View Full Version : Nico e Ace scelgo voi!!!

21st October 2009, 17:03
sto facendo il tp per lo shadow... mi attanagliano grandi dubbi come: che cazz. usare nella manina sx?

dragonmight? ok, ma sticaz, 4.4 a sinistra? dite vale la pena sapendo che a destra avro' solo roba più veloce?

consigliatemi qualche collanian!!
di certo c'è ovviamente il som
soulbinder's belt direi anche...
sono in panico sui bracciali... help

ma prima di tutto devo decidere che mettere come arma nella sx o non so' cosa mi manca come overcape etc!!!

21st October 2009, 17:19
Non sono tra i citati mae + di tanto non posso aiutarti ma come collanina metterei la medal of honor che ha anche un bel buf assorbidanno.

Ma non essendo esperto di ombre potrei anche aver detto uan bella cazzata:D

21st October 2009, 17:26
medal of honor o luminescent le uniche scelte

dragonmight o champ (con carica HoT) offhand, braccia corpetto slayer/TG, gambe drop del drago e se riesci elmo slayer, guanti e stivali craftati

21st October 2009, 17:27
Ti metto il mio TP, è in loki 1 e i bonus armature 5 slot li ho messi su di un artefatto...

21st October 2009, 17:31
Vediamo se ora lo mette!

21st October 2009, 17:42
Vediamo se ora lo mette!
cos'è la collana LDN? e il bracciale Jeweled Doppelganger(100p-.- ora... speravo in qualche braccialino meno esigente:p)?

medal of honor o luminescent le uniche scelte

dragonmight o champ (con carica HoT) offhand, braccia corpetto slayer/TG, gambe drop del drago e se riesci elmo slayer, guanti e stivali craftati
la medal of honor è ancofa fattibile? non era una quest che si poteva fare per un periodo e poi basta?

secondo te, meglio cw o dragonmight (prezzi apparte, l'idea di avere una 4.4 nella sx non mi convince...)

io i guanti li volevo usare del drago, dici fanno merda? quel bonus skill, magari procca mai, ma puo' essere carino soppratutto vs scudati

21st October 2009, 17:43
questo è il mio senza corpetto tusca, se smanetti un po' forse riesci a levare dragonscale e doppelganger

Config Report

STR: 110 / 101 (+30) INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 342 / 360 (+160) AF: 25 /
CON: 77 / 85 (+10) PIE: 0 / 75 End: 0 / 25
DEX: 0 / 75 EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26
QUI: 80 / 85 (+10) CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25%

Body: 26 / 26 Energy: 23 / 26 Crush: 27 / 26 (+2)
Cold: 30 / 26 (+5) Matter: 24 / 26 Slash: 26 / 26 (+3)
Heat: 28 / 26 Spirit: 28 / 26 Thrust: 26 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26

3 / 11 All Dual Wield Skills
11 / 11 All Melee Weapon Skills
11 / 11 Axe
11 / 11 Critical Strike
11 / 11 Envenom
7 / 11 Left Axe
11 / 11 Stealth
11 / 11 Sword

Other Bonuses
2 / 10 Archery and Casting Speed
7 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
8 / 10 Melee Damage
10 / 10 Style Damage

Piece Listing
Name: dragonslayer sb toa
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 22 Quickness
Slot 3: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 7: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 59.3

Name: dragonslayer ns
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 40 Hits
Slot 6: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 7: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 54.7

Name: Crafted Item3
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5,5
Gem 1: 5 Stealth Skill - Imperfect Airy Battle Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Envenom Skill - Flawed Dusty Battle Jewel
Gem 3: 76 Hits - Perfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 1 Left Axe Skill - Raw Icy War Rune
Utility: 69.0 SC Cost: 35g 10s 20c SC Price: 52g 65s 30c

Name: assassins
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 5 Critical Strike Skill
Slot 3: 1 Body Resist
Slot 4: 1 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 6: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 7: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 8: 4 Style Damage
Slot 9: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 10: 10 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 45.0

