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Thread: situazione war

  1. #46
    Crewman Sephiz's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Terranova dei passerini


    credo che smetterà di essere farming quando amplieranno le frontiere da 12x12 a qualcosa di più serio....

    e da settembre nn hanno ancora fatto nulla....e sinceramente per un pvp più adeguato credo proprio che sia prioritario risolvere questa cosa...tutto imo ovviamente

    On AION :
    - Scriciolo, Gladiator lvl 36, OzeN, Perento - OFF

    On XBOX360 : Tag; Scriciol0
    On DAoC USA Classic : Hibernia
    - Sephiz, Blademaster lvl 50, 5LX, Lame Silenti / Spacecake - OFF

  2. #47
    Petty Officer 3rd Class
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    May 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by gilthas View Post
    purtroppo questo lo temo anche io, un prodotto coreano con grossi numeri in cina non potrà che avere una forte propensione al farmer..... cmq gli ultimi mmoporg sono tutti usciti senza oppure con un end game assurdo.... invce aion su cosa punta?

    pve ,pvp,rvr entrambi cosa?
    What is Aion?
    Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a visually stunning massively multiplayer online role-playing game featuring cutting-edge imagery, breathtaking environments, and a unique fantasy world. You play a pivotal role in the fate of Atreia, a world torn asunder by two rival factions and an ancient evil locked in a war to rule the skies.

    Check out the What is Aion? feature for even more!

    When is Aion due to be released in Europe?
    This will be announced at a later date, sign up to the official newsletter to be among the first to know! -leggi settembre-

    When will beta testing begin?
    In lieu of beta testing, Aion fans will be given opportunities to participate in a small number of Preview events before the game’s release. In addition to soliciting player feedback, the Preview events will help prepare for Aion’s release, as well as provide a great gaming experience on launch day and beyond.

    As with Aion’s release date, the schedule of these Preview events will be announced in coming months.

    How does flight fit into the Aion universe?
    Flying is an extension to the overall combat system of Aion. Not only is it an integral part of the gaming experience, it will require both strategy and skill to use optimally. Flying will in many cases bring a player advantages over non-flying opponents, and many skills and actions are designed specifically for such situations.

    What is PvPvE?
    PvPvE is an acronym that stands for Player versus Player versus Environment. PvPvE symbolises the constant and dynamic war that rages in the Abyss between both player factions and the Balaur, a non-playable race of brutal creatures.

    What are the main classes in Aion?
    There are four initial classes to choose from; Warrior, Scout, Mage and Priest. Once level 10 is reached, each class can specialise further. The class structure in Aion is created primarily with the purpose of letting a player get to know the game and the general features of his character before having to commit to a more specific path.

    Where can I find more information about Aion?
    You have a few options! This site will be updated with all the latest game development news by the official Aion Community team. You can stay on top of what’s going on by signing up to the RSS news feeds, or by registering for the future official Aion newsletter.

    To talk to fans of Aion, why not become a friend of the official Aion Facebook group or pay a visit to one of our many fansites (known as the Disciples of Aion), many of which run their own forums.

    Who is NCsoft, and what games have they published?
    NCsoft is one of the leading global authorities in online gaming. We have developed and published a number of the most successful online games franchises including City of Heroes, City of Villains, Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, Lineage, Lineage II and Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa

  3. #48
    Lieutenant Junior Grade Odyen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Milker View Post
    torna ad usare dd+furia celtica su Deira dammi retta Ody
    Quelli si che eran anni fantastici

  4. #49
    Lieutenant Commander Kappa's Avatar
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    Dec 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Odyen View Post
    E quindi? E' un gioco non concepito in Europa ove ci hanno lavorato palate di europei e game designer europei e americani, esiste cosa chiamata globalizzazione Kappa, chi ha avuto modo di provarlo ne ha dette di ogni tranne che e' farming, evita ad ogni tuo intervento di destabilizzare la verita' perche' stai giocando al fallimento piu' grosso dei videogame massivi, lo stai decidendo tu eh, puoi troncare quando vuoi.
    p.s. c'e' un amico che sta farmando da 2 mesi un boss per avere un pezzo di armor mi diceva l'altro giorno, sai che significa, in una sola parola? wow.
    Ho detto tutto, bye.

    oh clown, visto che fine ha fatto ?
    Ah capito sei già passato alla fase fanboy permamestruo ok non ti dico + nulla
    Best quote ever:
    DAoC RvR was great not for the rewards, but for the playerbase that played it because they wanted to RvR. The tragedy of WAR RvR is that it's being played largely by a bunch of WoW-age crybabies that don't want to RvR for fun, but consider it a grind required for rewards.

