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1st June 2004, 02:09

Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70V Release Notes

May 31, 2004


- Letterbox merchants are now available in each of the market places. Players had been complaining about the lack of decent spamming methods in Dark Age of Camelot. Also available from this merchant; cherry bombs, flour bombs, spraycans and general annoying junkmail for your enjoyment.

- Throwing weapons have been replaced with Boomerangs, you'll never need to replace that ammo again.

- Gibbing has been added to the game. Much more realism has been added to some attacks. Creeping death style has been removed from the game, perferate artery now has a 30 second disabling effect on its target where they drop everything and clutch their neck while they bleed all over the place.

- Necromancers have been removed from the game. Replacing them are the buttons Free EXP or Free Gold. Coming soon is the Free Camp Stealing button. Albion only.

- Hibernian baseline stun has finally been removed from the game.

- Dwarfs have had the mezz spells removed from their classes. It was deemed no dwarf was ever atractive enough to make the enemy gaze in awe.


- (Bug Fix) Swimming while wearing any armor heavier than leather will cause your character to slowly sink under the water. Leather wearers with less than 100 strength will suffer the same effects, cloth wearers under 70 strength will drown also.

- (Bug Fix) rapidly clicking on the gatehouse door handle to try and get the gates open will now cause the guards to come and take you to jail. Time imprisoned will be directly proportioned to the amount of clicks you did.

- A new type of Seige ammo is available. Called the propaganda ball. Fired from a Treb, this ball of loosly glued together paper notices breaks apart over the tops of enemy castles and rains down messages of up and coming nerfs on their classes to break morale and bring chaos amoungst your enemies.

- All baseline nukes in Hibernia now have a built in 9 second stunning effect.

Player Controlled Boats

- New player controlled boats can now be purchased from the dock merchants at the various docks in the new Frontiers. The Merchant boat is one of these. Made entirely out of metal hinges, this boat is highly sort after for pillaging for money.

- Wooden Submarines are now available at the Ship Merchants. Unfortunately they reamin afloat unless you can get atleast 16 people onboard it. 8 Trolls/firbys/half ogres will also work.

- Reavers can now use their Whips for "recreational purposes". They can attach one end of their whips to the back of the smaller boats and ski along behind them. This can only be achieved if more than 2 members on the craft towing them make constant engine noises in /s. nnnneeerrrrrnnnnnnn nnnneeeeerrrrrnnn.

- For each person under the total capacity that is not on the boat, movement speed is decreased approximately 3%. If a boat has less than the minimum requirement, the boat cannot be moved. However the drums from a bard/minstrel can be used to bring the remaining people into a rhymth of rowing, this can get the boat moving at crawl speed.

- Waves have been added to the game. Finally all the surfers around the world rejoice. Flags have been put up in the safe areas on the beaches where RVR is not allowed. Trolls/Firys/Halfogres dont have the balance for this new sport.

- To prevent players from jumping off of surfboards by mistake, a new '/mygodicantsurfforcrap
command has been added.

Realm Ability Changes and Fixes

- There has been some confusion as to the effects of Mastery of Stealth. This just in from one of our game mechanics. MoS now modifies stealth detection as well as stealth movement and is now available to all archer and assassin classes, Minstrels miss out cause frankly we forgot that they could stealth as well. Each level of MoS gives the user a greater level of detection of other stealthers, with or without their own MoS, assuming it is in RvR and not Thursday or Friday. If it is Thursday or Friday archers will get the upper hand and have +14% added to their stealth detection range but as a compromise will have their stealth stat dropped by 6.

If they want to keep their stealth at 50 they have to activate the skipping ability which is on a 5 minute reuse timer. By activating this ability they have to unstring their bow and hold onto each end of the bow and skip along with it singing dreadfully out of tune. This however leaves them open to the minstrels/bards/skalds detect karaoke skill. This is a passive ability that leaves the realm musicians dumbfounded and unable to swing weapons play other music for the need to cover both ears with their hands. This does however give them a passive clip range TS for that archer that is skipping and singing.