Name: Crafted Item5
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5,5
Gem 1: 3 Envenom Skill - Rough Dusty Battle Jewel
Gem 2: 76 Hits - Perfect Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 28 Constitution - Perfect Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Energy Resist - Flawed Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 62.7 SC Cost: 61g 17s 0c SC Price: 91g 75s 50c

Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5,5
Gem 1: 3 Critical Strike Skill - Rough Heated Battle Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Envenom Skill - Flawed Dusty Battle Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Body Resist - Imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 28 Quickness - Perfect Airy Essence Jewel
Utility: 67.7 SC Cost: 35g 50s 0c SC Price: 53g 25s 0c

Left Hand
Name: dragonmight
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 1 Cold Resist
Slot 2: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 15 Quickness
Slot 4: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 5: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 6: 15 Strength
Slot 7: 10 Quickness Cap Increase
Slot 8: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 9: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 10: 1 Slash Resist
Utility: 43.0

Name: armor bonuses
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 10 AF
Slot 2: 3 All Dual Wield Skills
Slot 3: 15 Constitution
Utility: 25.0

Name: luminescent
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 12 Acuity
Slot 2: 12 Constitution
Slot 3: 30 Hits
Slot 4: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 5: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 6: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 7: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 8: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 9: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 10: 6 Slash Resist
Utility: 95.5

Name: som
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 10 AF
Slot 2: 15 Strength
Slot 3: 15 Quickness
Slot 4: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 5: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 35.0

Name: eerie darkness
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 2: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 5 Energy Resist
Slot 4: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 5 Body Resist
Slot 6: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 7: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 8: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 9: 4 Slash Resist
Utility: 84.0

Name: soulbinder
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 35 Hits
Slot 2: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 3: 7 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 7 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 7 Energy Resist
Slot 6: 7 Matter Resist
Slot 7: 7 Heat Resist
Slot 8: 7 Body Resist
Utility: 92.8

Left Ring
Name: ring of the torrent
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 11 Crush Resist
Slot 2: 10 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 10 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 2 Casting Speed
Utility: 62.0

Right Ring
Name: shade of prelate
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 Left Axe Skill
Slot 2: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 3: 3 Critical Strike Skill
Slot 4: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 5: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 65.0

Left Wrist
Name: dragonscale
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 21 Strength
Slot 2: 35 Hits
Slot 3: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 4: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 8: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 9: 2 Style Damage
Slot 10: 5 AF
Utility: 66.8

Right Wrist
Name: doppelganger
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Constitution
Slot 2: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 6 Body Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 50 Hits
Slot 7: 50 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 75.2

21st October 2009, 18:08
Beh è simile al mio:

LOKI Build Report
Default Configuration:
Build Utility: 974.2
Useable Utility: 938.8
TOA Utility: 352.0

STR:119/101 CON:90/90 DEX:0/75
QUI:98/90 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 25
Heat: 23
Energy: 24+5
Matter: 30
Spirit: 23
Crush: 20+5
Slash: 26
Thrust: 27

Stealth: 11
Axe: 11
Critical Strike: 11
Left Axe: 11
Sword: 11
Staff: 11

Style Damage: 14
Melee Damage: 15
Melee Combat Speed: 11
Fatigue: 4

Two-Handed Configuration:
Build Utility: 936.2
Useable Utility: 898.5
TOA Utility: 324.0

STR:104/97 CON:90/90 DEX:0/75
QUI:83/80 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 24
Heat: 23
Energy: 24+5
Matter: 30
Spirit: 23
Crush: 19+5
Slash: 25
Thrust: 26

Stealth: 11
Axe: 12
Critical Strike: 11
Left Axe: 8
Sword: 12
Staff: 12

Style Damage: 14
Melee Damage: 11
Melee Combat Speed: 11
Fatigue: 4

Chest (Dragonslayer):
Imbue: 34.5
22 Strength
22 Quickness
5% Heat
5% Cold
5% Spirit
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
Utility: 59.3
TOA Utility: 40.0

