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19th November 2009, 01:12
Mythic Realease:
Hello all,
My name is Rob Frazier, and I’ve been with Mythic for eight years now. For the majority of that time I’ve worked on DAoC. Content wise, I’ve worked on everything from Catacombs up to the Dragon Campaign. That Campaign was my baby. I was the lead designer and implementer for the epic content, and I’ll always cherish the work that I and the other implementers did on that project. Here’s a bit of history on how things got to be as they are now.
Before being moved to another project, I had left the Dragons weaker than they had originally been because the Campaign was coming to a close, and we all wanted the encounter to be completed by the most amount of players as possible at the time. The intent of this rebalancing was always to bump the Dragons back up again to be more epic when the Campaign was over and the permanent quest track added. This never happened and everyone became accustomed to the fast respawn time and relatively easy encounter, and hence, the farmable qualities of the Dragons.
Over time, the Dragons became constantly farmed, and the only way the vast majority of players could get the coveted Dragon drops was via those who farmed them. The Dev Team heard the vocal outcry amongst the player base about these practices, and we are taking steps to address it.
The very first step was something that could be done relatively quickly, since everyone wanted to do something to curb the rampant Dragon farming. This was seen in 1.99f, where the extremely fast respawn was reduced and the level variance on the Dragons increased.
To some degree, the changes made have helped with the farming as it introduces some random elements which make the set system of farming more difficult and less predictable. The change of the spawn rate has caused the prices on the Dragon drops go up in some cases. With a difficulty increase in the encounter, players who hunt after Gerrik’s Sword can spawn the Dragon manually once an hour, so long as there isn’t a Dragon corpse at the lair. This helps players bypass the spawn rate and take matters into their own hands when they want to take a raid to the Dragon. That being said, the next stages we plan to implement will further address concerns about this issue.
The Dragons will be made epic once more by having their resist, damage, and level values increased back to the levels before the Campaign ended. The original goal was 2-3 groups of players, less with exceptionally good and well-equipped players. Beyond a return to their former power, they will have a few anti-farming mechanics put into place that will target unresponsive characters. Live players that can recognize a threat and react to it will be impacted significantly less than “bots” or unattended characters. Based on these changes, the Dragon drops will increase in number and the adolescent dragons will have a chance to drop main Dragon loot.
A new currency system will also be introduced that’s centralized within the Dragon zones. This will be a system based on Dragon Scales that will be collected by the Order of Dragonslayers. The Dragonslayers will sell the Dragon drops, Dragon Remains, Respec Stones, etc. The Scales will drop from just about everything within the Dragon zones. The main Dragons will top out with largest amount of caches with the Dragon minions having the smallest amounts. There will be a level progression on how many chances a Scale drops much like in Darkness Falls so a green con monster will drop less and less often than a purple con monster. We’re talking everything here – Dragonsworn, minions, Dragon enemy factions, baby dragons, adolescent dragons, etc. The Scale drops don’t stop here however. The Frontier dragon content, the Dracolich, the Shrouded Isle Dragons – Xanxicar, Nosdoden and Myrddraxis and the father of them all, Draco - shall drop their own scales that can be used towards the Dragonslayer stores.
Finally, a new quest will be implemented to kill the Dragons that will also introduce a new type of Mythirian, the Dragon Mythirians. These items will have multiple, yet lesser values based on the Labyrinth Mythirians and will have no Champion XP level requirements. There will be 10 variations of these Mythirians.
There’s a lot of work to be done and the goal is to have most of this available for you in the next major version. So I better stop yapping and get to work!


sempre meno sbattimento del pve :metal:

ora tolgono i cinesi farmer di draghi etc,

e mettono degli item che si chiamano Scale,

che droppano i dragonsworn / draghi nf/ mini draghi in zona drago/ mob del df/ e mob del lab,

con questi puoi comprarci tutti i drop del drago grande,

i mythirian ora li potrai indossare anche a cl0, dopo questa patch

e i mob verdi del DF dropperano questi scale pero avranno % di meno di droppare
anche tutti gli altri mob del labyrinth dracolich etc.

