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Thread: tp rm accettabile?

  1. #1
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default tp rm accettabile?

    qualcuno ne ha uno? gli unici must sono traldor, zoakazz e che sia con la staffa equippata

    e +11 a tutte le skill

    per il resto non mi interessano hp a 400 e 101 cost e 25%spell dur

  2. #2


    Item Utility: 870.1
    Build Utility: 1012.1
    Useable Utility: 938.5
    TOA Utility: 554.5


    Constitution: 81/81
    Dexterity: 101/101
    Piety: 101/101
    Hits: 370/370
    Power: 11/25


    Body: 26/26
    Cold: 26/26
    Heat: 26/26
    Energy: 26/26
    Matter: 26/26
    Spirit: 26/26
    Crush: 26/26
    Thrust: 26/26
    Slash: 26/26


    Darkness: 11/11
    Summoning: 11/11
    Suppression: 11/11


    Darkness: 50/50
    Summoning: 50/50
    Suppression: 50/50

    Cap Increase

    Constitution: 6/26
    Dexterity: 26/26
    Piety: 26/26
    Hits: 170/200

    TOA Bonus

    Power Pool: 23/25
    Casting Speed: 10/10
    Spell Range: 10/10
    Spell Damage: 10/10
    Resist Pierce: 10/10

    Chest (Veste di Rune Asgardiana): <----- Veste del Drago

    Imbue: 18.0
    Acuity: 16
    Dexterity: 16
    Crush: 1%
    Thrust: 1%
    Cold: 1%
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 10
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
    Spell Damage: 4
    Spell Range: 2
    Hits (Cap Increase): 40
    Utility: 27.3
    TOA Utility: 80
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Arms (Silksteel Rune Knit Padded Arms): <----- Braccia Craftate

    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
    Constitution: 28
    Heat: 7%
    Thrust: 7%
    Hits: 52
    Hits (Cap Increase): 40
    Utility: 59.7
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Head (Cloth Cap): <----- Elmo del Drago

    Imbue: 19.0
    Body: 3%
    Cold: 3%
    Heat: 3%
    Energy: 3%
    Matter: 3%
    Spirit: 3%
    Hits: 30
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 10
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 43.5
    TOA Utility: 65.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Legs (Silksteel Rune Knit Padded Pants): <----- Pantaloni Craftati

    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Cold: 3%
    Crush: 11%
    Slash: 9%
    Hits: 60
    Power Pool: 5
    Utility: 61.0
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Hands (Maddening Scalar (Cloth)): <----- Guanti Artefatto

    Imbue: 20.0
    Dexterity: 15
    Piety: 15
    Hits: 40
    Power Pool: 6
    Casting Speed: 3
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
    Piety (Cap Increase): 5
    Utility: 30.0
    TOA Utility: 47.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Feet (Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Boots): <----- Stivali Craftati

    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
    Cold: 9%
    Spirit: 2%
    Power: 11
    Hits: 68
    Dexterity: 15
    Utility: 71.0
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Two-Handed (CW Spiritmaster/Runemaster): <----- Staffa Champion Level 5
    oppure sostituibile con
    ( Enchanted Night Shadow ) : <----- Staffa Dragonslayer (Mid)

    Imbue: 12.5
    ALL magic skills: 3
    Dexterity: 6
    Power Pool: 6
    ALL spell lines (Focus): 50
    Spell Damage: 4
    Casting Speed: 4
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 6
    Utility: 20.0
    TOA Utility: 76.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Neck (Soulbound Necklace): <----- Collana del Drago

    Imbue: 44.0
    ALL magic skills: 3
    Constitution: 18
    Acuity: 19
    Body: 6%
    Matter: 6%
    Heat: 6%
    Energy: 6%
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 3
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 3
    Utility: 87.7
    TOA Utility: 12.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Cloak (Jade Moonshone Cloak): <----- Drop di Malmohus

    Imbue: 43.0
    Thrust: 6%
    Crush: 6%
    Slash: 6%
    Energy: 6%
    Matter: 6%
    Body: 6%
    Constitution: 19
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 3
    Utility: 84.7
    TOA Utility: 6.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Jewel (Erinys Charm): <----- Gioiello Artefatto

    Imbue: 32.0
    Constitution: 15
    Piety: 15
    Energy: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Crush: 5%
    Hits: 40
    Spell Range: 5
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 60.0
    TOA Utility: 50.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Belt (Soulbinder's belt): <----- Cintura del Drago

