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4th June 2004, 09:44
Dio quanto amo Geko e stò gioco...sinceramente provo una goduria incredibile a vedere ste cose e a leggere tutti i nerds che piangono sulle board :lick:

Posted by Geko

Caltrops was not changed!
All entities, villains and Heroes, now have a minimum run speed of 10%. So Slow powers like Clatrops, Snow Storm, etc., cannot Immobilize (Root w/ zero travel speed) no matter how many you stack or how much you enhance them. The more Slow Enhancements you put in the power will allow you to slow higher level foes to the minimul runspeed.
Again, this applies to villains and Heroes.

Now onto the new dificulty fighting higher level foes. Let me explain how it works now:

Foes your level have not changed. You have a 75% chance to hit and you powers are 100% effective.
Foes 1 level about you have not changed. You have a 68% chance to hit and you powers are 90% effective.
Foes 2 levels about you got 1% harder. You have a 60% chance to hit and you powers are 80% effective.
Does 3 levels about you, difficulty went up about 12%. You have a 49% chance to hit and you powers are 65% effective.
Foes 4 levels about you got about twice as difficult. You have a 25% chance to hit and you powers are 32% effective.
Foes 5 levels higher than you are now 5 times harder. You have a 8% chance to hit and you powers are 11% effective.
Foes 6 levels higher than you - You have a 8% chance to hit and you powers are 3% effective.
Foes 7 levels higher than you - You have a 8% chance to hit and you powers are 2% effective.
Foes 8+ levels higher than you are out of the ballpark. You have a 8% chance to hit and you powers are 1% effective.

As you can see, the change slightly affected foes 3 levels above you, but it doesn’t really kick in till about 4 levels about you.

The change had nothing to do with the conning system. Its not purples or red that got harder, it is purely level based, so Soloing a boss that is 2 levels higher than you will be the same as before (w/in 1%).

So why this change? We are not balancing the game for power gamers. There was a real problem with the game. Players were routinely fighting foes 10 levels higher than themselves. This was not an isolated incident, this was commonplace. You really should only be fighting foes 2 or 3 levels about you, and maybe have a fighting change against foes 4 levels about you (btw, you have a 25% chance to hit a for 4 levels about you, but that can be improved with buffs and enhancements). Allowing players to fight foes 5 or 10 levels about you is bad. It promotes power gaming, twinking, burning through content (which destroys replay-ability), and opens the doors for all kinds of exploits.

So we needed to tighten up the range of combat. It will make teaming up with players outside your range more difficult. We recognize this. Unlike other games, CoH has a sidekick system to allow you to play with players that are not your levels. In any evnet, like any change, we can loosen or tighen these changes if it turns out it is needed, or even make other changes to other systems to compensate.

4th June 2004, 10:17
Ma piangono per cosa?perche' hanno aumentato la difficoltà nel fare mob di livello superiore?hanno fatto benissimo....io la gente che gioca non per divertirsi ma solo per fare il livello la posso solo compatire...bisogna capire che Coh non e' Daoc dove devi fare il 50 il prima possibile per poterti divertire in rvr...qui l'rvr e' nell'exp....e una volta fatto il 40 finisce li e metti in pensione il pg finche' non esce la patch col 50...godersi il gioco in ogni particolare(missioni,fogne,task force...e usare le danger zone solo per rompere un po' la routine non per camperarci)....che loser sti giocatori...

4th June 2004, 10:35
Se hai tempo leggi la board ufficile di CoH o quella delle Vn...è da stamattina che mi stò ammazzando dalle risate. Ci sono i nerd che piangono perchè "Ah io col mio gruppo di 20+ non faccio piu i mob di 30+ bastardi !!!! " e tutti quelli che li pigliano per il culo :D
L'unica cosa giusta che ho letto sono quelli che dicono "si ok..ma nelle mission in solo dove c'è un boss 4+ adesso come lo ammazzo ?" in effetti capita ogni tanto (5th column e tsoo..) ma credo lo fixino al più presto.
Cmq la gestione del gioco, le path e i comunicati dei dev mi lasciano sempre piu piacevolmente colpito.

4th June 2004, 11:37
Se hai tempo leggi la board ufficile di CoH o quella delle Vn...è da stamattina che mi stò ammazzando dalle risate. Ci sono i nerd che piangono perchè "Ah io col mio gruppo di 20+ non faccio piu i mob di 30+ bastardi !!!! " e tutti quelli che li pigliano per il culo :D
L'unica cosa giusta che ho letto sono quelli che dicono "si ok..ma nelle mission in solo dove c'è un boss 4+ adesso come lo ammazzo ?" in effetti capita ogni tanto (5th column e tsoo..) ma credo lo fixino al più presto.
Cmq la gestione del gioco, le path e i comunicati dei dev mi lasciano sempre piu piacevolmente colpito.

Le board me le leggo spesso, ma col mio inglese pacco non riesco a capire tutte le sfumatore dei rosik :p
cmq ritengo sia stata una scelta ottima...il gioco deve procedere a missioni non a exp libera...e sono d'accordissimo con te per quel che riguarda lo staff...veramente persone competenti...se pensi poi che il gioco si basa su di un motore grafico da loro creato e non preso in licenza come tanti altri giochi(daoc compreso), capisci anche il loro grado di professionalità....

4th June 2004, 12:11
Postato da un DEV ( magari avessi sentito dire ste cose dai DEV di daoc...)

I've been reading the many, many posts our most recent patch has generated and have found the same incorrect information floating around. It comes largely from outdated information in the manual and in the Prima guide.

If you haven't seen it written elsewhere: the change to accuracy in this patch is based on the LEVEL of the villain, not its color. The exact accuracy changes made are outlined by Geko here.

You can sidekick other heroes as long as they are 3 or more levels below you. When you are sidekicked, you act as if you are one level below your mentor. Your enhancements are boosted up with you. You continue to combine and slot enhancements as if you were your actual security level and it does help you.

There is already a group XP bonus which varies by the size of the group.

Villains in your missions should never be more than 2 levels above the mission owner. If you find a mission like this, it is bugged. This seems to be a problem especially in the 5th Column missions right now. We are actively working on solving the problem. Even so, continue to report bad missions.

If we make a change to the game and it doesn't work out, we'll change it again. All changes we make are based on data we mine out of game logs. We don't dream this stuff up out of nowhere. After the change, we mine the data again and make sure that it's working like we want it to. If it isn't, we'll change it again.

So, I ask you to play City of Heroes. Try out some new tactics. Maybe Accuracy enhancements are worth more to you now. Maybe you need an extra Controller or Defender to control the scarier villains now.

Obviously, we think the changes that we made are good, but the data will tell us for sure one way or the other. We'll know if team size has decreased, or if teams no longer have controllers or defenders, or if soloing is better than teaming up across the board, or if anything else is going south. If these things come to pass, then we'll fix it.

4th June 2004, 12:40
:bow: :bow: :bow: CoH's devs