Assasins Now get the 5 minute timered 10 minute reuse ability called "perf musician imitating an elephant". This is to counter the stupidly powerful skipping and singing single target archer TS that the musicians get.

We hope that the enormously rediculous paper/rock/scissors stealth part of this patch will help to make everyone understand the work that is going into the stealth part of DAoC... Assuming its Thursday or Friday.

If its not Thursday or Friday then the stealth button on stealther classes is greyed out. Replacing it is a url link directly to the VNboards so they can whinge and cry about something.

- Volley has been replaced with a group ability called ICBM. When teamed with 7 other scout/hunter/ranger classes this ability can be used. After spending 1 minute taping all your bows together one of the eight can elect to fire a Ballistic Missile. The 8 must remain completely still while the single member controls the missile like a redemer shot from UT2004.
Targets hit by the redemer are killed outright and must /release as it is too difficult for the rezzer to target enough pieces of them to complete a resurection spell.

- Friars can now spin their staffs around really really fast infront of themselves in an attempt to block arrows that are incoming on them. (Currently bugged and not working, shoot the bastards anyway)

- Armsmen and Women that spec to 50 xbow now get to use a rapid firing version while the realm ability "snap shot" is active. They can fire 10 shots a second at and around a ground target or track a moving target, but only if they /y Get Some! and /y You like that?

- Healers unique realm ability has been renamed autorezzer and the buff effects the entire group.

- Hero's unique realm ability has been changed to Menagerie. When this ability is used the entire group is tranformed into random animals with random procs and abilities.

- Pbaoe classes all get the new Bomb realm ability. This lasts for a minute and allows them to load themselves into a treb and fire themselves at the enemy, 10 seconds of CC immunity as well as perma moc activates as they land. Lurikeens can be thrown like a gridiron ball in the same manner, but only by a hero that is in Mooseform.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


1st June 2004, 07:27

Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70V Release Notes

May 31, 2004


- Throwing weapons have been replaced with Boomerangs, you'll never need to replace that ammo again.

- Necromancers have been removed from the game. Replacing them are the buttons Free EXP or Free Gold. Coming soon is the Free Camp Stealing button. Albion only.

- Hibernian baseline stun has finally been removed from the game.

- Dwarfs have had the mezz spells removed from their classes. It was deemed no dwarf was ever atractive enough to make the enemy gaze in awe.


Leggendo qua mi ero già shockato! lol.
Stavo pensando, ma che cazzo sta facendo la Mythic looooooool!
Solo dopo aver fatto avviare camtest ho notato che nn scaricava una mazza di 1.70v e poi per sicurezza sono pure andato sul sito e c'era ancora la 1.70u e allora ho realizzato che era una cagata :D

1st June 2004, 08:36
Leggendo qua mi ero già shockato! lol.
Stavo pensando, ma che cazzo sta facendo la Mythic looooooool!
Solo dopo aver fatto avviare camtest ho notato che nn scaricava una mazza di 1.70v e poi per sicurezza sono pure andato sul sito e c'era ancora la 1.70u e allora ho realizzato che era una cagata :D

1st June 2004, 08:45
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

1st June 2004, 09:04
"- Volley has been replaced with a group ability called ICBM. When teamed with 7 other scout/hunter/ranger classes this ability can be used. After spending 1 minute taping all your bows together one of the eight can elect to fire a Ballistic Missile. The 8 must remain completely still while the single member controls the missile like a redemer shot from UT2004.
Targets hit by the redemer are killed outright and must /release as it is too difficult for the rezzer to target enough pieces of them to complete a resurection spell."


