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Thread: W.A.R. oggi

  1. #1
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Pandemonium's Avatar
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    Reggio Calabria

    Default W.A.R. oggi

    salve a tutti
    ultimamente mi sta venendo voglia di riprovare war x vedere se è la solita merda o se è migliorato dal tempo che fu... qualcuno ci gioca ancora?
    inoltre, ho visto oggi che è in beta una sorta di espansione e vedo che nessuno ne parla non sembra malvagia
    ------On Daoc Ita------
    Athlon FireBird, Wizard on Vortigern [Templari Del Sacro Graal]
    Pandemonium, Eldritch on Ceridwen [Blacks]
    ------On Daoc Usa------
    Reikun RavenStorm, Thane on Igraine
    Reikun RavenBlaze, Wizard on Merlin
    Reikun DarkStorm, Vampiir on Lancelot
    Reikun, Warrior on Gareth
    Shinsaber, Bonedancer on Gareth
    ------On Warhammer Online------

  2. #2
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
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    quella non mi pare proprio un'espansione... cazzo e'?
    l'unica cosa che mi viene in mente e' che sia una beta della versione f2p...

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    sembra una figata. pg di war senza zerg e keep? in 6v6v6 .... (quel tocco di finezza di mettere un terzo party in contemporanea potrebbe essere il fattore WIN)

    se non scazzano lo shop (della serie buy=win) potrebbe uscire una gran cosa

  5. #5
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Pandemonium's Avatar
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    Reggio Calabria


    Quote Originally Posted by Boroming View Post
    sembra una figata. pg di war senza zerg e keep? in 6v6v6 .... (quel tocco di finezza di mettere un terzo party in contemporanea potrebbe essere il fattore WIN)

    se non scazzano lo shop (della serie buy=win) potrebbe uscire una gran cosa
    l'aver messo un terzo party la interpreto cosi: "ok, abbiamo failato a non mettere la terza fazione in WAR e mo rimediamo con questo" ... sembra davvero interessante, sono curioso di vedere le modalità di gioco e la varietà di eroi / gameplay
    ------On Daoc Ita------
    Athlon FireBird, Wizard on Vortigern [Templari Del Sacro Graal]
    Pandemonium, Eldritch on Ceridwen [Blacks]
    ------On Daoc Usa------
    Reikun RavenStorm, Thane on Igraine
    Reikun RavenBlaze, Wizard on Merlin
    Reikun DarkStorm, Vampiir on Lancelot
    Reikun, Warrior on Gareth
    Shinsaber, Bonedancer on Gareth
    ------On Warhammer Online------

  6. #6
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    gia... sembra una toppa bella e buona... se non lo sputtanano con lo shop rischiano di fare un giocone

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    beta invites will start going out within 2 weeks

    Q) Am I right in thinking that it’s always a 3 way fight?
    A) You got it, every game is a fight between 3 teams.

    Q) Can you do premade groups?
    A) Absolutely, games are always more fun with friends!

    Q) Does it have guilds and if so do our WAR guilds appear or be linked to those in the new game? That would be very cool…
    A) Our extended social plans are still in development, but long term some form of guild/clan system isn’t out of the question. Honestly it’s unlikely that we’ll link guilds between WAR and WAR:P4F, they have very different requirements. However we are looking at other ways we can thank the WAR community.

    Q) Are there any limitations on which characters can be on the same side, as per Warhammer’s racial stuff? I can totally understand if it’s not in a more light-hearted game like this of course, but people will want to know.
    A) No restrictions at all! Games Workshop have been working closely with us on the project though so fear not for the fluff. The approach we’re taking is that of hobbyists playing side games with their minis. After all, why shouldn’t you organise a fight between the figures you worked so hard to collect? So all of WAR and Warhammer’s rich background is entirely untouched; WAR:P4F is all about having fun with some awesome looking Champions!

    Q) I remember hearing that WAR subscribers will get in-game cash each month for it, but will it work in reverse so that people subscribing via the new game will get access to WAR, providing a population boost?
    A) We’re still formulating exactly how the two games will interact, particularly as there is no subscription for WAR:P4F. Whether we offer in-game currency, items or whatever we’re always considering the impact on the WAR community.

    Q) So am I right in thinking that you’re seeing this and WAR as a sort of combined product? With a relationship between the two where they promote growth in and help fund each other?
    A) At Mythic there’s a lot of respect and appreciation for our live products. That’s ultimately part of why we’re making WAR:P4F in the first place. We want to continue development on the WAR game we all love without making changes that, while they’d make it more accessible to a wider audience, would damage the experience our community are dedicated to.

    Q) What kinds of things are available for purchase with the in-game currency/cash shop/thing?
    A) Tactical and cosmetic options, including Champions and alternate visuals, as well as accelerators if you just want to save some time. However we’re being very careful about not selling “power” that can’t also be earned, just more options for your toolbox.

    Q) 30 characters were mentioned, but roughly how many are expected to launch with and is access to these limited in any way relation to subscription/paid for unlocks?
    A) At the time of the blogger event we had just over 30 Champions. The number that we launch with will be considerably smaller than though as we want feedback from the WAR:P4F community to help set the direction from there. At any one time a few Champions will be available for use by everyone, with the other available Champions only usable if you’ve unlocked them.

    Q) I heard something about advancement or progression in the new game, is that linked to the characters or the player?
    A) All progression is associated with your meta-character (aka. You) as you’ll be switching Champions a fair bit while playing a single game.

    Q) When is the beta testing likely to start?
    A) As soon as we’re ready, which won’t be long after our official announcement. We want to get peoples’ hands on the game as soon as possible, we’re as eager to show it as you are to see it. Of course we still need to make sure we get all the balance and stress testing done too, but rest assured that it is coming.

    Q) Is there any kind of ETA on when it would go live?
    A) After the beta ends
    Kidding aside, we want to make sure we have a solid beta phase first, and that will dictate a lot about the final launch.

    Q) What sort of plans are there for advertising? I know that's quite a big question, but it's quite a sensitive topic regarding WAR at the moment and the answer could go a long way towards promoting positivity within the WAR population.
    A) If you wondering about TV ads or 50 foot billboards, those aren’t going to happen. There are plans, there are budgets, and there is a reality about hype. We want people playing WAR:P4F, and we want them playing soon, but we also want to control the flood as much as possible so we can gather real, usable feedback.


    Scenarios. Wrath of Heroes is based around WAR scenarios. During our visit, we were able to play in a modified version of Mourkain Temple.

    Play 4 Free. That's right, it is free. There will likely be some store involved though.

    6 vs 6 vs 6. WoH features three sided matches instead of the normal two. As such, maps like Mourkain Temple have been changed to support the third side. There are no realms in this game, teams are made up of individual Heroes chosen by the players. It is kind of like Warhammer Skirmish in that regard.

    Lobby. There are no traditional servers in WoH, instead players log in to a lobby and queue from there.

    Heroes. There are no classes or careers in Wrath of Heroes. Instead, you choose from a wide selection of pre-made Heroes. Many of these are based off of traditional WAR careers, for example I played an Engineer Hero, whose name I forget, during our trip. It is similar to the way games like League of Legends use Champions.

    Heroes range from WAR careers to Trolls, Ogre's, Vampire Counts and more. It sounds like anything from the Warhammer fantasy universe is fair game. Tons of potential here.

    Hero Selection. Players will have the ability to change their Hero during a scenario.

    Abilities. The ability system has be redone for WoH. Gone are cast times, instead nearly everything is instant-cast (possibly channeled) and cooldown based. Each Hero has a selection of five abilities to use. Crowd control has also been revamped for this game.

    Tactics. As a player progresses, they will be able to unlock tactics, which will add some customization to the game. These are not Hero specific, instead will provide more general bonuses which will be better for some Heroes and not others.

    Armor. While there are no items in a traditional sense, players will be able to use different Armor skins.

  8. #8
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Pandemonium's Avatar
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    League of legends è stato il primo che mi è venuto in mente dopo aver letto bene o male le meccaniche... se non fanno gli scenari a cazzo e danno un vero incentivo al pvp con reward adeguati (il meccanismo di LoL in questo senso potrebbe essere un ottimo esempio) potrebbero fare il botto.

    Il riadeguamento di mourkain temple però mi preoccupa, non vorrei facessero le fagiolate da 3 gruppi in bg minuscoli con battaglie dove non si capisce una sega :\
    ------On Daoc Ita------
    Athlon FireBird, Wizard on Vortigern [Templari Del Sacro Graal]
    Pandemonium, Eldritch on Ceridwen [Blacks]
    ------On Daoc Usa------
    Reikun RavenStorm, Thane on Igraine
    Reikun RavenBlaze, Wizard on Merlin
    Reikun DarkStorm, Vampiir on Lancelot
    Reikun, Warrior on Gareth
    Shinsaber, Bonedancer on Gareth
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  9. #9
    Lieutenant Junior Grade Matley's Avatar
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    no ma forte boro.. che crossposta le mie news dal forum di gilda qua

    a parte questo.. è una variante interessante.. che se curata bene potrebbe essere molto interessante


  10. #10
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    ehhh io sharo per il bene comune

    se mettono un minimo di progress stile LoL e gli danno un po di longevità forse gli dura piu di war originale

  11. #11
    Lieutenant Commander Gramas's Avatar
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    io lo giocherò,è grave?
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthu View Post
    E' incredibile quanta gente si sia reputata sempre al di sopra della media.
    Che strano se fossero tutti cosi al di sopra della media la media sarebbe piu alta.

  12. #12
    Lieutenant Commander Pazzo's Avatar
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    azz. no cast times. buuuuuuu.

  13. #13
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
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    mi sembra un misto di LoL, GW e daoc ... sarebbe anche carino, se l'avessero messo sul mercato anche un annetto fa, sarebbe stato un titolo da tenere in considerazione.
    D3 e GW2 saranno i titoli più giocati imho, credo che difficilemente potrà inserirsi come scelta alternativa.

  15. #15
    Petty Officer 3rd Class HariSeldon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkmind View Post
    mi sembra un misto di LoL, GW e daoc ... sarebbe anche carino, se l'avessero messo sul mercato anche un annetto fa, sarebbe stato un titolo da tenere in considerazione.
    D3 e GW2 saranno i titoli più giocati imho, credo che difficilemente potrà inserirsi come scelta alternativa.
    Bhè teoricamente dovrebbe uscire prima dei due titoloni sopra citati e anche non considerando il fatto che è f2p (quindi è quasi un mondo a parte), i margini per ritagliarsi una fetta di "mercato" ci dovrebbero essere: D3 è tutto un altro genere e l'uscita di GW2 (che effettivamente come tipologia di gioco potrebbe essere in parte sovrapponibile) sembra ancora lontanuccia.
    # Guild Wars 2 -> Hari - Warrior [ON HOLD]
    # Diablo 3 -> Hari - Monk [ON HOLD]
    # WAR -> Hariz - Dwarf Ironbreaker RR70 - Gorthor [ON HOLD]
    # WoW -> Hari - Tauren Shaman - Crushridge [ON HOLD]
    # DAoC -> Vortigern Mid, Morgan Le Fay Mid, Deira Hib [ON HOLD]
    # Yet another multiplayer game -> [ON HOLD].

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