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Thread: Qualcuno ha detto D2?

  1. #1
    Randolk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Default Qualcuno ha detto D2?

    Stuff that people are working on for you today and this week:

    Various bug fixes: Cap/DD throwables, Whirling Chains, All-In and anything reported in the last week or two.

    Runeword and Uru-Forged Item System: Not too complicated, but should be great fun and powerful for people who want to spend the time collecting the Asgard runestones. This will at least be testable this month if not launched)

    Danger Room challenges: Just a small project that allows players to test themselves in a series of challenges in the X-Men danger room. Like a combination of solo dungeons from DAOC mixed with X-Defense mixed with challenge levels from console games.

    Hawkeye and Cap level 52 reviews: Cap needs a strong wave clear option. Hawkeye needs a better single-target spirit spender. Both need QOL upgrades and awesome Signatures/Ultimates.

    Quality of Life upgrades for various heroes.

    A few new unique items to fill builds and slots that need it.

    StarkTech item UI.

    Continued work on performance and plugging any VFX with leaks or slowdowns. Slow but sure process that could be finished this month.

    Minor TTK and TTL tuning. Everyone is either in the optimal tuning range or extremely close now.

    Work in the Inspect system by UI team along with hotbars.

    Work on the first raid zone (level design, environment, character modeling, engineering, powers design, audio, animation and VFX all have a hand in this)

    Advance planning for other hero revies (Daredevil, BP, BW, Storm, Cyclops, etc).

    Some PVP tweaks (the level design team found the spot where players can accidentally exit the map and get sent back to the loading screen!)

    Finishing up Kate Bishop.

    Work on Cosmic Terminals.

    Work on Nightcrawler (could be one of the most fun melee I've seen).

  2. #2
    McWoT. McLove.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Palermo, Nord Africa


    ti sei eprso quando doomsaw cita daoc. gia solo per averlo citato vuol dire che lo conosce quindi e' imba di suo.
    Non ho mai rivolto a Dio altro che una preghiera, molto breve: "Dio, rendi ridicoli i miei nemici". E Dio l'ha esaudita. -Voltaire-

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