View Full Version : Vendo 4 Account WoW Warrior70, Paladin70, Hunter70, Shaman70

13th May 2008, 20:17
Ciao a tutti!
Vendo i seguenti account WoW, oppure scambio 1 o più account con Druido Balance Ally ben equippato:
1) Level 70 Male Night Elf Warrior Fury (Server Lightbringer PVE – Transfer up il 04/06/2008)
Head: Helm of the Illidari Shatterer
Neck: Shattered Sun Pendant of Might
Shoulders: Mantle of Darkness
Back: Shadowmoon Destroyer’s Drape
Chest: Heartshatter Breastplate
Wrist: Bracers of Eradication
Hand: Grips of Silent Justice
Waist: Red Belt of Battle
Legs: Leggings of Divine Retribution
Feet: Dreadboots of the Legion
Finger 1: Ring of a Thousand Marks
Finger 2: Angelista’s Revenge
Trinket 1: Shard of Contempt
Trinket 2: Bloodlust Brooch
Main Hand: Netherbane
Off Hand: Swiftsteel Bludgeon
Thrown: Twisted Blades of Zarak

Power: 2004 – Hit Rating: 221 – Crit: 33,47%
Profession: Mining 375/375 Blacksmithing 375/375
Mount Volante Epica: Netherwing Drake
Più una marea di cose in banca tra cui pezzi del T6 e Spada Archimonde
Tutti i dati dell’account con cd key, domanda segreta, possibilità di cambio email e documento identità
Prezzo: 200 euro
2) Level 70 Female Dwarf Paladin Protection (Server Lightbringer PVE – Transfer up il 04/06/2008)
Head: Tankatronic Goggles
Neck: Barbed Choker of Discipline
Shoulders: Justicar Shoulderguards
Back: Slikk’s Cloak of Placation
Chest: Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian
Wrist: Vambracers of Courage
Hand: Justicar Handguards
Waist: Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable
Legs: Unwavering Legguards
Feet: Jungle Stompers
Finger 1: Shermanar Great-Ring
Finger 2: Violet Signet of the Great Protector
Trinket 1: Commendation of Kael’thas
Trinket 2: Moroes’ Lucky Pocket Watch
Main Hand: Gladiator’s Gavel
Off Hand: Sunward Crest
Relic: Libram of Repentance

Armor 16433 – Health 14987 – Gold 1940
Profession: Engineering 364/375 Herbalism 225/300
Mount Volante ed Equip Epico da Holy sia PVP che PVE
Tutti i dati dell’account con cd key, domanda segreta, possibilità di cambio email e documento identità
Prezzo: 100 euro
3) Level 70 Female Night Elf Hunter Beast Mastery (Server Crushridge PVP Transfer up il 15/05/2008)

Head: Helm of Desolation
Neck: Worgen Claw Necklace
Shoulders: Beastmaw Pauldrons
Back: Vengeance Wrap
Chest: Chestguard of the Conniver
Wrist: Stalker’s War Bands
Hand: Gloves of Quickening
Waist: Girdle of the Prowler
Legs: Demon Stalker Greaves
Feet: Fiend Slayer Boots
Finger 1: Violet Signet of the Master Assassin
Finger 2: Band of the Exorcist
Trinket 1: Bloodlust Brooch
Trinket 2: Hourglass of the Unraveller
Main Hand: Stellaris
Off Hand: Gladiator’s Quickblade
Ranged: Steelhawk Crossbow
Hit Rating 170 – Ranged Attack Power 1747
Profession: Jewelcrafting 375/375 Mining 375/375
Mount Epica Volante
Tutti i dati dell’account con cd key, domanda segreta, possibilità di cambio email e documento identità
Prezzo: 100 euro
4) Level 70 Male Draenei Shaman Elemental (Server Daggerspine PVP Transfer up il 30/05/2008)

Head: Cyclone Faceguard
Neck: Shattered Sun Pendant of Acumen
Shoulders: Cyclone Shoulderguards
Back: Shadow-Cloak of Dalaran
Chest: Hauberk of the Furious Elements
Wrist: Harbringer Bands
Hand: Cyclone Handguards
Waist: Monsoon Belt
Legs: Stormsong Kilt
Feet: Treads of Booming Thunder
Finger 1: Ring of Recurrence
Finger 2: Violet Sign of the Archmage
Trinket 1: Airman’s Ribbon of Gallantry
Trinket 2: Xi’ri’s Gift
Main Hand: Hammer of Judgement
Off Hand: Mazthoril Honor Shield
Relic: Skycall Totem
Bonus Damage 906 – Crit 20,85% - Mana 9833 – Gold 3570
Profession: Jewelcrafting 378/375 Mining 375/375
Mount Volante Epica: Purple Riding Nether Ray
Tutti i dati dell’account con cd key, domanda segreta, possibilità di cambio email
Prezzo: 130 euro

14th May 2008, 08:08

14th May 2008, 23:24
upp shammy non più disponibile! Rimangono warrior, hunter e pally!

16th May 2008, 10:33

17th May 2008, 15:49

18th May 2008, 10:24