View Full Version : Stealthbomber/Sniper

11th April 2009, 16:04
Raga nessuno che usa stealthbomber o sniper? avrei bisogno di qualche consiglio

11th April 2009, 18:40
Per il bomber ti consiglio di cambiare nave :P

Per lo sniper, che ti serve?

12th April 2009, 12:29
come mai dici di cambiare nave? al momento con le skill che mi ritrovo posso guidare la manticora e da quello che ho visto in giro non sembra male.per la sniper ancora ci vorra' un po'...

12th April 2009, 14:04
Guarda purtroppo gli SB sono tra le navi (anzi, le navi) piu inutili. Sembrano forti su carta ma alla fine non valgono nulla. Il concept di un bomber è usare missili pesanti, che sono stati nerfati pesantemente tempo fa e quindi sukano di loro. Le bombe invece oltre a costare un fottio, sono praticamente inutilizzabili se non in suicide run (e anche suicidarsi è difficile)

Gli sniper son pressochè roba da gatecamp, poichè hanno un dps ridicolo per poter sparare a 250km (diciamo 100 dps contro i 450 di un setup close range) perciò la loro forza la fa il numero, e si vedono spesso in fleet battle

12th April 2009, 14:25
avevo sentito anche io questa storia del nerf ai missili...allora per ora giro in bomber ma punto a skillare per la sniper.i tuoi discorsi non mi hanno incoraggiato per nulla :D

12th April 2009, 14:49
Eh :P Meglio dire le cose come stanno!

12th April 2009, 14:54
secondo te qual è la migliore nave a cui puntare per avere un giusto compromesso in pvp sia in solo che in fleet?

12th April 2009, 15:09
Heavy assault cruiser per lavoro di solo o small gang.
Per solo c'è l'opzione interceptor o meglio ancora le force recon ships

In fleet grosse, sniper di solito sono le migliori, ma non con i missili.

13th April 2009, 10:16
mmm mi stai dando molto da pensare...credo che optero' per la sniper visto che sono quasi sempre in fleet.hai qualche spec da seguire?o un sito dove posso confrontare qualcosa?

13th April 2009, 16:48
Yes, vai su battleclinic.com che trovi di tutto! Oppure anche l'amico google mi ha fornito un sacco di setup decenti!

14th April 2009, 11:28
ok grazie di tutto :)