    Imbue: 46.0
    Body: 7%
    Cold: 7%
    Heat: 7%
    Energy: 7%
    Matter: 7%
    Spirit: 7%
    Hits: 35
    Hits (Cap Increase): 40
    Utility: 92.8
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Ring (Toc): <----- Anello del Labirinto OTD

    Imbue: 36.5
    ALL magic skills: 4
    Piety: 18
    Dexterity: 18
    Crush: 4%
    Thrust: 4%
    Slash: 4%
    Casting Speed: 1
    Utility: 68.0
    TOA Utility: 5.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Ring (Anello del Cronomante): <----- Anello dei Punti Taglia

    Imbue: 36.5
    Dexterity: 21
    ALL magic skills: 4
    Slash: 7%
    Thrust: 9%
    Casting Speed: 2
    Utility: 66.0
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Wrist (Bracelet of Zo'arkat): <----- Bracciale Artefatto

    Imbue: 24.0
    Body: 5%
    Matter: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Power Pool: 6
    Acuity: 18
    Spell Range: 4
    Utility: 42.0
    TOA Utility: 32.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Wrist (Dragontooth Bracelet): <----- Bracciale Drago

    Imbue: 31.0
    Acuity: 15
    Dexterity: 15
    Hits: 50
    Heat: 4%
    Cold: 4%
    Spirit: 4%
    Spell Damage: 2
    Hits (Cap Increase): 50
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 5
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
    Utility: 56.5
    TOA Utility: 42.5
    PvE Utility: 0.0
    On Mid Vorty
    Mevelin SB Sold
    Katastrofe Savage Sold
    Xelnaga Skald Sold
    Viloser Sciammy Sold
    On Alb Vorty
    Cik Mercenario
    Dildox Teurgo Sold
    Qzar Reaver
    On Hib Ywain1
    Colosso BM
    Meyem Hero
    Muyum bard
    Mevelin Druid
    Baldra NS
    On Mid Ywain2
    Timecradle SM Dark
    Timemachine Sciammy
    Timefast Skald
    Madraiden SB
    Twistersisters Valk
    Portentosa Berz
    Likas loc
    Koiwen BD
    Timeless Mauler

  3. #3
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    mmm grazie, ora lo modifico per la traldor, visto che non si può fare un tp senza

  4. #4
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    logga skald e fai prendere valk a vindi!

  5. #5
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    ho ancora le patate in forno

  6. #6
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    appunto, non vanno da nessuna parte, loggate

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    trovato quello che fa per me sulle vn

    Constitution: 76/75
    Dexterity: 111/101
    Intelligence: 15/75
    Piety: 111/101
    Hits: 385/385

    Body: 26/26
    Cold: 34/26
    Heat: 34/26
    Energy: 25/26+5
    Matter: 26/26
    Spirit: 26/26
    Crush: 26/26+5
    Thrust: 26/26
    Slash: 26/26

    Darkness: 13/11
    Runecarving: 13/11
    Suppression: 13/11

    Armour Factor: 34/50
    Power Pool: 20/33
    Casting Speed: 12/10
    Spell Range: 13/10
    Spell Damage: 11/10
    Resist Pierce: 15/10

    Chest (Runed Tuscarian Vest):
    Imbue: 40.5
    ALL magic skills: 4
    Hits: 50
    Constitution: 24
    Dexterity: 24
    Crush: 2%
    Slash: 2%
    Thrust: 2%
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Spell Damage: 4
    Spell Range: 4
    Utility: 76.5
    TOA Utility: 52.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Arms ( Dragonsworn Knit Padded Arms ):
    Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Spirit: 3%
    Body: 7%
    Crush: 11%
    Constitution: 25
    Hits: 40
    Utility: 68.7
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Head (Cloth Cap):
    Imbue: 19.0
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 10
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
    Hits: 30
    Spirit: 3%
    Matter: 3%
    Energy: 3%
    Heat: 3%
    Cold: 3%
    Body: 3%
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 43.5
    TOA Utility: 65.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Legs (Astral Pants of Stellar Warding):
    Imbue: 16.5
    Dexterity: 21
    ALL magic skills: 2
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 10
    Armour Factor: 14
    Power Pool: 7
    Spell Range: 3
    Casting Speed: 4
    Utility: 24.0
    TOA Utility: 83.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Hands (Rune Knit Padded Gloves):
    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Crush: 7%
    Slash: 9%
    Hits: 60
    Thrust: 9%
    Armour Factor: 10
    Utility: 65.0
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Feet ( Dragonsworn Braided Padded Boots):
    Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Thrust: 9%
    Energy: 11%
    Matter: 1%
    Slash: 9%
    Constitution: 15
    Utility: 70.0
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Two-Handed (Traldor's Oracle):
    Imbue: 25.5
    Dexterity: 15
    Intelligence: 15
    Cold: 6%
    Heat: 6%
    Casting Speed: 5
    ALL spell lines (Focus): 50
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 45.0
    TOA Utility: 50.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Neck (Luminescent Diamond Necklace):
    Imbue: 46.5
    Constitution: 12
    Cold: 6%
    Heat: 6%
    Matter: 6%
    Crush: 6%
    Thrust: 6%
    Slash: 6%
    Hits: 30
    Hits (Cap Increase): 35
    Acuity: 12
    Utility: 95.5
    TOA Utility: 8.8
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Cloak (Astral Cloak of the Eternal):
    Imbue: 29.0
    Dexterity: 21
    Acuity: 21
    Power Pool: 7
    Power (Cap Increase): 8
    ALL magic skills: 4
    Spell Range: 2
    Spell Damage: 3
    Casting Speed: 3
    Utility: 48.0
    TOA Utility: 70.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Jewel (Tablet of Atlantis):
    Imbue: 20.0
    Acuity: 15
    ALL magic skills: 3
    Hits: 40
    Armour Factor: 10
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 35.0
    TOA Utility: 35.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Belt (Soulbinder's Belt):
    Imbue: 46.0
    Body: 7%
    Cold: 7%
    Heat: 7%
    Energy: 7%
    Matter: 7%
    Spirit: 7%
    Hits: 35
    Hits (Cap Increase): 40
    Utility: 92.8
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Ring (Crocodile Tear Ring):
    Imbue: 25.0
    Heat: 4%
    Cold: 4%
    Energy: 4%
    Matter: 4%
    Body: 4%
    Acuity: 15
    Utility: 50.0
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Ring (Dragontooth Bracelet):
    Imbue: 31.0
    Dexterity: 15
    Cold: 4%
    Heat: 4%
    Spirit: 4%
    Hits: 50
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 6
    Hits (Cap Increase): 55
    Acuity: 15
    Spell Damage: 2
    Utility: 56.5
    TOA Utility: 47.8
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Wrist (Bracelet of Zo'arkat):
    Imbue: 24.0
    Acuity: 18
    Matter: 5%
    Body: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Power Pool: 6
    Spell Range: 4
    Utility: 42.0
    TOA Utility: 32.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Wrist (Dragontooth Bracelet):
    Imbue: 31.0
    Dexterity: 15
    Cold: 4%
    Heat: 4%
    Spirit: 4%
    Hits: 50
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 6
    Hits (Cap Increase): 55
    Acuity: 15
    Spell Damage: 2
    Utility: 56.5
    TOA Utility: 47.8
    PvE Utility: 0.0

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    bel tp l'ultimo ma non ho capito come riesce a far poppare il mantello e a farlo restare se ha solo 1 pezzo indossato, forse sbaglio ma non era 3 pezzi per crearlo e 2 pezzi indossati per tenerlo attivo?

    ps. riguarda i pezzi le stat cap del bracciale dragon sono sbagliate ed al posto dello Slime ha messo sempre il bracciale

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Ray ma perchè è così necessario il traldor?

  10. #10
    Warrant Officer Vynnstorm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    + 5% spell dmg di gruppo, duration 5min e recast 30min se non erro.

  11. #11
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Rayvaughan View Post
    trovato quello che fa per me sulle vn

    Constitution: 76/75
    Dexterity: 111/101
    Intelligence: 15/75
    Piety: 111/101
    Hits: 385/385

    Body: 26/26
    Cold: 34/26
    Heat: 34/26
    Energy: 25/26+5
    Matter: 26/26
    Spirit: 26/26
    Crush: 26/26+5
    Thrust: 26/26
    Slash: 26/26

    Darkness: 13/11
    Runecarving: 13/11
    Suppression: 13/11

    Armour Factor: 34/50
    Power Pool: 20/33
    Casting Speed: 12/10
    Spell Range: 13/10
    Spell Damage: 11/10
    Resist Pierce: 15/10

    Chest (Runed Tuscarian Vest):
    Imbue: 40.5
    ALL magic skills: 4
    Hits: 50
    Constitution: 24
    Dexterity: 24
    Crush: 2%
    Slash: 2%
    Thrust: 2%
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Spell Damage: 4
    Spell Range: 4
    Utility: 76.5
    TOA Utility: 52.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Arms ( Dragonsworn Knit Padded Arms ):
    Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Spirit: 3%
    Body: 7%
    Crush: 11%
    Constitution: 25
    Hits: 40
    Utility: 68.7
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Head (Cloth Cap):
    Imbue: 19.0
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 10
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
    Hits: 30
    Spirit: 3%
    Matter: 3%
    Energy: 3%
    Heat: 3%
    Cold: 3%
    Body: 3%
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 43.5
    TOA Utility: 65.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Legs (Astral Pants of Stellar Warding):
    Imbue: 16.5
    Dexterity: 21
    ALL magic skills: 2
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 10
    Armour Factor: 14
    Power Pool: 7
    Spell Range: 3
    Casting Speed: 4
    Utility: 24.0
    TOA Utility: 83.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Hands (Rune Knit Padded Gloves):
    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Crush: 7%
    Slash: 9%
    Hits: 60
    Thrust: 9%
    Armour Factor: 10
    Utility: 65.0
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Feet ( Dragonsworn Braided Padded Boots):
    Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Thrust: 9%
    Energy: 11%
    Matter: 1%
    Slash: 9%
    Constitution: 15
    Utility: 70.0
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Two-Handed (Traldor's Oracle):
    Imbue: 25.5
    Dexterity: 15
    Intelligence: 15
    Cold: 6%
    Heat: 6%
    Casting Speed: 5
    ALL spell lines (Focus): 50
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 45.0
    TOA Utility: 50.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Neck (Luminescent Diamond Necklace):
    Imbue: 46.5
    Constitution: 12
    Cold: 6%
    Heat: 6%
    Matter: 6%
    Crush: 6%
    Thrust: 6%
    Slash: 6%
    Hits: 30
    Hits (Cap Increase): 35
    Acuity: 12
    Utility: 95.5
    TOA Utility: 8.8
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Cloak (Astral Cloak of the Eternal):
    Imbue: 29.0
    Dexterity: 21
    Acuity: 21
    Power Pool: 7
    Power (Cap Increase): 8
    ALL magic skills: 4
    Spell Range: 2
    Spell Damage: 3
    Casting Speed: 3
    Utility: 48.0
    TOA Utility: 70.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Jewel (Tablet of Atlantis):
    Imbue: 20.0
    Acuity: 15
    ALL magic skills: 3
    Hits: 40
    Armour Factor: 10
    Resist Pierce: 5
    Utility: 35.0
    TOA Utility: 35.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Belt (Soulbinder's Belt):
    Imbue: 46.0
    Body: 7%
    Cold: 7%
    Heat: 7%
    Energy: 7%
    Matter: 7%
    Spirit: 7%
    Hits: 35
    Hits (Cap Increase): 40
    Utility: 92.8
    TOA Utility: 10.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Ring (Crocodile Tear Ring):
    Imbue: 25.0
    Heat: 4%
    Cold: 4%
    Energy: 4%
    Matter: 4%
    Body: 4%
    Acuity: 15
    Utility: 50.0
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Ring (Dragontooth Bracelet):
    Imbue: 31.0
    Dexterity: 15
    Cold: 4%
    Heat: 4%
    Spirit: 4%
    Hits: 50
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 6
    Hits (Cap Increase): 55
    Acuity: 15
    Spell Damage: 2
    Utility: 56.5
    TOA Utility: 47.8
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Wrist (Bracelet of Zo'arkat):
    Imbue: 24.0
    Acuity: 18
    Matter: 5%
    Body: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Power Pool: 6
    Spell Range: 4
    Utility: 42.0
    TOA Utility: 32.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Wrist (Dragontooth Bracelet):
    Imbue: 31.0
    Dexterity: 15
    Cold: 4%
    Heat: 4%
    Spirit: 4%
    Hits: 50
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Acuity (Cap Increase): 6
    Hits (Cap Increase): 55
    Acuity: 15
    Spell Damage: 2
    Utility: 56.5
    TOA Utility: 47.8
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Uppo questo post, mi interessava il tp ma che anello usi visto che hai un bracer sullo slot del ring?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Darkmind View Post
    Uppo questo post, mi interessava il tp ma che anello usi visto che hai un bracer sullo slot del ring?
    slime del drago o vaettir di troll....cmq il bracciale e l'anello del drago da mago hanno le stesse stats, idem per gli stessi da tank.
    Last edited by sakuranbou; 3rd November 2011 at 23:41.

  13. #13
    Lieutenant Commander Goram's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Sono ancora validi questi TP ?

  14. #14
    Lieutenant Commander Shub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    non credo....

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