View Full Version : War Rock...Problema

4th September 2008, 20:28
Qualcuno mi sa dire come mai mi da communication failure PB di merda?
Ho scaricato la nuova versione lanciato l'aggiornamento...nulla non funge , mi butta fuori dopo tot secondi.

5th September 2008, 08:33
Users that are getting kicked for "Service Communication Failure" (including the handshake failure type) have some other software that is blocking the PunkBuster services.

Some users have previously disabled the PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBsrtB.exe services in the past, and these services are now mandatory.

If the services are stopped/disabled, then PB will kick from this point forward.

Sometimes it is an anti-virus program (like an old version of McAfee Security Center), sometimes it is a personal firewall that are blocking the services. Any user who is getting kicked for this will have to stop whatever is blocking PB or configure the program to allow the two services.

The below link is a tool provided by PunkBuster that will help users who need to reinstall the services:


If the above PBSVC program does not pass all the tests, please ensure that any installed firewalls or other programs are not blocking the PnkBstrA/B services.

If that still does not do the trick, please open a ticket with PunkBuster here:
http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support.php and be sure to paste the log from the PBSVC program within the ticket, and EvenBalance support should be able to help you in identifying what programs are blocking the services.

5th September 2008, 20:00
Ok grazie 1000 .
Io uso AVG ed ho il router pensi che possano essere questi 2?