15th April 2009, 09:02
nuova patch
cose importanti: profondi cambiamenti alle navi ECM dei Caldari (meno range, + forza) e agli Stealth Bombers (ora possono montare Torpedoes e il costo delle bombe è diminuito)
Need for Speed
* Major market hubs will benefit from a significant increase in performance with changes to the client that result in fewer database calls and a more streamlined performance.
* The Falcon has gained one addition turret slot.
* A 10m3 drone bay / 10 mbit drone bandwidth has been added to the Falcon.
* The ECM Optimal Range bonus has been swapped for a 5% Rate of Fire bonus to Heavy and Heavy Assault launchers per Caldari cruiser skill level for the Rook.
* The ECM strength bonus has been increased to 30% per level on the Rook.
* A 25m3 drone bay / 25 mbit drone bandwidth has been added to the Rook.
* 100 base hit points have been added to the shield of the Rook.
* The ECM Optimal range bonus has been switched to a 5% Hybrid Damage bonus on the Falcon.
* The ECM strength bonus has been increased to 30% per recon ships skill level on the Falcon.
* The ECM Optimal Range bonus has been swapped for a 5% Rate of Fire bonus to Heavy and Heavy Assault launchers per Caldari cruiser skill level for the Rook.
* The ECM strength bonus has been increased to 30% per level on the Rook.
* The ECM optimal bonus has been switched to 20% ECM optimal and falloff range bonus per level for the Scorpion.
* The ECM strength bonus has been changed to 30% per level for the Widow
* Stealth Bombers have had their role refocused to be anti-battleship role. They now equip siege missile launchers and use torpedoes instead of cruise missiles which allow them to inflict large volley damage against big targets and gain the ability to equip a covert ops cloak so can warp around whilst cloaked. In addition bombs have been made cheaper and the bomb launcher can now be equipped in any of the bombers high slots along with other changes to aid them.
* Stealth Bombers now gain a bonus to fitting siege missile launchers instead of cruise missile launchers.
* Stealth Bombers can fit and use a covert ops cloak allowing them to warp whilst cloaked.
* Stealth Bombers now have a 15% bonus to damage for racial torpedoes per covert ops skill.
* Stealth Bombers now have a flight time and velocity bonus to torpedoes. The power grid and cpu fitting attributes have been adjusted for all Stealth Bombers.
* The base velocity of Stealth Bombers has been increased.
* Bomb launchers can now be fitted to any high slot on the bomber.
* Covert cynosural fields can now be activated in cynojammed systems allowing black ops ships to jump or bridge other covert ops ships into the cynojammed system.
* Black Ops ships have received an increase to their base scan resolution attribute allowing them to lock faster.
* Black Ops ships have gained +100m3 to their cargo bay.
* The Black Ops base jump fuel cost has been decreased from 400 to 300 units per light year.
* ECM Modules have had their base optimal and falloff ranges adjusted, the optimal range has been decreased whilst the falloff range has increased.
* Signal Distortion Amplifiers have been changed to provide a bonus to both ECM strength and optimal range and their bonuses adjusted accordingly.
* The Focused Warp Disruption script will no longer generate a visual bubble around a Heavy Interdictor as this was causing confusing. The script will still scramble within the correct area of effect.
Weapons & Ammunition
* The batch size of bombs has been increased to from 3 to 20 meaning new manufacturing jobs will be cheaper per unit bomb cost.
* Bomb velocity has been increased from 1250 to 2000 m/s.
* The price of the skill "Interdictors" has been reduced to 20 million ISK.
Market & Contracts
* Three new sub categories have been added to the market for Hull Upgrades. The new categories will be Expanded Cargoholds, Nanofiber Internal Structures and Reinforced Bulkheads. The new sub categories will mean that items in the Hull Upgrades section will no longer be jumbled together and will allow for easier browsing and purchases.
User Interface
* All linked tutorials will now say "wiki" as opposed to EVElopedia.
World Shaping
* Certain rare conditions could cause wormholes to spread unevenly, resulting in more wormholes than intended in some systems and less than intended in others. This has now been fixed and wormholes will be distributed much more evenly.
Need for Speed
* The jukebox and audio services have had unnecessary register notify messages removed. This fix means that unnecessary functions will no longer be called upon.
* The number of gas and ore sites in wormhole space has been reduced to remove unnecessary results in the scanner. The new system will have more concentrated gas and bigger asteroids in the remaining sites to compensate.
* The description of the Skiff has been corrected and will now state that "20% reduced chance of Mercoxit gas cloud forming per level ". A typographical error has also been corrected in the description.
* The skill loss applied when a Tech 3 ship is destroyed is now working correctly and will randomly remove one skill level of one of your active subsystem skills.
* The Tech 3 defensive sub-system bonus will now be applied correctly and will not be stacking penalized.
* Multiple ship descriptions have been tweaked in order to say what their skill-specific bonuses are in an easily understandable way
* The description of the Vagabond has had several grammatical errors corrected.
* All Black Ops battleships will now have their cloaking delay bonus set to five seconds.
* The corporate hangars for Capital ships such as the Rorqual, Orca or Carriers will now display the correct volume and will not allow or display overloaded hangars.
* Missing icons have been added to the "Show Info" option of Covert Jump Portal Generators and Covert Cyno Generators.
