View Full Version : Goons Disbanded

3rd February 2010, 16:06
Hulm, Heimatar - In the early hours of this morning, 03.02.112, GoonSwarm alliance disbanded.

All but two corporations from the GoonSwarm alliance are currently flying under no alliance ticker. The Goony Hand Social Club banking corporation remains in the shell of the alliance after trouble accessing it in the absence of GoonFleet CEO Karttoon led to the loss of sovereignty over key GoonFleet systems in Delve.

Reasons for the move are not yet known; given the recent decision to abandon the alliance's conquered space in Delve and Querious and return to their roots in Syndicate, coupled with the recent return of former alliance leader Darius JOHNSON, a restructure of the alliance seems possible, but no statement has been made at this time.

A breve vi do informazioni ingame della cosa.
Dovrebbe essere qualcosa tipo il CEO Goons era in vacanza e ha ceduto temporaneamente il posto ad un sostituto, il quale ha incominciato a fare casini e più. Quindi, tutte le apette hanno richiesto le sue dimissioni, pressandolo sempre più. Alla fine, non potendo più sopportare quel clima e dovendosi ritirare per forza di cose, ha pensato bene di kickare tutte le corp...

Io sono triste, per me i goonswarm erano come la madre patria russia: io CI CREDEVO nei goonswarm.
Cioè và, /discuss

3rd February 2010, 16:16
si l'avevo gia letto

bè se sono coerenti con il loro modo di fare si riformeranno in qualche modo

c'è da dire che il casino che hanno fatto quei coglioni dei diretors è veramente epico.

come cazzo abbiano fatto con le nuove regole che ti avvertono 48h prima della scadenza se mancano soldi negli acconti è un vero mistero. cioè qualcuno le email di warning le doveva aver viste no?

ho sentito che Darius Johnson è tornato e questo è gia una cosa positiva

il bello è che Mittani ha proprio scritto un articolo su come il gestire il nuovo sistema di sovranità sia importante.....3 ore dopo è successo il fattaccio

3rd February 2010, 17:13
Side news: http://www.eveonline.com/news.asp?a=single&nid=3684&tid=7

3rd February 2010, 17:25
hahaha questo è l'atteggiamento che fa grandi i Goons

"As many of you may have noticed we no longer have an alliance. The very gentleman who is CEO of fleet is the likely culprit so we'll be dropping Goonfleet as well. Goonfleet is dead. Goonswarm is dead. We will now bask in the glory of Goonwaffe."

dopo Jihadswarm, guardate se non incominciano a usare termini e modi di fare nazzisti :sneer:

3rd February 2010, 17:38
già mi immagino la lotta che si scatenerà per Delve e come ci posso fare soldi nel market :D

inizio a godere per tutti gli isk che farò grazie a questa notizia :D

3rd February 2010, 17:52
ah ti sei dato al commercio Xandar? potenzialmente è la cosa +redditizia

3rd February 2010, 19:23
Si ma n'attimo, la questione dei soldi e delle 'tasse', per così dire, dovrebbe in teoria essere "pensata".
Cioè mi spiego.
Col nuovo sistema di sov, se non erro, se conquisti una regione, questa riparte da 0. Le tasse sono proporzionali al livello di sov che hai. Se hai delle zone in guerra, sapendo che a ruota le puoi perdere-acquistare-perdere, pagare delle tasse altissime per poi, magari, ridurre a 0 il livello di sov è economicamente sconveniente. Imho, eh. E se non erro la voce dovrebbe essere questa...
Poi la voce contraria è che i goons sono cazzoni eccetera

4th February 2010, 21:10
karrtoon ha detto ciao a EVE in una maniere che più spettacolare non si poteva

karttoon wrote:

I'll try to keep this short since I've never been one for long boring stories.

I was originally planning to do this about a month ago. I prepped everything one evening with a post at hand, and moved my characters into our major cache locations. I noticed that NOL had a large logistics ship cache worth of 10's of billions in T2 ships, so I spent about two hours moving them to lowsec. By the time I was finished it was getting late, so I decided to get some sleep and mash buttons the following night. The next day I received intel that SirMolle was going to move IT alliance to work with AAA/Sys-K invade our space, and decided to let things continue since the idea of them alarm clocking until 5AM for weeks at a time made me gitty inside. The work moving the ship cache and other important assets could be easily explained that I didn’t want them locked in NOL if it was lost. This is the draft of the post I had prepared:

Amusingly enough when I returned from a 1.5 vacation to discover that most of what I was going to do was already done... by accident. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard and long in my entire life.

At this point finishing the job was obvious, but I wanted a day or two to get a few things prepared, such as unlocking all of the Titan and Mothership BPO's and letting the logistics crew ninja some of the stuff out for me first. To buy some time I made a half assed post and semi-troll on Goonfleet.com essentially blaming CCP and regurgitated some previous terrible orders the directorate made. The response from Goons was more amusing than I anticipated. I removed all roles from in game titles rendering them useless, and then purged all of the directors of titles. Conveniently the jabber bot in illuminate wasn't online at the time, so it didn't scream in the channel about the role changes (Solo is awesome BTW, and you really should use your talent on something that will make you rich). I systematically removed all of the member corps from Goonswarm except for Tolon (supercap corp) and GHSC (The alliance wallet corp), to which I had control over with alts. I voted GHSC as executor, and booted Goonfleet from the alliance. Shortly after I submitted Goonfleet's application to Band of Brothers, which should take affect between 1-2AM EST tonight where it will remain indefinitely.

I am leaving enough isk in the wallets of both executor corps to ensure the alliance bills can be paid for at least a few years, and I am riding into the sunset (quitting eve) leaving all the isk and assets locked in game. I'll probably check back in a year or so and donate it all to some random goon of my choice, assuming the game still exists.


P.S. ho saputo che AAA vi ha cacciati a calci da providence. condoglianze :sneer:

8th February 2010, 02:29
ma le sov sono intatte... e anche le attività qua su providence...
Cioè, non ho visto praticamente niente :|

8th February 2010, 18:21
cioè, va, http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/1407/20100208160443.png
sono tutte li le sov