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Thread: [GUIDA] Marvel Heroer for dummies

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    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Default [GUIDA] Marvel Heroer for dummies

    Ok, questa guida sarà un copia/incolla clamoroso da SA dato che non ho voglia di tradurla e non sono abbastanza esperto sul gioco per scriverne una io

    Download the game:
    The best way to download and install the game is through Steam; (se la procedura normale dallo Store di Steam non funziona, usate questa: Go to 'Run' in Windows and enter the following: steam://run/226320/)
    Alternatively, you can download the installer directly here.

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    From the website:
    Quote Originally Posted by Game Overview
    Marvel Heroes is a FREE-TO-PLAY action-packed massively multiplayer online game created by David Brevik, the visionary behind Diablo and Diablo 2. Set in the iconic Marvel Universe, Marvel Heroes combines the core game-play style of Action RPGs and MMOs with the expansive library of heroes from the Marvel Universe. In the game, players can collect and play as their favorite Marvel Superheroes (including Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Spider Man, Captain America and many others). Team up with friends and try to stop Doctor Doom from devastating the world with the power of the Cosmic Cube in a story written by Marvel comic super-scribe Brian Michael Bendis.

    • Play for FREE - Experience the entire game without paying any money. If you choose, you can shop in the in-game store for even more heroes and items.
    • Battle as Marvel Super Heroes - Play as Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Spider Man, Captain America and many other famous heroes.

    • Customize Your Hero - Make your Hero unique with a range of spectacular powers and costumes. Discover enhancements to increase your hero's power.
    • Explore the Marvel Universe - Visit famous locations from the Marvel Universe, from Avengers Tower to Mutant Town to the Savage Land.
    • Smash through hordes of Marvel enemies and face off against iconic super villains.
    • Join with your friends as you fight your way through the game.

    So what's this game really like?
    Marvel Diablo 2. The Game. And it is pretty damn awesome for a F2P game. This is an action RPG, where you move around with your mouse, do basic attacks with left click, special attacks with right click, and a handful of keyboard shortcuts. You level up, collect gear, run bosses, level crafters, and PvP.

    You can swap between characters you have at any time, but they each level independently (max level is 60). This means every character shares your current quests, instead of having individual quests. You can reset quest progress to the beginning whenever you want to. There are global areas that are not instanced and you will be playing with other random heroes. Mobs respawn here regularly, and there are world bosses that will spawn where everyone teams up to take them down. These bosses are much tougher than normal bosses and require a group. Story missions are instanced and you can bring groups into them. These, and other random instances you come across, are the large, random "dungeon" crawls like you would find in Diablo 2.

    There is PvP in the game, but I haven't touched it yet. Maybe someone can share their experience with this.

    Oh, and loot. Did I mention loot? There's lots of it. With 24 initial characters, each having their own hero specific armor, lots of numbers, boosted skills, medals, and more, there's lots of vacuuming to do. Not to mention that you can add stats to different costumes, which can turn into having different costumes for different roles if you wanted. And end game stuff that makes you want to base a build around.

    Don't forget crafting! Leveling up your crafters and reciepes to make costumes, enhance costumes, buy gear, upgrade gear, make potions, etc. See further down for a detailed explanation of crafting.

    Free to Play model:
    The game is entirely free to play. There are FIVE starting characters that everyone gets to pick ONE of (Daredevil, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Storm, and Thing) and the rest you have to unlock. You can do this by buying them with or , completing certain tasks (if you do an entire play through of the story, you will get at a minimum three free characters), or finding them as rare drops in game. Same deal with costumes (minus the three guaranteed part). The cash shop also has things like XP and Magic find potions you can buy for cash. You also unlock stash (bank) tabs in the cash shop. Some costumes will only be attainable from drops, while others might only be in the cash shop. All characters can be bought or found from drops / quests. If you get a character drop that you already have, you can use it to level up a characters Ultimate Power. You cannot trade characters or costumes with other players at this time, and we don't know if they will ever change that.

