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Thread: Nuove RA per guari.... quali prendere??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Nuove RA per guari.... quali prendere??

    a 5L0 io pensavo di prenderle così:

    MCL 2
    MOC 2
    PURGE 1
    Mastery of Healing 2
    Wild Healing 1

    che ne dite?

  2. #2


    Purge 1 e' inutile (va preso a 2 per i 10 secondi di delay). Idem moc: a 2 non mi piace per nulla in quanto gli spell hanno solo il 50% dell'efficacia. Mcl a 2 pure e' uno spreco.

    Io ti consiglierei: purge 2 (15 punti), mcl e raging power a 1 (totale 10 punti), il resto RA passive (mastery of focus, thoughness, wild healing) in attesa di respecciare quando avrai punti a sufficienza per moc 3 ^^

    My 2 cents
    Katmandu Healer Igraine
    Platone Druid Merlin

    Spread for teh win!

  3. #3
    Petty Officer 1st Class Nanoschifoso's Avatar
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    ................. Il fondo della botte


    ma roba tipo l'istaress100% ci sara' ancora?

    Venduto DaoC Lancelot Midgard: Karonte Asgardian - Healer RR4L5 The GooD FeLLaS
    Nanoschifoso Zerk 7L2 ______Vortigern: ______Nanopessimo Skald 4L4

  4. #4


    Perfect Recovery - Active - Instantly resurrects the target with no res effects with the listed amount of health, endurance, and power. 300sec timer - Druid, Healer, Cleric
    5% lvl1
    20% lvl2
    100% lvl3

    solo 30 punti per farla diventare utile...

    piuttosto ma bof nn lo consideri kat?

  5. #5


    Al momento preferisco moc 3 (30 secondi di cast ininterrotti col 75% di valore spell sono un'enormita') a bof 3.

    Katmandu Healer Igraine
    Platone Druid Merlin

    Spread for teh win!

  6. #6
    Tunnel's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    Prenderò purge di gruppo, purge, bof e cura selvaggia a 3.
    on Camelot Unchained (alpha):
    Nichodemus <GildaDiVecchieGlorieInPensione> - LaClasseCheCura - ServerName [soon]
    PG dei giochi vari in spoiler

  7. #7
    x4d00m's Avatar
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    Brescia (BS)


    Quote Originally Posted by Tunnel
    Prenderò purge di gruppo, purge, bof e cura selvaggia a 3.

    l'hanno eliminato grp purge
    <SvX> Xadooom - shaman 8lx - igraine
    <Never> Xadoom - hero 8lx - merlin
    <NoD> Citterosa - sorceress 6lx - lancelot

    Grazie papa', non ti dimentichero'. (17/06/2005)
    Dopo due anni la giustizia si e' ricordata di te....quante lacrime di gioia miste ad amarezza. Mi manchi da morire.

  8. #8
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Jabolis's Avatar
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    Questo e' quello che ho postato altrove, e' di pubblico dominio (e si nota) e' in inglese ma non penso ci volgia una laurea per capirlo

    Mastery of Focus 2. (+9)

    Chance for a spell of being resisted formula :
    15% + 0.5% * (enemy lvl - spell lvl)
    the most popular templates have pac at 36 or 38, it means they use lvl36 insta ae mez and lvl35 ae mez and lvl32 ae stun.
    Without MoF chances of being resisted (against lvl50 enemy) are

    insta ae mez : 22%
    ae mez : 22%
    ae stun : 24%

    with MoF2

    insta ae mez : 17%
    ae mez : 18%
    ae stun : 19%

    Mastery of Focus 1 is almost useless, +3 means to have 1%,2% more chances to land a spell. MoF3 is very nice (+17) but its also really expansive. Good for rank 8L5 and more.


    Purge III

    30 points, OMG. Yes really expansive but fortunatly healer's RAs suck so thats not a big deal.
    You get purge with no dealy every 5 minutes, if you get also ceremonial bracers (easy to exp in RvR) you can consider yourself almost immune to CC. Every rank 5+ should have Imo purge at III, getting purge at I is totally useless, in 10 seconds the fight is usually already decided. Purge II is ok if you are low rank, but you cant rely on it everytime you want.
    Getting Purge III is like to buy 3 Purge II, remember that (5 minutes recast vs 15 minutes recast). Action with frontiers is frenetic, you dont have time to rest til your RAs are back.