  5. #50
    Lieutenant Junior Grade Odyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kappa View Post
    Ah capito sei già passato alla fase fanboy permamestruo ok non ti dico + nulla
    No Kappa, voglio solo capire perche' si deve partire prevenuti gioco non occidentale/usa = farm.
    Dammi una spiegazione che regga e forse possiamo considerare il dialogo aperto.
    No perche' secondo il tuo modo di vedere allora gli orientali dovrebbero pensarla gioco non orientale = wow.
    Ed in entrambi i casi sarebbe/e' un pensiero che IMHO fa merda.

  6. #51
    Lieutenant Commander Kappa's Avatar
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    Dec 2003


    Io l'ho provato ovviamente (molto poco perchè odio le beta) e penso che si andrà in quella direzione e si ho anche il pregiudizio che a loro piace quello. Essendo una mia opinione pareggia quelle degli altri, per la serie "chi vivrà vedrà" .
    Best quote ever:
    DAoC RvR was great not for the rewards, but for the playerbase that played it because they wanted to RvR. The tragedy of WAR RvR is that it's being played largely by a bunch of WoW-age crybabies that don't want to RvR for fun, but consider it a grind required for rewards.

  7. #52
    Lieutenant Junior Grade Odyen's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Kappa View Post
    Io l'ho provato ovviamente (molto poco perchè odio le beta) e penso che si andrà in quella direzione e si ho anche il pregiudizio che a loro piace quello. Essendo una mia opinione pareggia quelle degli altri, per la serie "chi vivrà vedrà" .
    Perfetto ed a noi piace wow, infatti warhammer ne e' figlio, non negarlo pero', ti prendi in giro da solo .

  8. #53
    Petty Officer 3rd Class luca78it's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    la gente tende a dimenticare che Guild Wars e' un MMORPG nato in oriente..

    On Kazzak EU
    Savras LVL 70 Orc Shaman/1815 healing
    Animanera LVL 70 Trollz Shadow Priest
    Silverglory LVL 68 Lazy BE Paladin
    On Hakkar EU
    Some LVL 70 ally guys
    Ainwan ML10 Theurgist 5LX Merlin Alb/OFF
    Shinyobjects ML10 Paladin 5LX Merlin Alb/OFF

  9. #54
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    ok, un gioco su quanti mmorpg asiatici al mondo, 1 miliardo e rotti come gli abitanti della cina? (o quanti cazzo ne sono)

    la classica eccezione che conferma la regola personalmente per ora a me di aion piace giusto lo stile che dai video mi pare molto anime/alla cazzona con i pg melee che c'hanno stili con animazioni assurde e molto appariscenti, per il resto il gioco non mi ha detto un cazzo

    e il volo mi sta sui coglioni.
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

  10. #55
    Lieutenant Commander Gramas's Avatar
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    Roma,Sotto la collinetta artificiale..


    Quote Originally Posted by Burner View Post

    bici da corsa
    tra l'altro qualche settimana fa ero in gruppo tirato da Ivan Basso che si stava allenando
    mavvaffanculo vasbrotolorofl
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthu View Post
    E' incredibile quanta gente si sia reputata sempre al di sopra della media.
    Che strano se fossero tutti cosi al di sopra della media la media sarebbe piu alta.

  11. #56
    Master Chief Petty Officer finalyoko hellslayer's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    reggio emilia


    Quote Originally Posted by straga View Post
    What is Aion?
    Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a visually stunning massively multiplayer online role-playing game featuring cutting-edge imagery, breathtaking environments, and a unique fantasy world. You play a pivotal role in the fate of Atreia, a world torn asunder by two rival factions and an ancient evil locked in a war to rule the skies.
    Check out the What is Aion? feature for even more!
    When is Aion due to be released in Europe?
    This will be announced at a later date, sign up to the official newsletter to be among the first to know! -leggi settembre-
    When will beta testing begin?
    In lieu of beta testing, Aion fans will be given opportunities to participate in a small number of Preview events before the game’s release. In addition to soliciting player feedback, the Preview events will help prepare for Aion’s release, as well as provide a great gaming experience on launch day and beyond.
    As with Aion’s release date, the schedule of these Preview events will be announced in coming months.
    How does flight fit into the Aion universe?
    Flying is an extension to the overall combat system of Aion. Not only is it an integral part of the gaming experience, it will require both strategy and skill to use optimally. Flying will in many cases bring a player advantages over non-flying opponents, and many skills and actions are designed specifically for such situations.
    What is PvPvE?
    PvPvE is an acronym that stands for Player versus Player versus Environment. PvPvE symbolises the constant and dynamic war that rages in the Abyss between both player factions and the Balaur, a non-playable race of brutal creatures.
    What are the main classes in Aion?
    There are four initial classes to choose from; Warrior, Scout, Mage and Priest. Once level 10 is reached, each class can specialise further. The class structure in Aion is created primarily with the purpose of letting a player get to know the game and the general features of his character before having to commit to a more specific path.
    Where can I find more information about Aion?
    You have a few options! This site will be updated with all the latest game development news by the official Aion Community team. You can stay on top of what’s going on by signing up to the RSS news feeds, or by registering for the future official Aion newsletter.
    To talk to fans of Aion, why not become a friend of the official Aion Facebook group or pay a visit to one of our many fansites (known as the Disciples of Aion), many of which run their own forums.
    Who is NCsoft, and what games have they published?
    NCsoft is one of the leading global authorities in online gaming. We have developed and published a number of the most successful online games franchises including City of Heroes, City of Villains, Guild Wars, Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, Lineage, Lineage II and Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa
    noi come gilda da WAR passeremo a AION soprattutto se il gioco continua in questo modo...
    gia' abbiamo membri che stanno a testarlo in cina con client inglese, possibile che a breve andremo la in attesa dell'uscita dei server europei...

