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Thread: Barbarian

  1. #1
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Barbarian

    Note: This is a work in progress and as such may contain incomplete information while it is being fleshed out.

    What does it mean to be a Barbarian?

    Some make bargains with dark things from damned corners of the world in pursuit of power. Some commune with nature, conjuring the powers of lightning and storms. Some see a problem and reach for the biggest weapon they can find. In the world of Hyboria, this is the Barbarian.

    Masters of melee combat, barbarians aren't known for their subtlety. Their survival in the dangerous world of Hyboria relies on their abilities with a diverse array of weapons. Barbarians wield everything from the usual axes and clubs—two at a time, as no true barbarian cowers behind a shield—to mighty two-handed blades that Crom himself might struggle to lift. Barbarians with a little more guile about them may also learn the ways of the bow, or have a few throwing weapons tucked here and there for when things get dicey (or when someone makes the mistake of running, as running away from a barbarian is the surest way to die tired).

    Magic doesn't enter into the vocabulary of these fierce fighters. Magic, to a barbarian, is seeing what happens when you hit someone really hard, and when they disappear in a red spray, that's magic. The barbarian's skills focus entirely on damage, and doing a lot of it to their enemies with all manner of sharp and blunt objects. The barbarian also favors light, or even cloth, armor, figuring there's no sense shuffling around in lots of heavy metal when you could be burying an axe in the other guy's face.

    Barbarians that choose to dual wield gain abilities that focus on putting together a lot of hits, up to ten in a combo. In their Multihit line, a simple barrage of Reckless Blows grows with the warrior. The enterprising and persistent barbarian can learn to unleash a Flurry of Steel, and that flurry becomes an Avalanche of Steel as they grow more powerful. The most powerful dual-wielding barbarians unleash Chaos Incarnate, wrecking their foes with a blur of blows, ruining all that come near. Provoking a barbarian with a weapon in each hand is foolish enough, but they also gain the ability to go berserk, and what begins as a Savage Rage grows into a Destructive Rage that makes the already formidable barbarian nigh-unstoppable.

    Those that continue to follow the dual-wielding path also gain the ability to Wreck their opponents' armor at Level 24, with outright Ruining of their finery coming later on, the better to rip and tear the tender flesh beneath. Higher-level barbarians do even more damage with nasty wounds that bleed over time, and with a lot of training and experience, level 32's simple Jagged Cut becomes a Whirlwind Cut, with the most powerful members of the profession wielding the mighty combo move known as “Bloodletter.”

    There is another tack, however, best summarized as “speak softly and carry a big stick, or possibly an entire tree.” This style of barbarian favors one big weapon as opposed to two smaller ones, and specializes in hitting a wide area around them, the better to clear out the teeming sea of oncoming foes so common in Hyboria.

    As early as level 20, these barbarians gain access to a stun combo. Stunning Punch, Stunning Clout, and, later, Stunning Strike set up the two-handers' hard hitting damage combos. Much like the barbarian, these combos aren't subtle, with delightful names like Butcher, Mangle, Slaughter, and for the most powerful and discriminating of barbarians, Annihilate. At level 24, they gain the ability to slam their opponents back and out of the way. From the basic Power Bash to the powerful Mighty Clobber, barbarians in need of a breather—or barbarians who like to watch their enemies flail backward helplessly—will be well-satisfied.

    Even dodging won't work on the experienced barbarian, as the higher levels grant them combos that ruin their opponent's ability to evade damage. A Distracting Blow can be hard enough to deal with in a melee, but the Staggering Blow leaves opponents stumbling, easy prey for the cunning barbarian and his mighty arsenal of weapons.

    The barbarian, in other words, is a specialist in melee combat that enjoys two major pastimes: killing people and breaking things in a variety of fun and creative ways.

    Class specifics at a glance:

    The barbarian is one of the most dangerous and feared sights on the battlefield. Their combat style focuses on strength, aggression, and relentless assault.

    Whether wielding two-handed weapons that sweep through enemy lines or fighting with a weapon in each hand, when the opportunity to deliver that devastating killing blow comes, they are ready.