* ECCM modules will now display an effect when activated.
* Cloaking devices will now work correctly within gas clouds. Warping into a gas environment with a covert ops ship will not cause a forced de-cloaking. It should be noted that missions in which clouds cause damage, such as Recon 3 of 3, will still damage covert ops or cloaked ships as intended.
* The description of all Nosferatu modules will now state "Note: a Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor percentage level."
* The description of the triage module has been changed to state that the bonus only applies to capital repair modules.
* The sound effects for energy neutralizers will now be played correctly instead of being stuck in a constant repeat.
* The Drone Durability Enhancer Rig now displays the correct attributes and enhancements.
* Bonuses will be correctly displayed for all missile rigs.
Weapons & Ammunition
* Text stating "The delicate crystalline structures used in the manufacture of this advanced crystal degrade with use, eventually causing it to shatter." has been added to the description of all published T2 and faction crystals.
* Sorting probes by ID number will now correctly list them from 1-10 or 10-1 depending on setting.
* Any probes that are active but do not expire during a scan process will become stuck in a moving state and cannot be interacted with until they expire. Newly launched probes can now be used to scan correctly without displaying a warning notice that active probes are still in use.
* FOF missiles can now attack further than 80km. The maximum range will depend on the pilot’s ship, skills and rigs.
* Curator I and II drones have been fixed and will now attack starbase towers as intended.
* Drone AI has been improved. When a single drone is attacked and is part of a group set to aggressive and focus fire, the rest of the drones in that group will aggress instead of sitting idle.
* Drones will now attack only the target assigned to them. In other words, drones will not just wander of and attack whatever they want. They will follow your wishes to the letter.
* The description of the "Trade" skill has been amended to reflect that it affects both buy and sell orders.
* A change has been made to the client and server skill point gain calculations for rookie pilots below the 1.6 million skill point threshold. Skill point increase per minute is now based on the total skill points you will have after completing the skill, instead of your total skill points. This effectively means that skill point gain will be calculated properly when crossing a bonus boundary. This means that adding a skill, which has 756,000 skill points when you are on the threshold (i.e. 1,590.000), will not benefit from the double skill training bonus and will be trained at normal speed.
* Untrained skills can now be added to the skill queue by using the "Train after current queue" from the skill book context menu. It should be noted that all pre-requisites must be trained for any skill book being added by this method.
* The skill queue will now properly award skill points when accounts are disabled with active skills in the queue. For example, if you had a total of 15 days of skills queued (1 x 18 hour and 1 x 14 days and 6 hours) and your account became inactive after day 8, the skill queue will not automatically train skills to completion and will stop as intended after the three day grace period.
* Training two different characters on the same account via the skill queue has been fixed. When a queue expires on character A, you can now log character B in and set up a queue without receiving the warning "another character on this account is training a skill". It should be noted that this does not mean that dual account training is possible.
* If you are podded in a clone which has slightly more than 1.6 million skill points, or that will bring you below 1.6 million skill points, you will now automatically revert to the double skill training bonus. In addition, if you are podded and lose implants the client will now adjust skill training time in line with your new attributes making skill training slightly longer. If you lost a rank of a learning skill due to being podded, the client will also take that into consideration and the new attribute level will instantly be applied making training of skills slightly longer.
* The "Open group Window" has been removed from the right click context menu in the skill queue as this resulted in being unable to add skills to the skill queue.
* Any skill that takes a player over the 1.6 million threshold will display training time correctly in the character sheet or skill list without the double training bonus. If a skill in an applied queue takes you over the bonus boundary, training times will be recalculated for any skills later in the queue.
* "Save changes" is now changed to "Apply changes" informing the player that the changes in the Skill training queue will be applied if he clicks on "Yes".
* Skills with at least 1 skill point will now display when choosing the option "Highlight partially trained skills."
* The pre-requisite of Anchoring I has been removed from the station containers, warehouses and vaults. These items cannot be removed from a station making the skill requirement unnecessary.
* The skills Connections and Diplomacy now work as follows. If your standing to a corporation, which is friendly with CONCORD, is below zero then you need to use Diplomacy to raise standings. In the case that your standings are positive to a corporation, which is friendly with CONCORD, you can use Connections to improve those standings. Criminal Connections will only raise standings with corporations who are not friendly to CONCORD. Training Diplomacy, Connections or Criminal Connections when your standing is exactly zero with a corporation will have no effect.
