauler o la nerfano o la nerfano... c'e' gente ke ha un resurrect!

Deve essere una figata :rotfl:

Io cmq non sono psicologicamente pronto allo zerg mostruoso previsto per le prossime 2 settimane cause nuove relic etc etc :cry:

14th November 2006, 17:32
gruppi d pver ke si gasano tantissimo prendono la reliquia poi eskono dal dg dopo tanto sudore tutti belli kon i loro rr2 e tanto di segnalino in mappa e si fanno asfaltare droppando pure reliquia... gia non so proprio pronto...

14th November 2006, 17:34
alla fine qual'è il prerequisito per potersi rollare un mauler?

sta cosa delle relic magari si evolve bene se è a misura di 1fg, vedremo

14th November 2006, 17:41
è a misura d 1fg... ce ne sono 3 tipi, fattibili in solo-duo e han effetto solo sul possessore, fattibili in 4-8 effetto di gruppo, fattibili in 8-16 effetto ad area.

non sarebbe stupido passare a prenderne qualcuna prima di partire x l'rvr il mio dilemma resta solo nel entrare e uscire dal DG perdendo i buff... alb ha 2 chierici hib 2 drood in set up, ma mid 1 shammo e deve pure fare 8 endo-.- 12 buff restanti 16 doppi da fare + gli acuty.. GG

14th November 2006, 17:45
il prb è che se hai na relik vieni periodicamente segnalato sulla mappa .... e se sei in una zona dove si fa 8v8 ti sputtana un po xke ci so le altre gank che te rivano addosso istant ... se sei in una zona incasinata ti arriva lo zerg a speed horse di continuo

14th November 2006, 17:48
cmq vieni segnalato in maniera pulsante, non sempre eh

14th November 2006, 18:02
... alb ha 2 chierici hib 2 drood in set up, ma mid 1 shammo e deve pure fare 8 endo-.- 12 buff restanti 16 doppi da fare + gli acuty.. GG

beh i druidi di solito non sono mai entrambi buff quindi contane 1, i chierici devono fare anche i base se non c'è prete... idem hib deve avere un warden che fa i base, lo shammy fa endo il druido fa haste e chierico fa af doppia... a conti fatti mid ha 3 buffer SEMPRE è il reame messo meglio da questo punto di vista

14th November 2006, 18:30
gruppi d pver ke si gasano tantissimo prendono la reliquia poi eskono dal dg dopo tanto sudore tutti belli kon i loro rr2 e tanto di segnalino in mappa e si fanno asfaltare droppando pure reliquia... gia non so proprio pronto...

macche' rank2... gli esterwind e compagnia briscola di hib zerger rr 12,11+ che prendon una ventina di relic+ le solite 6, voglio vedere come li fermi:nod:

14th November 2006, 19:50
sono relic ke kadono se esci da NF/slogghi/muori... non possono mica zerghare 24/7

14th November 2006, 19:52
non possono mica zerghare 24/7

nutro forti dubbi riguardo questa affermazione :rain:

14th November 2006, 19:59
che balle mi tocca comprarlo quindi?

cazzo dici pera, non vero l'ora di guidare i middi verso la vittoriahhh altro che 8v8 ad agramon!:kiss:

14th November 2006, 20:10
beh i druidi di solito non sono mai entrambi buff quindi contane 1, i chierici devono fare anche i base se non c'è prete... idem hib deve avere un warden che fa i base, lo shammy fa endo il druido fa haste e chierico fa af doppia... a conti fatti mid ha 3 buffer SEMPRE è il reame messo meglio da questo punto di vista

Su hib i singoli li fa il bardo eh, e non ci sarebbe nulla di strano se entrambi i drood hanno speccato buff a 39, il reame che sta messo meglio è proprio hib

Mid avra' un raffo per i singoli, lo shammo per i doppi incluso end, ergo suka

Alb sta nel mezzo...

baku :kiss:

Edit: nulla toglie che i pg che possono swithcare gemma si portino dietro un item a cariche con un buff spec (ad esempio il ring of champion) e usarlo con lo stardrop (un po' uno sbatti ma risolve)

14th November 2006, 20:14
si in effetti è uno sbatti stare a swicciare item solo per i buff, personalmente giocherei solo druido/shammo/chierico sul classic:sneer:

14th November 2006, 20:25
avete già installato l espansione? penso che ora si potrebbe installarla

14th November 2006, 21:22
io installata kazzo mi inkula... ho anke gia portato di la tutte le barre d tutti i pg, il file keyboard e le custom UI:p

14th November 2006, 21:30
nvm risolto

14th November 2006, 21:34
ma lotm prende come file base quelli di dark rising,quindi le varie skin custom,configurazioni tasti ecc rimangono le stesse che hai impostato su dr

14th November 2006, 22:05
ma lotm prende come file base quelli di dark rising,quindi le varie skin custom,configurazioni tasti ecc rimangono le stesse che hai impostato su dr


14th November 2006, 22:29
si ma io DR lo ho installato 1 set fa solo x cambiare colore delle armi al svg dopo aver formattato... mai + loggato dopo aver komperato i kolori