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View Full Version : domanda scudo piccolo/grande

29th May 2007, 18:00
alcuni dicono che si para uguale (fino a 3 nemici) altri no.. qualcuno sa per certo qualcosa ? (plz gente ke nn sa un cazzo ke spara random per sentito dire nn posti )

Juha Lightbringer
29th May 2007, 18:11

Your chance to block is affected by the number of attackers, the size of the shield you're using, and your spec in block.

Shield% = (5% + 0.5% * Shield)

Small Shield = 1 attacker

Medium Shield = 2 attackers

Large Shield = 3 attacker

Each attacker above these numbers will reduce your chance to block.

From Grab Bag: "Dual wielders throw an extra wrinkle in. You have half the chance of shield blocking a dual wielder as you do a player using only one weapon. Your chance to parry is halved if you are facing a two handed weapon, as opposed to a one handed weapon."

Block: (((Dex*2)-100)/40)+(Shield/2)+(Mastery of Blocking * 3)+5. < Possible relation to buffs

tratto da questo sito http://roclar.net/DAoC/info.php#Defense, semi gemellato con quello di spydor. direi abbastanza attendibile quindi.

29th May 2007, 19:17
questo lo dovrebbero aver tolto qualche patch fa
From Grab Bag: "Dual wielders throw an extra wrinkle in. You have half the chance of shield blocking a dual wielder as you do a player using only one weapon. Your chance to parry is halved if you are facing a two handed weapon, as opposed to a one handed weapon."

29th May 2007, 19:42
sì lo hanno tolto

29th May 2007, 21:56
Quando giocavo il war switchavo tra scudo piccolo e grande a seconda se ero in attacco o in BG...