io l'attendo con ansia :)


19th November 2009, 01:15
ottimo vogliamo sempre meno pve :metal:

19th November 2009, 02:35

19th November 2009, 02:40
gg ora per vestire un pg al top ci vuole proprio un cazzo di niente

19th November 2009, 05:28
Mythic Realease:
Hello all,
My name is Rob Frazier, and I’ve been with Mythic for eight years now. For the majority of that time I’ve worked on DAoC. Content wise, I’ve worked on everything from Catacombs up to the Dragon Campaign. That Campaign was my baby. I was the lead designer and implementer for the epic content, and I’ll always cherish the work that I and the other implementers did on that project. Here’s a bit of history on how things got to be as they are now.
Before being moved to another project, I had left the Dragons weaker than they had originally been because the Campaign was coming to a close, and we all wanted the encounter to be completed by the most amount of players as possible at the time. The intent of this rebalancing was always to bump the Dragons back up again to be more epic when the Campaign was over and the permanent quest track added. This never happened and everyone became accustomed to the fast respawn time and relatively easy encounter, and hence, the farmable qualities of the Dragons.
Over time, the Dragons became constantly farmed, and the only way the vast majority of players could get the coveted Dragon drops was via those who farmed them. The Dev Team heard the vocal outcry amongst the player base about these practices, and we are taking steps to address it.
The very first step was something that could be done relatively quickly, since everyone wanted to do something to curb the rampant Dragon farming. This was seen in 1.99f, where the extremely fast respawn was reduced and the level variance on the Dragons increased.
To some degree, the changes made have helped with the farming as it introduces some random elements which make the set system of farming more difficult and less predictable. The change of the spawn rate has caused the prices on the Dragon drops go up in some cases. With a difficulty increase in the encounter, players who hunt after Gerrik’s Sword can spawn the Dragon manually once an hour, so long as there isn’t a Dragon corpse at the lair. This helps players bypass the spawn rate and take matters into their own hands when they want to take a raid to the Dragon. That being said, the next stages we plan to implement will further address concerns about this issue.
The Dragons will be made epic once more by having their resist, damage, and level values increased back to the levels before the Campaign ended. The original goal was 2-3 groups of players, less with exceptionally good and well-equipped players. Beyond a return to their former power, they will have a few anti-farming mechanics put into place that will target unresponsive characters. Live players that can recognize a threat and react to it will be impacted significantly less than “bots” or unattended characters. Based on these changes, the Dragon drops will increase in number and the adolescent dragons will have a chance to drop main Dragon loot.
A new currency system will also be introduced that’s centralized within the Dragon zones. This will be a system based on Dragon Scales that will be collected by the Order of Dragonslayers. The Dragonslayers will sell the Dragon drops, Dragon Remains, Respec Stones, etc. The Scales will drop from just about everything within the Dragon zones. The main Dragons will top out with largest amount of caches with the Dragon minions having the smallest amounts. There will be a level progression on how many chances a Scale drops much like in Darkness Falls so a green con monster will drop less and less often than a purple con monster. We’re talking everything here – Dragonsworn, minions, Dragon enemy factions, baby dragons, adolescent dragons, etc. The Scale drops don’t stop here however. The Frontier dragon content, the Dracolich, the Shrouded Isle Dragons – Xanxicar, Nosdoden and Myrddraxis and the father of them all, Draco - shall drop their own scales that can be used towards the Dragonslayer stores.
Finally, a new quest will be implemented to kill the Dragons that will also introduce a new type of Mythirian, the Dragon Mythirians. These items will have multiple, yet lesser values based on the Labyrinth Mythirians and will have no Champion XP level requirements. There will be 10 variations of these Mythirians.
There’s a lot of work to be done and the goal is to have most of this available for you in the next major version. So I better stop yapping and get to work!
sempre meno sbattimento del pve :metal:
ora tolgono i cinesi farmer di draghi etc,
e mettono degli item che si chiamano Scale,
che droppano i dragonsworn / draghi nf/ mini draghi in zona drago/ mob del df/ e mob del lab,
con questi puoi comprarci tutti i drop del drago grande,
i mythirian ora li potrai indossare anche a cl0, dopo questa patch
e i mob verdi del DF dropperano questi scale pero avranno % di meno di droppare
anche tutti gli altri mob del labyrinth dracolich etc.
io l'attendo con ansia :)

