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26th June 2008, 11:19
26th of June - Update Notes

Player Character


* The bonus magical damage granted from Mystical Attunement has been doubled for Mages.
* Spells that were incorrectly receiving bonuses from increased magical damage will no longer scale with increased magical damage. This adjustment will only affect such spells that were not meant to have scaling with the increased magical damage bonus. This resolves issues with enhancement spells like "Pact with Set" where the health loss was too high for the trade off for the bonus to damage.


* An issue where Barbarians lose strength between the levels of 42 and 45 has been resolved. Please note that this is only between those specific levels.


* Infernal Knowledge and Diabolic Insight will no longer appear as hostile spells and will still persist after death.


* The bonus gained from magical damage has been increased on all damage-over-time (DoT) spells.
* Despoil the Soul duration has been substantially increased and is no longer removed on death.
* Frost Blast's area-of-effect (AoE) has been changed to be a 90 degree cone in front of the caster.
* Shatter now additionally works on targets affected by Frost Blast and Ice Shackle.
* Dark Knowledge and Vile Insight will no longer appear as hostile spells and will still persist after death.
* Mark of the Devourer duration has been reduced to 60 seconds.


* Raid-level bows and crossbows for Rangers have been corrected to add ranged DPS instead of melee DPS.


* Active blocking has been revamped to bring it back in line with the original design. Active blocking will now correctly display a buff in the debuff GUI to indicate the effect. You will now have an initial stamina cost upon activation and shielding bonus rather than evade chance. Attacks and heals performed while in “Active Blocking” will also have a reduced effect.
* Certain group buffs should no longer keep you in combat when your pets are also in the group.
* Melee pets will now do splash damage.


* Bags that were not able to be equipped can now be equipped again.-
* The two-handed edged weapon Earthwrack has now received its visual appearance back.
* Exaltate's Girdle, Exaltate's Armbands, and Hellbreaker Hammer will now appear correctly.
* Javelins have been revamped based on player feedback. The length of all current javelins will now be of decent length. All javelins have also received some adjustments to the throwing and holding animations, as well adjusted so all characters correctly hold the javelin by the shaft.
* Polearms have been revamped based on player feedback. All polearms have been standardized to a new larger size.


* Solo monsters, minibosses and bosses have been adjusted to be more of a challenge than what they had been previously for level 70 and up. The adjustments will not affect grouped and raid monsters in any way as this will only affect solo monsters. The change will ensure that the game is both entertaining and challenging at higher levels.
* All players in a raid dungeon are now hated by the boss while the boss is under attack.
* There should no longer be multiple versions of Aquilus in the Armsmans Tavern.
* Champion of the Honorguard will now use his axe throw ability less frequently.
* The adds for Vistrix and Yakhmars have had their AI revamped.

Massive PvP

* Battlekeep owners should now be able to apply to attack other battlekeeps without any problems.


* You should now once again be able cast spells while mounted. There will be some limitations on which spells and which type of spells you're able to cast.


* Raid playfields should now properly reset correctly.

The Black Castle

* This Kopshef Province dungeon has been completely redone. We encourage you to pay it a visit. Overcome the challenging new encounters along side with your companions and reap the rewards. This group instance is aimed for characters in the 30 - 35 level range.


* Kidnapping and Torture: You can no longer interact with the palisades while the NPC is burning. This should help make it clearer when the quest can be completed.
* Ante Up - Giants Approaching: When the timer expires you should be able to interact with the Rock to restart the event.
* Master of Gargoyles: Cha will now thank you for completing the quest.
* Bowls of Set: The quest should now properly display the goal names.
* The Honoured Dead of Cimmeria: This quest has been removed and revamped into 4 smaller quests with new rewards. The new quests are "The Honoured Dead I," "The Honoured Dead II," "The Honoured Dead III," and "The Honoured Dead IV."


* Opening Alchemy Tradeskill book should no longer crash the client.
* All vendor-supplied tradeskill resources have had their max stack size set to 20, with the exception of city-building components from vendors which have the max stack size of 1000
* Mages and Priest mobs will now drop an Alchemists Cache randomly, which contains random resources for the level-range where it was found. This will make it possible to obtain the resources that have not been dropping for alchemy.
* All crafted shields will now have gem slots.


* You may now limit particles to show on (All / Raid Members / Team Members / Self).
* Particle effects and banners for PvP building have been optimized.
* The client should now disconnect from the chat server after camping.
* Cimmerian and male Stygian dancers beware - dancing near the edges of tall cliffs may be fatal to your health.
* Characters will no longer slide when jumping and then moving as you're landing.

26th June 2008, 11:29
Direi niente di eccezionale.
Anzi direi che son deluso :bored:

Quando mettono gli npc nelle città di gilda? ^.^

26th June 2008, 11:34
quando tornano a far qualcosa sul povero demo?qqqqqqq

26th June 2008, 12:04
26th of June - Update Notes
Player Character
* The bonus magical damage granted from Mystical Attunement has been doubled for Mages.
* Spells that were incorrectly receiving bonuses from increased magical damage will no longer scale with increased magical damage. This adjustment will only affect such spells that were not meant to have scaling with the increased magical damage bonus. This resolves issues with enhancement spells like "Pact with Set" where the health loss was too high for the trade off for the bonus to damage.
* An issue where Barbarians lose strength between the levels of 42 and 45 has been resolved. Please note that this is only between those specific levels.
* Infernal Knowledge and Diabolic Insight will no longer appear as hostile spells and will still persist after death.
* The bonus gained from magical damage has been increased on all damage-over-time (DoT) spells.
* Despoil the Soul duration has been substantially increased and is no longer removed on death.
* Frost Blast's area-of-effect (AoE) has been changed to be a 90 degree cone in front of the caster.
* Shatter now additionally works on targets affected by Frost Blast and Ice Shackle.
* Dark Knowledge and Vile Insight will no longer appear as hostile spells and will still persist after death.
* Mark of the Devourer duration has been reduced to 60 seconds.
* Raid-level bows and crossbows for Rangers have been corrected to add ranged DPS instead of melee DPS.
* Active blocking has been revamped to bring it back in line with the original design. Active blocking will now correctly display a buff in the debuff GUI to indicate the effect. You will now have an initial stamina cost upon activation and shielding bonus rather than evade chance. Attacks and heals performed while in “Active Blocking” will also have a reduced effect.
* Certain group buffs should no longer keep you in combat when your pets are also in the group.
* Melee pets will now do splash damage.
* Bags that were not able to be equipped can now be equipped again.-
* The two-handed edged weapon Earthwrack has now received its visual appearance back.
* Exaltate's Girdle, Exaltate's Armbands, and Hellbreaker Hammer will now appear correctly.
* Javelins have been revamped based on player feedback. The length of all current javelins will now be of decent length. All javelins have also received some adjustments to the throwing and holding animations, as well adjusted so all characters correctly hold the javelin by the shaft.
* Polearms have been revamped based on player feedback. All polearms have been standardized to a new larger size.
* Solo monsters, minibosses and bosses have been adjusted to be more of a challenge than what they had been previously for level 70 and up. The adjustments will not affect grouped and raid monsters in any way as this will only affect solo monsters. The change will ensure that the game is both entertaining and challenging at higher levels.
* All players in a raid dungeon are now hated by the boss while the boss is under attack.
* There should no longer be multiple versions of Aquilus in the Armsmans Tavern.
* Champion of the Honorguard will now use his axe throw ability less frequently.
* The adds for Vistrix and Yakhmars have had their AI revamped.
Massive PvP
* Battlekeep owners should now be able to apply to attack other battlekeeps without any problems.
* You should now once again be able cast spells while mounted. There will be some limitations on which spells and which type of spells you're able to cast.
* Raid playfields should now properly reset correctly.
The Black Castle
* This Kopshef Province dungeon has been completely redone. We encourage you to pay it a visit. Overcome the challenging new encounters along side with your companions and reap the rewards. This group instance is aimed for characters in the 30 - 35 level range.
* Kidnapping and Torture: You can no longer interact with the palisades while the NPC is burning. This should help make it clearer when the quest can be completed.
* Ante Up - Giants Approaching: When the timer expires you should be able to interact with the Rock to restart the event.
* Master of Gargoyles: Cha will now thank you for completing the quest.
* Bowls of Set: The quest should now properly display the goal names.
* The Honoured Dead of Cimmeria: This quest has been removed and revamped into 4 smaller quests with new rewards. The new quests are "The Honoured Dead I," "The Honoured Dead II," "The Honoured Dead III," and "The Honoured Dead IV."
* Opening Alchemy Tradeskill book should no longer crash the client.
* All vendor-supplied tradeskill resources have had their max stack size set to 20, with the exception of city-building components from vendors which have the max stack size of 1000
* Mages and Priest mobs will now drop an Alchemists Cache randomly, which contains random resources for the level-range where it was found. This will make it possible to obtain the resources that have not been dropping for alchemy.
* All crafted shields will now have gem slots.
* You may now limit particles to show on (All / Raid Members / Team Members / Self).
* Particle effects and banners for PvP building have been optimized.
* The client should now disconnect from the chat server after camping.
* Cimmerian and male Stygian dancers beware - dancing near the edges of tall cliffs may be fatal to your health.
* Characters will no longer slide when jumping and then moving as you're landing.

