View Full Version : Careful with that axe eugene

4th September 2008, 13:10
Ciao, oggi riascoltando una delle mie canzoni preferite (appunto careful with that axe eugene, versione live at Pompeii), mi è ritornato un dubbio che mi tormentava spesso...
Quali sono le (poche) parole di questa canzone?
Ho provato a fare una ricerca, ma nada. :point:

4th September 2008, 14:13
primo risultato di google per "Careful with that axe eugene lyric"

Down, down. Down, down. The star is screaming.
Beneath the lies. Lie, lie. Tschay, tschay, tschay.
[sound of Waters blowing into the microphone]
[light screaming from Waters]
Careful, careful, careful with that axe, Eugene.
[very loud and prolonged scream]
[another very loud and prolonged scream]
[Waters blowing into the microphone]
[light screaming from Waters]
The stars are screaming loud.
[low groaning sound from Waters]

è stato difficilerrimo >.<


4th September 2008, 14:18
primo risultato di google per "Careful with that axe eugene lyric"
Down, down. Down, down. The star is screaming.
Beneath the lies. Lie, lie. Tschay, tschay, tschay.
[sound of Waters blowing into the microphone]
[light screaming from Waters]
Careful, careful, careful with that axe, Eugene.
[very loud and prolonged scream]
[another very loud and prolonged scream]
[Waters blowing into the microphone]
[light screaming from Waters]
The stars are screaming loud.
[low groaning sound from Waters]
è stato difficilerrimo >.<

In effetti non ho mai provato scrivendo lyric :ach:

4th September 2008, 14:31
la magia dell'idioma straniero