    Raging Power and Mystic Crystal Lore

    I really hope they gonna improve MCL a bit. Sure it has a faster recasting time than RP, but the % of power healed is almost the same. 25 - 60 - 100 vs 25 - 50 - 80.
    What to get then ? Easy answer both of them.
    If you buy RP at lvl 2 you will spend 15 points and you will get 50% power healed every 5 minutes. MCL at level 2 means 60% power healed NOT in combat every 3 minutes.
    If you get both RP and MCL at lvl 1 you will have 50% power healed every 4 minutes, as all the healers know MCL can be used during fights (if you are not under attack) so thats not a big issue. In this way you save 5 points, you can use one of them or both according to the situations (another big advantage)


    Perfect Recovery

    Bah, they made Our Ra totally useless.
    At lvl 1 is waste of points, spending 15 points to get it at lvl2 is a bigger waste of points. Ok it has a 5 minutes recast time, but 20% life/health/power is totally ridicolous. I do prefer to use Egg of Youth and cast a heal after that.
    At lvl3 is nice, but whos going to spend 30 points to get it ?
    Maybe a rank10, not I for sure.

    P.S. PR now will restore also endurance, not only power and life.


    Barrier of Fortitude

    Rhe first RA I bought when I started to play on Pendragon, the first RA I took off when I realized it was useless.
    At lvl 1 you dont notice any difference. 10% dmg reduction is almost nothing, 20% is not enough not bad but 15 points are too many. At lvl 3 is good, not awesome and you would spend 30 points. Not worthed, a good RA for PvE


    Divine Intervention

    Please.... I hope its a joke. To be nice it should be at least 3000 - 5000 - 8000. 1000 points ? LoL people going down from a hill while at skald speed 2000 ? Not enough for a Volcanic Pillar against your group, 3000 ? same as 2000.
    Forget it.


    Mastery of Concentration

    The lower its level the less the effectiveness of your spells.
    Is your mending a bit low ? No reason then to get MoC at level 1 or 2.
    At lvl 1 you heal for 75% less and your cc will last 75% less.
    Stun ? forget it, 1 second stun is useless, you will heal for 100-200, a joke. Only mezz would have a resone to be casted.
    What does it mean ? It means that MoC at 1 is useless.
    At level 2 its not the best, but at least decent. You can land a mezz, cast a couple of heals and move to a safer spot.
    Imo MoC2 is good enough for mend/pac specced healers, MoC3 is the best for heavy pac healers with low mending and for the ones who have a really high rank and can afford the cost


    Mastery of healing

    Not worthed, you can notice a difference at lvl3, and I dont think anyone would pay 10 points to get it. 25% from items are more than enough


    Wild healing

    At lvl2 its nice. 9% more chances to land a critical heal, When you cast a spread/group heal you will easily crit at least on one member of your group (with just a bit of luck). lvl1 not worthed, lvl3 too expansive.


    Augmented X

    At lvl 1 is BS, at lvl 2 is as good as actual RA. Worthed ? If you are collecting points to get something better yes, be sure you have a respec stone avaliable thou. Dexterity and Consitution of course.


    Long Wind

    Mmmmmmh... Ill take it but Im almost sure Ill take it off, we can port almost everywhere, we not gonna have many occasions to run around frontiers, probably not worthed anymore.



    If you dont know where to put a single point Serenity is a good deal.


    Toughness and Ethereal Bond

    I used to love Toughness, Im not gonna spend a single point on it now, same for EB, at lvl 2 = 40 more power points, lol.


    Avoidance of Magic.

    2 lol
    5 lol lol
    12 nice, 10 points ? no way

    remember the formula

    dmg taken = total dmg - (buff + items + race resists)% - (RA resists)%. 5% is actually much less. Even 2% if you take cold, heat, matter dmg while running with a heavy aug specced shaman.