    Wounding barbarians enrages them, making them stronger and more deadly in battle and their varied array of powerful attacks can knock an enemy senseless, immobilize them, or make the very ground shake around them. Like other rogues, they excel at sneaking and the arts of ambushing.

    Permitted Races:

    * Aqualonian - The Aquilonians are a people divided behind a front of unity, and threatened behind a show of dominance. Their kingdom, the so-called Flower of the West, is the unrivalled jewel of Hyboria. It is a land of prosperous cities, great wealth, enlightened culture, with a king-sanctioned order of religious freedom, where no faith shall be oppressed. The Aquilonians have a culture similiar to that of the Carolingian Franks as well as the Greco-Romans of ancient history across multiple eras.
    * Cimmerian - A shroud hangs over the people of Cimmeria. While one might assume it is the pall of the dark weather overhead, eternally threatening grim days and violent storms, the truth is that the Cimmerians live under a shroud of impending doom. As the Hyborian Age enters its final centuries, few people feel it as acutely as the northern barbarian clans. It is a subconscious sensation – more a subtle, ever-present melancholy than any true emotion. The Cimmerians are proto-Celts descended from the Atlantean survivors of the Great Cataclysm and are the barbaric race from which Conan descends.

    Key Points:

    * individualistic
    * extremely offensive-minded
    * rely on either evading the attacks of their opponent or killing them quickly enough that defense is not a huge concern
    * more on the “tougher” side
    * a “savage” feel to the class as a whole
    * aggressive nature
    * very brutal melee fighters
    * having the highest area-oriented melee damage
    * some of the highest overall damage potential in the game
    * Compared to the Soldier archetype, Barbarians obviously have the potential to dish out significantly more pain in general
    * a Barbarian would rely on pure aggression in addition to their stuns, knockbacks, and other forms of crowd-control to dispatch their foes
    * very enjoyable to play for those who like being up front and in the fray
    * Barbarians are a bit more on the “reckless” side, jumping into action and causing as much havoc as possible in a short period of time
    * a very fast-paced, damage oriented class
    * Barbarian is a bit more of a “team player” and has a few more abilities which directly support and buff his team
    * the general theme that he is more effective when the odds are stacked against him and his group, and he is surrounded by enemies
    * Having many abilities which hit multiple targets, become more effective when more enemies are around, and also having the ability to become empowered by being at low health means that Barbarians will always be a really useful class for any group to have around in a pinch—in addition to being fast-paced and enjoyable to play.


    * Dual-Weilding
    * Has specialized combo lists for dual wielding and two-handed.
    * Damage debuff
    * Snare
    * Blind
    * Damage-over-time
    * Berserking
    * Armor debuffs


    * Cloth
    * Light Armor

    Permitted Weapons:

    * One-Handed Blunt
    * One-Handed Edged
    * Two-Handed Blunt
    * Two-Handed Edged
    * Bow
    * Crossbow

    Feat Trees:

    * General
    * Berserker
    * Reaver

    Tips & Tricks - by the community for the community
    The Barbarian Ultimate Feat List- as compiled and presented by Malvanna

    Current Build 1.2

    *Please note this is a work-in-progress…report something in this thread if it needs to be updated or fixed!

    General Feat Tree

    Tier 1

    +1.0% Slashing Invulnerability
    +1.0% Piercing Invulnerability
    +1.0% Crushing Invulnerability
    +1.0% Poison Invulnerability
    Increases the rogues physical resistance rating.

    Tier 2
    Requires 5 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    -3% Hate Modifier
    The rogue’s strikes have less chance of attacking a foe’s ire, making it less likely their foe will break off from another target to attack the rogue.

    Grants the rogue a special ability which increase the chance of their team performing fatalities.

    Keen Senses(1)
    Substantially reduces the reuse time of the Search ability.

    Natural Protection(5)
    +1.0% Cold Invulnerability
    +1.0% Fire Invulnerability
    +1.0% Electrical Invulnerability
    +1.0% Holy Invulnerability
    +1.0% Unholy Invulnerability
    Increases the rogue’s elemental resistance ratings.

    Tier 3
    Requires 10 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    -10.0% Fall Damage
    +10 Climbing
    Improves the team’s climbing ability and reduces any fall damage inflicted upon the rogue.

    Acrobat(3) *Requires Mountaineer*
    +1.0% Evade Chance
    Increases the rogue’s evasion rating.

    +10 Hiding
    Slightly increase the stealth rating of their team.

    Swift Shadows(3)*Requires Concealment*
    +5 Movement when Hiding
    Increases the rogue’s movement rate while they are using their stealth abilities.

    Reduces the hate generated by the blows of any team mates no in Defensive Stance, making it less likely for target to break off and engage their attacker.

    Tier 4
    Requires 15 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Grants a special ability that makes the target less likely to break off and attack the rogue.

    If used against a minion it is instantly killed. The stealthed rogue must briefly wait before attacking.

    Excellent Balance(5)
    Grants the rogue an ability which makes them immune to being knocked back in combat. Additional feat points increase the duration of the immunity and shortens the refresh time.

    Quick Recovery(1)*Requires Excellent Balance*
    The rogue instantly recovers stamina after being knocked back in melee.

    Tier 5
    Requires 20 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Agile Mind(3)
    Grant’s a special ability which gives them a substantial chance to escape fear or charm effects.

    Second Wind(1)
    Grants a new special ability that gives a short duration but substantial stamina boost. Takes a moderate amount of time to refresh.

    Endurance(5)*Requires Second Wind*
    Reduces the reuse time of the Second Wind ability.

    Escape Artist(3)
    Grants the rogue an ability which gives them a substantial chance to escape snares that slow movement and root effects that prevent movement.

    Tier 6
    Requires 25 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Grants the rogue a special ability which confuses the target, resetting their target priorities.

    Cheat the Reaper(2)
    The rogue has a slight chance of cheating death when killed, instantly restoring them. This ability takes a long time to refresh.
    Berserker Feat Tree

    Tier 1

    Blood Rage(5)
    Grants the barbarian the Blood Rage Stance that increase the damage inflicted upon foes and enemy attacks have a chance of increasing the barbarians rate of life generation and evade chance. The health effect can be applied three times.

    Tier 2
    Requires 5 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Upgrade Combo:
    DPS Increase 10.0%
    Butcher II, III, IV, IX, V, VI, VII, VIII, X
    Increases the damage done by the barbarian’s Butcher combos.

    Great Weapons Master(5)
    +1 Two-handed Edged and Blunt Damage
    Increases the damage done by two-handed edged and two-handed blunt weapons.

    Tier 3
    Requires 10 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Shock and Awe(3)
    Upgrade Combo:
    Decrease cooldown time by 3.0 seconds
    Clobber III, IV
    Stunning Punch II, II, IV
    Upgrade Combo:
    Decrease cooldown time by 2.0 seconds
    Clobber II
    Reduces the reuse time for Stunning Punch and Clobber combos.

    Staggering Punch(3)
    Meta Change:
    On Target
    Chance on Combo:
    Stunning Punch
    Improves the Stunning Punch combos by adding an effect that also reduces the victims movement speed.

    Reverse Swing(5)
    Meta Change:
    On Target
    Chance on Combo:
    Staggering Blow
    Augments the Staggering Blow combo by increasing the damage the barbarian inflicts.

    Enhances the knock back combo starters by adding an effect that roots the target for 1 second. This effect does not trigger immunity.

    Tier 4
    Requires 15 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Eyes of Madness(3)
    Grants the barbarian an ability that makes all foes in vicinity less likely to focus their attacks on them.

    Permanently increases the barbarian’s resistance to fear effects.

    Grisly Wounds(5)
    Power Increase:
    Increases the damage or healing by 15%
    Jagged Cut
    Augments the Jagged Cut and Butcher combos by adding more damage over time.

    Tier 5
    Requires 20 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    No Escape(1)
    Grants you a clickable ability that allows you to throw your weapon to impale the enemy, causing massive damage over time and stunning him. This ability disarms you for a period of time.

    This mighty combo stuns all foes in close vicinity.

    Finishing Blow(3)
    Grants the barbarian a charge ability available after they knock back an enemy. Their charge causes severe damage but has a high stamina cost and long reuse time.

    Tier 6
    Requires 25 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Arcane Marauder(5)
    Chance on Hit:
    Chance on receiving spell damage, Arcane Marauder on self
    When hit by spell damage you gain natural health regeneration and drain mana from enemies around you.

    Unstable Mind(3)
    Grants the barbarian an ability which removes all stun, snare, and root effects and gives them immunity for a short period of time.

    Swarm Fighter(5)
    Grants the barbarian an ability that taunts all minions in the area for a short period of time. Every attack from a minion will trigger a heal when the ability is active.

    Tier 7
    Requires 30 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Hammer and Anvil(5)
    Enhances Stunning Punch combo by increasing the damage it inflicts.

    Fearsome Agility(5)
    Chance on Hit:
    Chance on getting damage, Fearsome Agility on self
    When hit in combat there is a chance to gain a short evade buff,. This can stack up to 5 times.

    Chance on Hit:
    Chance on getting damage, Rampage on self
    When hit in combat, you will occasionally damage every enemy around you for a small amount.

    Tier 8
    Requires 35 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Comatose(2)*Requires Hammer and Anvil*
    Enhances Stunning Punch combo by increasing the amount of time the victim is stunned for.

    Rampaging Horde(5)*Requires Fearsome Agility*
    Grants the barbarian an ability that increases their damage rating based on the number of friendly barbarians within range. Maximum number counted is ten.

    Combo – Scatter Foes(3)
    Grants the barbarian a combo that will knock back all foes in a wide cone in front of them.

    Combo – Decapitation(5)*Requires Rampage*
    Upgrade Combo:
    DPS Increase 1.0%
    A swift combat that inflicts massive damage and increases the chance for a fatality. Has a moderate reuse time.

    Tier 9
    Requires 40 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Welcoming Death(1)*Requires Rampaging Horde*
    Chance on Hit:
    Chance on Damage, Welcoming Death on target
    Grants you a clickable effect that increases the damage you inflict up on your target base don the number of dead foes in range. Maximum number counted is 10.

    Thirst For Blood(1)*Requires Combo – Decapitation*
    Grants you a clickable ability that affects the whole team. Each attack a party member performs, or is the victim of, has a chance to trigger an effect that increases the damage inflicted upon foes. It also increases health and stamina regeneration.
    Reaver Feat Tree

    Tier 1

    Increases damage inflicted by the barbarian and their strikes have a chance of causing additional damage. This effect can be applied three times.

    Tier 2
    Requires 5 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Hand Weapon Expert(5)
    +0.8 One-Handed Edged and Blunt Damage
    Increases damage inflicted with one handed edged and blunt weapons.

    +1.0% Offhand Chance
    Permanently increases the barbarian’s chance to attack with their secondary weapon.

    Tier 3
    Requires 10 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Chance on Hit:
    Chance on damage, Sever on target
    Attacks with the barbarian’s primary weapon have a chance of inflicting additional slashing damage.

    Unstoppable(5)*Requires Brutal Cyclone*
    Chance on Hit:
    Chance on getting damage, Unstoppable Trigger on self
    Chance on receiving spell damage, Unstoppable Trigger on self
    When dropping below 30% health the barbarian gains a large amount of damage deflection.

    Brutal Cyclone(2)
    Increase the chance of inflicting critical damage when using the Cyclone of Steel combo.

    Smash ‘N Crush(3)
    Increases the combo starter damage done by the Cyclone of Steel combo.

    Tier 4
    Requires 15 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Twist and Tear(5)
    Chance on Hit:
    Chance on damage, Twist and Tear on target
    All attacks with the barbarian’s off hand weapon have a chance of inflicting a bleeding wound that damages the victim for a short time. This effect can be applied five times.

    Predatory Instincts(3)
    Grants the barbarian an ability which increase their evasion skill and rate of stamina regeneration for a short time.

    Gushing Wounds(5)
    Meta Chance:
    On Target
    Chance on Combo:
    Cyclone of Steel
    Augments the Cyclone of Steel combo with a chance to inflict a bleeding wound that damages the victim for a short time.

    Tier 5
    Requires 20 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Grants you a clickable ability that increases damage inflicted upon foes and slightly increase your movement speed.

    Too Many To Count(1)
    Grants the barbarian an ability which for a short time increase the damage inflicted by their attack based on how many living foes are nearby. The effect can be applied ten times.

    Adrenaline Rush(1)
    Grants you a clickable ability that increase the damage inflicted upon your foes. It can only be used when your health is below 40% and cancels when your health is above 60%.

    Unstoppable Berserker(2)*Requires Adrenaline Rush*
    Improves the Adrenaline Rush feat by increasing the rate of stamina regeneration.

    Tier 6
    Requires 25 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Jagged Weapons(3)
    Power Increase:
    Increaes damage or healing by 25%
    Jagged Cut
    Increases the damage done by the barbarian’s Jagged Cut combos.

    Cyclone of Razors(5)
    Upgrade Combo:
    DPS Increase 8.0%
    Cyclone of Steel II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
    Increases the damage done by the barbarian’s Cyclone of Steel combo.

    Spirit of the Panther(3)
    Grants the barbarian an ability which increase their chance of inflicting critical damage with the Cyclone of Steel combo when the Predatory Instincts fear ability is active.

    Boiling Blood(3)
    Meta Change:
    Modify Duration by 1.0
    Savage Rage
    Increases the damage done by the barbarian’s blows while Save Rage combo is in effect.

    Tier 7
    Requires 30 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Lashing Swords(5)
    Meta Change:
    Increases the area of effect by 1 meter
    Jagged Cut
    Increases the area of effect ton Jagged Cut combos and upgrades it to also debuff evade chance on the target.

    Back in the Fray(1)
    Grants you a clickable short range charge ability that can be used after you are hit with a knockback.

    When you evade hits in combat you will get a temporary damage increase. This effect can stack 5 times.

    Tier 8
    Requires 35 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Rupture Armor(1)
    Improves the Crush Armor combos so they inflict more damage.

    Shrapnel(5)*Requires Lashing Swords*
    Meta Change:
    On Target
    Chance on Combo:
    Wreck Armor
    Improves the barbarian’s Wreck Armor combo by inflicting piercing damage on any enemies nearby the primary target.

    Double tap forward also grants the barbarian an absorb shield. If hit the enemy will also suffer a counter attack.

    Grants the barbarian an ability so that their next attack inflicts significant bleeding wounds with both their weapons.

    Tier 9
    Requires 40 Points Previously Spent in this Tree

    Dance of Death(1)*Requires Shrapnel*
    Grants you a clickable ability that makes all attacks inflict instant damage to all foes in a close vicinity.

    Armageddon Falls(1)*Requires Impale*
    Grants you a clickable ability that for 12 seconds give you a 100% chance of inflicting your target with an effect that makes him take damage every time he is hit for 3 seconds.
    Tips & Tricks as presented by the Barbarian community:

    don't rely on stealth, use a bow to weaken your enemies, especially when fighting mulitple mobs
    I know while in combat the double-tap forward to get a short stun works and it does help. Food / drink buffs are your friends, use them. Don't be afraid to pop a potion too, and +health gear is a good thing.
    don't be afraid to run. It saves a lot of frustration to just run sometimes.
    Always use the Stun as an opener. You will kill the mob before it ever touches you (so your hunting will become faster without rests) and if you get adds, you got a good chance that it will refill and you'll be able to use it again.
    Keep the knockback for when the adds reach you. It can buy you time to either flee or finish off your 1st target.
    Here is a good tip, useful when you are low on health or fighting a tough mob. Do not use a stun before a knockback, the knockback effect will not happen. And you pretty much loose those few seconds of damage prevention to yourself. I generaly like to use a knockback, then a quick damage combo, followed up with a stun when I am low on health. If done correctly you can get all 3-4 combos out and not get touched.
    Stealth is situational. At night and in dungeons/caves it's going to be far more effective than in broad daylight. Positioning is everything with stealth, always stay out of the mob's front cone of vision. Do this and you'll find it to be a very useful tool for getting the drop on multiple enemies.

    Contrary to popular belief, I have not found stealth to be broken. I have however found a lot of folks who don't appear to be using it correctly.

    Note: mobs may still spot you even when approaching from behind.

    Bows are also situational, best used when you're trying to selectively pull mobs away from potential adds. Bow damage is great, and you can get a couple of nice shots off before they close for melee. However, that is only damage against a single target. Better to use the bow to pull, then if you get multiple foes you can start up a Clobber to unleash when they arrive. A far better use of the time in my opinion.

    Clobber is pretty much the only thing that's going to save your life when fighting multiple foes. Especially if you're on low health. Obviously it depends upon number and level, but it is highly unlikely that you're going to kill them all outright with just pure damage. Knockback is your only salvation.

    To be honest, it doesn't take very much longer to get off a 3 direction combo over a 2 direction one. And you're gonna need more than 1 Butcher or Staggering Blow to take them all out. So, 1 Clobber is way better than 2 of anything else timewise. And clobber will give you the time to set something up for when the mobs get to you again.

    Note, I said get to you. Don't follow up a clobber against multiple foes. They may have spread outside of your AoE range so you might not get them all with a following combo. Let them come to you. This gives you time to set another combo up for when they arrive and pretty much ensures that they'll all be in the AoE cone.

    By multiple I'm reasonably assuming no more than 3 mobs of equal or slightly lower level or 2 of slightly higher. Anything more than that and the best defense is simply not being there.

    Bear in mind that two versions of the same combo do not use the same cooldown. So, you can Clobber, then immediately set up another Clobber for when they get up and get back to you. You can then set up something else to finish them off without them landing hardly a blow. This is as effective on multiple targets as it is on single. If all goes well you'll barely notice that you were fighting a group.

    Obviously this only becomes of use once you reach higher levels and gain the upgraded combos.

    In my experience Stunning Punch breaks on damage. Setting up another combo will cause damage before the combo is triggered. So this will break the stun and the mobs will be on you mid combo. Not a problem with Clobber, but if the knockback doesn't trigger after the stun, as mentioned elsewhere, then you're buggered.

    The only stun I've seen that persists through damage is the sneak attack effect. Though I don't recall seeing this trigger as often in later levels. More info on this would be nice.

    You pretty much want Blood Rage asap. That heal can be a lifesaver and is far more useful than the damage reduction as a starter. The extra damage and shorter cooldowns are also something I'd go for before looking at the general tree. However, there are some decent abilities in the general tree that should not be overlooked.

    +Hide is also fairly useful I've found. My hide has always been maxed and then some due to +hide stats on items.
    Have a tip or a trick not listed here, please post it below and I'll see that it's added to the list!
    Last edited by Ladro di anime; 12th May 2008 at 09:37.

  2. #2
    Lieutenant Junior Grade bakunin's Avatar
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    se qualcuno di voi ha fatto il barby, datemi un parere su questo:

    volevo fare un light tank dw ma la linea reaver ha pochissime utility e ancora non è detto che sia un bene rinunciare a tutta questa roba che offre la linea berserker, inoltre il 2h ha un gioco molto piu vario e ci si adatta a tante cose:

    stun aoe frontale (knockback) e rispettiva combo dannosa, uno snare, una specie di purge (rimuove root, stun e snare), stun aoe, trow weapon.

    ho rinunciato a pompare stunning punch, è un peccato.

    sulla linea base non mi sembra ci sia nulla di notevole a parte resistenze e boost di evade

    tra le skills (che non so come respeccare), sono indeciso se pompare hide e prediction, dipenderà da come si evolve il gioco in futuro, di sicuro un barbaro che apre di stun uscendo dall'hide dovrebbe essere lolloso, anche se il gruppo mi interessa di piu

    ps: mi ero dimenticato di dire che indubbiamente dw genera dps maggiore, ma con 2h mi ritrovo a perfectare dei mob pari livello o superiori che dopo 2 stun neanche si muovono.. magari con un s/s e le cure è meglio fare dps puro, vedremo
    Last edited by bakunin; 26th May 2008 at 09:52.

    Ykykal Bonedancer
    Puppete Shaman
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    Bakuninn Runemaster

  3. #3
    Lieutenant Junior Grade bakunin's Avatar
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    aggiungo: a liv alti è una cazzata pensare a switchare fra i due rami?

    poi, ho notato che i mob hanno resistenze a slash o crash, cerco di switchare all'occorrenza, invece sulle armor dei pg giocanti c'è qualche differenza?

