View Full Version : 2K Games - Volete Bioshock Collector's Edition? Firmate qui

29th March 2007, 11:59
On Cultofrapture.com, the official 2K Games website for BioShock, a community manager says that 5,000 signatures on an online petition may be enough to make it happen.

Elizabeth Tobey of 2K writes:

"I've had quite a few people ask me if there will be a BioShock collector's edition. Then, today, an enterprising fan made a petition asking 2K to make one. So I talked with some people who were older and wiser than me, and pled the case of the fans. And if we get 5000 signatures on this petition, I have gotten word that they'll make a limited edition of BioShock.

So what do you say? Think we can do it? Think we can get 5000 signatures?

I think we can."

beh, in sostanza dice che se in 5000 firmano la petizione, รจ molto probabile che decideranno di creare una limited collector's edition di bioshock per x360 e pc. ergo, firmate e non rompete i coglioni.

link: http://www.petitiononline.com/bioshock/

fonte: altro forum

firmate e non rompete i coglioni.


29th March 2007, 12:00
le collector costano troppo :nod:

29th March 2007, 12:04
ma lol, gli bastano solo 5k firme per fare una collector's? a sto punto la facciano e basta!