    cmq da varie info, la curva di exp e buona e in EU dovrebbe essere anche adattata rispetto all'asia.
    poi vabbhe classi speculari, client ottimizzato etc...
    se interessati a joinare la gilda, che sia aion o WAR..
    MMO History:
    EXTEEL - Finalyoko CLOSED
    DAOC USA - server Lancelot/Midgard - Whiteyoko(Healer)+Finalyoko(Berserker) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Deira/Midgard - Finalyoko(Savage) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Glastonbury/Hib - Finalyoko(Blademaster) SOLD
    FFXI - server Ragnarok - Finalyoko(Ninja/Warrior) CLOSED
    FFXI - server Fairy - Finalyoko(Warrior/Thief) CLOSED
    WOW EU - server Hakkar/Orda - Finalyoko(Shaman)+Karasu(Warlock) SELLING
    WAR EU - server Karak Azgal/Des - Finalyoko(Zealot)+Hellyoko(Black Orc) SOLD
    RF EU - server Fire - Finalyoko(Templar) CLOSED
    AION EU - server Perento/Asmo - Finalyoko(Cleric) SOLD
    GA - server xxx - Finalyoko(Medic)
    RIFT - server Whitefall - Finalyoko(Rogue) SELLING
    MOBA history
    HON beta tester
    LOL : teams = Predator Gaming - Made in Italy - Audere Semper
    DOTA2 beta tester
    GW2: Finalyoko Asura Guardian - server Gandara - GoodFellas
    MH: Finalyoko - Black Panther
    NOW ON HS : Finalyoko#2723 TEAM - Hearthstone Arena
    NOW ON BC : Finalyoko TROOP - WoW

  12. #57
    Lieutenant Junior Grade Odyen's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SharTeel View Post
    ok, un gioco su quanti mmorpg asiatici al mondo, 1 miliardo e rotti come gli abitanti della cina? (o quanti cazzo ne sono)

    la classica eccezione che conferma la regola personalmente per ora a me di aion piace giusto lo stile che dai video mi pare molto anime/alla cazzona con i pg melee che c'hanno stili con animazioni assurde e molto appariscenti, per il resto il gioco non mi ha detto un cazzo

    e il volo mi sta sui coglioni.
    city of heroes e' ncsoft, exteel e' ncsoft, city of villain e' ncsoft, guild wars, guild wars 2 sono ncsoft...qualunque gioco ncsoft non e' farm, tranne lineage2 quindi sfatiamo questo mito .

  13. #58
    Warrant Officer Burner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gramas View Post
    mavvaffanculo vasbrotolorofl
    aho vieni a pedalare con me che ti faccio vedere io che è la skill altro che bim bam bum headshot e savage 1.60

    Roses are #FF0000 Violets are #0000FF All my base are belong to you.

  14. #59
    Lieutenant Commander Gramas's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Roma,Sotto la collinetta artificiale..


    se non hai idea di quanto ho pedalato iosfida accettata
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthu View Post
    E' incredibile quanta gente si sia reputata sempre al di sopra della media.
    Che strano se fossero tutti cosi al di sopra della media la media sarebbe piu alta.

  15. #60
    Lieutenant Commander Miave's Avatar
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    Jun 2008


    national cyclist
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallus
    non rispondete a questi 4 pirla.. fanno apposta a provocarvi in piu sono dei perditempo , gia solo il fatto che si "debbano rispondere alle accuse fatte a noi" fa capire che questi ne lavorano ne scopano e forse non sono nemmeno persone.

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