View Full Version : Pokemons are real !

29th March 2008, 15:55
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esempi di testimonianze dirette

I just finished writing the fifth chapter of my fanfic, and it made me realize something. Life is really hard for us. I KNOW pokemon are real in our world, and I definitely know they exist in another world somewhere because everything does, it's called many worlds theory, but so few people in this world believe in them! People believe in god and that's okay, in ghosts and aliens and thats okay, but we can't believe in Pokemon?! It's not fair at all! Also, I know that there's a lot of violence and unfairness in this world. I just wish we could all go, us true believers, to the pokemon world and be friends with our pokemon like we want to, instead of having to live here and be made fun of and mistreated. I'm crying as I write this so forgive any misspellings.

My parents sent me to a therapist who pretended to be my friend but betrayed me by giving me pills that stopped my visions of Pokemon! But now that I'm 23, I stopped taking those evil pills and I'm starting to see the Pokemon once again!

My advice is that if he tries to give you pills, accept them, but do not take them. My parents stil think I'm on mine!

i know what you mean, people pick on me all the time just because i believe in pokemon.

i used to get beat up almost every day, and even teachers made fun of me

but i know everything will be alright in the end, some day we will go to the pokemon world, and all the bad things will stop.

While I do agree that it could be another dimension, I also have a theory that the government is hiding Pokemon and using them for their evil causes. Electricity can't come from nothing, it most definitely comes from a Piakchu or a Voltorb.

Water can't come from nothing either, it probably comes from Squirtle Squads or something. When it rains, it's a Blastoise in mating season spraying its Hydro Pumps.

That's just my theory though. (Casini non ha capito un cazzo. altro che il federalismo nucleare. ci vogliono un esercito di pikachu attaccati ai generatori)

e per finire, obligatory pic


29th March 2008, 16:03

29th March 2008, 16:49

29th March 2008, 16:54

Non è che ti interesserebbe andare da ste parti?

Facciam colletta per il biglietto :rain:

29th March 2008, 16:55
eh bè...stiamo diventando sempre più idioti.

29th March 2008, 17:26
C'è chi crede ai pokèmon e chi ai santi e le madonne :sneer:

29th March 2008, 17:36