Arms (40 HIT CAP):
Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 100)
76 Hits
5 Stealth
3 Critical Strike
2 Left Axe
Utility: 69.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Head (Dragonslayer):
Imbue: 35.0
22 Constitution
40 Hits
6% Body
6% Energy
6% Matter
40 Hits Cap Increase
5 AF
Utility: 60.7
TOA Utility: 15.0

Legs (ML10):
Imbue: 27.5
5 Critical Strike
15 Strength
1% Slash
1% Thrust
1% Crush
1% Cold
1% Body
10 Constitution Cap Increase
10 Strength Cap Increase
4 Style Damage
Utility: 45.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Hands (Maddening + Bonus Armour):
Imbue: 25.0
40 Hits
15 Constitution
15 Quickness
3 Melee Combat Speed
3 Melee Damage
5 Constitution Cap Increase
5 Quickness Cap Increase
40 Hits Cap Increase
3 ALL dual wielding skills
Utility: 45.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Feet (+3 all dual skill):
Imbue: 36.5/28 (Quality: 99)
76 Hits
7% Thrust
19 Constitution
3 Left Axe
Utility: 60.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Hand (Dragonmight):
Imbue: 22.0
3 ALL melee weapon skills
15 Strength
15 Quickness
1% Slash
1% Crush
1% Thrust
1% Cold
10 Strength Cap Increase
10 Quickness Cap Increase
4 Melee Damage
Utility: 43.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Left Hand (Drago quest):
Imbue: 19.0
13 Strength
13 Quickness
3 Left Axe
7 Strength Cap Increase
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
Utility: 32.3
TOA Utility: 54.0

Two-Handed (CW):
Imbue: 24.0
4 ALL melee weapon skills
13 Strength
13 Quickness
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
7 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 37.3
TOA Utility: 54.0

Neck (Luminescent Diamond Necklace):
Imbue: 46.5
12 Acuity
12 Constitution
6% Slash
6% Thrust
6% Crush
6% Matter
6% Heat
6% Cold
30 Hits
35 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 95.5
TOA Utility: 8.8

Cloak (SOM):
Imbue: 20.0
3 Stealth
15 Strength
15 Quickness
4 Fatigue
10 AF
5 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 35.0
TOA Utility: 43.0

Jewel (EERIE):
Imbue: 37.0
5% Heat
5% Matter
4% Crush
5% Cold
5% Body
4% Slash
5% Energy
5% Spirit
4% Thrust
Utility: 84.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Belt (Soulbinder):
Imbue: 46.0
35 Hits
7% Cold
7% Spirit
7% Energy
7% Matter
7% Heat
7% Body
40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 92.8
TOA Utility: 10.0

Left Ring (Tick):
Imbue: 36.0
4 ALL melee weapon skills
18 Strength
18 Quickness
4% Crush
4% Slash
4% Thrust
1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 68.0
TOA Utility: 5.0

Right Ring (Black Pearl):
Imbue: 20.0
3 Stealth
3 Critical Strike
6% Slash
2 Melee Combat Speed
12 AF
Utility: 42.0
TOA Utility: 22.0

Left Wrist (Jeweled Doppelganger - Quest non più fattibile):
Imbue: 41.0
6% Body
6% Matter
6% Spirit
6% Energy
22 Constitution
50 Hits
50 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 75.2
TOA Utility: 12.5

Right Wrist (Dragonscale):
Imbue: 35.0
4 ALL melee weapon skills
21 Strength
35 Hits
4% Slash
4% Thrust
4% Crush
5 Strength Cap Increase
35 Hits Cap Increase
5 AF
2 Style Damage
Utility: 66.8
TOA Utility: 33.8

Ne ho anche con malice nella LH oppure con cotta Tusca ma quella costa troppo, meglio mettere la Slayer e comprare il bracciale drago che ha l'use com res fisiche per me