Uraner Almasy
1st June 2004, 09:07
Leggendo qua mi ero già shockato! lol.
Stavo pensando, ma che cazzo sta facendo la Mythic looooooool!
Solo dopo aver fatto avviare camtest ho notato che nn scaricava una mazza di 1.70v e poi per sicurezza sono pure andato sul sito e c'era ancora la 1.70u e allora ho realizzato che era una cagata :D


fish =]
1st June 2004, 09:38
Leggendo qua mi ero già shockato! lol.
Stavo pensando, ma che cazzo sta facendo la Mythic looooooool!
Solo dopo aver fatto avviare camtest ho notato che nn scaricava una mazza di 1.70v e poi per sicurezza sono pure andato sul sito e c'era ancora la 1.70u e allora ho realizzato che era una cagata :D
eh beh è proprio una patch notes credibile tanto da andare sull'herald o avviare camtest

1st June 2004, 09:43
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Zurlaccio è_é
1st June 2004, 09:46
DAsdsaadsds :D

1st June 2004, 10:03
Realm Ability Changes and Fixes

- There has been some confusion as to the effects of Mastery of Stealth. This just in from one of our game mechanics. MoS now modifies stealth detection as well as stealth movement and is now available to all archer and assassin classes, Minstrels miss out cause frankly we forgot that they could stealth as well. Each level of MoS gives the user a greater level of detection of other stealthers, with or without their own MoS, assuming it is in RvR and not Thursday or Friday. If it is Thursday or Friday archers will get the upper hand and have +14% added to their stealth detection range but as a compromise will have their stealth stat dropped by 6.

If they want to keep their stealth at 50 they have to activate the skipping ability which is on a 5 minute reuse timer. By activating this ability they have to unstring their bow and hold onto each end of the bow and skip along with it singing dreadfully out of tune. This however leaves them open to the minstrels/bards/skalds detect karaoke skill. This is a passive ability that leaves the realm musicians dumbfounded and unable to swing weapons play other music for the need to cover both ears with their hands. This does however give them a passive clip range TS for that archer that is skipping and singing.

Assasins Now get the 5 minute timered 10 minute reuse ability called "perf musician imitating an elephant". This is to counter the stupidly powerful skipping and singing single target archer TS that the musicians get.

We hope that the enormously rediculous paper/rock/scissors stealth part of this patch will help to make everyone understand the work that is going into the stealth part of DAoC... Assuming its Thursday or Friday.

If its not Thursday or Friday then the stealth button on stealther classes is greyed out. Replacing it is a url link directly to the VNboards so they can whinge and cry about something.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

1st June 2004, 10:08
:rotfl: :rotfl:

1st June 2004, 10:08

1st June 2004, 12:38
aaaauhuhuhuh :D

1st June 2004, 14:09

San Vegeta
1st June 2004, 14:45
ma a me non me la scarica, è un bug?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

1st June 2004, 15:11

1st June 2004, 15:13
AHHAHAH siete gelosi che io mi vado a informare prima di sparare cavolate eh :p

Cmq avevo letto solo un pezzetto! :lick:

1st June 2004, 20:11
Oddio mi sto piegando in due, ma chi e' il fottuto genio :rotfl:

1st June 2004, 20:25
pd nn me la scarica... :rotfl:

1st June 2004, 22:02
- Volley has been replaced with a group ability called ICBM. When teamed with 7 other scout/hunter/ranger classes this ability can be used. After spending 1 minute taping all your bows together one of the eight can elect to fire a Ballistic Missile. The 8 must remain completely still while the single member controls the missile like a redemer shot from UT2004.

Buahahha me lo vedo già nel log "UCCISIONE MOSTRUOSA! DIVINO!"

- Friars can now spin their staffs around really really fast infront of themselves in an attempt to block arrows that are incoming on them. (Currently bugged and not working, shoot the bastards anyway)

Io li avrei anche fatti volare tipo elicottero alla yoshimitsu di Tekken :oro:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

1st June 2004, 22:45
- (Bug Fix) rapidly clicking on the gatehouse door handle to try and get the gates open will now cause the guards to come and take you to jail. Time imprisoned will be directly proportioned to the amount of clicks you did.

questo mi ha fatto tagliare :rotfl: :rotfl: