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Thread: Bear shaman

  1. #1
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
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    Default Bear shaman

    Riporto anche questo dal post principale.
    E' una guida ma è l'unica cosa decente che ho trovato.


    Im going to just post what i have noticed. This will either help you or save you time. Please dont flame me if you already know this or if you think everyone should know this. Believe it or not but not everyone has tried the bear shaman so this could very well help them out getting started.

    First of all what is a bear shaman?

    The spirit of nature is strong in Cimmeria and has begun to manifest itself amongst the barbarians of the north.

    Bear shamans can inherit aspects of the great bear like claws, savage strength or adrenaline surges and use spirit totems that heal and counter-attack enemy blows. They can also gain the power to heal and eventually resurrect fallen companions.

    Bear shamans are able to equip the heaviest priest armor (medium) and are the sturdiest of all the priests. Capable of mighty combos with their two-handed weapons, and a complement of druidic enchantments, this makes them fearsome enemies in combat. In common with other priests, they also have many healing powers.

    Archetype: Priest

    Permitted races: Cimmerian

    Weapons: Two-handed blunts, bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons

    Armor: Cloth armor, light armor, and medium armor

    The shaman is nether a full healer or nuker " caster ". There a powerful Melee healer " mage " of sorts " edited to be politically correct ". They tend to do best on the front lines cracking skulls and buffing the front line. There very useful in many ways. For those of you that played a shaman or redmage class in other games then you have another thing coming. Yes it is true we are more or less a defensive mage. However dont let the priest title fool you. We are not a bunch of weak healers that cant take a blow or dish out a good amount of DPS. To be technical BS's are more or less a DPS support class. We help support the front line while dishing out a good amount of DPS.

    AoC Shamans are VERY powerful and BELONGS on the frontlines " as of right now unless things change " . They not only wield double handed blunt weapons but there buffs and melee attacks are powerful. They are no joke on or off the battle field.

    They take a bit of time to master and get used to yes this is correct. However once you get them down there a fun class to play and if you like a challenge this is for you.

    Bear Shamans at low levels:

    Ok at first leveling and questing a bear shaman is a bit of a task. You dont get any real buffs untill lvl 15 which makes things a bit of a challenge. Thats ok you can still level up and quest until then.

    When you first start off make sure you get used to the combo's. Even if you have to test them mid zone fighting nothing. Because your combo's will keep you alive. So test them swinging away in mid air or go find a poor tree or bush somewhere to test them out on.

    Only pull 1 or 2 enemies at a time low levels or any other level if possible. When i mean pull i mean only try and fight 1 enemy at any given time 2 at the most. Take your time because if you dont you will spend far more time running back to where you died than just taking your time and doing the safe way.

    At low levels you can use potions if you like but i never bothered. However food with extra HP " at low levels " REALLY saved my skin a few times. So all of them bananas you pick up. Use them until you get your hands on better food.

    Low level battle tips :

    Keep in mind your probally still limited to only a few buffs. So you still may be having a rough time. Thats ok all of us shaman's went through it. Here is some tips to help kill them enemies off a bit faster and easier without dieing as much...

    When you pull a enemy if anymore comes with it try and pull them back several feet. This helps not only get you out of danger from any roaming enemies that may have strayed away from the pack. But also it helps ALIGN them in away that when you swing your weapon your hitting multiple enemies. This takes a bit of practice but i can normaly get them aligned most of the time when doing this. Also if there is a narrow area or a wall. Try and get them lined up or grouped together in those areas if possible.. If not just pull them back several feet and practice trying to get them lined up. This will help out ALOT for most of the game. Specially them dreaded volcano quests and underhalls area's just starting off.

    Once you have your enemies lined up start unloading your combo's one after another. Burst them until there dead. Dont be afraid of running out of stamina because you probally wont. Just burst away until they drop.

    Make sure your SKILLS have been added so your cure " when you get it " does not get interupted. By adding in these skills it will save your life many times to come. Your quick cures might not give you alot of hp but its enough to just get you by...

    Once you get your first cure be ready to combo,combo,cure,combo,cure,combo and so on. It seems like alot of work but its better then dieing and having to get back to where you was. Its worth the extra work to survive and keep going.

    Bear Shamans levels 15+ :

    Once you reach level 15 things will start gettng a bit easier. But dont think your some killer machine that cant be hurt. You can and you will. So still follow the tips and tactics from the lower level questing and leveling for ever " until endgame and pvp ". Your buffs are amazing and keeps you alive. Without them we would be naked and worthless solo or even with a group... So always make sure your BUFFED and ready to go...

    If you die rebuff everytime. Yes i know its a pain to recast over and over again if you die. But its worth it even if you dont think the enemies will be hard enough for them. It will make it easier to kill them and safer for you and your group if your with one. No need to risk being a big shot or trying to rush things. Play it safe and keep your buffs up.

    The same battle tactics apply after lvl 15. However now at this point you will start noticing your burning a bit more MP . Once you get near your 20's and up you will notice its easy to burn MP if your in a bind and bursting your cures left and right to keep you and or your group alive.

    With that being said make sure after you get done fighting to take a second for your HP and MP to regen. Its worth taken a second or to out rather then running out for the next fight. Also if you dont think there is a enemy close enough to bother having to wait. Think again. Alot of times there right around the corner waiting to ambush you. So once again play it safe and just take a second to regen.

    You will notice by now you have a few combo's that takes longer to recast then some others. These are normaly more powerful then those others. So dont just waste them on regular fights. Because the next one might need those combo's to keep you alive. Save your heavy hitters that takes time to recast if you can. Sounds silly to save them but if your in a area your not used to then i would advise to save them. You never know whats around the corner or if you will get more then one enemy coming at you during the next battle.

    Questing as a bear shaman :

    These tips actually go for almost any class you pick im sure. But alot of people might not realize these things or may not have taken the time to test it. So im going to just touch base on ways to quest a little easier for you...

    When your questing at night " single player " and you get aggervated or want a change. Go to your trainer in Tortage in the inn and switch over to day time. BUT befor you do make sure the areas your having trouble with has been started i will explain in a minute.

    Go level up a few levels knocking off a few quests during the day " multiplayer " . There is alot more quests thats easy to do and can help you gain a few more levels rather quick. Once you have a few levels under your belt. Go back to your trainer in Tortage in the INN. Switch back to night play " single player " and go back to those instances. You will notice not only is most if not all the enemies you killed still gone. BUT there the same level. You will beable to get through the ALREADY started " key word already " instances much easier.

    Warning : there may be one or two enemies here and there that is your same level. So take your time dont think since most of them is lower level they all are. Just make sure you scan over the ones in your way to make sure there is no higher level enemies in the mix of them...

    Once your done with that instance you can then go back turn them in and get other ones. Again if your having trouble on the next instances. Do what i suggested above. Go to day play get a level or two and then come back.

    This method may not always work and very well could be patched in the future. But i dont see why they would for lower level areas.

    As for the rest of the questing. If you get stuck on something or having a hard time. Move on and go to the next one. You can always come back to that quest later on. ITs better to move on get a level or to and then come back.Rather then wasting a ton of time and or busting your keyboard over it. Move on and come back later!.

    Killing bosses :

    I have noticed most bosses are almost BLIND or deaf . Sort of funny. But im sure the developers made it this way for a reason. Most bosses that have guards or minions around them can easly be killed " or easier " then what you might expect. Here is what i do in most situation with a main boss or a standing still boss.

    You can walk almost right up to some of the bosses " dont test it unless you dont care to die ". Some of them you cant . However most of them you can get closer to them without them coming after you then the regular enemies.

    This gives you the edge. You can easly " most of the time " pull the enemies around the boss without getting his attention..

    Example : The last battle. You can run right up to Strom be a few feet away and he wont do a thing. So this makes it easier to kill him. You can actually run right up to his minions and kill them off. But make sure you pull them back to try and line them up so you can damage multiple ones with a single swing like usual. Kill one side of the minions and then do the other side like i mentioned above. You will notice the entire time " unless this gets patched " that strom or most other bosses will more or less let you kill off there guards and or minions. I got a kick out of it when i figured it out..

    But make sure you test everything SAFELY. They may patch things in the future so it wont happen. But to be honest i dont see how anyone would beable to solo it without having it this way. So i doubt Tortage areas bosses will be patched so you can not do this. S

    Some of these tactics works well WAY past Tortage. So if you think its next to impossible to do something. Test it out safely if you can and you will be surprised how much easier it really is if you just take your time and think about it befor you rush in....

    Ok i know wall of text. But once i stated i just couldnt stop lol.. If you guys would like me to ill come back later on and refine the guide a little better. Maybe add some screenshots. I can also upload a pdf or a more printer friendly version of it to one of my many sites.

    Sorry for the spelling errors but im sort of in a hurry. Ill try and fix it up later on if you all want me to....

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

    Bear Shamans levels 20+ :

    Ok once you start getting into your 20's and over in your homeland. Things may seem to be a bit different. Well it is. Your in another land with new enemies that may swarm at you from all directions " Cornell's Valley is a prime example ". If your not careful you can very well have a handful of enemies on you at any given time. So the pull back method still works here.

    Around this time i start changing things up a bit. Since either im fighting 2-4 at a time or some might take longer to kill then the others. I change my combo's up a bit ... Ill start off with my HEAVY hitters right off the go. This way it gives me time to recharge the combo and to focus on other things such as quick cures or our renew ability. This is how i normaly run a combo set at this level...

    First combo:

    Ursine Brawl
    Attack: Upper Right-Upper Left
    Stamina Cost: 75
    Cooldown: 18 seconds
    Level: 20
    Weapon Requirement: 2H Blunt
    Description: With a fierce counter:Attack you break your foes concentration making them miss their target more.

    2nd & 3rd combo :
    Crush Armor II
    Attack: Mid-Upper Right
    Stamina Cost:75
    Cooldown:10 Seconds
    Weapon Requirement:2 Hand Blunt
    Description: You Smash apart their armor making them more vulnerable to physical attacks.

    Censuring Strike III
    Stamina Cost: 29
    Description: A censuring strike that does direct damage to your foe and decreasing its hatred towards you.

    I mix it up a bit. I dont always use both 2nd and 3rd combo here to finish them off. Because if there are no other enemies and if there almost dead. No need to waste our stamina pulling off the 3rd one. So if your about to kill them off or want to reserve your stamina use a lesser version of one of the above if you like. I use a lesser version of both of them from time to time to reserve stamina or if im about out of stamina.

    At this point you will notice your starting to burn more stamina if your aggressively pulling one after another. OR if you get to many enemies at one point, one comes and attacks during a pull etc. With that being said you may want to start changing around your food and or gear. I started to switch over to more stamina based food and gear. That way i wont run out as easy and ill have plenty of energy to burn for a longer time. Low level HP gear and food helps big time. 20's + if your aggressive in nature and want to just rock. Then i would highly suggest once you hit CV area you start looking into stamina based food or gear or both. Its all up to your style of play.

    If i remember correctly at level 25 you get Grizzled Hide. This is a very nice spell to have. Once we get this bad boy on us we can take even more of a beating. Things start getting much easier at level 25 + with the new buffs. But Grizzled Hide is nice and more or less made me feel like a dps tank running through CV cutting down my enemies and not taken alot of damage.

    Grizzled Hide (Rank 1) Increases the defense rating of the caster's team costs 65 mana.

    As you can see yes it does boost your defense rating not only for you but for your entire team as well. However i more or less soloed most of what i have done at this point. Ill group up with people if they ask or if they need help etc. But right now im just trying to test things out, and enjoy what AoC has to offer at the same time.

    Bear Shaman Battle tips 20-30 : " May apply for higher levels aswell "

    Ok here is a few battle tips for you. This may or may not help you out. Its all on what your comfortable with or your own playing style. This is just what i do.

    Basic combo bursts - Ursine Brawl>Crush Armor>Censuring Strike
    These are what i normally use for your basic fighting. The internal bleed is nice and i do use this but mainly only for boss fights. I dont want to burn to much of my resources on using other things if i dont need to just yet.

    If your in a bind with more then one target attacking you, Try this Combo & spell Bursts - Ursine Brawl>Crush Armor>Blood Flow>Censuring Strike>Blood Flow>Disheartening Assault>Cure your self>Ursine Brawl> etc

    I do it more or less like this when im in a bind. I dont always run i somtimes will try and duke it out at first to see if i dont have to waste my time running away. So this is the combo and spell bursts i use at these levels. You dont have to use them, if you dont like this style thats ok. This is just what i do and it seems to work out great for me. Change things around to whatever you like. Experiment with it see what fits your own playing style. Im just trying to point out what helps me and what i do ..

    By the way ill add in much more information if needed about combo's, spells, feats, etc if needed.. Also if anyone else would like to add to this. Ill be more then willing to update the OP from time to time with valid helpful information.

  2. #2
    Lieutenant Sante's Avatar
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    Nov 2003


    Need una review migliore di questa classe imo

  3. #3
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
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    bisogna aspettare un po per questo, sono semplici pareri di chi l'ha giocato in Beta

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander Kuroko's Avatar
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    Si interessa anche a me, qualcuno ne sa di più ?

  5. #5
    Lieutenant Commander Karidi's Avatar
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    anche a me :P
    Il Mio Vangelo

  6. #6
    Lieutenant Sante's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shagaz View Post
    bisogna aspettare un po per questo, sono semplici pareri di chi l'ha giocato in Beta
    Eh ma di alcune classi sono scritti davvero bene.

    Magari uno a caso, per esempio Ladro tanto per dirne uno (), trova qualche commento fatto meglio

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear Shaman
    For you people new to Conan you will learn that there are 3 direction attacks. Upper left, Middle, and Upper Right. An upper right attack will hit all mobs in front of you within like 2 meters and a 90 degree cone. Some combos have the Upper Right button as the last move before the combo is started so that will follow the same path as a regular Upper Right attack just with all the special goodies of the combo inflicting the debuffs (if any) on all those targets. I find Upper Left to be the weakest attack, with the Middle attack hitting any mob straight in front of you and up to 2 meters back it seems.

    Now I should mention that I played a healbot in WoW and am in no way looking forward to playing a healer in any type of raiding or pvp situation. I realize they are extremely helpful and necessary but that **** got old quick. But if you're interested in maybe taking on a healer class the Bear Shaman might be a possible option for you.

    I can say that I did indeed take a Tempest of Set to level 9 and it felt as though he was 2x as worse. I'm not sure how much they improve as they get higher level but I wanted to shoot myself with that character. he does have the added advantage of having ranged spells... but heals only go to 5meters so it kinda defeats the purpose IMO.

    When two bear shamans get together (though I suspect it the same with any healing classes) in PvE is crazy. Mobs that take like 4 people can be killed easily.

    The talent trees for the Bear Shaman consist of a generic healing tree (which all healers get), and specifically for Bear Shamans: Wrath and Spirit. Wrath is a physical, damage based tree, whereas Spirit is more of a protection/buffing tree with feats for absorbing damage and such. Full wrath is amazing, seems like spirit isn't very good. But since you have 80 levels you'll be using more than 1 tree, maybe 1.5

    Bear Shamans *can* dual-wield but all the combos can only be done with a 2handed hammer. They also wear Medium or Light Armor. Fatalities with blunt weapons (such as the 2handed hammer) do not produce the head-chopping graphic, mostly just knock-backs with blood squirts on your screen.

    Healing as a Bear Shaman:
    Bear Shamans like the other two healers get 2 HoTs (Heal over times) and one nuke heal (Not available until level 30). Those are the only 3 heals you get (at least at level 45). The nuke heal is even broken right now, but when its working it puits a 1 minute debuff on everyone affected (within 8 meters I believe) Meaning that particular spell cannot be recasted with effect until the debuff is gone, which will present real challenges for raiding but that's neither here nor there. Bear shamans get their first HoT called Renewal which is an ability, not a spell.

    Renewal - You click the button, then melee something to get the ability active, which stays active for 10-15 seconds until you do it again. It seems the harder I hit someone the more I get healed but thats speculation and hasn't been properly tested. I can say though that this ability affects everyone in the party evenly. Ex: If solo I get healed 50 every 2 seconds then everyone in party gets 50 every 2 seconds.

    Blood Flow - The second HoT bear shamans get. A cone-based spell (Line of sight matters) that heals for a certain amount and if you have talents in the spirit tree can provide extra useful bonuses. Pro-Tip: Since this is a cone based spell if you are a healer and grouped with another one, face each other with the mob in the middle so your cones hit each other (these spells stack). I know that 1 out of 2 if not 2/2 of the bear shamans spells stack if you're partied with another bear shaman. I just haven't figured out which one it is because I haven't really looked tbh.

    Fighting as a Bear Shaman:
    Typically you will want to start blood flow right before you charge into a mob (it's HoT remember). while you're running in you will click Renewal and your first combo (if you have it yet) will be Crush Armor. This reduces the enemies armor increasing your damage. From there you will use one of your bleed combos to put another debuff on the mob (keep in mind the bleed combo is kinda pointless for non-boss mobs as you kill the mobs too quickly for it to be effective). From there you might have to reapply blood flow or renewal (or both) and finish him off with something else if you wanna be spontaneous. But thats all you really have to do.

    vedete qui

  8. #8
    Lieutenant Sante's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
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    come avete distribuito i punti nelle varie abilita cosa avete maxato ed a discapito di che ?

  10. #10
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    io ho messo quasi tutto su wrat e sono lv 34, mi tengo fino a 5mob pari lv e 3 di 1lv sopra. Tutti non elite ovviamente quelli mi shottano poi se sono 2h davvero lol

    Mi hanno detto che è bella anche la linea spirito infusa dell'altra linea (non ricordo il nome) xò è tutto un provare vi tengo aggiornati ^^

  11. #11
    Master Chief Petty Officer IamRoland's Avatar
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    Approfitto di questo post sul bs x chiedere qualche info generale...
    Cioè vorrei sapere qualcosa in + sul pg, se speccato melee (mi pare sia wrath) funziona bene, se ha qualche tipo di cc, se è particolarmente debole ai melee/cast, cose del genere...

  12. #12
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamRoland View Post
    Approfitto di questo post sul bs x chiedere qualche info generale...
    Cioè vorrei sapere qualcosa in + sul pg, se speccato melee (mi pare sia wrath) funziona bene, se ha qualche tipo di cc, se è particolarmente debole ai melee/cast, cose del genere...
    io per ora son liv 32 ho alzato wrat e spirit giocando prevalentemente in solo .
    come tank mi ricorda tanto il paladino di Alb 2h per capirci , di cast hai :
    - un HoT
    - un specie di HoT che triggera sul danno ( meni e ti curi ) istant ( l'unico per ora)
    - una cura a raggio ( curi praticamente quelli che ti son attaccati )
    - uno stun a raggio ( stunni quelli che ti stan intorno )
    - 4 buff personali

    Mi reggo bene qualasiasi cosa reggo tranquillamente piu mob del mio livello e sicuramente due mob di 2 di 2-3 liv sopra il mio , tutto sta nel prende il ritmo col "giro" : combo - cura - combo - combo - cura - combo ecc. Una volta che hai trovato il giro che ti riesce meglio puoi far qualasiasi cosa .

    se mi viene in mente qualcos'altro edito , spero d'esserti stato utile .

  13. #13
    Master Chief Petty Officer IamRoland's Avatar
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    Ma come damage output com'è messo?
    Mi spiego... ieri x sfizio ho creato anche un assassino, dal punto di vista del damage nn mi pare ci sia assolutamente paragone nei primi 10 livelli, è molto molto + alto il danno dell'assassino (che pero' mi pare di aver capito sia il miglior pg come danno melee su singolo target). Non vorrei trovarmi con un pg che si ha potenziale di cura e qualche buff ma fa un danno veramente basso..
    Grazie x le risposte che m'hai gia' dato cmq

  14. #14
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamRoland View Post
    Ma come damage output com'è messo?
    Mi spiego... ieri x sfizio ho creato anche un assassino, dal punto di vista del damage nn mi pare ci sia assolutamente paragone nei primi 10 livelli, è molto molto + alto il danno dell'assassino (che pero' mi pare di aver capito sia il miglior pg come danno melee su singolo target). Non vorrei trovarmi con un pg che si ha potenziale di cura e qualche buff ma fa un danno veramente basso..
    Grazie x le risposte che m'hai gia' dato cmq
    beh hai un curatore non hai un pg che come cosa primaria fa danno , il BS fa anche danno ma come cosa primaria e un supporter quindi sicuramente se vuoi un pg dai danni massicci fatti un tank o un assa o un barbaro .
    Il bello del BS e che puoi farti di tutto senza mai reccare poiche meni e ti curi , aggri piu persone , stun , curi e meni ancora , insomma e un pg che offre una versatilita veramente assurda oltre che un buon danno fisico .

  15. #15
    Master Chief Petty Officer Abby's Avatar
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    aggiungici che oltretutto andando avanti nei livelli puoi aumentare i tuoi danni scegliendo accuratamente i feat.

    Ad esempio se ho un momento difficile da affrontare, mi lancio 5 volte blood flow caricando così "Blood Warrior" che aumenta il danno in melee

    Fra tutti i vari proc che partono se non muori subito, difficilmente ti buttano giù dopo (Ps uno dei proc è Nature Wrath che aumenta a dismisura le cure).

    Mi sta dando grosse soddisfazioni su questo punto di vista... non letale nell'immediato ma esci vincente da situazioni impossibili

    Avere libertà di espressione non significa poter offendere qualcuno, questa è maleducazione unita ad ignoranza.

    I am nerdier than 91% of all people.

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