View Full Version : TP Druido

4th June 2007, 14:34
Penso di usare questo sul druido, nn e' male sia come resist che come stat e bonus toa, il pp magari poteva essere pompato di +, ma con il greater mythiriarn penso che vada bene cmq

LOKI Build Report
Class: Druid
Level: 50

Dual Wield
Item Utility: 729.7
Build Utility: 789.7
Useable Utility: 789.0
TOA Utility: 399.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Strength: 0/75
Constitution: 81/80
Dexterity: 101/101
Quickness: 0/75
Intelligence: 0/75
Piety: 0/75
Charisma: 0/75
Empathy: 101/101
Hits: 300/312
Power: 0/35

Body: 20/26
Cold: 23/26
Heat: 20/26
Energy: 26/26
Matter: 25/26
Spirit: 26/26+5
Crush: 26/26+2
Thrust: 26/26
Slash: 26/26+3

Nature Affinity: 6/11
Nurture: 6/11
Regrowth: 6/11

Cap Increase
Constitution: 5/26
Dexterity: 31/26
Empathy: 26/26
Hits: 112/200
Power: 10/50

TOA Bonus
Armour Factor: 22/50
Power Pool: 36/35
Buff Effectiveness: 5/25
Healing Effectiveness: 25/25
Casting Speed: 9/10
Spell Range: 8/10

Chest (Shadow-bound Hauberk):
Imbue: 18.0
ALL magic skills: 4
Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
Healing Effectiveness: 6
Acuity (Cap Increase): 5
Power Pool: 6
Acuity: 9
Utility: 26.0
TOA Utility: 44.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Arms (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
Constitution: 28
Empathy: 19
Heat: 9%
Thrust: 5%
Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
Utility: 59.3
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Head (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 99)
Constitution: 28
Dexterity: 28
ALL magic skills: 1
Slash: 9%
Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
Utility: 60.3
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Legs (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
Cold: 9%
Energy: 9%
Empathy: 16
Matter: 9%
Acuity (Cap Increase): 5
Utility: 64.7
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Hands (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
Constitution: 25
Hits: 68
Crush: 5%
Cold: 9%
Healing Effectiveness: 5
Utility: 61.7
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Feet (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
ALL magic skills: 1
Energy: 11%
Dexterity: 22
Hits: 76
Power Pool: 5
Utility: 60.7
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Hand (Dochar Druid Blade):
Imbue: 0.0
Dexterity (Cap Increase): 4
Healing Effectiveness: 6
Acuity (Cap Increase): 4
Casting Speed: 4
Power (Cap Increase): 5
Power Pool: 6
Spell Range: 4
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 90.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Hand (Scudo Ciclope):
Imbue: 30.0
Body: 5%
Cold: 5%
Spirit: 5%
Heat: 5%
Matter: 5%
Hits: 40
Armour Factor: 8
Hits (Cap Increase): 32
Utility: 60.0
TOA Utility: 16.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Neck (Paidrean Necklace):
Imbue: 45.0
Body: 10%
Spirit: 10%
Crush: 10%
Thrust: 10%
Utility: 80.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Cloak (Cloudsong):
Imbue: 8.0
Armour Factor: 8
Buff Effectiveness: 5
Acuity (Cap Increase): 5
Casting Speed: 5
Power (Cap Increase): 5
Power Pool: 5
Acuity: 12
Utility: 8.0
TOA Utility: 73.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Jewel (Egg of Youth):
Imbue: 24.0
Crush: 5%
Thrust: 5%
Slash: 5%
Hits: 32
Healing Effectiveness: 8
Hits (Cap Increase): 40
Acuity: 12
Utility: 46.0
TOA Utility: 26.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Belt (Woven Hair of Malamis):
Imbue: 15.0
Dexterity: 15
Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
Acuity (Cap Increase): 7
Power Pool: 8
Acuity: 15
Utility: 20.0
TOA Utility: 42.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Ring (Malevolent Darkspire Adroit Ring):
Imbue: 27.5
Dexterity: 18
Heat: 6%
Crush: 6%
Hits: 44
Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
Armour Factor: 6
Utility: 47.0
TOA Utility: 18.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Ring (Amanita's Ring of Underlings):
Imbue: 30.0
Energy: 6%
Matter: 6%
Spirit: 6%
Thrust: 6%
Slash: 6%
Utility: 60.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (Ceremonial Bracers):
Imbue: 22.0
Dexterity: 18
Slash: 6%
Hits: 40
Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
Hits (Cap Increase): 40
Utility: 34.0
TOA Utility: 20.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Wrist (Bracelet of Zo'arkat):
Imbue: 24.0
Body: 5%
Matter: 5%
Spirit: 5%
Power Pool: 6
Acuity: 18
Spell Range: 4
Utility: 42.0
TOA Utility: 32.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

edit: i bonus sui pezzi craftati sono quelli sono nn corrispondono ai pezzi :nod:

4th June 2007, 14:53
In usa c'è la 1,88, ma nella 1,70 si facevano tp migliori :sneer: cmq vedi il post di Ed86, appena più sotto.

4th June 2007, 14:58
gia visto hanno le resist a cazzo...giocando su mord meglio capparle che avere 10%pp in +, tanto con use di arma, pozze, mythirian ecc nn lo finisco

4th June 2007, 15:04
Si ma a parte il pool tu non cappi spell range, casting speed, buff bonus e cold/heat.... poi boh, sul pvp non ho idea come si gioca e che classi girano maggiormente.
L'ep poi serve sia come parziale "ip" sia come recupero ottimo di mana in caso di ress... cmq hai chiesto un parere e ti ho dato il mio, liberissimo di non condividerlo :D

4th June 2007, 18:46
Questo come ve pare?

Strength: 0/75
Constitution: 80/80
Dexterity: 102/101
Empathy: 103/101
Hits: 320/324

Body: 26/26
Cold: 25/26
Heat: 25/26
Energy: 20/26
Matter: 5/26
Spirit: 11/26+5
Crush: 23/26+2
Thrust: 26/26
Slash: 23/26+3

TOA Bonus
Armour Factor: 8/50
Power Pool: 45/50
Buff Effectiveness: 26/25
Healing Effectiveness: 24/25
Spell Duration: 16/25
Casting Speed: 11/10
Spell Range: 13/10

Ha tutti gli artefatti soliti solo nn sfrutta le epiche e ho un dubbio lo slot dello scudo posso metterci + 5cap dex?

4th June 2007, 18:52
Si lo scudo puoi craftarlo con +5 cap dex; cmq come stat (o meglio, resist) del tp preferisco quello di flow nell'altro 3d.

4th June 2007, 19:02
Co 5 pezzi craft sulle resist ci si può sbizzarrire :D ^^