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
* Control towers will now display correctly when anchored and no exception error will be generated in the logserver.
* The Amarr outpost has been fixed and the upgrade 1 and upgrade 2 improvements will now give the correct number of manufacturing lines and appropriate reduction in time for tech I ship production.
* The anchoring restriction for player owned structures has been changed from "restricted security level" to "restricted to security level less than" in order to better describe the attribute effect.
Character Creation and New Player Experience
* The tutorial will no longer require players to have the fitting screen open on page three for the tutorial "Open the drone bay". Players will simply need to right click on the ship and choose the option from the context menu.
* The text in the tutorial for "Armor Tanking" has been changed to read "Make sure you have your Small Armor Repairer I fitted before continuing. You will need to have trained the skill Repair Systems before you can fit it though. This skill was given to you in the Crash Course."
* Multiple UI pointers have been added in all aspects of the tutorials .
* A grammatical error has been fixed in the "Crash Course - Agents".
* A grammatical error has been fixed in the "Crash Course - Fitting your ship".
* Some errant text has been removed from the "Crash Course - Skill Training Queue".
* An error is no longer displayed in the logserver when opening the character sheet during the Crash Course "Your Advancement".
* A typographical error has been corrected in the Crash Course "Fitting Your Ship" tutorial.
* The tutorial text for "Superior Ship" has been changed to read "If you are on the career mission track you just received a new ship."
* Text has been added to the transaction window for tutorial agents. The new text will say "This standing increase was granted as part of the Capsuleer graduation process." in order to show why standings are set to excellent.
* Removing a mission from your journal when the agent dialogue window is open will now result in the window being closed and the mission removed.
* The tutorial for Exploration has been changed to include more up to date and useful information regarding scanning mechanics.
* Goodies given out during the crash course tutorial will now work correctly in all cases. This means that in the case of a reset a player will not need to wait for the next downtime before items are given out.
* The tutorials have been fixed to prevent issuing multiple items. For example, My first days->Crash Course->Skill Training Queue section->page 11 of 13 gives the "Afterburner" skill book as does the Military-> Afterburner-> page 2 of 2 tutorial. In future only one item will be awarded irrespective of what other tutorials or missions offer the same reward.
* The Amarr Navy Armageddon has had a change to its loot table drop and will now drop energy weapons rather than projectiles.
* The warp in effect for NPC pirates in asteroid belts has been fixed. Spawns will now warp in properly and not run off at obscene speeds.
* The Militia Guardian will now display the correct cruiser sized icon in the overview and has had its signature adjusted to reflect this change.
* Multiple NPC's have had their turret effects fixed.
* The prefix name for all deadspace Blood Raider Battlecruisers has been changed from Corpior to Corpatis
* The NPC Eule Vitrauze now flies the correct ship type.
* Angel Webifier and Angel Viper models will now produce an Angel small wreck upon destruction rather than a mission generic small wreck.
* A typographical error has been corrected for the Centii Loyal Scavenger.
* Rogue Drones will now display the correct cross hair in the overview. Several medium sized drones were showing as a small red cross in the overview rather than a medium red cross.
Agents & Missions
* A grammatical error has been corrected in the epic mission arc for the mission "The Caldari Commander".
* Closing a conversation window with an agent will no longer generate an error in the logserver which results in being unable to open the mission window or start a new conversation.
* Gallente ships in the mission "Balancing the Books (1 of 10) have been replaced with Gurista Pirates.
* Grammatical changes have been corrected in the Epic Mission Arc for "The Missing Piece". The Minmatar Commander is now correctly referred to as "she" and The Caldari Commander is correctly labelled as a contractor of "Ishukone".
* A warning will now be displayed when accepting the mission "An Economy under Threat" when in a ship with insufficient cargo space. The warning will be displayed as "You will need at least 150m3 of cargo space to make the delivery."
* All Epic Arc Agents will now be labled as “Epic Arc Agent” under show info. In addition, Epic Agents unavailable to the user falls under the “Not available to you” section of an agents info. Epic Arc Agents are correctly marked as available if you currently have a mission (or offer) from them, or if they have a mission that they would offer you if you talk to them and marked as "agents of interest" if you have a mission for one and he is not in the same station as you.
* Epic Arc Agents will no longer generate mission offer expired mails. Epic Arc Missions never expire.
* Excessive black monoliths have been removed from a COSMOS site in Otitoh. Only one necessary monolith will now be displayed in the deadspace area.
* "The Device", an item awarded for the mission "Rancorous Researcher (1 of 5)", will now display a proper description.
* The message displayed when attempting to quit a mission while in space will now be shown correctly.
* You can now warp to an agent's location from the agent conversation window when the status of a mission is set to offered.