logga che dobbiamof are le catacombs per i pg piccoli ^^:rotfl:

26th June 2008, 12:11
logga che dobbiamof are le catacombs per i pg piccoli ^^:rotfl:

ahahahahahaha :banana:

26th June 2008, 12:20
nelle note ci manca che ogni 15 secondi ti costringono a crashare in massa

26th June 2008, 12:40
E' il delirio.
Ogni volta che un mob droppa uno dei reagenti appena implementati per Alchemy il server crasha. I mob sono diventati più forti.
Il forum ufficiale è un whine unico :sneer:

26th June 2008, 12:48
quando droppa reagenti? ma che a me ogni 15 secondi esatti crasha e nn sono solo io ma una gilda intera

26th June 2008, 12:51
bo io ho giocato quasi 1 oretta e non sono mai crashato

26th June 2008, 12:57
quando droppa reagenti? ma che a me ogni 15 secondi esatti crasha e nn sono solo io ma una gilda intera

Eh si vede che ogni 15 secondi droppa un reagente/killano quel mob.

@Mc: A quanto leggo dai forum "dovrebbe" dipendere dalla zona... Mah, sono solamente voci.

26th June 2008, 13:07
ma ceh zona sono crashato al distretto.... a kheshatta.... e tutti glia ltri in altre zone cade porprio il server PZ!!!!

26th June 2008, 14:01
* The Honoured Dead of Cimmeria: This quest has been removed and revamped into 4 smaller quests with new rewards. The new quests are "The Honoured Dead I," "The Honoured Dead II," "The Honoured Dead III," and "The Honoured Dead IV."

Domanda,ma a me che mancano gli ultimi due boss,me la devo rifare daccapo? Sti mongoflettici mi hanno annullato le kill di tutto ieri sera che ho faticosamente fatto mentre orde di altrettanti mongoflettici mi farmavano il campo?:swear:

26th June 2008, 14:03
-.- bah

26th June 2008, 14:33
ma ceh zona sono crashato al distretto.... a kheshatta.... e tutti glia ltri in altre zone cade porprio il server PZ!!!!


GODI! :nod:

"Since the patch this morning we are having an issues with gameservers crashing frequently and we are aware of this problem and are working on a fix as fast as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks for your patience.

We will keep you updated in this thread."

26th June 2008, 15:19
bella patch so crashato tipo 5 volte in 15 min.. ho rosicato e quittato -.-

26th June 2008, 17:09
mazza o,ma il pvp gear?:sneer: spero in lunedì.