21st October 2009, 18:18
qualcosa di buono sta venendo fuori. mi servono 2 bracciali senza cap increase o cose strane.. stat (che non siano forza), resist e hp. e tanto tanto utility. cosa consigliate? max un po' di melee speed

21st October 2009, 18:19
il bracciale lo tieni per le stats ma secondo me lo /use è molto sopravvalutato, oltre a sputtanarti non poco i timer

ps, no 11env = fail imo

21st October 2009, 18:43
Ho voluto alzare le skill al massimo, dovrei fare un tp con veleno ma prima di rifarlo vedo se trovo la veste TG. L'use del bracciale io lo metto quando ho il som down, li alterno tanto per avere qlc res in più se non ho som

21st October 2009, 18:56
devo trovare un bracciale che dia cost hp e dex. con buon utility...

21st October 2009, 19:13
devo trovare un bracciale che dia cost hp e dex. con buon utility...

dex fregatene. per il bracciale hai provato a metterci quello otd di agramon?
abbastanza simile allo springtime bracer, ma cost/hp 1pelo + bassi

22nd October 2009, 14:45
commenti? okok, no 11even suck, ma apparte quello? ci tenevo all'af... e a farlo costare poco visto che devo comperare entrambe le armi del drago, leggendarie etc. dell'oggettistica ho quasi tutto...

Strength: 92/95
Constitution: 78/90
Dexterity: 0/75
Quickness: 80/85
Intelligence: 0/75
Piety: 0/75
Charisma: 0/75
Empathy: 0/75
Hits: 347/368
Power: 0/25

Body: 24/26
Cold: 24/26+5
Heat: 29/26
Energy: 24/26
Matter: 23/26
Spirit: 29/26
Crush: 27/26+2
Thrust: 28/26
Slash: 28/26+3

Axe: 10/11
Critical Strike: 11/11
Left Axe: 11/11
Stealth: 11/11
Sword: 10/11

Cap Increase
Strength: 20/26
Constitution: 15/26
Quickness: 10/26
Hits: 168/200

TOA Bonus
Armour Factor: 50/50
Casting Speed: 2/10
Archery Speed: 2/10
Style Damage: 8/10
Melee Damage: 8/10
Melee Combat Speed: 6/10

Chest (dragon quest):
Imbue: 34.5
Strength: 22
Quickness: 22
Cold: 5%
Spirit: 5%
Heat: 5%
Melee Damage: 4
Style Damage: 4
Utility: 59.3
TOA Utility: 40.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Arms (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
Energy: 7%
Hits: 52
Left Axe: 3
Stealth: 5
Utility: 67.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Head (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
Hits: 60
Constitution: 28
Left Axe: 4
Quickness: 10
Utility: 60.3
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Legs (arcane assassing's leg):
Imbue: 27.5
Strength: 15
Critical Strike: 5
Body: 1%
Cold: 1%
Crush: 1%
Thrust: 1%
Slash: 1%
Strength (Cap Increase): 10
Constitution (Cap Increase): 10
Style Damage: 4
Utility: 45.0
TOA Utility: 60.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Hands (Crafted):
Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 99)
Hits: 60
Constitution: 25
Left Axe: 4
Critical Strike: 3
Utility: 66.7
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Feet (dragonslayer quest boot):
Imbue: 37.5
Stealth: 3
ALL melee weapon skills: 3
Critical Strike: 3
Crush: 6%
Thrust: 6%
Slash: 6%
Hits: 20
Armour Factor: 5
Utility: 86.0
TOA Utility: 5.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Hand (5th slot):
Imbue: 0.0
Hits (Cap Increase): 40
Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
AF Bonus (Toa Bonus): 10
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 20.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Hand (dragonmight):
Imbue: 22.0
Cold: 1%
Thrust: 1%
Quickness: 15
Melee Damage: 4
ALL melee weapon skills: 3
Strength: 15
Strength (Cap Increase): 10
Quickness (Cap Increase): 10
Crush: 1%
Slash: 1%
Utility: 43.0
TOA Utility: 60.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Neck (harvest med of honor):
Imbue: 40.0
Body: 5%
Cold: 5%
Heat: 5%
Energy: 5%
Matter: 5%
Spirit: 5%
Crush: 5%
Thrust: 5%
Slash: 5%
Utility: 90.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Cloak (Som):
Imbue: 20.0
Strength: 15
Quickness: 15
Stealth: 3
Melee Combat Speed: 5
Armour Factor: 10
Utility: 35.0
TOA Utility: 35.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Jewel (EERIE):
Imbue: 37.0
Heat: 5%
Matter: 5%
Crush: 4%
Cold: 5%
Body: 5%
Slash: 4%
Energy: 5%
Spirit: 5%
Thrust: 4%
Utility: 84.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Belt (soulbinder's):
Imbue: 46.0
Hits: 35
Cold: 7%
Spirit: 7%
Energy: 7%
Matter: 7%
Heat: 7%
Body: 7%
Hits (Cap Increase): 40
Utility: 92.8
TOA Utility: 10.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Ring (ring of the brute):
Imbue: 15.0
Strength: 7
Hits: 40
Constitution: 7
Hits (Cap Increase): 40
Armour Factor: 25
Utility: 19.3
TOA Utility: 35.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Ring (Tick):
Imbue: 36.5
ALL melee weapon skills: 4
Strength: 18
Quickness: 18
Crush: 4%
Thrust: 4%
Slash: 4%
Melee Combat Speed: 1
Utility: 68.0
TOA Utility: 5.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (bracer of arawn bp's):
Imbue: 39.0
Heat: 7%
Spirit: 7%
Slash: 7%
Body: 6%
Crush: 6%
Matter: 6%
Utility: 78.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

Right Wrist (bracer of heavenly bodies):
Imbue: 32.0
Thrust: 7%
Constitution: 18
Hits: 80
Hits (Cap Increase): 48
Casting Speed: 2
Utility: 46.0
TOA Utility: 22.0
PvE Utility: 0.0

22nd October 2009, 22:43
Che ne pensi di questo?

LOKI Build Report
Default Configuration:
Build Utility: 990.3
Useable Utility: 963.0
TOA Utility: 384.0

STR:101/101 CON:98/96 DEX:0/75
QUI:58/90 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 25
Heat: 25
Energy: 24+5
Matter: 30
Spirit: 18
Crush: 19+5
Slash: 25
Thrust: 26

Envenom: 11
Stealth: 12
Axe: 11
Critical Strike: 11
Left Axe: 12
Sword: 11
Staff: 11

Spell Damage: 4
Style Damage: 10
Melee Damage: 15
Melee Combat Speed: 11
Fatigue: 4

Two-Handed Configuration:
Build Utility: 952.3
Useable Utility: 915.0
TOA Utility: 356.0

STR:86/97 CON:98/96 DEX:0/75
QUI:43/80 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 25
Cold: 24
Heat: 25
Energy: 24+5
Matter: 30
Spirit: 18
Crush: 18+5
Slash: 24
Thrust: 25

Envenom: 11
Stealth: 12
Axe: 12
Critical Strike: 11
Left Axe: 9
Sword: 12
Staff: 12

Spell Damage: 4
Style Damage: 10
Melee Damage: 11
Melee Combat Speed: 11
Fatigue: 4

Chest (TG):
Imbue: 40.0
3 Stealth
27 Constitution
3% Crush
3% Slash
3% Thrust
50 Hits
3 ALL dual wielding skills
6 Constitution Cap Increase
4 Spell Damage
4 Melee Damage
Utility: 78.5
TOA Utility: 52.0

Arms (40 HIT):
Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 100)
28 Hits
22 Strength
7% Heat
5 Envenom
Utility: 60.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Head (Dragonslayer):
Imbue: 35.0
22 Constitution
40 Hits
6% Body
6% Energy
6% Matter
40 Hits Cap Increase
5 AF
Utility: 60.7
TOA Utility: 15.0