* The description of the item "Smugglers warning about Sister Alitura" will now correctly state that Amon IX is in Essence and not Genesis.
* The correct mission text will now be displayed for all Epic Arc missions even if your standing is poor. Previously it would display a blank page.
* No "Ending unknown td" error will be generated in the log server when initiating a conversation with an agent.
* The rock formation in the mission "Understanding Augumene" will no longer cause players to get stuck.
* Resetting the Epic Mission Arc when it is partially completed will now clear out your journal without requiring a reboot of the client.
* Mission redesign and texture remodelling has resulted in a significant increase in FPS when running two clients with HDR enabled. Players will notice a considerable frame rate improvement on all missions.
* The correct drop off location has been added to the COSMOS mission "Nugoeihuvi Freelance - Construction Blocks (2 of 4) ".
* The mission description for the Blood Raider version of "A Force to Be Reckoned With" has been corrected and will now list the correct name of the infamous captain that you will face.
* The mission "A Beacon Beckons" will no longer despawn until all players have left the deadspace area.
* The mission "Data Transportation" now displays the correct agent location.
* Large Collideable Structures in the Rogue Drone Harassment mission no longer have "Wanted" labels.
Exploration & Deadspace
* A typographical error has been corrected in the exploration site "Haunted Yard".
* A typographical error in the "Pith Deadspace Complex" in Ohkunen has been corrected.
Science & Industry
* Hammerhead and Vespa blueprints of all varieties will now display the correct model.
* The Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I and blueprint I, Core Scanner Probe I and blueprint I and Deep Space Scanner Probe I and blueprint I have had the "I" removed to represent the proper faction variant.
* Exception errors will no longer be generated when cancelling reverse engineering jobs.
* Remote manufacturing jobs will now use the correct hangar rights when attempting to manufacture from a blueprint remotely.
Markets & Contracts
* A typographical error has been corrected in the message displayed when attempting to accept a public contract created in some other region. The message will state "This contract is for The Citadel (example) region, you can only access outstanding public contracts in the region you are currently in."
* The following blueprints are now searchable via contracts: 'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint, Large Degenerative Concussion Bomb I Blueprint, Medium Degenerative Concussion Bomb I Blueprint, Small Degenerative Concussion Bomb I Blueprint, 'Lance' Medium EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint and 'Pike' Small EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint.
Corporation & Alliance
* Players will no longer be able to leave a NPC Corporation (e.g. Hedion University) unless they are joining a player corporation or faction militia.
* Alliance logos will now be displayed correctly and will be assigned to the correct Alliance.
* Joining and leaving corporations, becoming a CEO and adding a corporation to a faction militia has been tweaked and will now work properly at all times.
* An executor corporation of an alliance will be unable to leave the alliance as long as other corporations remain as active members. For example, if Corporation A and Corporation B form an alliance and Corporation A tries to leave they will receive a message stating that the executor cannot quit while there are other members. Should Corporation B leave the alliance then Corporation A can quit the alliance and that alliance is disbanded.
* The correct message will be displayed when attempting to quit a corporation depending on the corporation. Players cannot quit a NPC Corp but can quit a faction militia.
* A grammatical error has been corrected in the message displayed when resigning as a CEO.
* Renting an office while there are impounded items in the station now delivers all the items to division 1 and they are now visible.
* Additional struts have been removed from the Typhoon.
* The pod will now be displayed properly in space at all times. Invisible pods are a thing of the past.
* Ships will now decloak correctly after jumping through a stargate. Previously there were cases of ships appearing to remain in a cloaked state.
* A phantom Tempest silhouette will no longer appear when piloting a Legion and activating any of the modules. Minmatar scientists are convinced this was happening BECAUSE OF FALCON.
* Wormholes will always appear correctly when scanned down. Previously there were some instances where the wormhole graphic would not appear.
* Undocking a ship when the fitting window and cargo hold are open will no longer cause a black screen to appear indefinitely and will now work properly.
* Scordite and Veldspar icons under show info will now match the new texture colours of the asteroids.
* An error generated when preview windows were tabbed with other windows has been resolved. This was causing the preview window to not display correctly when moved.
* The Electronics - Tactical Targeting Network for the Loki will now display the correct graphics.
* The Offensive - Dissonic Encoding Platform on the Proteus has been remodelled and will now display the correct graphics.
* Shield hardening and shield boosting effects will now display correctly on the Hawk.
* Odd graphical squares that were previously generated when anchoring ship assembly arrays has been fixed and the correct animation is now displayed.
* The warp tunnel effect is now smoother and less pixilated.
* The stroboscopic effect of lasers has been reduced for a smoother and less jittery effect. Don't worry, they still look awesome.