    Overall it seems like a pretty good system to me. This isn't Pay 2 Win, but it is Pay 2 Nostalgia/Geek out on Marvel.

    System Requirements
    2.1 GHZ Core 2 Duo or better
    2 GB ram or better
    GeForce 8800 GTS vith 320 MB VRAM or better
    10 GB free space

    Q: How do the heroes play? Is this traditional Tank, Heal, DPS?
    A: There are no traditional roles, and each character brings something different to a fight. While the Punisher and Hawkeye are both ranged DPS, they play very differently from each other. Each character has 3 skill trees to level up, 2 are usually basic powers, like ranged dps, melee, and, survivability. The 3rd tree always seems to be the real differentiator for a character. For example, Cable's 3rd tree is a lot of telekinetic stuff that you don't see on any other character. There are no healer classes, and med kits fill that need, but certain characters are better for tanking, such as Thing, but you don't need a tank for most stuff.

    Q: How does the Stash work?
    A: Everyone is given a single tab that all your characters share. You can purchase additional tabs, including hero specific ones. There is a lot of hero specific loot to be had, so this can help keep you organized with all your heroes.

    Q: Is there a Cow Level?
    A: YES! You can check youtube if you want to see spoilers.

    Q: What happens if I get a hero drop that I already have?
    A: You consume it to level up your ultimate power on any hero. This is considered part of the end game.

    Q: Can I trade heroes and costumes I loot?
    A: No, and there is no indication they will change this, especially with how leveling up Ultimate Powers works.

    Q: What happens if I reset my progress?
    A: Talking to Manifold lets you reset your quest progress to various chapters. For example, say you were playing a character at chapter six, and you wanted to do some chapter 3 quests. You talk to Manifold and pick chapter 3. Now your quests are set to the beginning of chapter 3. At any time you can go back to Manifold and change back to chapter 6, or 5 or 2 or, well you get it. It will always start your quests at the beginning of a chapter, so keep that in mind if you are in the middle of a chapter.

    As you play Marvel Heroes, you'll notice a lot of weird particles and elements drop, all of them stuff you can't equip. These are your crafting supplies. The crafting contact early on is Hank Pym in Avengers Tower, but later hubs will have their own crafting guy(additionally, you will get one-use crafter summon items as occasional quest rewards or from the cash shop). You need to donate items to your crafter to increase its EXP so it has access to more recipes- but you'll also sometimes find additional recipes as quest rewards or rare drops. Such as a portal to a 'Restricted Bovine Sector' that requires a lot of end-game content rewards.

    The crafting material levels go like this:

    Simple -> Primitive -> Ordinary -> Fundamental -> Essential -> Complex -> Refined

    You can combine 3 of the same particle at any level to craft 1 of the next level of particle. Once your crafter is leveled up enough, you'll be able to break higher level particles down into lower ones, or convert 2 of any level to a different particle of that same level.

    The Crafting system is going to be important if you want to be as effective as you can be. Players have the ability to add stats(and visual effects) to their costumes, as well as the ability to convert Rare items(blues) into Very Rares(purples) or convert a Very Rare for a different character into a Very Rare for your current character. The levels of the items involved determine the cost of the crafting, with higher level equipment or costumes obviously requiring higher ranks of materials and more credits than lower ones. There are several 'ranks' of stats that a player can add to their costume, but only one of each 'rank' can be applied at once. If you apply a Rank 1 Defensive Affix to your costume, applying a Rank 1 Offensive Affix will replace it.

    What defensive or offensive affix you get is somewhat randomized, so you may need to re-craft a costume multiple times until you get the specific result you want if you're going for a particular build. The materials to do this shouldn't be too difficult to get, though, and it's the only thing they're really used for.

    There is another type of crafting material called Costume Cores. These will let you add bonuses to your base stats (the bars listed for each character stat like strength, intelligence, energy, etc.) that has a maximum of 10. Your base stats act as multipliers (we don't know the math yet) and are different than the materials above which will add things like +dmg or +armor.