che traduzione da cani, i mythirian restano come prima, la cosa del cl0 vale solo per un nuovo tipo di mythirian che implementeranno, quella del drago appunto e che sarà disponibile in 10 tipi, i mob verdi di df nn dropperanno le scaglie, bensi le dropperanno tutti i tipi di draghi e loro alleati (tutti quelli della fazione) usando lo stesso modello di df, cioè i verdi ne droppano pochi e più sali di livello più droppano, in questo vengono contati gli altri draghi, quelli di SI quelli del lab e draco di ml10(il padre di tutti loro)
fondamentalmente patch anti cinesi che dovrebbe rendere i drop del drago accessibili a tutti

19th November 2009, 11:17
Infatti questa patch nasce essenzialmente per combattere il farming del Drago.
Se n'è parlato a lungo nel Forum Beta Tester e tutti hanno convenuto che occorreva fare qualcosa per evitare che l'incontro del Drago rimanesse dominio di pochi farmers, più facile di molti altri incontri e generatore di prezzi assurdi al mercato.

Creare un sistema simile a DF può modificare questa situazione, e comunque è solo una delle implementazioni che faranno, e al momento legata soprattutto al PvE.
Anche perchè, con il ridotto numero di sviluppatori che stanno lavorando su DAoC, l'intervento sull'RvR è demandato ad un prossimo futuro...

Credo comunque sia una notizia positiva il fatto che modifiche di una certa sostanza ci siano ancora, quantomeno è segno che qualcuno in casa Mythic esiste.

19th November 2009, 11:19
Ottimo cosi i cinesi potranno finalmente tornare al loro lavoro d'origine...
Powware i miei pg :nod:

19th November 2009, 11:35
Credo comunque sia una notizia positiva il fatto che modifiche di una certa sostanza ci siano ancora, quantomeno è segno che qualcuno in casa Mythic esiste.

Certo che se me lo diceva 2 giorni fa evitavo di spendere 28 platini per un cazzo di mantello del drago ihihihihi

19th November 2009, 12:23
Ottimo cosi i cinesi potranno finalmente tornare al loro lavoro d'origine...
Powware i miei pg :nod:

...oppure venire a Prato, tanto sono pochi :drool:

19th November 2009, 14:37
Certo che se me lo diceva 2 giorni fa evitavo di spendere 28 platini per un cazzo di mantello del drago ihihihihi
lol quello lo si farma isy anche adesso su qualsiasi reame, ti servono 2 pg

20th November 2009, 13:19
Ottimo ora dovrebbero solo farlo per TG così i cinesi si leverebbero pure da li...

20th November 2009, 13:34
su hib come si fa in due il drago?^^....si cercano suggerimenti anche con 3 pg QQ

20th November 2009, 14:35
draghetto o drago?

20th November 2009, 14:53
su hib come si fa in due il drago?^^....si cercano suggerimenti anche con 3 pg QQ
in 2-3 pg il drago e impossibile,al massimo ti fai i draghetti in frontiera

20th November 2009, 15:35
il mantello come i bracciali e la collana sono droppati dai mini draghi, chi si farma il drago grande per delle porcate simili ? -.-

20th November 2009, 18:49
ma i mini draghi come li fai con 2 pg, io ho provato con inca e menta (naturalmente buffato il pet) pero e esploso il pet asd.

20th November 2009, 19:01
ma i mini draghi come li fai con 2 pg, io ho provato con inca e menta (naturalmente buffato il pet) pero e esploso il pet asd.
druido eroe,mad ma hai cambiato reame?

20th November 2009, 20:14
nono ci sono, mi so preso un po di pausa causa imprevisti in real.