View Full Version : [Vendo horde/ally]

14th April 2010, 23:31
ciao, sto vendendo l'account di un mio amico in real inglese. Farete tutto tramite me. Questa è la descrizione dei pg nell'account che mi ha passato lui, dovreste poterla capire anche se è in inglese.

Ud rogue 80-It's an undead male rogue with4 5667 gearscore.5646 Attack power, 44 crit chance-4/5 Relentless and Wrathful Gladiator Shoulders.
Decend pve gear and pvp gear. Has 2000 in both 2v2 and 3v3.Eng-426.Relentless Swords, Wrathful offhand weapons.
Epic flying mount, White Sceletal Horse, has max honor and 2300 arena points.

ud priest 80-It's a blood elf female priest with full furious, relentless shoulders and 5230 gear score with almost
3k ability power self buffed, 1000 resilience and 20% crit chance.
Maxed Enchanting with almost all 80 patterns, heirlooms for class and melee characters and has 1000 arena points to spend.

be paladin 80-It's a blood elf male paladin, 450 mining and jewelcrafting with decend epic gem patterns, has epic flying skill, lots of mounts.
Including the EPIC MECHANOHOG(14k gold to make one)
Has decend prot and ret gear, has 2k arena points to spend and has the rare Nether Ray mount back from TBC.

shaman 80-It's a 78 orc shaman that has heirlooms, some starting lvl 80 gear and dual spec(all chars mentioned above have it aswel).
He has some rare pets from TBC and lots of epics from Black Temple and other raids including tier 6 pieces.
He haves 450 Alchemy and 450 herbalism, can transmute all epic green gems and some eternals.
He is 100% rested untill level 80 so leveling will take about 1 day or less.

hunter 70-It's a 70 level hunter alt that has all heirlooms and rested untill lvl 73.

hunter 80-It's a 80 level hunter in the Chamber of Aspects server that has decend starting gear and 450 skining,
also on the same realm there is a lvl 66 rogue alt.

il prezzo che m'ha detto è intorno ai 230 euro (un prezzo davvero basso per tutti quei pg, 2 dei quali vestiti molto bene).
é sempre stato lui il proprietario dell'account, e fornisce tutti i dati (carta d'idinetità, numero di telefono il mio ecc). contattatemi se itneressati.

15th April 2010, 21:29

16th April 2010, 21:22