    You can also craft potions that give you buffs for 20 minutes. They are relatively cheap in crafting materials and provide decent buffs like increased move speed or spirit regen. You can also make med-kits, but they really aren't worth it with how often they drop in game.

    There are two vendors (and a crafter) and you donate items to upgrade them. They only have 5-10 random pieces of gear in stock at a time, but you can refresh their inventory and get another random set. (refresh is on cooldown, you can't just refresh infinitely) As they level up, they'll have better stock of items to offer you.

    Your first time through the game, they probably won't seem that useful. For one thing, you're probably focusing on leveling your crafter at first. But even if you invest in them, you'll probably be getting better gear from drops. But they're not meant as something to be useful right away; apparently, they're meant to be more of a long-term goal to work on over the course of multiple character runs.

    Once you get them level 10+ you vendors have a good chance to get blues in stock, and even purples. Apparently, once you get the weapon vendor leveled up to 18+, they even have a tiny chance of rolling artifacts. Artifacts are a big deal, they have huge or unusual bonuses. They're the type of item that you can base your whole build around. So on subsequent runs, your vendor will be more and more useful. If you can't find a good weapon or chest piece early on, it will be much more viable to get something good from the vendors.

    Character and costume pricing:

    Character | Costume, Cost.

    Deadpool | ENHANCED Pirate (reskins yer weapons, an' changes all dialogue t'be more piratey, mateys ): 2000, Sheriff: 800, X-Force: 1450, X-Men: 700

    Iron Man | Avengers Movie: 1500, Classic Armor: 750, Mk1: 1200, Mk2: 1100, Mk3: 650, Mk4: 800, Mk5: 1450, Mk6: 1350, Marvel NOW: 1400, Silver Centurion: 800, Starboost: 1500, Mk42: $200 Founder's Pack Exclusive

    Spider-Man | Big Time: 1400, Big Time (green): 1400, Classic: 650, Future Foundation: 1450, Scarlet Spider: 1350, Sensational (Ben Reiley): 1200, ENHANCED Symbiote(black webbing, changes all dialogue to be growly and by the 90s cartoon VA): $200 Founder's Pack Exclusive

    Captain America | Avengers Movie: 850, Marvel NOW: 850, Original: 650, Heroes Reborn: 800, Director of SHIELD: 1100

    Hulk | Avengers Movie: 1450, Gray: 900, Mr. Fixit: 1200, Planet Hulk: 1400, Maestro: $200 Founders Pack Exclusive

    Jean Grey | Black Queen: 1000, Dark Phoenix: 1250, Marvel NOW: 700, 90s: 1050

    Rocket Raccoon | Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel NOW: 1250, Marvel NOW: 950, Original: 1000

    Thor | Avengers Movie: 1300, Classic: 800, Marvel NOW: 1000

    Wolverine | Classic Brown: 1000, Leather Fang: 650, Patch: 1200, 90s: 750, X-Force: 1450, Weapon X: $200 Founder's Pack Exclusive

    Black Panther | Armored Panther: 1300, Tribal: 1000, Wakandan Tech: 1100

    Cable | Armored Cyborg: 1300, Classic X-Force: 1200, Original: 600

    Colossus | Classic: 700, Maghneto's Acolyte: 700, Phoenix Force: 800, Marvel NOW: 1100

    Cyclops | 90s: 1500, Classic: 600, Marvel NOW: 1200, Original: 550, X-Factor: 700

    Ms. Marvel | Agent of SWORD: 1000, Classic: 1150, Captain Marvel: 1000

    Punisher | Classic: 1050, Trench Coat: 1250, War Torn: 450

    Black Widow | Classic: 1000, Gray: 900, Original: 650.