15th April 2009, 14:06
i torpedoes sarebbero?

15th April 2009, 15:23
i missili con dps + alto (apparte quelli usate dalle navi capital)

sono estremamente lenti (di base un cruise missile viaggia a 3750m/s, un Torpedo solo a 1500m/s), a cortissimo raggio (di base viaggiano solo per 6 secondi) e anche con skill al massimo possono colpire solo battleships e simili

molti le considerano la versione "short range" dei Cruise missile

ma che gusto usarli e vedere l'armatura della BS nemica venire obliterata :D

16th April 2009, 13:15
mmm non so onestamente...ne parlo con il capo corp e vediamo cosa serve di piu' in fleet :D

16th April 2009, 14:59
i missili con dps + alto (apparte quelli usate dalle navi capital)
sono estremamente lenti (di base un cruise missile viaggia a 3750m/s, un Torpedo solo a 1500m/s), a cortissimo raggio (di base viaggiano solo per 6 secondi) e anche con skill al massimo possono colpire solo battleships e simili
molti le considerano la versione "short range" dei Cruise missile
ma che gusto usarli e vedere l'armatura della BS nemica venire obliterata :D

prima del nerf i torp erano il top delle lvl4 by raven nelle miss long range.
Dopo il nerf sono inutili. Expl rad esagerato, expl velocity ridicola e cosa piu' grave, non sono nati come missili teleguidati dal lanciatore. Gia' prima del nerf infatti colpivano solo le cose molto grosse. Alcuni pazzi han tentato il tanking coi torpy, ma non seguendoi il targhet, han abbandonato.

19th April 2009, 10:47
beh nello scontro a corto raggio contro una BS non dovrebbero essere il top comunque?

19th April 2009, 11:51
beh nello scontro a corto raggio contro una BS non dovrebbero essere il top comunque?

Se ti fitti melee usi navi non missili.
I blaster hanno un dps inimmaginabile a range 500 / 1000 metri

Considera che finche non sei a circa 15km tu non spari torpedo, lui a 150 km coi cruise ti sta menando.

20th April 2009, 20:39
io vado cloackato e poi scappo :D