26th June 2008, 17:28
Merda qui siamo alla frutta :rotfl:

Step 1: Patch Up, crash continui.

Step 2: Ore di crash senza informazioni da parte degli admin.

Step 3: Eureka! Si scopre che il problema è causato dalle cose dell'Alchemist implementate il giorno stesso; patapam, giù i server, il fix sembra imminente.

Step 4: Server tornano up; gli admin trionfanti annunciano la ritrovata stabilità dei server.

Step 5: I Crash continuano.

Step 6: Gli admin si scusano e ammettono che i fix hanno causato un ulteriore instabilità, conseguentemente i server vanno nuovamente down.

26th June 2008, 17:36
e questo?lol


- The Level 40 talent in the Barbarian Tree "Cyclone of Razors" has been changed from 5-points for 28% Damage to 5-points for 10% Damage

26th June 2008, 17:38
e questo?lol
- The Level 40 talent in the Barbarian Tree "Cyclone of Razors" has been changed from 5-points for 28% Damage to 5-points for 10% Damage

Giustissimo nerf, era veramente senza senso quel coso.

26th June 2008, 17:40
Merda qui siamo alla frutta :rotfl:

Step 1: Patch Up, crash continui.

Step 2: Ore di crash senza informazioni da parte degli admin.

Step 3: Eureka! Si scopre che il problema è causato dalle cose dell'Alchemist implementate il giorno stesso; patapam, giù i server, il fix sembra imminente.

Step 4: Server tornano up; gli admin trionfanti annunciano la ritrovata stabilità dei server.

Step 5: I Crash continuano.

Step 6: Gli admin si scusano e ammettono che i fix hanno causato un ulteriore instabilità, conseguentemente i server vanno nuovamente down.


Vabbe da informatico li capisco troppo ... aggiungi una cosa e ne rompi altre 10 :rotfl:

26th June 2008, 18:37
e questo?lol
- The Level 40 talent in the Barbarian Tree "Cyclone of Razors" has been changed from 5-points for 28% Damage to 5-points for 10% Damage
e pd...oh come mi faccio un pg lo nerfano :rotfl:

26th June 2008, 18:40
e pd...oh come mi faccio un pg lo nerfano :rotfl:

se quando attraversi la strada ad i bordi vedi i gatti neri che si toccano le palle evidentemente c'e' un collegamento :sneer:

26th June 2008, 18:48
bello sto gioco..ma è la open beta questa si?:point::sneer:

26th June 2008, 19:27
bello sto gioco..ma è la open beta questa si?:point::sneer:
a quanto pare si :sneer:

26th June 2008, 19:31
in effetti inizia ad essere abbastanza vergognoso.

26th June 2008, 19:58
Vabbe da informatico li capisco troppo ... aggiungi una cosa e ne rompi altre 10 :rotfl:
Si' ma da informatico la roba non la dai da testare direttamente al cliente :rotfl:

26th June 2008, 20:02
Il mio account rimarrà frozen per un bel po mi sa.

26th June 2008, 20:06
Si' ma da informatico la roba non la dai da testare direttamente al cliente :rotfl:

se sei un informatico e lavori su un mmorpg è proprio questo il bello , ed il cliente paga e rinnova pure :lol:

27th June 2008, 08:46
Vabbe da informatico li capisco troppo ... aggiungi una cosa e ne rompi altre 10 :rotfl:

Se un applicativo bancario fatto da noi lo fo testare al cliente, tempo zero mi ritrovo a mendicare spicci ai semafori, salvo poi essere messo dentro perchè a firenze un si pole. :nod:

Manco Daoc ai tempi del cucco era no schifo così in termini di bug e problemi...

Sta Funcom di fun ha solo il modo con cui gestiscono il gioco e la clientela.