    Daredevil | Armored: 1110, Secret Wars: 1400, Shadowland: 1300

    Hawkeye | Avengers Movie: 1300, Modern: 1200, Old Man Logan: 1250

    Scarlet Witch | The Crossing: 1000, Heroes Reborn: 1250, Marvel NOW: 1200, Romani: 1100

    Storm | Classic Black: 1000, Classic White: 1250, Mohawk: 1000, 90s: 500

    Thing | Black Jersey: 650, Future Foundation: 900, Fantastic Pants: 700

    Quick Tips:
    • Hold 'W' and your character will follow your mouse without having to click
    • Hold 'Shift' to left mouse click attack without moving. This is very important for ranged characters
    • Alt + Right click will sell or donate items quickly without confirmation.
    • There is an ability to warp back to your current base, Bodyslider. It is the little house icon in the top right of the mini-map. This will also take you back to where you last were from the base.
    • There are multiple 'Crafters' throughout the game you use, but they all share the same level rank. This means it is a good thing to start leveling up your crafters from the beginning as it carries through to all your crafters, and all your characters can use them.
    • The loot you see is yours, so you don't need to worry about people grabbing stuff as if they were Nightcrawler before you can blink.
    • You can right click someone's name in your party and teleport directly to them.
    • Function keys can be assigned to hotswap powers on right click. In the Powers screen ('P') - hover over a power and press an F key to assign it. You can also reassign your function keys to other keys on the keyboard.

    How to be level 10 in 15 minutes and avoid burnout from replaying the same shit on every hero:
    - Change to new hero, do not reset story
    - Take Cargo Freighter waypoint
    - Hope auto-team leader is too stupid to kick your level one ass out
    - Proceed to kill The Hood with auto-team and gain 3-4 levels
    - Repeat one time at Cargo Freighter WP, gain 1-2 levels
    - Repeat 1-2 more times at Hand Tower WP, gain 3-4 levels

    S.H.I.E.L.D. Motion Tracker artifact:
    This is an artifact that gives you +20-30% damage based on your range from the target. Max range = Max damage. It also has a cool addition that lets you see enemies on the minimap. You can get 1 per character, minimum level 10 (but you can obtain it at level 1).

    Reset to Chapter 3 (talk to Manifold)
    Talk to Maria Hill (Avenger Tower) and get quest
    Warp to SHIELD Recon Post
    Turn in Quest
    Last edited by Jesper; 14th June 2013 at 16:05.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  2. #2
    Warrant Officer dariuz's Avatar
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    Padova (PD!)


    HO un dubbio sul warp/reset dei chapter,

    nello specifico io ho appena finito il chapter 8 con storm e son lvl 20 ora mi son accorto che non ho piu il S.H.I.E.L.D. Motion Tracker che credo di aver donato per sbaglio
    se uso la procedura scritta sopra per riaverlo devo rifare tutto il chapter 3 ? devo rifare anche 4 5 6 7 8 ? oppure lo resetto ripiglio loggetto e poi torno di nuovo al mio chapter 8 e tutto come prima ? insomma come funziona sta cosa ?
    -He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man
    -I pity those that don't drink, for when they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they're going to feel all day!
    -Silence is golden but duct tape is silver

  3. #3
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    EDIT: cvd
    Last edited by Jesper; 14th June 2013 at 15:41.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  4. #4
    Razj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dariuz View Post
    HO un dubbio sul warp/reset dei chapter,

    nello specifico io ho appena finito il chapter 8 con storm e son lvl 20 ora mi son accorto che non ho piu il S.H.I.E.L.D. Motion Tracker che credo di aver donato per sbaglio
    se uso la procedura scritta sopra per riaverlo devo rifare tutto il chapter 3 ? devo rifare anche 4 5 6 7 8 ? oppure lo resetto ripiglio loggetto e poi torno di nuovo al mio chapter 8 e tutto come prima ? insomma come funziona sta cosa ?
    non puoi riprendere i quest rewards con lo stesso pg con cui li hai già presi.

  5. #5
    Warrant Officer dariuz's Avatar
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    QQ quindi non posso piu averlo
    -He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man
    -I pity those that don't drink, for when they wake up in the morning, thats as good as they're going to feel all day!
    -Silence is golden but duct tape is silver

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