Legs (ML10):
Imbue: 27.5
5 Critical Strike
15 Strength
1% Slash
1% Thrust
1% Crush
1% Cold
1% Body
10 Constitution Cap Increase
10 Strength Cap Increase
4 Style Damage
Utility: 45.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Hands (Maddening + Bonus Armour):
Imbue: 30.0
40 Hits
15 Constitution
15 Quickness
3 Melee Combat Speed
3 Melee Damage
5 Constitution Cap Increase
5 Quickness Cap Increase
40 Hits
3 ALL dual wielding skills
Utility: 55.0
TOA Utility: 50.0

Feet (+3 all dual skill):
Imbue: 37.5/28 (Quality: 99)
20 Hits
7% Thrust
5% Cold
6 Envenom
Utility: 59.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Right Hand (Dragonmight):
Imbue: 22.0
3 ALL melee weapon skills
15 Strength
15 Quickness
1% Slash
1% Crush
1% Thrust
1% Cold
10 Strength Cap Increase
10 Quickness Cap Increase
4 Melee Damage
Utility: 43.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Left Hand (Drago quest):
Imbue: 19.0
13 Strength
13 Quickness
3 Left Axe
7 Strength Cap Increase
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
Utility: 32.3
TOA Utility: 54.0

Two-Handed (CW):
Imbue: 24.0
4 ALL melee weapon skills
13 Strength
13 Quickness
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
7 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 37.3
TOA Utility: 54.0

Neck (LDN):
Imbue: 46.5
12 Acuity
12 Constitution
6% Slash
6% Thrust
6% Crush
6% Matter
6% Heat
6% Cold
30 Hits
35 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 95.5
TOA Utility: 8.8

Cloak (SOM):
Imbue: 20.0
3 Stealth
15 Strength
15 Quickness
4 Fatigue
10 AF
5 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 35.0
TOA Utility: 43.0

Jewel (EERIE):
Imbue: 37.0
5% Heat
5% Matter
4% Crush
5% Cold
5% Body
4% Slash
5% Energy
5% Spirit
4% Thrust
Utility: 84.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Belt (Soulbinder):
Imbue: 46.0
35 Hits
7% Cold
7% Spirit
7% Energy
7% Matter
7% Heat
7% Body
40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 92.8
TOA Utility: 10.0

Left Ring (Prelate):
Imbue: 30.0
3 Left Axe
3 Stealth
3 Critical Strike
4 ALL melee weapon skills
1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 65.0
TOA Utility: 5.0

Right Ring (Black Pearl):
Imbue: 20.0
3 Stealth
3 Critical Strike
6% Slash
2 Melee Combat Speed
12 AF
Utility: 42.0
TOA Utility: 22.0

Left Wrist (Jeweled Doppelganger):
Imbue: 41.0
6% Body
6% Matter
6% Spirit
6% Energy
22 Constitution
50 Hits
50 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 75.2
TOA Utility: 12.5

Right Wrist (Dragonscale):
Imbue: 35.0
4 ALL melee weapon skills
21 Strength
35 Hits
4% Slash
4% Thrust
4% Crush
5 Strength Cap Increase
35 Hits Cap Increase
5 AF
2 Style Damage
Utility: 66.8
TOA Utility: 33.8

22nd October 2009, 22:47
quick e af non mi piacciono, ma sopratutto voglio un tp senza main hand

22nd October 2009, 23:00
AF è 32, non è cappato ma hai di rimando molti punti ferita, cotta TG con cura 180, 2 pezzi Slayer con proc cura e tutti i bonus toa cappati. Per la quickness il mio sb è koboldo per cui posso recuperare i punti che mancano al cap.
Per la MH capisco ma alla fine io preferisco usare un arma fissa con celerity e cappare tutti i bonus e cambiare solo con la 2H che nel caso può essere quella del drago per cappare forza.