Sto leggendo i forum...per un 90% son lamentele :sneer:

Mi sa..che ho fatto bene a non spenderci manco 1min su sto gioco...e manco 1€ :nod:

Sarei curioso di vedere in quanti lo giocano e la curva di declino del primo rinnovo...

27th June 2008, 09:04
PS danno un giorno in omaggio.

Per il discorso 90% di lamentele ricordo sempre che se le cose vanno bene ho meno interesse di scrivere un post rispetto a che vanno male... oltre ad essere sicuramente più diffuso la patologia catastrofista del "non funziona niente.... ".

Personalmente sono nel intervallo 60-65 come livello ed escluso ieri sera, il rapporto divertimento/"cose non funzionano" è nettamente ad andamento positivo.

Si può migliorare certo, leggo quali possono essere i problemi riscontrati da altri ma come al solito mi vengono dubbi sull'obiettività di certi discorsi.

Io rinnovo e lo scrivo non perchè possa fregare qualcuno ma proprio per quello che dice Shub del 90% che indicano solo cose che non vanno

27th June 2008, 09:13
PS danno un giorno in omaggio.
Per il discorso 90% di lamentele ricordo sempre che se le cose vanno bene ho meno interesse di scrivere un post rispetto a che vanno male... oltre ad essere sicuramente più diffuso la patologia catastrofista del "non funziona niente.... ".
Personalmente sono nel intervallo 60-65 come livello ed escluso ieri sera, il rapporto divertimento/"cose non funzionano" è nettamente ad andamento positivo.
Si può migliorare certo, leggo quali possono essere i problemi riscontrati da altri ma come al solito mi vengono dubbi sull'obiettività di certi discorsi.
Io rinnovo e lo scrivo non perchè possa fregare qualcuno ma proprio per quello che dice Shub del 90% che indicano solo cose che non vanno
io uppo

27th June 2008, 09:24
Se un applicativo bancario fatto da noi lo fo testare al cliente, tempo zero mi ritrovo a mendicare spicci ai semafori, salvo poi essere messo dentro perchè a firenze un si pole. :nod:
Manco Daoc ai tempi del cucco era no schifo così in termini di bug e problemi...
Sta Funcom di fun ha solo il modo con cui gestiscono il gioco e la clientela.
Sto leggendo i forum...per un 90% son lamentele :sneer:
Mi sa..che ho fatto bene a non spenderci manco 1min su sto gioco...e manco 1€ :nod:
Sarei curioso di vedere in quanti lo giocano e la curva di declino del primo rinnovo...

Shubbolo fatto salvo che Microsoft fa da sempre più o meno così, rilasciando addirittura sys op che sono poco più di beta, la situazione di chi fa applicazioni coroporate è completamente diversa da quella di chi fa applicazioni per il mass market.

Se lavori in contesto corportate ci sono molte meno varibili... Un esempio per tutti, generalmente le macchine degli utenti sono macchine con caratteristiche standard sia a livello hw che a livello SW. SUl mass market non sai mai con che configurazioni HW SW ti vai a confrontare, quindi è più che normale che nei primi mesi dopo il rilascio ci sia una fase di assestamento...

Ripeto pensate ai service pack di microsoft.. a volte riscrivono ampie porzioni addirittura dei kernel ;)

27th June 2008, 09:36
PS danno un giorno in omaggio.
Per il discorso 90% di lamentele ricordo sempre che se le cose vanno bene ho meno interesse di scrivere un post rispetto a che vanno male... oltre ad essere sicuramente più diffuso la patologia catastrofista del "non funziona niente.... ".
Personalmente sono nel intervallo 60-65 come livello ed escluso ieri sera, il rapporto divertimento/"cose non funzionano" è nettamente ad andamento positivo.
Si può migliorare certo, leggo quali possono essere i problemi riscontrati da altri ma come al solito mi vengono dubbi sull'obiettività di certi discorsi.
Io rinnovo e lo scrivo non perchè possa fregare qualcuno ma proprio per quello che dice Shub del 90% che indicano solo cose che non vanno
Uppo abby