    Sorry for that but I strongly think Aug healers atm are crap. With frontiers thou they will have a reason to be.
    It will be much easier to find solo enemies around the frontiers (easier than gank vs gank believe me), being siege oriented spells like celerity will be more popular, and buff resists will be very nice (also now to be honest).
    At the same time CC wont have (IMO) the big impact it has now. So Aug/Mend specced healers will be a viable choice.
    Which RAs should Aug healers take ?

    Whirling Dervish at III
    With WD you gonna own nightshades, infiltrators, rangers, scouts, minstrels and offensive tanks, its almost useless against defensive (shield) tanks cause you dont actually hit them
    You can kill them 2 time faster, thats the big difference from now. No more 10 minutes fights.

    Mastery of Pain III
    17% more chances to crit, use a fast weapon with a nice proc, cast celerity if you have time and you gonna be a nice killer.

    Purge II
    You are not a fast killer, dont let enemies debuff/stun/bla bla you. Purge will be your friend against minstrels and assassins and champions.

    Serenity is important, your PoM is gonna suck (1 or 2), even if you are not going to use as much power as a mend/pac healer you should regen power as fast as you can.

    MoC 1 is more than enough, you need it only to cast celerity, or mezz and heal yourself

    Bad side is that to be a good Aug healer you need a high realm rank, otherwise you will be teh suq

    Anyway my choices

    Youknowho classic version (map 40 4 36) RR8 (70 points)

    Purge III (30)
    Mastery of Focus III (10)
    Mastery of Concentration II (15)
    Raging Power I (5)
    Mystic Crystal Lore I (5)
    Wild Healing II (4)
    Long Wind I (1)

    Youknowho Pendragon version (map 31 44 4)

    Purge II (15)
    Mastery of Concentration I (5)
    Whirling Dervish III (30)
    Mastery of Pain III (10)
    Serenity II (4)
    Mystic Crystal Lore I (5)
    1 point left to put at random somewhere.


  9. #9
    Chief Petty Officer edotrek's Avatar
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    Abbiamo fatto dei test con Divine Intervention a 3 su pendragon e devo dire che non è male come può sembrare, anzi è stata implementata piuttosto bene, per vari motivi

    1- Comincia a curare quando qualcuno del gruppo scende sotto il 75% di vita (quindi non si consuma in caso di aggro di mob/ronde o scontri piccoli)
    2- NON cura se si perde vita cadendo
    3- Se ci sono 2 healer in gruppo le battery stackano per bene (consumando per prima la battery dell'healer che viene prima nel gruppo e poi la seconda)
    4- Non ha timer, ovvero resta carica finché non si esaurisce, dando la possibilità di lanciare una battery quando si parte e se per 10 minuti non si incontrano nemici si può rilanciare appena finisce il pool della prima

    Tutto sommato non è malvagia, aiuta a tenere vivi i primi targettati del treno assist fino all'arrivo di un bodyguarder o permette di segare qualche caster che smocca. Certo 30 punti sono tanti, è da testare se già a 2 da buoni risultati.
    We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes - Gene Roddenberry

  10. #10
    Senior Chief Petty Officer kraus's Avatar
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    Ma al posto di Purge 2 ve fa schifo Cerimonial Bracer, a mio parere è utilissimo, e il risparmio in punti e' notevole.

  11. #11
    Petty Officer 1st Class Nanoschifoso's Avatar
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    aiuto sono in confusione totale

    Venduto DaoC Lancelot Midgard: Karonte Asgardian - Healer RR4L5 The GooD FeLLaS
    Nanoschifoso Zerk 7L2 ______Vortigern: ______Nanopessimo Skald 4L4

  12. #12
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Jabolis's Avatar
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    Oct 2003


    Ma al posto di Purge 2 ve fa schifo Cerimonial Bracer, a mio parere è utilissimo, e il risparmio in punti e' notevole

    innanzitutto ceremonial e purge hanno effetti diversi. Uno rimuove il mezz (in questo caso) l'altro lo previene. Ergo se un mezzer che sa quello che fa capita per la tua via ti mezza due volte, con purge mantieni l'immunita' con ceremonial no.
    Come ho scritto (bastava leggere ) la potenza del ceremonial si vede in combinata con purge, non prendendolo da solo.

    Per quanto riguarda battery che dire, se funziona cosi diventa sicuramente + interessante, ma a 3000 non a 1000 o 2000...


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