    Ykykal Bonedancer
    Puppete Shaman
    Maseeda Valkyrie
    Bakuninn Runemaster

  4. #4
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Ged's Avatar
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    Io sono orientato a questa spec (2h e diciamo misto pve pvp):
    Come ho letto ovunque, ho lasciato perdere tutto ciò che è relativo a Butcher, dato che fa danno troppo basso.
    Non sono ancora sicurissimo sui punti messi in General. Nè dove metterli nè quanti metterne.
    Last edited by Ged; 26th May 2008 at 12:24.

  5. #5
    Lieutenant Commander Gramas's Avatar
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    mio probabile tp al 80 devo vedere,4315-21

    Ho messo dei punti su gushing wounds xke nn sn ancora 40 per mettere le feat al tier successivo e nella descrizione mi dice+30% tipo(al livello uno..)..devo capire perchè in caso cambio qualcosa in favore di questo.

    Credevo che avrebbe fatto solo danno da sanguinamento invece..
    Last edited by Gramas; 26th May 2008 at 12:11.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthu View Post
    E' incredibile quanta gente si sia reputata sempre al di sopra della media.
    Che strano se fossero tutti cosi al di sopra della media la media sarebbe piu alta.

  6. #6
    Lieutenant Junior Grade bakunin's Avatar
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    buona idea quella di eliminare butcher, la metto in pratica anch'io, anche se spesso ho tutto down negli scontri lunghi

    gramas: tienici aggiornati su come va quella spec, se vale la pena a liv alti, poi vedremo il pvp

    Ykykal Bonedancer
    Puppete Shaman
    Maseeda Valkyrie
    Bakuninn Runemaster

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander Gramas's Avatar
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    Roma,Sotto la collinetta artificiale..


    Quà ci saranno da fare molti test al'80..e vorrei sapere se si avrà un cazzo di server test o qualcosa.

    cmq vedo due tp unici per il momento su per il sanguinamento ed uno per il danno puro.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthu View Post
    E' incredibile quanta gente si sia reputata sempre al di sopra della media.
    Che strano se fossero tutti cosi al di sopra della media la media sarebbe piu alta.

  8. #8
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Per expare fino al 30 diciamo cosa conviene alzare? reaver o berseker?

  9. #9
    Lieutenant Commander Glorifindel's Avatar
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    reaver = dual wield spec

    berserk = 2h spec
    On Steam: Gildarts
    On Glorfurion#2394

  10. #10
    Lieutenant Junior Grade bakunin's Avatar
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    x ged: ho provato senza butcher, nn mi piace, non tanto in 1vs1 che trovo semrpre l'alternativa, quanto in gruppo contro mob epici, in cui l'uso spropositato di stamina degli altri stili non fa bastare una pozza ogni 30 secondi, con butcher invece hai un ottimo rapporto consumo/danno... magari sara da levare all'80 ma per ora la tengo tanto non ho bisogno degli anti-cc e i punti avanzano

    Ykykal Bonedancer
    Puppete Shaman
    Maseeda Valkyrie
    Bakuninn Runemaster

  11. #11
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glorifindel View Post
    reaver = dual wield spec

    berserk = 2h spec
    MINCHIA!! Mi hai davvero cambiato la vita...a va a cagare

  12. #12
    Lieutenant Junior Grade bakunin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drako View Post
    MINCHIA!! Mi hai davvero cambiato la vita...a va a cagare
    fino al 30 cambia veramente un cazzo tanto fai tutto a quest che abbondano, grindare a quel livello non serve a niente ed è noioso -_-

    il problema di pone al 45/50. io ho fatto 2h e mi trovo bene pero non saprei a questo liv come va l'altra spec

    Ykykal Bonedancer
    Puppete Shaman
    Maseeda Valkyrie
    Bakuninn Runemaster

  13. #13
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Ged's Avatar
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    Si, butcher ha un buon rapporto danno/stamina, specialmente salendo di livello. L'unica cosa è da vedere quanto i punti messi nell'improvarlo siano poi veramente efficaci. Al momento lo uso senza averci messo nessun punto.
    Ora cmq ho l'account bloccato, aspetto la scatola da Vedrò di provare un pò i danni come vanno respeccando, quando posso.

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